We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Instincts and Basic Instincts". If you have expertise in Instincts and Basic Instincts and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In COBOL applications, handling files correctly is crucial for ensuring that data is read, written, and processed efficiently. When opening a file in COBOL, you might encounter a variety of errors, one of which is a status code 90 error. This error typically signals that the file cannot be ... Views: 53
We all need a bit of creative inspiration from time to time.
Whether we’re looking for new hobbies to master or have a work project to tackle, creativity can be the secret to making it happen.
But if you’re feeling less than inspired as of late, never fear.
We have seven ways to improve your ... Views: 827
Have you ever wondered what fuels your motivations and drives your attitude and behavior? You'd like to think it's all a conscious decision and the result of in-depth rationalization on your part. There's truth to that, but there are many other levers inside of you that act ... Views: 912
The major that you choose will be the very beginning of your career decisions. Your major will draw a circle within which your professional life will fall.
This decision should not be taken lightly, but there are ways to ensure that you choose a major that will make you happy in the long ... Views: 1284
Does anything in your life scare you? Perhaps there’s something you’re afraid to do or say?
I bet there is. In fact, I know there is. Because we humans rely on fear to survive. (And have for a long time. Like, millions of years long.) Very often, fear runs our life.
Most of us hate ... Views: 1024
Why did he leave me by Beth Shepherd psychic and therapist
I met George six years ago and we hit it off instantly, he was everything I wanted in a man, sensible, bright, caring, loving, sexy, good looking, kind, great job, good with money, responsible and mature! I was over the moon and we ... Views: 1087
Sometimes we realize that we have become angry too quickly and that there are also no really objective reasons to justify this level of anger. It is possible that this happens to us in a continuous way, but ow to stop being angry for no reason?
1. Control your perspective
It is possible ... Views: 1281
At some level or another, most of us are afraid of change.
One of the main reasons is that we get comfortable with the way things are. Not quite as comfortable as a frog being heated up in a bowl of water not noticing that’s about to be cooked. But almost.
Familiarity is good. It’s almost ... Views: 1281
"How do we qualify information as it enters our 'field' ?" The resonance of truth varies depending on our ability to be aware at deeper levels. We have a 'field' that surrounds us, a kind of 'spidey sense' that we often neglect.
How do we 'vet' the information and people providing it so that ... Views: 1716
Intuition is a term that’s often used, and we all think we know what it means. But let’s look at the actual definition of intuition before we go on to explore if you can trust yours or not. The Cambridge English Dictionary describes intuition as:
1. (knowledge from) an ability to understand ... Views: 1742
As teachers, we have to create an environment in the classroom where children are exposed to high-quality language in diverse forms. Basically, language acquisition and its use constitute the fundamental areas of reading, writing, and communication and these are taught in details in a language ... Views: 1600
Did you know that the West Coast Offense in American football began as a mistake? In his book, “The Score Takes Care of Itself,” late NFL Hall of Fame Coach Bill Walsh recalls how a botched play led to a major change in how football teams run their offense. It goes back to a time when he was an ... Views: 2780
Addiction has been considered a disease by medical science rather than a character flaw for decades. In spite of that belief, it is only recently that we have been seeing real studies that back up this claim, providing us with a scientific basis for the brain-addiction connection.
We can ... Views: 4156
Dr. Romance writes:
When I met Richard , my husband, October 10, 1981, he was sitting outside, and the sun was glinting off his red hair, and my whole body and soul said "wow!" We married on May 9, 1982, and thirty-four years later, we’re still happy. It ... Views: 2872
When you meet an old friend that you haven’t seen in years and you have been thinking about them prior, is that a coincidence?
When something happens to you and then another related thing happens and both may seem to be amazingly odd at the time is this just incidental occurrences? If you ... Views: 3059
Developing intuition involves openness to the direct subliminal experience of significant true insights, such as, alerting us to potential dangers, opportunities, or a true understanding of seemingly ambiguous situations, when such crucial insights may ... Views: 3522
What if you’ve done all of the right things for yourself and your business, but you still feel uninspired? What do you do?
Christina, a business owner, was getting ready to start her day at the office. She’d been doing a great job this year setting goals and achieving them, based on her ... Views: 3127
“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
-Henry David Thoreau
Indeed, we have immense potential within us. If we set our hearts on achieving something, we can always do it. However, the biggest journey is not reaching your destination ... Views: 3943
If you are a student and have an urgent assignment due and you may be going through a writer's block or are too confused to start working on your assignment; don't worry, because you can order a sample assignment to clear your mind of doubts. The sample ordered will look exactly like your ... Views: 3286
Most people who work out do so all year. But do things like a change in the seasons affect your workout schedule? Actually, the seasons can help you bring some fresh changes to your routine and allow you to set reachable goals for yourself. As each new change in weather and sunlight brings a new ... Views: 4865
God uses birds to teach, if only we will learn from the birds ... doves .. eagles ... we can learn a lot from these "bird brains."
Although there are more than 9,000 bird species in the world, still blue jays do not mate with cardinals, nor do robins mate with sparrows.
Birds have been ... Views: 3269
Be honest. When was the last time you leaped out of bed, threw open the window and said, "Thank god I'm alive! This is the most glorious day, and today I'm going to do something so fabulous it will change my entire life?"
-- Kathleen Neville
Over the last several days, people have ... Views: 5134
You’ve likely had numerous occasions in life where you had to make a major decision regarding careers, relationships, residences, investments, family, children, and other realms of life responsibilities that have significantly impacted your happiness, fulfillment, and contentment. What are the ... Views: 3276
The Island of Utopia
Freedom – the most misunderstood word in the English language
If there was a poll to decide what is the most misunderstood word in the English language I think freedom might be high in the voting stakes. When there are millions of people how can we all live together ... Views: 3668
So you hear a little inner voice, a little "message." Or you feel an inkling, a sense that directs you this way rather than that. Is this a voice or a feeling you should follow? Is this your intuition or just an active imagination?
This is a question most of us face as we seek to access our ... Views: 3809
People who fight for preservation of a species, often neglect what preservation of life requires, which is in many cases, the end of another life.
Humans are the only creature who can choose an alternate food source. Lions cannot become vegetarians as much as elephants can become ... Views: 3617
Use your intuition as it is the wisdom within from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings whether we are aware of it or not. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and ... Views: 4950
How romantic are you? Quiz. It tends to be considered to be old fashioned now to be interested in charm, dating, getting to know someone and to use courtesy and court a lover. Holding hands, sending flowers, sending love letters and many other things can be a sign of living this ... Views: 4312
1. A housewife who loves to make chapati
2. A poor man – a hunchback – a man with a grotesque bump on his back. A man who can’t stand up straight and looks all hunched over. Not a pleasant sight.
3. A son who was no longer ... Views: 4318
When change happens, when we are caught in a place that feels like a maze, when life seems to throw us a curve ball, it is in those times that I am most grateful for the investment in my personal practice and life skills that are continually expanding.
Sometimes the emotional winds are cold, ... Views: 4874
Society has trained us over the years to turn down the volume on our intuition. We have become to doubt our intuition so much, that we no longer listen to or even believe in our intuition. Your intuition is that little voice inside you that knows before you even think about anything. What little ... Views: 3588
There is a strangely sad and lonely feeling that surrounds me. I feel sorrow well up in my eyes, as fluid dashes from my heavy stomach up past my throat, just stopping short of falling from my eyelashes as tears and caressing my cheeks.
I know this moment is about discovery; possibly of self ... Views: 3751
Can an athlete think too much? Well, yes and no. It depends on the time and place. Talk to any athlete whose under-performing. They will admit too many thoughts interfere with sports performance.
During high pressure moments of a competition, racing thoughts, critical thoughts or too many ... Views: 3745
While lawnmower ownership can be highly rewarding for people who like to keep immaculate and well-groomed lawns, they can also be highly expensive to repair and maintain. Next time you think there is something wrong with your lawnmower, why not check out the problem yourself and see if you can ... Views: 9851
A Woman’s Intuition
That little voice inside your head that gives you warnings about people and situations, is it real? Should I have listened to my friends all those years ago that told me the guy I was about to marry was bad news, after my money, arrogant, not good enough for me…..? ... Views: 4072
The Development of Communication Skills
Communication is nothing more than getting people to understand what’s on your mind or understanding exactly what they are thinking. The successful communicator is also able to get people to follow because they understand how to motivate people to do ... Views: 3553
Recently I awoke groggy from a night of fitful sleep. Later that day I received a call from a friend who said she wanted to talk with me and share an observation about website opt-in offers. (I made a new freebie available in early April.) My immediate assumption was that something was wrong. My ... Views: 3311
"Oops! ...I Did It Again”
Yes, I did it again! I didn’t trust my gut and got lost in someone else’s game. My natural sixth sense kicked in. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to make better decisions, avoid some of the “Ugly Stuff” & sometimes people that aren’t necessarily “Pretty”. ... Views: 4684
For this week’s Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meetings, I chose the topic “Spontaneity and Trusting Your Instincts.” To walk the talk, I did not plan an agenda, but trusted the likelihood that interesting things to say about planning, spontaneity and trusting your instincts ... Views: 3573
By Ida Tyree Hyche, Esq.
Baby Boomers have become the “eldercare generation.” A Baby Boomer myself, that statement came to heart when I researched alleged elder abuse of a family relative in the Black Belt of Greene County by an automobile dealership.
While most cases of ... Views: 8104
You can gain courage by training your subconscious mind in a special way. This exercise is simple to do, but is very powerful. You see, your subconscious will accept and act on any impressions it receives that are repetitive and highly emotional. This training can help improve your life. ... Views: 4145
This term has become popular within the last few years and makes a lot of sense but my question to you is this: Are you capable of thinking out of the box? We generally solve problems based on what we know to be true and what has worked or seemed to work in past experiences. Now generally this ... Views: 3308
Did you ever wonder why two people with identical I.Q. education and upbringing can have totally different opinions about so many things?
For example, the editorial writers for the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, frequently interpret recent political events so differently, you ... Views: 5506
Our behaviour is a reflection of our emotions; how we feel. And the feelings come from our thoughts and our environmental experiences.
Would it be fair to say that when you think about something very sad (tsunami, earthquakes) your feelings tend to tune in with the thought? For a lot of ... Views: 3625
Have you ever needed to make the right choice or decision but you're just not sure what to do? It happens a lot in our lives and it would be great if you could just get the right answer with confidence and move forward.
Well, you can when you use your special power called intuition to guide ... Views: 3686
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
As a parent, how would you rate yourself? Parenting may yet be the greatest challenge in any person’s life. Even parents who’ve had children before don’t always know what to do. Being a good parent isn’t about memorizing rules on what to do in ... Views: 3982
Low cost lead generation, lead capture pages, article writing, free traffic, mlm leads, funded proposal, e-mail responder, training videos ... hum. There is a lot to digest here especially, if you are new to the Internet network marketing industry.
All of this was foreign to me too, so I ... Views: 3923
“Intuition is truly a feminine quality, but women should not mistake rash conclusions for this gift.”~Minna Antrim
The other day I was listening to my friend tell me about her 25 minute “date” with this guy “who had nothing going for him.” As she’s talking I’m thinking: WTF?! So I ask her ... Views: 4430