Drs. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Stuart Youngner admitted forced vaccinations and punishing those who refuse “will seem draconian, even anti-American,” but 3 doctors or 3000 are not sufficient to overturn constitutional rights that grant no such powers to purveyors of vaccines even ... Views: 826
For thousands of years, people lit candles at night, traveled no faster than a horse, and went outside to the bathroom. Men have walked on the moon and traveled faster than sound. Science has enabled so many advances that make life better.
All true progress is in harmony with natural laws ... Views: 849
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 923
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 929
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 929
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 7
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 864
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 2
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 872
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 880
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 874
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 798
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 778
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 741
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 731
A Yahoo News article speculates how war could start from Israel’s attacking of Iranian forces in Syria where Russian forces support their ally. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-nightmare-war-between-russia-113000329.html
The article is speculation. On the other hand, the Bible offers a view ... Views: 774
Most allergy testing for asthma focuses on inhaled allergens like pollen, mold, pet dander and dust, but he notes an overlap with foods that can cause attacks. Common food allergens can trigger an attack include animal products--especially dairy and eggs that can stimulate mucus production and ... Views: 905
The biggest lie in the Bible is a bad translation of what the people exclaimed when fire came from heaven and burned the sacrifice that Elijah made on Mt Carmel. They said, “The LORD, He is God!”
On the surface that sounds ok, what’s wrong with it? The fact is that 98% of people do not know ... Views: 887
The biggest lie in the Bible is a bad translation of what the people exclaimed when fire came from heaven and burned the sacrifice that Elijah made on Mt Carmel. They said, “The LORD, He is God!”
On the surface that sounds ok, what’s wrong with it? The fact is that 98% of people do not know ... Views: 851
2019 is a marked year for three reasons; May 19 is marked for three.
May 19, 1780 was a historic “Dark Day” (Google). Pioneers in New England couldn’t eat or read without lamps at noon. Many believed it signaled “the day of the Lord,” Joel 2:31
May 19, 1980 was a dark day anniversary 200 ... Views: 909
In business, there’s the 80/20 Rule--80% of profits come from 20% of customers.
In geopolitical events, 80% of what’s happening comes from 20% behind the scenes. After a 20 minute discussion with a former FEMA officer, I felt he was among 80% of the good guys.
With Catholics, 80% are good ... Views: 922
1. It’s a tragedy that two billionaires pledge a $600 million to rebuild a cathedral that’s probably empty on Sundays, but they won’t give to feed orphans in Africa/India. Christ said, “Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, you did it to me.” Matt 25:40
2. It’s tragic that the ... Views: 829
There are hundreds of YouTube videos, some with 100K views preaching rapture soon for Christians, many citing signs in the Middle East of impending war or 3rd Temple as signs that the “Bride of Christ” will taken to heaven soon. Let’s sort fact from fiction!
When asked about the end of the ... Views: 940
As America descends into a quagmire (soft boggy area) of moral debate and negative lifestyles, isn’t it time to learn from history?
Many in America are like the French in the 1790’s when they threw out the Bible and had a blood bath of religious intolerance. They guillotined 40,000 and arrested ... Views: 917
Like Ben Carson who thought he could help the country, there are scores of people who might like to be president, but as President Trump is finding out, it’s a thankless job.
In a nation made great by people who started and ran their own business, the idea of being a CEO is attractive. Why ... Views: 920
Fake News is full of criticism for alternatives to vaccinations, but facts side with those who protest. The governor (KY) may have an easier time doing so with his kids than the public facing trouble at school if their kids aren’t vaccinated. This should not be--parents should be able to opt out ... Views: 902
Fake News is full of criticism for alternatives to vaccinations, but facts side with those who protest. The governor (KY) may have an easier time doing so with his kids than the public facing trouble at school if their kids aren’t vaccinated. This should not be--parents should be able to opt out ... Views: 935
Ellen G. White is a familiar name to many on the West Coast. She is known for her forward thinking approach to health as the founder of Loma Linda University and White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles is named for her.
Loma Linda University was featured in the National Geographic Cover Story ... Views: 980
“Can a leopard change its spots?” The Bible implies that it cannot, and the papacy is represented by a beast that was “like a leopard” in Rev 13:2. Early American saw this beast as the papacy that they fled for freedom in the New World. It had a deadly wound (Protestant Reformation) that “was ... Views: 991
The body is designed for self-healing. Cuts, burns and broken bones heal. So will heart disease or diabetes if we know how to cooperate with the body’s healing mechanism. If we were born normal as 97% are, problems that we develop 40 or 60 years later are largely due to what we’ve been putting ... Views: 816
Daniel 9:24–70 weeks of years spanned 10 Jubilees, but if we come 50 jubilees to 1995, Pope John Paul went to the UN and Pope Francis also in 2015–20 years later.
Peter said, Be not ignorant of 1000 years, but what does this have to do with the jubilees? If we integrate them, 490 + 490 more ... Views: 813
Daniel 9:24–70 weeks of years spanned 10 Jubilees, but if we come 50 jubilees to 1995, Pope John Paul went to the UN and Pope Francis also in 2015–20 years later.
Peter said, Be not ignorant of 1000 years, but what does this have to do with the jubilees? If we integrate them, 490 + 490 more ... Views: 837
Gabriel tells Daniel that his vision of the ram and goat is “at the time of the end.” Dan 8:17. Verse 20 explains the horns on the ram are the Medes & Persians and the great horn on the goast was king of Grecia (Alexander the Great) BUT that was just a historical application that helps us ... Views: 903
Gabriel tells Daniel that his vision of the ram and goat is “at the time of the end.” Dan 8:17. Verse 20 explains the horns on the ram are the Medes & Persians and the great horn on the goast was king of Grecia (Alexander the Great) BUT that was just a historical application that helps us ... Views: 916
In the 2nd seal, peace is taken from the earth. It’s the same idea as when God made a covenant with Israel. He said He would drive out the Canaanite, Exod 34:10,11.
Bible covenants were linked to sevens like the 7 ewes that Abraham gave to Abimelech in Genesis 21, and the 7 annual Sabbaths ... Views: 843
John heard thunder from the 1st creature in Rev 6:1. The 1st creature is a lion, Rev 4:7. It's the Lion of Judah, Rev 5:5. Thunder is the 'roar' of the Lion, which is an earthquake--Joel 3:16. That's how the end-time "day of the Lord" is initiated--by an earthquake, also seen in Joel 2:10,11 & ... Views: 897
1. If everyone shared the truth as they see it, the devil’s forces would not know who to attack because it could come from every direction. God will bless those who share. The wedding parables have imagery of lamps burning (Lk 12:35, Matt 25) to share light. David cut off the head of the giant ... Views: 923
1. The last message to Christ’s church in Revelation 3 has 7 parallels to Luke’s wedding parable so the Laodicean message is a wedding message–but His potential bride is blind and naked–serious problem; how does it get solved?
2. Union with Christ by a covenant must be different than the ... Views: 879
“As the days of Noah” is linked to a 9-11 clue–Numbers 9:10,11 because Noah had contact with a dead body as video explains. The text provides for Passover (historic time of judgment) a month later than usual.
Israelites didn’t travel in winter, and if they took a long trip in spring and ... Views: 787
“As the days of Noah” is linked to a 9-11 clue–Numbers 9:10,11 because Noah had contact with a dead body as video explains. The text provides for Passover (historic time of judgment) a month later than usual.
Israelites didn’t travel in winter, and if they took a long trip in spring and ... Views: 860
Life is a package deal–good habits favor others while bad habits tend to entrap us, Russian scientist, Pavlov, called coffee, ‘Bad Habit Glue’–it glues bad habits together.
Rats fed a balanced nutrition and given a choice of water or alcohol to drink, tended to drink water, but on a junk ... Views: 1818
In Rev 1:11, Christ is said to be the alpha and omega, the first and the last. He is also the “Word,” so that it supports the Rule of 1st Use--where a word or phrase is first found, it often has a context that we should understand for the end-time (omega).
John heard a great voice as of a ... Views: 853
“Follow the money”--Dr. Richard Ruhling’s new book, Turkey Soup for People who are Chicken about End-Times, subtitled ‘How 9-11 Points US to Judgment in 2019’ should be liked by Protestants, patriots and Catholics wondering where the pope is going.
Ruhling claims a Jesuit role in the Federal ... Views: 894
Revelation 1 is a startling revelation of “One like the Son of man…gird about the paps [Greek word, mastos, means female breasts] with a golden girdle.” Rev 1:13. She is the Spirit walking among the candlesticks in verse 20, speaking to the churches in Rev 2 and 3.
She is “the Daughter of ... Views: 860
The majority of Congress claim to be Protestant, but they failed to protest the pope’s visit when he has no business promoting Sunday [Laudato Si’] as a means to help US economy reduce greenhouse gases. If his economic ideas were so good, why are so many millions of his people wanting to come to ... Views: 901
The all-time best-seller is the Bible and the prediction from Christ is “when you see Jerusalem compassed with armies…” in Luke 21:20. Most Jews and Christians think that was 70 AD, but Christ’s parable in Matthew 22:6,7 says the “remnant” get their city burned and 70 AD wasn’t the remnant, and ... Views: 822
#1. The rapture occurs “at the last trumpet,” 1Cor 15:52. There are 7 trumpets, preceded by a huge earthquake in Rev 8:5,6.”The earth shall shake,” Joel 3:16.
“We must through much tribulation (before rapture) enter the kingdom.” Acts 14:22.
#2. “In the days of these kings shall the God of ... Views: 1049
Psychologist Wm James said, We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes.
Why not start with gratitude? Dr. Hans Selye said it’s the most healing of all emotions.
At its core, gratitude is being grateful that we have something and maybe also being grateful that we don’t have some other ... Views: 1068
“Only those who recognize that The COMMON GOOD concerns a man’s soul can explain why we should legislate rest on Sunday: to honor the God who on that day rose. This is why we call Sunday the Lord’s Day…For this reason…the Sabbath is the heart of all social legislation. Christian politics begins ... Views: 931
“As it was in the days of Noah,” Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible and he died the year of the Flood. His name meant, at his death, the sending forth of waters. He died the year of the Flood as a sign it was impending. This author suggested similar for Billy Graham here.
“History ... Views: 1484