[Excerpted from the Love Manual]

We tend to look for love in all the wrong places for many reasons, mainly IGNORANCE, IMBALANCED STATE, CONFUSION, and UNCONSCIOUSNESS!

Many are ignorant and unconscious that the true love they seek is the love found deep within Self. The love most of us are looking for is found in our own backyards (our own selves), but we won't and dont look there because we think, believe, and feel that we ourselves are worthless, insignificant, and mediocre, perhaps because we have been made to feel this way and it has been reiterated over the scope of our life and perhaps by people close to us and who are supposed to love us, i.e. parents, relatives, persons yielding undue influence over us, etc.

Some may look for love in an abusive partner because they confuse love with abuse (there can be no abuse when love is truly present).

Others look for love in the sex act because they confuse sex with love and sex is not love. You don't have to love a person or be in love with a person in order to have sex with them. Anybody or any two people can have sex. It's mostly a physical and linear act with unconscious people who are numb emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Also, love is not a criterion for sex these days. Eye appeal will do just fine nowadays. The American preoccupation with sex is a clear sign of a deeper spiritual void. People are hurting and they want pleasure, they want to escape the pain and misery they feel on the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels via a physical mechanical act but you can't fill a spiritual void with a material act. You just can't! You can delude yourself into believing this for a while, but like all illusions, they eventually wear off and you're left having to deal with reality.

Some people look for love in a relationship with a wealthy person because they confuse love with being taken care of financially and materially, which by the way is so far from the truth.

Should we be shocked when we don't find love from looking in all the wrong places? Of course not! If you look for love where love is not broadcasted, you are bound to not find it. It's pretty simple and basic!

To find or discover love, we must start looking in all the right places and no place is more right that WITHIN self! Go within self today and discover and experience what you have been looking for in all the wrong places up until now.

AFFIRMATION: I now know that true love resides and emanates from within me!

Good recommended reading include Dherbs.com "Mental Science Manual" e-book, "Love Manual" e-book, and "The Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Manual - Vol. 1" e-book.

Peace and Love!

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra.

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Author's Bio: 

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra (pronounced "Ta-Hoo-Tee" "Ma-ayt-Ra") (born April 24, 1970 in Los Angeles, California) is an herbalist, metaphysician, writer, life guide coach and instructor, spiritual counselor, public speaker, thought minister, inspirational and motivational speaker, legal jurisperitus, and trans-crystal energy healer.

He is the founder and owner of Dherbs.com, which he started in the Fall of 2003 in Glendale, California.