I have just got back from my afternoon walk. And in sunny southern Alberta it really is beginning to feel like spring. I can feel the heat in the sun. What a great feeling. My intention was to walk for 20 minutes as I had some deadlines I had to get back to. I couldn’t make my feet turn around. It felt too good! I walk on a quiet country road that sees me head north then turn around and walk back home south. It feels different depending on the direction I'm heading. I don't feel like I'm backtracking. The sun is at my back on the way out and it's warmer and brighter on the way back. Sometimes I have to force myself to look up or around if the wind is really blowing. Of course weather can be a factor, from rain to snow to gale force winds. But making the effort when the weather is bearable is definitely worth it.

Without even thinking about it I was out there getting some exercise and like most people I’m not fond of that notion. But I do like walking because you don't require any special equipment. You can put on your comfy shoes and the necessary clothing to brave the elements and get going. It doesn't even matter where you live – you can walk in the city, or a small town, complete errands as you walk, actually accomplishing something!

The walking has sucked me in though. I’m now just figuring out after losing weight (60+ lbs) and maintaining it for a year that there is more to this exercise than just burning fat, calories and strengthening muscles. These other qualities don't reveal themselves immediately. Like most things we do, it is after putting in some committed effort that we are rewarded by the spiritual and mental affects. Wellness is a reward, a peaceful minute to yourself, outside of yourself as you are enjoying the sky, the air and your body moving. Wellness is a combination of the mental, spiritual and physical. When we can find some balance for 20 minutes out of an otherwise hectic day surely that leads to more wellness all around? Author Julia Cameron might call my solitary walks an artist’s date where I’m filling up my creative cup as the tufts of grass reach out to me in the wind like clapping hands. When the senses ignite at the smell of wet earth and my thoughts instantly turn to spring, tulips and finally gardening! I forced myself to turn around and enjoy the new vista and that warm sun on my face.

Author's Bio: 

Michelle is a Life Gardener (aka grower of lives) specializes in helping women improve their health, their weight and their whole being. Visit her website at www.mylifeblossoms.com for a free coaching session or to sign up for her informative wellness blog.