You’re stressed from a long day at work, you get home and you feel tired, too tired to think about
what to cook for dinner and too tired to contemplate doing anything productive. As we get older,
our diet and nutritional intake needs to evolve with our age and with our bodies. You might find
daily life more of a struggle than you did ten years ago. Whilst some things do remain constant
whether we are 8 or 88, for example drinking plenty of water, other needs should be addressed
during different stages of your life, it’s what we at Lifeplus like to call the art of growing young!
As we age, our body mass will see a drop which can affect our overall metabolic rate, therefore
adjusting our energy balance is crucial. Our bodies now require less calories and we should opt to
make ‘nutrient dense’ choices whilst boosting our intake of fibre. Diet, nutrition, and overall mind-
set play a large factor in how we age, and ensuring we live to our healthiest and happiest. So how
can you practice the art of growing young?
Eat Well
It may seem obvious, but paying attention to the foods you put into your body is incredibly
important in maintaining good health. A healthy diet full of colour and variation is ideal. After all,
variety is the spice of life! For women going through the menopause, calcium intake and a high fibre
diet become of significant importance. Foods such as soy, chickpeas and lentils are high in fibre,
healthy and filling too. Why not have a go at a delicious chickpea curry or lentil ragu? You might be
surprised at how quick, easy and yet fulfilling these dishes can be. Whilst salt and fats should not be
avoided altogether, try and go easy on the salt shaker. Vegetarianism and veganism are on the rise
worldwide, with medical experts and nutritionists proclaiming the health benefits of a diet that is
lower in animal facts and processed meats. Preparation is key, use meal planners and recipe guides
to ensure you get the right balance of nutrients!
Stay Active
Staying active and partaking in regular exercise is an important part of overall health and wellbeing.
Not only does it help with your physical state, it can also help with mental health too. Beneficial
exercise doesn’t have to include an expensive gym membership either, you can get enough exercise
by going for regular walks, cycling and even trying out some Pilates at home. Why not set yourself a
challenge? Setting yourself goals can be a sure-fire way of keeping on track. Perhaps try a sport you
never have before! It’s always fun to try something new, and you might even find a new favourite
hobby. If you live within walkable distance to work, why not ditch the car and commute on foot
instead? It may not seem like a lot but your efforts quickly mount up and contribute towards a
healthier you.
Nutritional Supplements
Everyday our bodies use various vitamins, minerals, enzymes and macronutrients in multiple ways!
We often take this for granted, with our bodies doing all the hard work in the background whilst we
get on with daily life, but do you ever stop to think if you are providing your body with enough vital
nutrients? As time goes on, our bodies require different nutritional needs, and this is where
nutritional supplements could help. Nutritional supplementation is the practice of getting to know
your body’s needs and understanding your requirements at a more involved level. By understanding
this you can build a better picture of what your daily intake should look like, and supplement

yourself where necessary. For example if you’re lacking in energy, you may need to look at your iron
levels and potentially take an iron supplement to help boost this.
State of Mind
Your state of mind is a powerful tool, with the ability to control how you’re feeling both physically
and mentally. A busy life can have detrimental effects to your mental health if overlooked. It’s
important to ensure you take time out to refocus and rebalance your mind. Yoga is a fantastic tool
for practicing mindfulness, and can also have a profound effect on your physical wellbeing too.
Negative feelings and stress can have a hugely negative impact on your overall health, meditation is
also another highly effective method at encouraging sleep, lowering blood pressure and therefore
improving your stress. If you’re feeling low mentally, don’t ignore it, stress is a killer and self-care is
key. With a little practice, becoming more mindful may well contribute to finding more peace of
By beginning with these steps, you will find yourself well on the way to growing young and feeling
healthier both inside and out. Our common sense approach to holistic wellbeing is both practical and
accessible, it may take time to perfect your routine but by just making little changes you’ll be making
a bigger impact than you think. It’s the art of growing young!

Author's Bio: 

Tracy McBride is the International Marketing Director for Lifeplus. Her 20 year career has taken her from business development, to brand consultancy and now to marketing. As a sub four-hour marathoner she can often be seen pounding the streets. When the running shoes are off Tracy keeps busy transforming a once sleeping giant in health and wellness into an inspirational global brand.
