This Christian relationship help will enable you to understand the five common fears people have in difficult relationships. Whether it is due to someone's addiction, irresponsibility, personality, mental illness, or abuse, life has uncertainty and complications. Here are the five common fears:

1.  Fear of the Person's Reaction

Difficult people are reactive. They are punitive, manipulative, angry, moody, and unpredictable. There is typically a price to pay when you attempt to set a boundary, confront an issue, expect cooperation, or ask for something to done.

2.  Fear of Change   

No one really likes change, especially change that they have no control over and may not want. Due to the unpredictability of dysfunctional people, unwelcome changes come up and after a while, you begin to fear change because it feels overwhelming.

3.  Fear of Divorce

Divorce isn't what people in difficult marriages want. Most people feel they must try everything before resorting to ending the relationship and Christians struggle with whether God approves of divorce. Living with a difficult person is hard. Divorcing is also difficult.

4.  Fear of Consequences

Even if you learn how to let go and allow the person to experience the consequences of their own choices, the consequences still affect your life. It is also painful to watch someone you love suffer.   

5.  Fear of Being Out of God's Will

Christians desire to follow God's will for their lives. Dealing with difficult relationships can be confusing, as many have misconceptions about what the Bible teaches about how to respond.  

     God wants us to deal with our fears and let them go by trusting Him. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love" (1 John 4:18, NIV). We can be tormented by the fears. The fear can keep us paralyzed and unable to do what we need to do, unless we face it and do what we need to do in spite of it. This Christian relationship help empowers you by identifying five common fears in difficult relationships. Understanding them will help you to face the fears.

Relationship Prayer: God, help me to identify my fears and then let them go by trusting you.

Relationship Challenge: Identify how these fears are affecting your life.

Use the information in this Christian relationship help to empower you to deal with these five common fears and any others you are struggling with in your difficult relationships.

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Karla Downing is an author, speaker, licensed marriage and family therapist, and Bible study teacher. Karla's passion is to help people find freedom in Christ in the midst of their difficult relationships and circumstances through Biblical truths and practical tools.