As human beings, we live our lives with certain expectations. For emotionally healthy individuals, expectations are more likely to be realistic and rational -- based on reality.

For individuals whose emotional health is less-than healthy, expectations are often unrealistic and impractical – and this certainly is the case for the love addict in an addictive relationship.


The Love addict enters relationships with highly unrealistic expectations

One of the unhealthy core issues for the love addict, which contributes to a great deal of dissatisfaction and disillusionment, stems from entering romantic relationships with unrealistic expectations about their partner, and how the relationship could be or should be.

Here are a few examples of unrealistic expectations common for love addicts:

•My partner should always give me unconditional positive regard and constant reinforcement- so I can feel worthy, valuable, and loved.
•My partner should always take responsible for all my feelings, happiness, and well being.
•My partner should always compliment me- and always tell me he/she loves me.
•My partner should be the person I imagine him/her to be- or- the person I want him/her to be (think fantasy).
•My partner and I should have all the same likes, beliefs, wants, and needs.
•My partner should be able to know what I am thinking, feeling; and always know my wants and needs.
•My partner should spend all of his/her free time with me- never apart.
•My partner should be sexual - all the time- anytime.
•Relationship should always have passion and excitement- never boring.
•When I assign all my attention, value, and time to my partner, he/she will reciprocate

Love addicts tend to expect too much, too soon, and presume their partner will live up to their fantasy of what love "should be"--- to be the King or Queen; Savior; Rescuer who will provide purpose and aliveness, meet all of their needs; and take care of them emotionally, physically, and/or financially.

The most significant unrealistic expectation of a love addict

The most significant impossible expectation love addicts tend to have, is the expectation that their partner is the one person (and is responsible) who will provide them continual unconditional positive regard and reinforcement-- since for love addicts, they internally and falsely believe ,"I need you to make me feel worthy, valuable and lovable".

What's more - expecting a love avoidant partner to live up to IMPOSSIBLE expectations! It is senseless! How is it possible to expect emotional connection and closeness to someone whose most prevalent fear is intimacy-- and who also enters relationships with idealistic, idealistic expectations? It is not possible.

Lofty and out of reach expectations in ANY relationship inevitably leads to disappointment- again and again. Furthermore, expecting a person to live up to the impossible standards will result in him/her feeling emotionally bankrupt, smothered, and resentful.

It is simply unfair and dishonorable, when we expect anyone to meet magical unrealistic expectations, and in particular, it is immature and childlike when holding a person responsible for our emotional wellbeing.

Are there realistic (healthy) expectations we should have in romantic relationships?

Absolutely- YES! Here are a few examples of realistic expectations:
•To be treated respectfully
•To have a partner who is caring, supportive, loyal
•To share common interests (not all)
•To compromise and negotiate when problems arise
•To feel safe, secure
•To respect personal feelings
•To be trustworthy and honest with each other
•To be empathetic or sympathetic
•To be connected/close, more often than not
•To have a satisfying sexual relationship
•To be emotionally and physically faithful
•To not abuse alcohol or drugs
•To feel like best friends

Part of our recovery journey, is understanding that expectations play a large part in determining the health of a relationship. Healthy relationships (like healthy living) contain the component of "reality"- and expectations based on reality, not magical thinking.

We cannot expect a person who has a history of abusive or cheating to live up to any healthy expectations when you come along. We cannot expect or demand a person to be who we 'think' they should be; or live up to the 'potential' we think they have. We cannot expect a fulfilling, loving relationship with a love avoidant or narcissistic either.

Expecting the impossible is wasted time and energy. You can and deserve to expect the possible-- for YOU to demand nothing less than setting high-realistic-healthy expectations of and for yourself, and that you expect people in your life who can meet them. And if they cannot- you move on, until you find people (partner, friends, etc.) who can and will honor these expectations.

Author's Bio: 

Jim Hall, M.S., is a Love Addiction Specialist and founder of a popular recovery website,, a cutting-edge site for the love addict who want to recover and heal.

He is an Author on Love Addiction and Recovering. He also coaches Love Addicts how to recover, heal, and break their addiction to relationships, online at

Jim authors several popular Books on love addiction and recovery, available on one of the best love addiction recovery websites- Or click on the links to learn about the books:

- Surviving Withdrawal: The Breakup Workbook for Love Addicts.

- The Love Addict in Love Addiction

- Gateway to Recovery

Jim is currently completing a Love Addiction Rehab Recovery Program series for love and relationship addiction which will soon be available on Also on his website are free articles, tips, and other related information on love addiction, recovery and relationship issues: