A angina attack is felt as a tight band of discomfort and pain around the chest, generally caused by the narrowing of the arteries to the heart, a blockage of a heart artery or thickening of the heart muscles. The pain is caused by the heart demanding an increase in its blood supply and the ... Views: 1060
The appendix - this is a small sac-like protuberance from the lower end of the large intestine. Half the abdominal emergencies are attributed to this small sac-like organ and it generally happens between the ages of 10 to 30 years. Appendicitis can be acute or chronic and it affects both male ... Views: 1120
Bruises [also known as a contusion], they seem to appear from nowhere most of the time and are a temporary discoloration of ones skin due to the collection of blood in the area. Bruises that appear after a fall or accident are painful, tender and reddish in appearance but after a few hours the ... Views: 922
Mouth ulcers are usually white, yellowish or grayish in color, with red raised edges, they are normally smaller than 1cm in diameter and round or oval in shape. Generally found in the mouth [on the outside of your lips they are referred to as cold sore] they can be preceded by a tingling or ... Views: 1312
We have all experienced a burn of some form or the other. Be they first, second or third degree burns they are all very painful and special care is needed in the effort to heal this injury as well as preventing wound contamination thus letting infections set in.
Most burns are caused by ... Views: 939
Sea weeds - fondly called sea vegetables - have been around since the beginning of time, but it is only in the last century or so that the goodness of these natural plants have finally been put to good use. These amazing plants have a very high mineral/nutrient content [rich in vitamins, iron, ... Views: 942
Most of us have some form of amnesia [meaning partial or complete loss of memory], how often have you gone through all your children's names before actually calling the right one? Or forgotten the name of an item you want or need [verbal amnesia]. A more uncommon form of this disease is a ... Views: 875
We all suffer with halitosis to some degree but there are people out there that have really foul breath and do not even know it. A good way to test your breath is to breathe out into the palm of your hand or a hankie and sniff it. Hopefully it is not too odorous and does not make you want to ... Views: 891
We all hate the thought of any kind of operation, the hemorrhoid [also known as piles] operation is probably one of the worst as it is probably the most painful due to the area and the need to empty our bowels daily [ouch - I feel the pain already]. Most doctors recommend surgery for this ... Views: 1128
This is one condition that I have never experienced, I find it very difficult to understand the hows and whys of Bulimia and though I know the person cannot control the desire to eat and then purge themselves I have always thought that self preservation is the most important part of our ... Views: 978
As we all know uncooked (raw) foods are good for our bodies, this is because they have not lost all their nutritional value in the process of cooking. By accepting the thought of eating most of your meal in a raw state, you are well on the way to a more healthy life-style.
Now don't expect to ... Views: 1166
I am pretty sure that we all know what a avocado is, and have consumed some in a salad or on a slice of toast [my favorite way] at some time or other. Most people love this food and eat it as often as possible but it is a acquired taste [or so I am told] and some think it is just awful and these ... Views: 1678
There are a variety of reasons as to why we have the extra weight around our waist. Though most of us tend to think it is because we lead sedentary lives and eat the wrong foods [the most common cause for this weight problem], there are other factors beyond our control that can also cause our ... Views: 1017
Spotting my belly in the mirror this morning made me rush to my computer and put 'foods that decrease your belly' into the search bar of my favorite search engine. Wow! Was I surprised by the information out there, so having read through article after article I found that although there was a ... Views: 1067
Constipation in children can be very frustrating, as once the child is potty trained and old enough to keep itself clean [bathing, brushing and wiping included] the parent tends to just check if they are clean behind the ears, have brushed their teeth/hair, etc. Most mums do try to keep a eye on ... Views: 832
As a layman (non medical person) these two conditions often get taken as the same problem, this is not true, they are two separate problems with unique symptoms, treatments and cures.
Understanding the difference between heartburn and indigestion
Heartburn is a symptom [not a disease or ... Views: 1250
Explaining Diarrhea
This is a condition than is known by the watery stools that are passed frequently by a patient with this problem. Most of the organs in the body secrete a form of liquid (which comes from our regular food and liquid intake), and this can be up to 10 liters per day. The ... Views: 1011
What is Dysphagia?
This is when a person finds it difficult to chew and swallow foods and/or liquids. There are 2 types of dysphagia and these in turn can cause major weight loss and malnutrition.
1) Esophageal dysphagia - food or liquid stopping in the esophagus, usually caused by acid ... Views: 2853
It is always important to stick to a healthy diet, this will give us a feeling of well-being and increase our energy levels as well. We all know that there are certain foods or drinks that can interfere with our brain function and cause loss of concentration and/or memory, but the real question ... Views: 912
Once a child [let's say a girl] is up and walking she takes a lot more of a parents time, needing more interaction from the parent during the day [hopefully the parent can catch a break while she has her usual naps]. Keeping a toddler interested in what you are trying to show/teach her can be ... Views: 1276
All babies are born with the ability to soak in information (like a sponge soaks in water), if we do not stimulate these infants from a early age (once their eyes are in focus and they are interacting with the parent) we have potentially lost an 'Einstein.' Not only do we need to 'feed' the ... Views: 1570
The pancreas is a pretty vital organ, it creates enzymes - which aid in the digestion of food, and insulin - which controls the blood sugar level. Located just behind the stomach, it is vital to keep this important gland healthy to help prevent pancreatitis [acute or chronic inflammation] as ... Views: 1796
The pancreas is a pretty vital organ, it creates enzymes - which aid in the digestion of food, and insulin - which controls the blood sugar level. Located just behind the stomach, it is vital to keep this important gland healthy to help prevent pancreatitis [acute or chronic inflammation] as ... Views: 1053
This is a million dollar question. The answer to this is both yes and no. There are millions of poor people out there who's children do not have the luxury of toys, for starters they are expensive and most parents would rather feed their child when it comes to the crunch. As guilty as a parent ... Views: 1453
I am sure at least 99.9% of all smokers regret ever starting. Not only does it affect a person's health but it also causes tooth decay and can cause a person to smell like a full ashtray.
Most smokers have tried to give up this nasty habit at least once, only to find that the self control ... Views: 1958
Ever tried to lose that awful weight that gathers around your hips, attaches itself to your buttocks and makes your thighs look like cream cheese? About 80% of the people reading this article have nodded and said Oh Yes!
As we all have different shapes [some might only have the fat on their ... Views: 4716
Everybody [especially teenagers] hates this skin problem. some get really bad acne which can result in scarring while others just get a mild case. Either way we do need to look at our diet and change our thought process when it comes to eradicating these awful blemishes and pimples.
Though ... Views: 881
Wow! Finally after a few long, hard and tedious months you are at your desired weight. You are looking better than you have in a long time and all the compliments are starting to pour in and make you blush!! Now if only...
If only you could keep the weight you have lost permanently at bay. ... Views: 1035
What is Diverticular Disease?
There are 3 different medical terms for this disease:
1) Diverticulosis
2) Diverticular disease
3) Diverticulitis
Diverticulosis - this is the term used to describe people with diverticula [small pouches that form outward on the weaker spots of the large ... Views: 933
What is ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]?
This disorder generally provides the sufferer [child, teen or adult] who has it with a lack of:
* the ability to pay attention
* trouble focusing on any specific task
* difficulty in remaining still
Other symptoms linked with ... Views: 983
Be it through a illness [hepatitis], certain medication or self abuse [excess alcohol intake] some of the damage to your liver can be reversed with the help of a correct diet, pre-existing treatments and some self control. The liver has the capacity to 'fix' itself [it can regenerate itself from ... Views: 997
We all dream of a super flat stomach and hanker after the perfect 'six pack', but tend to overindulge with the good things in life. Rich food and beer are most notorious in adding on to the spare tire we carry around our waist. We also tend to have to much belly fat due to being middle aged and ... Views: 1080
Other than vanity [we all want a washboard tummy] the reason we need to lose that extra weight we call a spare tire is that it is a danger to our health. Having extra weight around our midsection [more dangerous than fat around your hips and thighs] can cause all kinds of health problems. It is ... Views: 1174
Gout explained
This form of arthritis consists of painful joints caused by swelling, tenderness and inflammation, it is chronic in character but occurs in sudden and acute attacks [meaning that you always have it but it does not hurt all the time]. Before modernization and social reform this ... Views: 825
Explaining the gall bladder
This little organ is slightly pear shaped and is found just under the liver. It works in conjunction with our liver and is the storage place for bile [this is a product produced by our liver]. Bile [yellow/brown/greenish in color, containing water, fats, protein, ... Views: 1571
The esophagus is a specialized tube that allows the food to travel [once chewed and ready for swallowing] down our throats and into our stomachs. It has a special muscle at the lower end which allows food and liquid into the stomach and is generally tightly closed to prevent the flow of stomach ... Views: 886
People with this depressive condition often suffer from reactive hypoglycemia (this generally occurs about three hours after a meal, and it is a drop in ones blood sugar). Symptoms can range from depression, fatigue, and irritability, going right up to panic attacks or even the odd outburst of ... Views: 1839
By changing to the bipolar diet [designed for people with a Bipolar disorder] you can stabilize your mood and prevent mood swings, another bonus of this diet is weight loss and increased energy levels.
What is Bipolar disorder?
This is a condition involving cycles of depression, elation ... Views: 1965
A person with this condition can have many mood swings and behavioral changes and these can cause problems with their nutrition. Due to the fact that they are agitated, apathetic and anxious [to name but a few] their ability to eat will be inhibited and they will end up with an unbalanced diet ... Views: 1395
Sufferers of asthma - you can reduce the frequency and severity of your attacks!
How - they ask?
As we all know, our diet plays an important role in all the major health problems we face, the following information is a guideline for the asthmatics out there. While it might work for most of ... Views: 1177
There are 3 major types of Omega 3. These fatty acids are very important in a bodies health and how it functions. As we can not produce these vital fats naturally we therefore have to find them in their natural state in a food source. So remember - if you do not eat foods containing these fatty ... Views: 876
Using the term arthritis we describe over 100 existing conditions that can cause pain, stiffness and inflammation in one or more of our joints and all of them can benefit by eating a healthy well balanced diet which will ease the pain. This article deals with the more common conditions as there ... Views: 895
Finally we have a diet plan that doesn't just involve a strict eating plan, this diet recognizes the fact that there needs to be changes made to the persons lifestyle and focuses on your overall health. This lifestyle change will help reshape your body and get you back to your ideal weight. ... Views: 942
Based upon a persons GI [glycemic index] this low glycemic diet was developed to assist diabetics in the control of their blood sugar level and not as a weight loss tool - though due to the change of diet some people might lose a little weight.
What is GI?
The glycemic index - this is a ... Views: 891
Low carb diets are quite a fad and tend to focus on carbohydrates. These are sugars and are simple or complex. Simple sugars are found in fruit, some breads, and candy bars to name but a few. Complex sugars are found in some types of bread and pasta [to many to list] and live up to their name by ... Views: 994
The emphasis of this diet is high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrates and therefore definitely not developed for any weight loss as it is the opposite of any other diet you can think of.
Scientific studies however have proved that this diet could assist with reducing or preventing ... Views: 1017
This diet is quite popular amongst the budding bodybuilders, sportsmen and athletes that abound in our gyms and on the playing fields. Due to the fact that protein is one of the most important nutrients for muscle development, our budding sport stars find that a HP diet looks to be the best ... Views: 1238
This diet was specifically developed to aid the individuals with high blood pressure, known as hypertension in the medical world. DASH - "Dietary approaches to stop hypertension" - has become very popular over the years in aiding individuals to control their blood pressure [which is one of the ... Views: 853
This diet is also known as the Hollywood diet, and is thought to have been developed around the 1930's.
The grapefruit diet is based on the fact that eating grapefruit daily can help increase your metabolism and by following the diet plan you could lose up to 10 pounds in around 12 days. ... Views: 978
Though this gluten free diet can help you lose weight due to the avoidance of grain and other carbs, it generally is highly recommended for the person out there who suffers from Coeliacs [also known as Celiacs] disease and/or has a wheat allergy.
What is Coeliacs disease you ask?
This is a ... Views: 945