Mankind is the crown of God’s own creation, infinitely valuable. You are made in the image of God and after his own likeness, you are a freewill agent. You have God-like potential in you that become evident as you grow in his likeness through study and right thinking.

Now, you are more than just flesh and blood, your body is a form of energy, the electrons of your body are a perfect, glistening white and symphonic array in a constant state of vibration, in short you are a lot worth more than you think. You have the potential to think and act in a Godly manner that knows no boundaries, failure, circumstance or disease.

King David declared “I will praise you Lord because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Such knowledge is too lofty to understand but comes as a result of deeper levels of insight, reflection and meditation.

This is laborious and requires time, practice and patience but once mastered man becomes the captain of his own ship.

From a powerful stand point wherewith God has planted your feet, you need to understand the nature and power of your thoughts. Thoughts become things. Man becomes what he thinks about.

By virtue of the type of thoughts you entertain, your character is shaped and manifested.By virtue of your character you are attracting and manifesting all the circumstances you are going through day by day, month by month, all year round. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

Through right thinking and correct application of thought a man ascends to noble and higher stations in life.

Through abuse and wrong application of thought the man descends to lower and undesirable levels of his existence

Thought is the arsenal by which you either build or destroy yourself.

It is a shameless adventure to build your character, mold your circumstances and shape your destiny because he who seeks will find, he who knocks, to him the door shall be opened and he who asks receives.

This is a great law and there are no exceptions.

Your character is a total sum of your thoughts and the circumstances and situations you are currently going through are nothing but a mirror that reveals you to yourself. Is there a secret here, no I do not think so. Quietly and secretly you think and so publicly are your thoughts revealed in your circumstances.

So behold yourself in the mirror standing before you and see if your life is spiraling down or upwards. Take courage and look closely. Where are you heading? This is serious stuff to think about.

Now, take a closer look, did you know that you are a being of intelligence, power and love. You are the master of your own destiny and in your hand is the key to every situation.

Within you is the stupendous and glorious power. In order to ascend to higher stations in this life,the proper use of your will is required.

Action is an offspring of thought. By your thoughts you can create bitter or sweet experiences for your life.

What you are getting is a just reward for what you have toiled for in the mental realm.

Good thoughts bear good fruit and bad thoughts bear bad fruit. You reap what you sow.

Your experiences are a mirror for you behold the story of your life and move on.

Your experiences will change for the better as you look deeper within yourself, learn and apply the right taught principle. Do not wage any war against any of your circumstances; they are only a mirror through which you behold yourself. Change your inner world and your outer world will soon change.

Your thoughts have a profound effect upon your health and your circumstances. Stop whining and blaming others, that is unmanly, instead take courage and face yourself squarely and be in step with the world around you.

Now build your character and think noble thoughts of power and courage, only then will you begin to ascend towards greatness, harmonizing your inner world and the outer.

Your health is your wealth. Man gains greater satisfaction in being healthy, wealthy and wise. This trio is inseparable and it is a state of completeness.

I am so grateful to my coach and mentor Lourdes Elardo-Gant of who has coached me to discover that I can create security while living life to it’s fullest in terms of my relationship with money. This helped to deliberately take inspired action to be aware and show up my money shadow side. If you can, enroll with her amazing coaching programmes.

When you entertain thoughts of fear, doubt and indecision, behold they will manifest in weak, unmanly and indecisive habits which in turn creates failure impoverishment and insufficient income.

Thoughts of laziness will surely manifest in weak habits of dirtiness and unfaithfulness and there by creating foul and extreme poverty and penury

Thoughts of hate and vengeance will manifest in habits of accusation and violence, there by creating vindictive experiences.

Stinginess is a direct result of selfish thoughts which manifest in habits of self-seeking and there by creating anxiety, a health hazard.

Behold, thoughts of beauty, elegance and power manifests in habits of mercy and compassion, which in turn create great and sunny experiences

Clean thoughts manifests in habits of judgment, temperance and self-control, there by creating experiences of repose and tranquility.

Thoughts of courage, self-reliance and decision manifests in manly habits, thereby creating experiences of abundance and freedom from fear and want.

Thoughts of courage and determination will manifest in habits of cleanliness and the demonstration of great intelligence and industry, there by creating pleasant opportunities and circumstances.

Gracious and forgiving thoughts manifest in gentle habits which in turn create security and preservation.

Loving and generous thoughts manifest in habits of sharing, locked in one of the powerful laws in the universe, give and it shall be given unto you. These in turn will create sure and lasting wealth and prosperity.

This is only a bird’s eye-view of how good or bad your thoughts can be.

Before you, is the story of your life, carefully concealed in your experiences and circumstances. Who do you blame for all this? Who created all these bitter and terrible experiences of lack, sicknesses, poverty and diseases?

Think and brace yourself as a man should, be fair in your judgment, and before you know it, Lo and behold you stand before your own creation, good or bad you made it.

Cease from evil and unlawful thoughts and your world too will soften around you.

Being healthy is a direct result of thoughts of health, power and courage from a greater understanding that there is no disease but health.

Being wealthy is a direct result of thoughts of power success and courage from a greater understanding that there is no poverty but abundance.

Man is the author of his circumstances and not a subject.

Anyone who lives in fear of disease will only work to get disease, while those who are worried about lack and poverty will only achieve that because energy flows where attention goes.

In your thought, just like circumstances and experiences are deep-seated disease and health.Thoughts of fear and doubt will only murder you at the speed of lightning.

Thoughts of power, happiness and purity will only build the body in vitality, virility, vigor and graciousness.

Your body is a fine and delicate instrument which readily obeys the bidding of your mind. Good or bad.

Be grateful, learn to see well in all, be cheerful, take heart and be strong, such are the exploits of unselfish thoughts and dwell on them day and night. This will bring joy and absolute abundance in your life.

All that man achieves or fails to achieve is the direct result of his thought impulse. Your sufferings and joys are brought about by your own thoughts.

Behold, you are the man in the mirror and once in your life time you can make a change. Yes you can.


Clever Zulu


Author's Bio: 

Clever Zulu is a ground breaking author, speaker and educator on wealth and abundance. His own fullest. unique brilliance glows in the creation of special big ideas and financial security while living life to its

Throughout Africa and the rest of the world Clever is widely celebrated as a visionary and a man who adds value to other people’s lives. His unique skill and ability allows him to be a successful entrepreneur.

He also has a special ability to identify gifts that lie dormant in others and teach them how to create wealth and abundance for themselves.

Clever is a man who walks his talk, as he shares and teaches principles and strategies that he has personally used to achieve and enjoy the nectar of success.

As the founder of Absolute Abundance, Clever has a wide range of experiences ranging from hospitality, Public speaking and Author.He has consistently expanded and grown his vision and business. His philosophies and principles carry such a dynamic and expanding force that will inspire you and ignite the spark in your life once you embrace them. Clever is a compelling figure in the area of abundance, personal growth and his unique and terrific voice commands change and transformation to any audience.

As a sought after speaker, trainer and author, Clever has passionately shared and taught thousands the fundamentals of creating abundance, the psychology behind wealth and affluence and specifically, Clever provides insight into sustainable wealth and abundance. He has a clear understanding of the keys to earning money, holding money and growing money.Through his financial prudence many have been empowered and took mastery of their own destinies.

He is a man with a grand vision and anyone who gets connected to him will receive value. He will help you rise above and beyond and create financial security while living your life to its fullest.

Absolute Abundance provides cutting-edge training and programmes on Abundance, Wealth creation and has organized events that have featured some man and women whose minds are moving this generation forward successfully.

Born and bred in Victoria Falls, the crown of Zimbabwe and dedicated to improve the quality of life worldwide by creating products and services with like-minded people who have a common purpose to live and work in a prosperous environment that encourages productivity so we can improve the quality of service we render to our families, companies, communities, cities and ultimately our nations.

His consuming desire is to help man and women around the world reach their fullest potential and achieve success in every area of their lives.

His programmes Vision Attracts Resources And People, The Psychology behind Wealth and Affluence and Prosperity Illuminati offers real-life insight and solutions.

Clever resides on the beautiful island of Zanzibar and enjoys traveling around Africa and the rest of the world sharing and teaching his wealth principles.

“There is a whole lot more to life than meets the casual eye. Tell me your vision and I will show you how to attract people and resources.”