Joseph Riggio is The Official Guide to "Communication Skills and Training". You can find complete information on Joseph Riggio and his products by visiting
Until recently, scientists were giving us an increasingly mechanistic view of the Universe. The "billiard ball" model of reality - namely, that certain knowable causes always give rise to certain predictable effects - increasingly dominated all areas of our society. Scientists expected that one ... Views: 1124
How To Write a Thank You Note - 6 Tips To Truly Communicate Your Heartfelt Appreciation
Learning how to write a thank you note is easy and a great way to communicate your appreciation in all your relationships with friends, family, and even co-workers. Many people know how to write a thank you ... Views: 5918
By Doug Hickok
Sometimes when I do trainings for managers, one of the exercises I have them do is write down one thing that someone does at work that drives them nuts. I thought I would share some of those things with you today.
“He repeats things over and over and over again!” says ... Views: 861
Communicating Authentically
By Dr. Joe Rubino
CEO, Http://
You maximize your personal power when you exude an energy of authenticity. When you not only speak from the heart but walk your talk, others get the real you. Living authentically comes from ... Views: 1644
This is one of a series of brief articles on holding difficult conversations. In earlier issues of Ki Moments, I suggested ways to open communications that create mutual respect; we talked about the importance of knowing your purpose for the conversation; and we added Inquiry and Curiosity to ... Views: 731
Most of us spend several hours each day communicating with others through the medium of our voice. Our voices contribute much to how we impact our world.
In the same way that no two snowflakes are the same, everyone has their own unique and wonderful vocal qualities. Our voices tell the world ... Views: 624
Most of us spend several hours each day communicating with others through the medium of our voice. Our voices contribute much to how we impact our world.
In the same way that no two snowflakes are the same, everyone has their own unique and wonderful vocal qualities. Our voices tell the world ... Views: 698
Are you looking for a better way to remember the names of people you meet at networking and other professional events? Here is an easy way to increase your chances of remembering. In addition, you will avoid starting a conversation with boring talk about the weather.
Ask a question or make a ... Views: 561
Women in the United States today have more freedom and power than ever before. Not only are the laws on our side in seeking to eliminate gender-based barriers, but serious inroads have been made into the Old Boys?Club in many areas of our professional and social lives. However it takes a long ... Views: 713
We are constantly bombarded daily with requests for our time. While helping others can be very rewarding, at the same time we can feel distraught about constantly obligating ourselves to others while not fulfilling our own needs. We can feel distressed about constant commitments to do things ... Views: 811
Public speaking presents such a challenge for many people. In the Book of Lists, public speaking anxiety and making a presentation constitute the number one fear; the fear of dying is number two. Like the old saying goes, “People would rather be in the grave than make a ... Views: 705
Enhancing Your Effectiveness
Are there ways to become better, more efficient at conveying your desires?
Can understanding and implementing revised strategies and tactics really increase your effectiveness? Improve your Results? Enable your Success?
Learn and use these Six Techniques for ... Views: 926
I guess there isn't one person who hasn't experienced feelings of guilt and some people carry a constant, deep engraved guilt feelings regarding this aspect of their life or another. Guilt feelings are often related to as a negative emotion - but what are they, why do we breed them in ourselves ... Views: 7302
Creating written documents reveals so much about you and your business skills. Your writing tells the reader about your educational background, pride in your work and business expertise. The emergence of the paperless office, e-mail, the internet and web pages only increases the power of the ... Views: 2540
It's amazing that we live in a technological age and we haven't mastered voice mail. I use the phone extensively in my business and I hear some really poor excuses for voice mail. Don’t you wish there were some voicemail “rules” out there, that people had to follow? So I’d like to offer some ... Views: 629
Do you ramble when you speak, packing in too many irrelevant details? Perhaps you skip from one idea to the next with no connection between them. The first conversation pattern makes you boring and the second makes you confusing. Either one can have a negative impact on your ability to influence ... Views: 2376
"Passion. How else can I explain it?" he said. "I have a passion for what I do!"
He naturally caught my attention when he used my favorite word..."Passion". There are times in my presentations when I say that word and stop dead in a sentence. I often times have the audience repeat it back to ... Views: 771
They say that attitude is everything. That may be true.
"With an attitude like that you'll get far in life," she said.
"I don't like your attitude young man!" she screamed.
Those words were spoken by the same person. My teacher in sixth grade. So I took it that in one instance my attitude ... Views: 941
In my seminars, I often get questions that start with "(Fill in the Blank) is really driving me crazy..." It's hard for me to respond with a straight face anymore, when what I really want to say is, "Hey, from your mouth to God's ear..." But, being a normal human being, interested in the well ... Views: 965
As a communicating creature, you can bet your life on the possibility that misunderstanding is the rule, not the exception.
We communicate with words and voice tone, as well as all sorts of non-verbals like time, space and body language--all of which are imprecise in conveying our unique felt ... Views: 2656
As a communicating creature, you can bet your life on the possibility that misunderstanding is the rule, not the exception.
We communicate with words and voice tone, as well as all sorts of non-verbals like time, space and body language--all of which are imprecise in conveying our unique felt ... Views: 9675
I've been playing with two metaphors for communication.
The first metaphor: Communication is like stepping on a rake. When I snap at my husband,he tends to snap back at me. On those rare occasions (yeah, right), when my frustration leads me to raise my voice or use less than diplomatic ... Views: 1072
According to Webster, "to intend" means to stretch out for, to aim at. An intent is a purpose, object or aim.
"Communicate" means to exchange information, ideas or messages in any way, as by talk, gestures, writing, etc. It also means to have a sympathetic or meaningful relationship and to be ... Views: 7747
The best way to illustrate the power of the right questions is to look at the wrong questions first.
Let's say that you, as a manager or supervisor, discover that somebody made a mistake that costs your department $20,000.
"Why didn't you follow the procedure? How could you let this happen? ... Views: 1263
For many people, dating and relationships are not about relating but about mind reading. Do you know what I mean?
When you are starting to date someone, isn't your mind busy analyzing your date's every action? Does he like me? What does she mean by that? Will he call again? Did I say the right ... Views: 970
If your conversations tend to be one-way or marked by defensive reactions from those on the receiving end, it's time to review and improve your communication skills. Last week, we addressed the importance of creating a context when initiating a conversation, particularly a difficult ... Views: 918
Communicating is one of the most important things a couple can do together to keep their relationship strong and full of vitality. In fact, without communication there is no intimacy in a relationship. Intimacy -- or literally "in-to-me-see" -- cannot exist without both partners revealing ... Views: 915
Relationships and business dealings rely on our ability to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly from one person to another; due to this reliance, it is critical to ensure effective communication skills to avoid the cost incurred by misunderstandings - but what happens when we don’t? The damage ... Views: 1020
Would you say that your customers are satisfied with the products and services provided by your organization? Do you think that having satisfied customers indicates that your organization is one that provides exceptional customer service? If so, think about what the word satisfaction really ... Views: 1443
The way people perceive you will depend upon the way you interact with them. We interact with people in one of three basic modes:
• Superior to inferior.
• Inferior to superior.
• Equal to equal.
The superior-to-inferior relationship can take several forms.
One is the ... Views: 1304
Almost everyone nowadays knows what it means to say an alcoholic is "in denial." This is the alcoholic who tells himself and the world "I can quit any time I want to." He doesn't quit, though, and doesn't recognize the impact of his drinking on himself or on those who care about him. Denial ... Views: 698
One of the most important ingredients of successful communication is rapport. Whether your communication is with one person or several hundred, to be effective and get the outcome you want, harmonious relationship is essential.
Next time you go to a restaurant, observe the people sitting with ... Views: 957
One of the most important ingredients of successful communication is rapport. Whether your communication is with one person or several hundred, to be effective and get the outcome you want, harmonious relationship is essential.
Next time you go to a restaurant, observe the people sitting with ... Views: 693
This is a time of historically extraordinary change for most organizations and individuals. We are moving quickly from the Information Age to the Age of Communication. The exceptional turns of business events we are currently experiencing result from the need for communication. While there may ... Views: 1419
Having spent many years consulting Information Technology (IT) type companies and supervising IT projects I have learned one thing? IT people are very analytical. In fact, they can be down right difficult to communicate with.
I must admit, working with these people is not always easy and many ... Views: 607
These tips are a great starting point to help you to get someone to listen carefully when that other person is not paying any heed to what you are saying.
1 Speak more softly. This will cause most people to ask you to speak up!
2 Confuse your friend. Say something that does not make sense. ... Views: 1296
Did you know that the second greatest social fear people have is the fear of starting and carrying on a conversation with someone they don't know. The greatest social fear is speaking in public. Why are we afraid to speak with people we don't know? Perhaps it stems from being told as children ... Views: 693
I wrote in my book " Embracing the Mystery " that there was nothing as flattering or as rare as the undivided attention of another. The fact is that people just don't listen well. I think it was Mark Twain who wrote that a bore is someone who wants to talk about himself when I want to talk about ... Views: 4409
I disagree with the old saying, "You only get one chance to make a great first impression." You've probably heard that first impressions are critical in your business and personal relationships. They say that people hold on to their first impressions of you, and that they can't be changed. ... Views: 688
Let’s face it. the majority of people in business are nice, yet professional. Sometimes as managers though, niceness overtakes the need to manage effectively. Read any business magazine and you’ll get advice such as “Never criticize an employee directly.” Other books or speakers encourage you to ... Views: 2872
Language: The Key that Opens or Closes that Important Door
Language is one of the things that sets us apart as beings, one of the things that essentially defines us as humans. When language is used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others, motivate others to action and define the nature ... Views: 1089
When we communicate verbally with others, either in a conversation or in a presentation, our usual goal is to have people understand what we are trying to say. In order to accomplish this, we should remember the acronym KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). When we talk to others, we assume they will ... Views: 900
In the role of the aloof we distance ourselves from others, avoiding meaningful or honest emotional contact. In this way, we are less likely to be hurt or controlled by people’s negative emotions, requests or demands.
1. We hide from the intimidator’s attack, the ... Views: 1545
There is a simple art to networking and the good news is, should you choose to put forth a conscience effort to improve the way you communicate, networking can and will become second nature to you, it is really just that simple. A personal touch big or small makes a big difference in how others ... Views: 595
The acronym USP (Unique Selling Proposition) was created by Rosser Reeves, marketing expert in the 1960's. Over time, his concept has been used by others, called different names by different individuals and pretty much has taken on a life of its own. You might know about this concept, but call ... Views: 725
I'm not sure what the history of "excuses" is, except to know that a majority of the time excuses equal some sort of self-dishonesty.
They're part of what we thought we "should do" vs. being a "must do"! Excuses come from us not being able to take our own "no's". They're what we say to people ... Views: 749
Eight Great Strategies for Working Any Room
By Susan RoAne
Walking into a room full of people, especially strangers, is daunting for 93% of American adults. Yet, our careers, businesses and social lives are enhanced by our ability to meet, mingle, interact and make connections. For over ... Views: 790
“Those in conflict are unable to sustain a productive and stable exchange,” according to Craig Rashkis, a mediator who has a master’s degree in dispute resolution from Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution.
In his article Workplace Conflict and the Importance of ... Views: 1470
The role of Victim (poor me) is a favorite for many of us. There are so many benefits we can ascertain by playing the role of the victim.
1. We automatically gain self-worth. Follow this reasoning closely. As a victim, we are the one to whom injustice is being done, thus the others are ... Views: 20175
As you read the title of this article perhaps you were thinking "umm... I don't know... could I?" If that was the case for you then I want you to begin by thinking about something in your life that is not how you would like it to be right now - a person who is annoying you; a situation which ... Views: 908