We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Insomnia and Sleep Disorders". If you have expertise in Insomnia and Sleep Disorders and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
SLEEPLESSNESS is becoming epidemic. It is now considered to be a prime factor in road rage, confusion, aging prematurely (or looking like it!) and general malaise.
Theories abound, but when tucking in at the same time every night - or waiting until you are practically exhausted before going to ... Views: 925
Once again you wake up exhausted. It was another night of tossing and turning. Nights like this are happening more often. It's hard to have a productive day when you didn't get enough sleep. You've seen those ads on television. Maybe you should get a prescription, too. How can you tell if it's ... Views: 685
Want to know how to sleep better at night? If you suffer from insomnia, you'll be glad to know that there are effective solutions to help you regain a normal sleeping pattern. Insomnia doesn't develop overnight and it can't be cured overnight, but it can be cured.
More often than not insomnia ... Views: 891
A good night's slumber is something that everyone is yearning for but is having difficulty achieving. It is no wonder that hotels around the globe and even in the US are striving to be known as havens for people who badly needed a heavenly respite from busy and long days. From wide variety of ... Views: 2995
When do you know if a sleep coach is the solution for your insomnia? Let’s begin by defining insomnia. Insomnia can be characterized by the inability to get to sleep, stay asleep, or both. Insomnia is poor quality and very unsatisfying sleep. It’s duration can be short lived or transient, ... Views: 1632
Guided imagery has been an especially effective tool in alleviating many kinds of sleep disturbances. When children and adolescents have difficulty sleeping at night, imagery can offer a soothing and comforting way to drift off into dreams. Children discover their own solutions by using tools ... Views: 1511
If you suffer from insomnia, then you have probably been wondering how to fall asleep during those sleepless nights. More often than not, insomnia sufferers complain of not being able to relax enough to sleep. Those racing, relentless thoughts that plague the mind at night seem never ... Views: 6444
Can't get no sleep? Well you are not alone. It is a known fact that more than a third of adults complain of sleep problems, yet insomnia remains under recognized and inadequately treated.
There are several factors hindering the appropriate recognition of insomnia and its appropriate management. ... Views: 1053
Can't Sleep? Try Hypnotherapy
Every now and then, I bet you have trouble either falling asleep or being able to sleep through the night. If you find that this is a regular occurrence, then you are experiencing insomnia. Living with insomnia has a definite impact on how well you are able to ... Views: 782
No matter how much vegetables and fruits you eat or how much you try to stay away from smoking, if you are in perpetual state of sleep depravity, there is a high probability that your health will suffer in the long run. Most of people, if not all, are aware that right amount of sleep is required ... Views: 1495
Ah…a good nights sleep. We all want to get in the recommended 7-8 hours, yet according to the National Sleep Foundation, almost one-third of Americans sleep 6.5 hours or less each night. So, not only are we walking around in a bad mood, eyes half open, giant cup of Joe in hand, but now research ... Views: 1002
Let’s face it… we live in a “go-go” world! Our lifestyle is harried, our food is fast and statistics now show it’s taking a toll on one of the most important parts of our life--our sleep. The 2002 National Sleep Foundation (NSF) Sleep in America poll found that 74 percent of American adults are ... Views: 1461
Natural sleep remedies are increasingly popular among insomnia sufferers as they are generally non-addictive and safer compared to prescribed sleeping pills. In this article I will mention a few natural sleep remedies that are widely available on the market and explain some of their benefits and ... Views: 1403
A lot of people ask 'How much sleep do I need to function at optimum level?' but unfortunately there isn't a simple answer for that. The amount of sleep you need depends on a number possible of factors including, age, genetic make-up, the amount of exercise you get, what you do during the day, ... Views: 4074
Insomnia is defined as the inability to sleep for an extended amount of time. Most people at some point in their lives will have sleep problems. Having a new baby, change of work pattern or even living in a different area can have its toll. Most people are able to return to a normal sleep ... Views: 1152
This is a time where you can reflect on what has happened in the day; and, if you are relaxed and at peace, you may notice thoughts coming into your head about what it is you would like to do tomorrow. If you have good visual powers of communication you may be able to watch your activity for ... Views: 1091
In this article we look at some simple and effective sleep techniques. We've all heard about counting sheep and to be honest its effectiveness varies from person to person. With others it may not work at all. The reason often being is that too much concentration and focus is put on the actual ... Views: 3081
Would you like a ‘secret’ friend to help you overcome your insomnia?
Let me tell you about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It is one of the most highly effective, energy-healing processes available to us today. It is a very easy method to open up blocked energy channels in our bodies. It ... Views: 1756
What time is it?
Move around: adjust the covers; hit the pillow.
It must be later!
“What time is it?”
2:21 AM
Not again! Uncontrollable thoughts are popping around in my head. Some time must have passed!
“What time is it?”
2:29 AM
I’ll never be able to get up at 6:00 AM and be alert and ... Views: 3401
At first mention of the phrase sleeping disorder, the thing that would probably pop out of your mind is insomnia, or a condition whereby a person is experiencing difficulty in maintaining or initiating sleep. However, the more common sleeping disorder, which affects the very young to the very ... Views: 4176
He gasps, he snorts, and he is grappling for breath! He likely has sleep apnea. (This can happen with women as well.)
You’ve probably heard these telltale signs.
It’s also scary. If you’ve ever lain beside someone with sleep apnea and literally watched that person stop breathing – it is ... Views: 1164
Millions of Americans are suffering from many forms of sleep disorder. And often, sleep problems at night become more than just tossing and turning on your bed and having dark circles or eye bags the following morning. The implications linked to sleep disorders can seriously affect your mental ... Views: 5472
If you are interested in sleep facts and some simple methods for dealing with insomnia, you've come to the right place. Did you know that a third of adults suffer from insomnia? Insomnia sufferers usually complain about having disturbed, insufficient and non-restorative sleep.
Insufficient ... Views: 997
Do cures for insomnia exist? The simple answer is YES. However, most of us are only interested in quick-fix solutions. We live in a world obsessed with quick-fix fads; fast food, microwave meals, instant weight loss pills, instant abs etc. Inevitably the sleeping pill has become the number one ... Views: 1045
More than 40% of people who suffer from insomnia take sleep aids to help themselves to sleep. People who suffer from sleep disorders often turn first to them whether they are prescribed or bought over-the-counter.
Little known to insomnia sufferers, sleep medication does not cure insomnia and ... Views: 1048
It seems like even those of you who generally sleep well most nights can often experience occasional, transient insomnia during the holiday season.
As we move into Thanksgiving and Christmas, there is all the stress, strain and tension surrounding getting it all done. Gifts to buy, extra food ... Views: 1970
Insomnia cures are needed for this growing epidemic. More than a third of adults are suffering from sleep problems. It's a scary statistic, however for a large proportion of the population it has become the norm.
So what can be done to counter this growing problem? Well for a whopping 40% of ... Views: 1010
Sleep is an important component for your overall well-being. Much like eating proper diet and doing regular exercise, sleeping has a direct effect on how your mind and body should function. So, whatever plans you have for your day, always make sure that you have time for adequate night's ... Views: 823
You guessed it…
There are many types of sleep disorders ranging from somnambulism to narcolepsy to restless leg syndrome to sleep apnea to circadian rhythm disorders to insomnia - just to name a few. Insomnia is poor quality and very unsatisfying sleep. Insomnia can be short lived, called ... Views: 1226
Normally, when I go to bed, I'm asleep within 10 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, and I don't wake up until the sun is coming in my window. On the rare occasion that I lay there, eyes wide open, I realize what it's like for thousands of people, including a close friend, every night. ... Views: 1066
Sleep deprivation is generally the cause of sleep disorders such as apnea, narcolepsy and insomnia. Sleep deprivation is a symptom affecting millions of people around the world and is the lack of sleep which is crucial for restoration and rejuvenation.
Contrary to what people think, insomnia is ... Views: 1153
If you're tired of sleepless nights and want insomnia help, then you should seek professional medical advice. Alternatively there are various practices and therapies you may want to try.
Insomnia can be overcome, but what needs to be realized is that it can be a complex issue to tackle ... Views: 1031
Did you know that at least a third of adults are affected by sleep disorders? There are more than 100 types of sleep disorders. The most common sleep disorders are; Insomnia, Sleep apnea, Narcolepsy, Restless Legs Syndrome, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder.
There is a common symptom that these ... Views: 1406
We always have a choice. When you have sleep challenges and insomnia, sometimes it doesn't feel like we have a choice. I know - I took sleeping pills for over 20 years. They are not only addictive, prescription pills are expensive, and generally not particularly effective. After much ... Views: 1429
Because of the fast-paced lifestyle and the cutthroat competition both in business and employment, many people are plagued with tension, anxiety, depression, stress and other psychological disorders. One effect of these mental and emotional tensions is insomnia or difficulty in getting to sleep. ... Views: 4720
Insomnia Help
Ok we all have trouble now and again getting off to sleep right? Sure everyone’s situation is different, whether it be work or family, other things can tend to disrupt the only peace and quiet we get in our busy lives. We’ve all heard of insomnia, the inability to sleep or to ... Views: 789
Sleep deprivation may exist in three basic categories. One, when you have a hard time falling to sleep at night. Two, if you find it easy to get to Slumberland and last there for a few hours or minutes, only to awake in the middle of the night and never be able to return to sleep. And three, ... Views: 1710
Insomnia cures are needed for this growing epidemic. More than a third of adults are suffering from sleep problems. It’s a scary statistic, however for a large proportion of the population it has become the norm.
So what can be done to counter this growing problem? Well for a whopping 40% ... Views: 1441
Sleep has an important effect in our daily life and functioning, it also affects our physical and mental health in many ways. This can be proved easily, when we do not sleep well or have problem sleeping we wake up tired, without energy and sometimes angry, and as a result of this, we are not ... Views: 4623
A common problem that has happened to many people is that, sometimes it is past midnight and they can not sleep. They look at their clock and they realize that there are still some hours left until the alarm begins to sound but they just can not sleep, no matter how many times they try. The ... Views: 914
Speaking about insomnia. There are many potential causes of insomnia, snoring, including sleep apnea, stress or depression, bladder or or another sleepless problems. People who are over 60 years old and women going through the menopause are more prone to insomnia, probably due to decreased ... Views: 1003
Most adults need at least eight hours of sleep every night to be well rested. Not everyone gets the sleep they need. In fact, in some cities around the world up to 50% of the people that live there take suffer from some form of insomnia.
Not getting enough sleep is not only annoying it can have ... Views: 1214
There is an issue during pregnancy which every woman must concern and that is insomnia . This issues during pregnancy are common and generally arise when the baby gets bigger and the burden on the ‘mother’s’ body is more pronounced. However, with this conditions insomnia ... Views: 2821
Some people find that the more they try to sleep, the more they stay awake. They wonder if they need a lobotomy to correct their sleep patterns, but as we all know, brains need not be sliced to get people to sleep. Simple tips to cure insomnia, just like these, would actually save the day.
Tip ... Views: 2562
Do you get enough sleep? Chances are you don’t. Many people living in modern industrial societies suffer from a chronic, and worsening sleep deficit.
Until a few decades ago, most people lived lives so very different from ours that we would scarcely recognize them. Until fairly recently ... Views: 1498