I was recently talking to a lady who I met in the gym she was telling me about how it was a new week and she was going to get herself back on track and lose the weight she wanted to.
Firstly it is great that the lady was in the gym on a Monday and a bit fired up to start her week on the front ... Views: 1322
One of my clients showed me an online article the other week. This particular article was about a piece of research about British people. It said that we are the worst in the Western world for inactivity and lack of exercise. Worse than the Americans.
Not exercising is now deemed more ... Views: 1131
I was in the gym with a client doing some squats the other morning.
He was telling me how he was feeling a bit “bloated and wobbly" around the tummy area and had put on half a stone in a matter of days.
He lifted up his shirt to prove it, and he looked to me, to be holding water.
Now ... Views: 1288
I used to see 600 people a year on a GP referral scheme I ran in South Wales. We linked up with many local doctors, hopsitals, physios and surgeries and the GP/Nurse/Physio would refer anyone on to us who they felt they would improve by carrying out a period of exercise.
I did it for over 6 ... Views: 1016
Every year where I live and around the UK many people get the flu jab in an attempt to ward off the flu like symptoms for the dark cold winter months.
Let me explain why, unless you are in a “high risk” group you should not bother with the flub jab. They advertise Flu Season like it is a ... Views: 1229
During the change of the seasons, I don’t know why, but people seem to get ill more easily. There's always various colds and bugs going around that people keep catching.
I used to have all sorts of drugs in my medicine cabinet to fix myself up. The usual suspects, paracetamol, lemsip, ... Views: 1173
Countless well meaning individuals eat and exercise well and get into a great routine and then something happens. It could be anything from a night out, a flat tyre, a holiday, Christmas! Anyway this event throws out your healthy eating plan/regime sometimes only for 1 day but it can have a big ... Views: 1250
Over the years I have spent 1000’s of hours designing and writing out various diet plans. Every time I go through the process I try to improve it and make it work better for the individual. I always put a lot of thought into it. Hoping to finally reach the perfect diet one day which works for ... Views: 1151
Most people actually choose to die than to change their behaviour - fact. I know that is a strong statement but after reading this short article hopefully you will be able to see where I am coming from.
So what about you?
Are you UNABLE to stop eating or drinking booze?
If so, don’t ... Views: 1334
Through life as a personal trainer and health coach people often look up to me and see me as a role model when it comes to exercise and healthy eating. People often ask me questions like what do I have for breakfast, what do I do in the gym every day, why don't I ever fall off the 'health wagon' ... Views: 1191
A personal training client of mine recently got on the scales and was disappointed by what she saw. She was feeling positive and thought everything was going well until she got on the scales and had not lost a single pound.
Of course she then went from feeling positive, to the complete ... Views: 1313
Is obesity a disease or an addiction?
I have been pondering this one recently disease or an addiction. Obesity is now classed as a disease in the America. This has obviously raised a lot of questions on whether this is right. Do the people have no choice about their diet and what they ... Views: 1396
Some people love it, some hate it. Summertime.
I am writing this right in the middle of the summertime. So what difference does the summertime make with regards to health and fitness?
The summer means less clothes and more activity, whichever way you slice it up means if your in better ... Views: 1115
I have been a high end personal trainer for many years, the thing is though, some of my clients DON’T get the results they should.
I mean, they sign up with the intention of getting fit and losing some weight along the way, that is the most common reason for people beginning an exercise ... Views: 1109
Today I wanted to share a little story with you about exercise and how it may not always be the best option. My wife said to me the other day that she can't keep on going to her regular bootcamp sessions as she is going to put weight on due to her poor diet and drinking.
When she said this I ... Views: 1141
Last Monday during a session with my personal training clients I was talking to the girls who have just joined one of my new group programmes.
The group is there to teach exercise primarily but I would never train anyone without at least informing them of the basics of diet in relation to ... Views: 1217
In my opinion when it comes to exercise short term programmes don’t work, people need long term support. This was discussed at a conference for exercise professionals I was at recently, bearing in mind nearly every other trainer in the room had a short term 14/21/28 day transformation programme ... Views: 1104
I was chatting with one of my personal training clients about these body transformation programmes and fast weight loss programmes. She told me she had been comparing her results to her friends. Her friend had lost two stone by just drinking shakes and eating bars and she had only lost a stone ... Views: 2136
I hate vegetables. More specifically boiled veg. They just make me gag. For someone like me (a fitness and nutrition guy) you may be surprised that I’m telling you this. But I have to be honest with you, I hate them, especially boiled cabbage.
It all started in my childhood… My mother used ... Views: 1464
Did you know obesity is now an actual disease in America?
The American Medical Association voted to classify it as a disease last year. Overnight millions of Americans became officially “diseased”.
Is this a crazy or clever move? I don’t really know.
Basically they are saying being fat ... Views: 1323
I was having a chat with a lady in the gym recently. She was “starting back” (AGAIN). I said “how’s the training going?” She said “its ok at the minute, but ask me again in a couple of weeks”. I said, “Why, what do you mean?” She said “every time I try to get fit and lose some weight, I do ... Views: 1218
One of my friends called in an expert trainer for one of their dogs last weekend. He told me there’s nothing particularly wrong with the dog, he’s just got a few things he’s scared of and ends up over-reacting. He was telling me what the trainer did with the dog. He was fascinated by how the ... Views: 1505
First came low fat then came low carb.
But which one is better?
I saw a programme the other night on the TV comparing an extreme high fat diet to an extreme high carb diet.
They used two doctors who were actually twins, in the experiment which lasted a month.
The results may ... Views: 1339
There are some days when I will not be following my normal eating plan. For example a day in the school holidays where my son is off school and I book the day off work to take him and the family somewhere for a day out.
I will definitely have a coffee or two and will probably have at least ... Views: 1326
Do you ever get “Fat ugly days”?
Days when you just feel fat and ugly and don’t want to leave the house?
My wife was having a fat and ugly day yesterday according to her.
She said it’s very common amongst women, especially at a certain time of the month.
(and some men too of ... Views: 1302
Our brains are wonderful things, when they work properly.
They say we have two voices/people inside each of us.
Your brain and thoughts can make or break your success in anything you choose to do.
Not sure if you are aware but your brain has two levels of function.
Things are ... Views: 1263
I may have surprised you with the healthy burger and chips title.
Healthy burger and chips? Is that possible.
This isn’t even one of my cheat meals.
This is just a healthy burger and chips recipe that I wanted to share with you, honestly it's delicious!
One of the top reasons ... Views: 1456
The westernized world is pretty unhealthy. I come from Wales and more than a quarter of all over 40’s are obese. We are also an ageing nation, with around 45 per cent of us being over 45 years old.
These figures, combined with the continued downward trend in activity levels, makes Wales a ... Views: 1663
I was on the internet the other day having a little read, you know what it’s like. You start reading something, click a link to something else and then for the next 30 min you are going link to link reading about various different things!
Well during one of these sessions I stumbled across ... Views: 1553
I'm sure you all like to hear a nice story.
(I read this story online)
After the breakdown of her first marriage Brenda started putting on weight.
When she reached 20 stone, she decided to go on a diet.
Brenda now weighs 9 stone 9lbs and can finally fit into a size 10 dress.
The ... Views: 1426
I have spotted some new IMPORTANT stuff I wanted to share today.
I'm trying to remove the confusion which seems to surround the whole area of exercise and nutrition.
This has meant that I have spent a lot more time reading – researching books, scientific journals and the internet.
Every ... Views: 1616
Have you ever heard the story about the chimp and the peanut? It's very interesting and relates to us all in some way.
Allow me to share the story…
Once upon a time a researcher observed the behaviour of a group of chimps.
I’m not sure why, but the researcher provided the chimps with ... Views: 1573
There was an interesting article I read recently online titled: Saturated Fat Heart Disease ‘Myth’.
It is great to see the truth about saturated fat finally making the news.
If you have read some of my previous articles you might know that I am a big advocate of eating all types of natural ... Views: 1587
Organic eating can be more expensive than eating normal, so this list of foods in this article will be a lot easier on the pocket.
Plus you will be safe in the knowledge that eating these foods won’t harm your health.
The list of foods below will contain the least amount of pesticide ... Views: 1709
Do you feel tense? Maybe you feel tight across the upper back between the shoulder blades, or perhaps it’s more of a stiff lower back, hips and legs.
Tight muscles create numerous problems throughout the body from aches and pain to reduced oxygen and blood flow to the tight area.
Soft ... Views: 2061
In this article I will give you 27 different foods which you should aim to eat organically as these foods are worst affected by pesticides.
Today I will look at the foods with the highest pesticide residue and other toxic chemicals.
These 27 foods have been picked due to the large amounts ... Views: 1520
My parents told me, once upon a time all food was naturally organic, then “they” (the 'evil' food companies) started using pesticides and preservatives and they said “you can eat fruit all year round” and “this stuff is better because it lasts longer”, and charged us more for it.
Now they ... Views: 1770
I took on a new personal training client earlier in the summer, and she point blank told me that she “hated exercise, and everything to do with it!”
She said she had slogged away in the gym for years, up to 90 minutes, three times a week and hated every minute of it, and seeing very little by ... Views: 1797
If you have elevated cholesterol and or take statin medication, you need to read this.
Mostly we all think cholesterol is bad for us, this is because it’s what we have been told over the last 50 years or more.
Cholesterol is often described as “artery clogging” and is used as an indicator ... Views: 1572
People tend to want and demand cheap food, and now scientists may have come up with a solution.
I’m not sure how many of you heard this in the news a few weeks ago but a beef burger has been grown in a laboratory in the Netherlands by a team of scientists. The burger was then cooked by a ... Views: 1507
People have always been interested in being “forever young” and today’s society is no different. We want to resist the ageing process.
The speed at which we are ageing can be measured – its called biological age, or how old your body really is.
The area of study which is now called ... Views: 1779
As a big advocate of fish and fish oils I was surprised to see a research study all over the media recently saying – that omega 3 fatty acids (like the oil found in fish) can cause prostate cancer in men.
I feel the need to respond and clear up any confusion.
Today we will look a little ... Views: 1713
The title of this week’s article may be a bit funny, but it is 100% true for at least one poor chap, and I’m sure there are many others just like him.
It’s a male orientated article, but wives, mothers and girlfriends out there who know someone in their family suffering from this, should ... Views: 4338
In the last few weeks I have been watching a story unfold online and I just have to bring it to your attention.
It involves a new online service called the Fat Information Service (FIS), which has been set up to help people better understand the role and benefits of dietary fats, primarily ... Views: 1258
Vegetarianism is defined as “the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat – red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal”. (1)
In my experience ‘going veggie’ can be a double edged sword.
It can lead to massive health benefits – when its done properly.
I have ... Views: 3354
Today I will explain how and why cellulite takes hold and what you can do about it.
The bane of some women’s lives it can make skin look less attractive, and from what I have been told, forcing some women into changing which clothes they choose to buy and wear.
Cellulite causes bumps or an ... Views: 2029
Just like saturated fat, salt has a very bad reputation.
Just like saturated fat, salt is actually needed in the body for it to work optimally.
Salt is not totally harmless, but it’s not the devil in disguise either.
Confused? Most people are.
Basically our body needs salt but at the ... Views: 1406
I have some very exciting news for all people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.
As many of you are aware, getting into shape does not simply come down to exercise and a healthy diet, there are other factors to consider. Our hormones play a huge part in our internal physiology, and if out of ... Views: 1611
Have you heard the one about the man who had a patch stitched into his tongue so he could eat less food?
I’m afraid to say there is no punch line and it’s not even a joke, it’s true.
Some people are so stupid.
They would rather opt for crazy surgery than do so basic things right.
The ... Views: 1255
So today I want to talk about those nasty looking black fillings, or mercury amalgam fillings.
I can guarantee that many of you reading this today have 1 or probably more mercury fillings in your mouth, if you do then you really want to be reading this.
Before going onto fillings and the ... Views: 1455