So, you are working on your business, you are getting out there networking, you are talking to potential clients, writing articles, advertising, got the website up, and so on and so on, but you feel like things are just not moving fast enough.

In fact, you’ve done way more than you ever thought you would be able to do, you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone and really gone to town, spent more time, energy and money than you ever thought possible.

And now, all that’s going through your mind, is when am I going to start seeing the results, when are the clients going to really start flowing in, rather than just trickling in, when will the money start flowing in, rather than just trickling in? Why is it that I’m doing what I’ve learned and read about and it’s still not working? What’s going wrong?

You might even be wondering if you are good enough at what you do because if you were, surely the people would be here by now, and so would the money. You might have started going down the road of thinking about giving up because your Mum, or your brother, or your partner, or your best friend, was right, you can’t make money doing what you love.


Watch out, this is exactly the kind of thinking that stops your clients reaching you. It’s as if they were travelling along the path to your business, coming towards you as you were out there taking all the positive action to attract them in, and feeling really good about you and your offerings, and the ways in which you can really help your clients and then, just before they get there, boom, you put up the divert sign and send them in another direction with the “unattractive” thinking.

Remember what we focus on expands, whatever meaning we put on our own thoughts is the how we feel, and it's those feelings that count when it comes to quality of life.

So, to help you out in this stage of growing your business, when you feel like things are just not moving, perhaps it feels like a plateau, and you are in that place of doubting whether this is going to work or not, I want to share a fabulous tip that will keep you from diverting those potential clients away from you.


OK, bear with me here, this is about creating a space for yourself where you start tracking the “good stuff” in your business. This can be a document on your computer or an old fashioned pen and notebook, it really doesn’t matter, what does matter, is that you start taking some time each day to do it.

This is a journal of your progress. There is a great saying that goes something like this, “people overestimate what they can do in a month, and underestimate what they can do in a year”. We get impatient when the results don’t come in as fast as we would like them to and give up, when in fact if we just keep going, doing what needs to done, we will get there.

The beauty of keeping this journal is that not only are you going to be hunting out all the positive action steps you have taken, but over the long term it will be a record of what you have been doing and how it worked, plus show you in black and white your own progress over time.

So what to track? Well here are some possibilities, and please add your own.

Marketing actions – keep a track of all the steps you take in your marketing process, big and small.

Signs from the Universe or Positive Evidence – write down all the signs that things are moving in the right direction. This could be in the form of new client enquires (even if they don’t work with you), new opt ins for your newsletter, enquiries from colleagues wanting to partner with you.

All income – this is really important. Track every penny coming into your business, recognize the abundance and appreciate it. Remember what you focus on expands.

Things to be grateful for – track all that you are grateful for. We all know how important gratitude is and how it raises us vibrationally, so use your journal to record your gratitude too.

So how often to track? Well at least once per day, but more if you can. Once you start to do this you will see movement in your business, you will be able to see the progress and this is what will keep your energy high and help you keep moving forward.

Author's Bio: 

Sheela Masand was a co-founder and working partner of a multi million Euro business for over 12 years. Having worked through the struggle of how to find clients and make money in her own business, she now specializes in helping other heart-centred service professionals to do just that, all in a very authentic, non sales-y way.

Sheela can help you to attract more clients and make more money in a fun and authentic way. Visit to pick up a special free gift “Top 3 Secrets to Attracting Clients without Spending a Cent”.