SAN DIEGO, CA –– In light of ongoing dangers to our family, our work environment and our personal relationships -- people continue to seek the assistance of WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com, an online professional service that provide comprehensive background checks, criminal and civil record searches designed to verify that people are who they say they are.

This online service was the brainchild of Southern California attorney, Linda Alexander. WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com and allows people to do these checks for reasonable rates, in order to protect their families, their employees and themselves.

According to Alexander, after ten years in this business, she is still amazed at the stories that have crossed her desk daily; and, how often people call and say, “if only I had used your service first…… maybe, I could have protected myself from so many problems.”

Since September 11, 2001, there has been a monumental increase in the number of background checks performed daily. This type of service is used to check on persons, such as: Nannies, Day Care Providers, In-Home Health Care Workers, Coaches, Home Service Providers, Handymen, Gardeners, Painters, Contractors, House Cleaners, Politicians, and others who have direct access to our lives.

Also, these services can assist in tracing lost loves, friends, finding estranged family members and old military buddies. In addition, there are those seeking to find out about their potential mate, business partners or employees. The cost of the service provided by WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com range from $39 to $75.

Each request for background and records checks is treated with confidentiality, at WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com. Attorney Alexander reminds us that such information can be used to avert the potential dangers of bringing someone into your home, your life, your employment, because having information is KEY to making smart decisions.

After doing thousands of background and criminal record checks, Alexander has found many who have sought to work with children, Seniors or in the home, have prior criminal convictions including DUI, abuse, assault, and some who are convicted sexual offenders and or pedophiles. Background checks are important tools to protect the safety of your family, employees and

WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com has been widely recognized on CBS’ “48 HOURS" and the CBS Early Show; in People Magazine; as well as featured on various television and radio shows and in newspapers around the world.

Anyone harboring doubts about someone can check out the website at http://WhoisHe.Com and at http://WhoisShe.Com and questions can be sent to CheckHimOut@WhoisHe.Com or contact Linda Alexander, ESQ. at 760-806-4377.

The site’s motto says it all… "When in Doubt, Check them Out"….

Linda Alexander, ESQ. Phone Number 760-806-4377 Fax 603-590-2177
1035 E Vista Way, Suite 138, Vista, CA 92084

In light of the increasing dangers to our family and our children -- an online service does background, criminal and civil record checks for reasonable rates, helps people protect their families and themselves. FEATURED ON CBS’ “48 HOURS People Magazine; Entrepreneur Magazine; Seventeen Magazine; seen on CBS The Early Show, along with other national and local programming television and radio.

WHO: WhoisHe.Com/WhoisShe.Com is a unique online service that performs Background Checks, Personal Profiles on, Nannies, Elder Care Workers, In-Home Workers, Contractors, Painters, Handyman, Future Step-Parents, Potential Mates, Prospective Employees, as well as Civil and Criminal Record Checks. Celebrates TEN YEARS ON THE NET.

WHY: At a time when people are inviting others into their home and allowing them access to their family and children -- it is important to BE SAFE and BE SMART. FIND OUT WHO THEY REALLY ARE! Are they honest? Or, a potential danger to your family? Do they have a CRIMINAL BACKGROUND? Are they a SEXUAL PREDATOR?

WHAT: Three services are available:

FIND OUT: Is he a career criminal? Does she have a history of abuse or assault with children? Does he have any civil judgments? Does she have any liens or tax debts? Has he been sued by any of his past clients? Has he lied? Has she lied? We tell clients to BE SMART AND SAFE: Take control of your future. Know what you are getting into before you involve your family, your business, your money, your property or even your life. INFORMATION is the key.

AKA’s | Addresses | Phone Numbers | Professional Licenses| Property Deeds | Bankruptcy | Judgments | Liens | Relatives & Associates | Felony and Misdemeanors | Civil Cases Involving the Party
WHERE: WhoisHe.Com/WhoisShe.Com is a professional service that puts our clients’ safety and interest at heart. All information that is found from our searches is kept confidential. For more information, please call us at 1-760-806-4377 or e-mail us at CheckHimOut@WhoisHe.Com and CheckHerOut@WhoisShe.Com
URL: http://WhoisHe.Com and http://WhoisShe.Com

Linda Alexander, ESQ.
Phone Number 760-806-4377
Fax 603-590-2177
1035 E Vista Way, Suite 214, Vista, CA 92084

Author's Bio: 

Linda Alexander, Esq. is president of WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com, a professional service that provides (for a small fee) a personal profile and background check on your cyber-date or potential mate. You can find out more about this website at http://WhoisHe.Com or WhoisHe.Com furnishes the most current public record information, usually within twenty-four hours of your request. WhoisHe.Com has helped thousands of people discover the truth about the people they are meeting both online and off. For additional information about this service call 760-806-4377 or send email to CheckHimOut@WhoisHe.Com or CheckHerOut@WhoisShe.Com

When in Doubt.... Check Them Out -- WhoisShe.Com
and WhoisHe.Com