‘How to grow in height’ is a question that bothers millions of people all over the world. While some people have an inferiority complex due to their short height, many others want to know how to grow taller simply because a tall person commands more respect in the social and professional arena. Solutions to the problem of stunted growth are not the same for every individual and as such, it is important to always consult a medical professional for ‘personal’ guidance.

Given below is a compilation of some useful tips on how to boost your height:

1. Start eating healthy foods. A balanced nutrition is a must for the human body to stimulate proper cell growth. You can start by quitting the habit of consuming junk foods. Replace such nutrition-less items with dairy products and protein rich foods.

2. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sound sleep every day. It is during sleep that tissue regeneration rate is most active. Also try to eliminate the possibility of noise or any other disturbance during sleep.

3. Try to quit smoking as soon as possible if you are a smoker. Also, you should save yourself from passive smoking.

4. Steer clear of substance abuse. Alcohol consumption can also lead to stunted growth. Substance abuse and alcoholism can seriously weaken your immune system, thereby restricting the natural growth of tissues in your limbs.

5. Start exercising on a daily basis. Exercises that lengthen the body muscles such as cycling, basketball, lawn tennis and swimming can be quite helpful.

6. Look up the internet for ‘grow taller exercises.’ Stretching exercises can help a great deal in stimulating muscle growth. Even adults can increase their height by an inch or two by following a regular exercise regimen under the supervision of a trained fitness instructor.

7. Young children who are not growing perfectly may need extra doses of Human Growth Hormone. An HGH or Human Growth Hormone injection should always be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

8. Pilates exercises can help you improve your posture. These exercises have helped thousands of people look taller within a short span of time.

9. You can also learn yoga from a trained practitioner. Yoga postures can also help you improve your posture. The best thing about the practice of yoga is that you can also grow mentally and physically while experiencing an increase in your height.

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Can I grow taller is the question many people have, and now that you know its possible for ANYONE to grow taller do you want to know the absolute easiest ways to do it? Click on the link above.