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Emerging by Lou Kavar, Ph.D.A weekly spirituality blog by Dr. Lou Kavar – spiritual director/coach, psychologist, & minister Views: 2
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Empowerment Through HealingA website for medium/clairvoyant, Tami Urbanek. Tami works with you and your guides to assist you in understanding your life issues and how to make new choices to create a new reality. Views: 2
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Inspired 4 U on HubpagesEncouraging articles and poems by inspirational author Jo Anne Meekins, who is inspired by God 4 U to be uplifted at such a time as this. Views: 2
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International Academy of ConsciousnessThe International Academy of Consciousness is an education and research organization dedicated to investigating consciousness and human exceptional experiences. Learn about Astral Travel, Past Lives, Energy Healing and more. Views: 2
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Intuitive Journal - Spirituality, Intuition, and HealingLearn about developing your intuition, spirituality, Spirit Guides, Reiki, psychic abilities, meditation, and more. I am a certified Level III Soul Realignment™ practitioner offering spiritual healing readings and intuitive Spirit Guide readings. Also sign up for a free newsletter and report. Views: 2
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Kim FraserKim Fraser offers Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection and Spirit Guide Readings. Views: 2
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live vaastuDr. Puneet Chawla is No.1 Vastu Expert in Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Dubai. Get Best Vastu tips, Books, and more at livevaastu.com for Better Life. Views: 2
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Lynn Andrews' Official WebsiteLearn what a shaman does in her daily life and how beautiful, difficult and challenging that can be. Views: 2
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mindandspirit.tumblr.comCollection of unique articles related to different topics like personal development, creativity, spirituality, philosophy Views: 2
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Nina Manny C.Ht. Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression ExpertAn established Expert in Cognitive Clinical Hypnotherapy and Consciousness Exploration, Nina Manny has studied and trained professionally in a variety of fields pertaining to hypnosis, psycho hypnotherapy, spirituality, past life regression, brain research and consciousness exploration. Views: 2
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OpeningDoorsWithin.comA Life-Coaching and Spiritual Awakening Resource for women who are motivated to change their world from the inside out. The site offers articles, e-books, group mentoring and life-coaching programs to guides women as they turn up the volume of self-love, deep healing, inner-peace and abundance in their lives. Views: 2
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Peace Quarters - Your Journey to Inner PeacePeace Quarter’s purpose is to help you find meaning and joy in your life through a foundation of peace. Through your conscious development of your mind, body and emotions, you will begin to strengthen your soul and achieve the power of peace. Views: 2
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Practical ShamanismShamanic practitioner Mary Stoffel offers information and classes in shamanic journeying to help solve life problems in relationships, finances, career, health and life path issues. Views: 2
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