I think most of us push ourselves too hard to do something when clarity hasn’t arrived. Parents call me tearful that they can’t get over the emptiness. Who is rushing you? Do you think if you float that might bring you something you didn’t even realize had value? A mother, who now lives solo, since her children are married and she is divorced, was ready to explore what might be possible for her that would bring new meaning to her life. Her mind chattered away daily at her to do something, snap out of it, get a life already.

It isn’t easy to change our habits of do do do . It isn’t easy to quiet the voice within that tells you that you aren’t doing enough or changing behaviors that you have wrestled with for years. She did come to the place of feeling the beauty in simply floating with not knowing, not having any answers, yet. She struggled with this and stopped herself when the habitual chatter in her almost deafened her into exhaustion. One way she shifted into floating was to start her day and end her day differently. She took her English breakfast tea for a morning walk. Mug in hand surrounded by red gloves and topped in a yellow hat, she walked for twenty minutes, sipping the warmth. In the evening, she turned off the TV and read a mystery book, journaled and doodled in her writing pad.

Music played and comforting soups adding the scent of home for her. She floats in her own beauty now of being enough and doing enough for now. Beauty is in being. Clarity arrives when it arrives. Learn to trust you won’t be forgotten. Take good care, Natalie You may respond to Natalie below or email her at ncaine@boomer-living.com

Author's Bio: 

Natalie Caine M.A., has spent 27 years developing and facilitating women’s groups from “Mommy and Me” to changes brought on by divorce, re-entering the work force, illness, death, re-marriage and singlehood. She started a support group for parents anticipating the empty nest and a website to receive information and talk with others, and is founder and creator of Empty Nest Support Services. Natalie can be heard on Lifetime Radio Network for Women, has been featured in the New York Times, Better Homes and Gardens and other magazines as an expert for empty nesters. Her book, “Life Beyond Transitions” will be published in 2010.
Email this author at ncaine@boomer-living.com

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