Hi Selfgrowth Friends,

Since I have been receiving a high volume of readers who are interested in more information on Narcissistic Abuse Recovery and Surviving Relationships with Narcissists, I have created a brief Youtube Video.

I have spent many hours reviewing experts on Narcissism and put together a brief list of some of the best experts you can turn to for advice. This will help you sort through the thousands of pieces of information out there that may be overwhelming.

Please check it out, pass it forward.

In the coming weeks, I will be writing more articles on this important topic.


Also, check out my top rated books on increasing self-esteem and surviving toxic relationships.


Author's Bio: 

Laney Zukerman is an Empowerment and Relationship Coach, contributing writer for the Huff Post, Selfgrowth.com and NextonScene Magazine.

She has been interviewed and featured in Redbook, Brides, NBC Arizona, Divorced Moms and dozens of other media outlets.

For more information: www.laneyzukerman.com

Books: Lessons for an Urban Goddess & The Urban Goddess Lesson available on Amazon.com:
