One of the most important steps to Creating Your Perfect Life is to take the time to know and acknowledge the talents that you came here to use. When we come into our bodies, into our lives, we arrive with many specific properties and propensities. We come with a certain eye color, a certain ... Views: 1287
Happiness & love are the most sought after of all our gifts in this world. Some may chase fame & fortune, but most would find that the former emotions will serve when nothing else can. In our second part to Creating Your Perfect Life we are going to delve into what allows these wonderous ... Views: 1195
Today I welcome you all to begin your life anew. To begin it as though you were your own personal creator. What would you choose to have your life be? How would you create your self from appearance to attitude, from happiness to success? Today we start a five part series that will help you ... Views: 1261
We have come to the end of our journey. We have reached Part V of our five part series. We can also say that we have come full circle. In all of our series “Turn Your Life Around” – How to Build a Personal Life Foundation, Foremost Forgiveness, Acknowledge & Overcome Fear and Identify Your ... Views: 1139
We are now presenting Part IV of our five part series – how are you all doing with turning your life around? Hopefully all that entered this series by the articles published on SelfGrowth, by the videos on “adamariestube” on YouTube, or by the radio show “the True Golden Oracle” on Dreamvisions ... Views: 1404
Part three of our five part series on “turning your life around” is focused on FEAR. Okay, not just on fear but on first acknowledging it – and then on overcoming it! So what is fear? Many people do acknowledge fear about specific things such as spiders or flying or even fear of heights. And ... Views: 2099
Today we continue with part two of our five part series on “turning your life around”. We began last week with the building – and for many the rebuilding – of your personal foundation. What do you, as an individual, stand on? Now we are here to learn the next step that is as vital as that of ... Views: 1249
The first consideration that one requires in order to turn your life around is to look at yourself with clarity, honesty and discernment. What do you, as an individual, stand on? We live in a day and age where many are lost, confused, misdirected and misguided. We have many in our population ... Views: 1728
Before we speak of the ill effects of jealousy or how jealousy in the heart and mind of an individual can produce illness, let us analyze jealousy itself as an emotion or passion. First of all, we realize that it is not something that we can attribute exclusively to human ... Views: 1753