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Upsides to the Current Downturn:
Finding Hope, Simplicity and Fulfillment in Challenging Times
(with Barbara Taylor, B.A., MMFT)
Who among us hasn’t been shaken up to some degree by the current economic and financial upheaval? The list seems endless: ... Views: 1255
How much of your life do you hold yourself accountable for? Consider your level of responsibility for the results in your life, on a percentage basis. Is the answer 25%? 50%? 75%? Now ask yourself this, why not a 100%? If your not in charge, responsible, held accountable for each and every ... Views: 1498
I had a beautiful weekend walking by the river with a friend in the glorious sunshine. Whilst we were strolling, my friend started to talk about the animal kingdom and she asked me which animals I liked and what my preferences were.
I said to her, "what do you think the difference is between ... Views: 1509
What is the purpose of Life? There is no answer to this question when it is intended in the great cosmic sense - as in why does Life exist? Or where does Life come from? Life has no reason for being. It is beyond all justifications. Life simply Is and that is all. There can be no arguing this ... Views: 1236
When I was a youngster I remember my parents and grandparents telling me that my health was the most important thing in my life 'because without it you can't do anything' or words to that effect. I wonder if they knew they were imparting ancient wisdom to me?
It is now obvious to me, that as a ... Views: 1404
During the 20 years in which I worked with various people helping them to overcome numerous health problems, one question I was frequently asked by my patients and clients was “once I have regained better health, what can I do to keep it?” Reaching a healthful state is only half the journey. ... Views: 2923
“Experience is the best teacher” may be a time-tested proverb, but in reality, learning from life’s experiences is not always as simple as the conventional wisdom suggests. We each learn different lessons from life’s experiences based on the knowledge we use for making sense of things that ... Views: 1296
I thought I would write about the subject of Love from a Master's viewpoint. He often said that Love was one of the most often used but misunderstood words in human experience. What Love brings to mind for most of us is that first kiss with our high school sweetheart, or meeting our spouse-to-be ... Views: 1156
The Triple Goddess is said to have been honored as early as 13,000 B.C. We've unfortunately been ruled by a patriarchal system over the last two thousand years. In the Hindu religion, the Triple Goddess was Parvati-Uma-Durga. In ancient Greece she was called Hebe-Hera-Hecate. In ancient Ireland ... Views: 1454
Mind To Mind (MINDtoMIND.com) Wants you to have somewhere you can go to gain perspective about the Self-Improvement, Self-Help Industry. This article is meant to highlight what I think you should be aware of from a ‘back-door’ point of view. Since I have been around the market for over 20 years, ... Views: 1815
The whole world celebrates with a big dinner, with many presents, with colorful lights. There is music, parties, there are many things: Abundance, generosity, sympathy, romance in the air, and so much happiness because the day of Love is celebrated.
Ladies and gentlemen, read with great ... Views: 2233
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Words - by Paula Johnstone-Whitehawk,DNM®, Doctorate of Natural Medicine® RNP®, Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner®
Once again I have been thinking of all the noise and by noise I mean the noise of WORDS. Everyone uses words to form an opinion. Opinions flourish on every subject. Every subject is built and dissected through words. Colorful, expressive, masterfully artistic, plentiful words. So plentiful ... Views: 1404
There are topics that in accordance with its purity are extremes of the same condition. There are so opposed as day and night.
The topic is submissiveness. In its most strict sense, it is commitment, loyalty, surrender. It is also the participation without self questioning. The submissive ... Views: 2301
LET the impure turn to Purity, and they shall be pure; let the weak resort to Strength, and they shall be strong; let the ignorant fly to Knowledge, and they shall be wise. All things are man's, and he chooses that which he will have. Today he chooses in ignorance, tomorrow he shall choose in ... Views: 947
People could be divided into 3 kinds of creatures; single pulsed, double pulsed and triple pulsed. This division looks graphically like a pyramid; in the lower part are the single pulsed, in the middle, the double pulsed and at the top - the triple pulsed. Actually the three are not so much ... Views: 854
First it is important to understand the exact meaning of ‘Self-Esteem’. The Oxford English Dictionary definition is:
“One’s good opinion of one-self.”
Many people, and the psychology profession wouldn’t be able to survive without them, use the process of ... Views: 903
Electricity, as we all recognize can be hazardous and it is always advisable to engage a professional when it gets to complicated electrical fixes in and about the home. Whenever there is some weighty electrical function like putting in cabling, mending a scheme of wiring or perhaps rewiring, an ... Views: 1272
A Prayer to Our Mother Earth
When it all becomes too hard and things get out of hand. I look to the horizon as I sit on the land. Thanking Mother Earth as she endures my weight. What an incredibly strong woman she is. I often ponder the conflicts in life then stop to consider what the Earth ... Views: 977
Not to long ago I noticed something about myself which, after I relented and submitted to honoring it, I actually found kind of amusing. It occurred to me that whenever I start to feel stressed about anything in my life, in those moments, in the midst of my anxiety (always when I’m not looking), ... Views: 1234
Physical reality is not what it appears to be, it is far stranger than many of the physicists and biologists currently appearing in the media have led the general public to believe. It is ironic that many scientists suffer from the complaint that they often level at people outside the official ... Views: 980
What you need is to have a plan, a goal and know what you want.
Now even that part might sound easy but it’s actually the hardest part.
Because this is your foundation to your success.
Like a house built on an uneven and rocky surfaces, no matter how great the house is its self,it will ... Views: 1735
The planet we live on is our only planet. And it is, perhaps, that way for a reason. There is no mistake that in our learning and understanding of this planet that we also begin to learn and understand ourselves.
But because it is our "only planet" we also fear that we may lose it. We are ... Views: 1222
Games People Play, Eric Berne, MD is the bestselling book that uncovered the dynamics of human relationships and interactions. Since its publication in 1964 to the updated 40th anniversary edition, over 5 million copies have been sold worldwide in over ten languages. The book remains immensely ... Views: 1950
Stuff happens it happens to all people immunity is not granted because of a course you have done or a book you have written or read or the thoughts you possess. Stuff happens. It happens to the Pope it happens to the garbage man it happens to the couple down the road who have everything. Stuff ... Views: 1409
I often find myself praying, "Lord, tell me what to do!" or "Is this course of action that I'm considering right or wrong? Just tell me!" But I have finally realized that this is not the best kind of prayer, and, in many instances, is not even an appropriate kind of prayer.
You see, when I am ... Views: 1160
In less than two months, Americans will go to the polls to elect the next President of the USA. Given the war on terror, economic issues, elevated gas prices, slumping stock markets and a host of other challenges, this election turns out to be of historic importance. Sure, all elections are ... Views: 1418
I had the good fortune to spend time with Swami Satchidananda several years ago during my work in Citizen Diplomacy during the Cold War. I directed a non-project organization, Projects for Planetary Peace, and Swamiji was on our Board of Directions. He went on one of our trips to the Soviet ... Views: 1475
To continue our discussion on Values, just because something is Urgent doesn't necessarily mean it's important.
Conversely, what’s vital refers to something central and internally crucial; something you literally can’t live without, not just for the moment but over time. In fact, ... Views: 806
Wisdom seekers, do you share my interest in twins?
Twins have fascinated me for most of my life. You may know a lot I don't on this topic -- including what it feels like to BE a twin or to be the parent or child or a twin. But I'll bet you haven't thought much about being a twin from the ... Views: 3923
How will you leave your mark? How will the world know you’ve been here one hundred years from now? What wisdom do you want to leave with humankind from your life on this Earth?
Simply put, your legacy is what you’ll leave behind for those who come after you.
No pressure, but ... Views: 1327
The life of each human being, whether the primitive man or the ultra modern man, is comprised of one common element – Dissatisfaction with what he already has and the Desire for more in life. Actually, its like the two sides of the same coin. Dissatisfaction leads to desire and the unfulfillment ... Views: 2109
Thinking Away the Crap
Bill Cottringer
“Keep writing. Try to do a little bit every day, even if the result looks like crap. Getting from page four to page five is more important than spending three weeks getting page four perfect.”
~Alan Dean Foster.
I am not going to apologize for ... Views: 1193
When we lack certain things, the joy of living is diminished. In some instances we may become severely distressed and even incapacitated by such lack. When we are sick, in other words, when we lack good health, it is not a happy situation and we do all we can to regain our health. When someone ... Views: 1990
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Wisdom. Wisdom refers to the accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment that allows one to judge what is true, right, and lasting. Laura Alden Kamm is the Official Guide to Wisdom.
Intuitive Wellness: Using Your Body's Inner ... Views: 1565
Wisdom is having gained knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well. It is the judicious application of knowledge. To some extent the terms wisdom and intelligence have similar and overlapping meanings. The ... Views: 1275
Whether your dream room is formal and filled with fabulous antiques or if it is cozy and sporting worn leather, you can complete the vision with carefully planned window treatments.
Privacy, protection from the sun and energy efficiency rank high on the list of consumer needs for their ... Views: 1308
Close your eyes and think of a memory that involves sitting on a porch or balcony. Were you in a mountain cabin? A condo at the beach? A friend’s home?
Chances are your memory takes you to a place of relaxation. I want to share with you ways to make your own porch memorable.
Porches were ... Views: 1333
It can be said that wisdom is a combination of knowledge, experience, and understanding of life as you know it. Within this wisdom you can access striations of compassion, patience, appreciation, and grace. You naturally feel compassion if a friend’s pet dies if you have experienced that ... Views: 1562
I love making the objects around my house look as fresh as the flowers and leafy trees in my yard.
I enjoy the rich colors of fall and the excitement of a gift wrapped winter but it is the warm weather seasons that energize me. I am ready to work and I practically live in my painting clothes. ... Views: 1116
Do you remember how good it felt, having your mother take care of you when you were sick? She’d let you stay home from school, and make you drink lots of juice, soup, and tea. And she’d constantly remind you to cover your mouth and wash your hands so everyone else in the family ... Views: 1169
Ready to get out of your head and into the heart of NOW?
Stephanie Gunning, best-selling author, editor, and Spirit-preneur extraordinaire, gathered last year with a number of well-known spiritual teachers and motivators (best-selling authors like Gregg Braden, Sandy Grason, Hale Dwoskin, ... Views: 1050
Deep within our Being lays a priceless treasure waiting to be discovered. It has always been there. It will always be there. It is we who have abandoned it. This treasure is what I like to call our Inner Sage.
So many of us, when faced with challenges or adversity will automatically ... Views: 3886
Moving house is a stressful business but that aside it also brings with it important life lessons. We are forced to look through the things of past and ask “Do I really need this?”. We have garage sales getting rid of clutter we question what to bring into our new home and what to leave ... Views: 1298
Please enjoy my favorite concepts about energy, consciousness, healing, ascension, evolution, awakening, divine relationships, and more.
The information that I get from my divine higher consciousness has transformed my reality and my way of life.
I hope this information will make a ... Views: 1292
The pinnacle of respect in life is when someone acknowledges that you are a wise person. The acquisition of wisdom should be your lifelong search. Wisdom is especially critical for those in leadership positions. There is no age limit when one can be wise but generally it is somewhat ... Views: 1315
Stop for one moment. I have something important to tell you. You, my friend, are a star. You have so much to offer this world. So much wisdom to share. So many gifts to give others.
So what's stopping you? Maybe you have been in the corporate world and learned that if you share, you wont get ... Views: 1155
“Discomfort is not a problem to be solved, not an enemy to be fought, not a monster to escape from; but instead an energetic relationship within, to be owned with courage and grace, and transformed through total acceptance, divine wisdom, and love.”
Joe Hurley
We all experience discomfort ... Views: 1229
The healing stream is a frequency of energy that comes from the divine source. Some people call this source God, the higher self, the higher power, the divine self, the creator, the spirit, and other names. The key is that this energy exists in a higher dimensional plane of existence and it ... Views: 1423