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According to Deloitte’s recent Shift Index survey, 80% of people are actually dissatisfied with their job. They hate going to work most days. If you’re reading this article I guess that includes You.
What a way to live - I should know, because I was in that situation for the best part of a ... Views: 1839
Staying sober requires that we develop skills that further long-term abstinence. While there are many ways to achieve recovery, I would like to discuss Mindfulness as a tool that has been valuable to me and a host of clients I’ve worked with over the last 28 years.
Mindfulness is a concept ... Views: 2748
Do you want to know how to improve brain function naturally? The brain is a powerful asset and if you want to strengthen it, you will need to work it. It is just like how a body builder needs to exercise in order to become stronger. There are many techniques to improving your mind, but I will ... Views: 1705
Are you wondering how to use mind power to attract success in your life? I don’t know who you are, where you come from or what you are going through, but I do know that every individual has the ability to mold his or her destiny, and the mind holds the power to do just that. Your subconscious ... Views: 1751
Are you looking for ways on how to attract wealth? Wealth and abundance already exist in this world that we live in. It is just a matter of knowing how to draw them to your life. You may have to change your lifestyle a little, but I assure you that once you make these changes, you will begin to ... Views: 1526
‘Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence’ - Thomas Szasz
When was the last time you were reading a book and after finishing a page had absolutely no idea what you were reading about? Since we juggle so much in today’s lifestyle, multitasking our way through each day, that our ... Views: 1471
Take a moment to think about what your ideal outcome would be in any situation that is taking up your thoughts and time at the moment. Really sit a second, and try to get a clear picture in your mind, or on paper, what being unstuck would look like before ... Views: 1209
Are you constantly thinking about improving brain power and how you can do it? Well, there are a myriad of ways you can do that, and it will take ages for me to describe them to you in detail. In this article, I will summarize a few simple techniques that you can give a shot if you are starting ... Views: 1555
Incorporating some form of daily meditation into every day is something many people use to be more successful both personally and professionally! For the typical internet entrepreneur this is especially true since the environment they work in is a very busy and hectic one indeed! Now some may ... Views: 1260
What if you’ve done all of the right things for yourself and your business, but you still feel uninspired? What do you do?
Christina, a business owner, was getting ready to start her day at the office. She’d been doing a great job this year setting goals and achieving them, based on her ... Views: 3116
Are you looking for ways to increase mind power? Today, I will be sharing with you three ways you can do just that. They are pretty easy, and if you follow them, you should be able to see the results pretty quickly. Anyway, check out the rest of the article to learn more!
The first suggestion ... Views: 2672
The secret to manifesting your desires with ease…
If you haven’t heard of flower essences, you may be amazed to learn about this powerful modality; many people have been astonished by the results they experience. Those who have been using flower essences for a long time are often still ... Views: 2589
Have you ever wondered about why the law of attraction is so powerful? With it, you can influence your destiny. Check out this mind power training that I have for you today where we will be discussing about this in greater detail.
Let me break it down this mind power training for you. The law ... Views: 2750
Did you know that your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and with the right mind power techniques, you can use it to mold you future? No, it isn’t about your skill sets or talents. Everything starts in the mind.
There are many mind power techniques out there, but here is one in its very ... Views: 2494
On a recent Spring evening, I sat in the audience at the Broadway musical excited to see Kinky Boots and not knowing much about the plot … or the wisdom of the lead character and real life shoemaker Charlie Price.
Prior to Harvey Fierstein and Cyndi Lauper wisely teaming up to create the ... Views: 1488
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” ~ Albert Einstein
What is a Miracle?
The dictionary defines a miracle as an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. A miracle is some ... Views: 1751
In today’s fickle economy, it doesn’t take much for an individual to get discouraged about their finances. The prospect of securing that career you have always dreamt about may be far fetch. There are many people that are pounding the pavement in search of employment. They are going by means of ... Views: 961
One of your greatest powers is ... your imagination.
Let me explain. William James was a philosopher and one of the leading thinkers a century ago. He said this about the power of the mind: “Anything you may hold firmly in your imagination can be yours.” He believed there was tremendous power ... Views: 1785
If you regularly attend mind power training seminars, you will know that visualization is a very powerful activity that you can do at home. In fact, the simple act of visualizing something can even change your destiny. In this article I will talk more about this so stick around and I hope you ... Views: 2195
We have each been given a wonderful mind, one that is capable of learning and storing staggering amounts of information. How well we learn has to do with both the way the information is being presented to us and in how the information is being received by us. This sharing of information is a ... Views: 2064
The definition of success varies wildly depending on who you ask. My definition and yours might be completely different, or they may differ because we are simply working on different things in our lives. You may be working on quitting smoking, someone else may be trying to lose weight, I may be ... Views: 820
One of my favorite quotes and I think one of the most effective principles and getting positive results in our lives is this: "It is in our defenselessness that your safety lies" That is from A Course in Miracles.
The concept of defenselessness is something that is foreign to many people. It ... Views: 1210
While at a fund-raising event for "at-risk" students, I was captivated by a youth who had tattoed the phrase, "I am my worst enemy," across his chest.
I struck up a conversation and discovered that he had already learned this vital lesson: Your mind can be your best friend or your worst ... Views: 1947
The mind power training that I will be giving you today will be on the topic of subliminal messages and how they can be used to improve yourself. Subliminal messages are very subtle messages that only your subconscious mind can pick up. The person who sees this message may not act on it ... Views: 3617
The Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret teaches how you can have, be and do whatever you want in life. So why focus on money?
Money on its own is neither good nor bad. It is the meaning we give it. However, there is an urgent need for teaching the laws of creating money to the ... Views: 1412
This article is about tuning yourself to your state of physical well-being and health. Our extremely intelligent bodies are made up of trillions of cells which have their own consciousness and seek and find alignment and balance on their own, at all times. Our natural state is one of absolute ... Views: 1313
Every day, we’re faced with different challenges. Some things are obviously more challenging than others, but with every one of them we are faced with having to make a decision about it. That decision involves a choice, which is what and how we think about it.
Because what we think about ... Views: 1086
Do you find yourself in dire straits at the moment? You need to realize that you can turn things around if you use the right mind power techniques. In this article I will briefly describe how you can turn your circumstances around for the better.
But first, let me give you some background ... Views: 1028
Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! I have to admit that I am a little bit of a royal groupie. So, for me I followed the princes birth, but not as excessively as some people have. I know there are some people that would rather not hear anything at all about the royal family. I ... Views: 1143
Are you looking for personal development activities to improve brain function? Well, there are actually tons of ways to do that. Your mind is a powerful tool, so it would behoove all of us to boost its power. Stick around as I show you how you can better your mind’s power.
But first, let me ... Views: 1651
“What can I do?,” cried Sharon, “I can’t do anything! I don’t even know where to start! I want to save my marriage, but he refuses to even think about it.” And with that, Sharon launched into a discussion that lasted at least 25 minutes, telling me why nothing could be done, why her marriage ... Views: 1968
(Q1) If I really believe something but others don't how does LOA work. e.g. if I had money invested in a horse or the stock market and I really believed that I would make money from this venture but the other people who owned the horse or had the same shares as me didn't believe this how would ... Views: 1995
Because a job in selling is relatively easy to get, many sales managers these days are faced with abnormally high turnover ratios. The primary reason for this is often related to management and their motivational techniques, as opposed to bad hiring decisions. Although there have been a ... Views: 1068
Life can be very boring every now and then. You could be sitting at home, doing nothing. Not even willing to go take a walk or call a friend to hang out. It gets that boring especially when you are living alone. Sometimes it makes you reach the point where you want to sleep for the whole ... Views: 3581
Every business owner realizes the key to maintaining sales is having salespeople who are highly motivated and goal oriented. When management has the ability to motivate their sales force effectively, it creates a highly charged and positive atmosphere. They can do this through there own methods, ... Views: 1455
Motivation is the force that moves and guides us all. Without motivation, there would be no innovation, no future to speak of, and no reason to wake up in the morning. We all need motivation to accomplish what we set out to do. We are never lacking in motivation, only in keys to free it from its ... Views: 1105
We all associate arthritis with the aging process; our joints simply don’t work as well as we age. In the GPS Gide below, Personal Development expert Rob White explains that there’s another kind of arthritis that can set in way earlier -- it’s called Arthritis of the Mind. It’s a rigidity that ... Views: 1661
Brainwave entrainment is defined as the process of introducing a change in the brainwave patterns in such a way that a better and more desirable state of mind is achieved.
Brainwave entrainment is done in such a manner that individuals are able to cope up with brain related problems like ... Views: 1982
The human brain is a really powerful asset. You use it every day, but scientists have revealed that most people do not harness the full capabilities of their brain. Do you want to enhance your mind so that it can be of greater use in your daily activities? Today, I will be sharing with you some ... Views: 2584
All of us feel sorry for ourselves from time to time but to stay in a state of self-pity is not healthy. It's not healthy for you, your family, your friends, or anyone else you associate with.
I'm not saying that I don't want you to feel your feelings. But I don't want you to stay so low in ... Views: 1313
This is a short but sweet mindset shift that can dramatically improve your life. It definitely has changed the quality of my life for the better.
Normally, people go through their lives and get pushed and pulled around by their emotions, causing their moods to be a direct result of what ... Views: 1595
Science has taught us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Luckily, it can be harnessed to benefit you in ways you’ve never imagined. There are a few tricks you can employ in order to help you improve your mind and body power to help you operate to your fullest ... Views: 1131
There are many ways to see things, yet we often stay committed to one version of reality...even if it keeps us stuck.
A while back, I had a coaching session with a woman who was convinced she couldn't do what she really wanted to do with her life.
She longed to change careers, but was ... Views: 1348
Life is full of stressful events.
When you encounter a threatening situation, your body reacts with a stress response that helps you avoid or make it through the situation. The stress response initiates a cascade of changes that tenses up your muscles, speeds up breathing and heartbeat, ... Views: 1021
Information overload is a common and silent enemy for entrepreneurs working online! Information is great if we can process and use it otherwise too much of it can disrupt our productivity and even our creative intelligence! The internet environment itself is all about content therefore it's ... Views: 954
Have you ever felt disappointed because you broke a promise to yourself or you failed to keep a resolution? Did you give up on goals because you felt you let yourself down when you were not strong-minded enough to follow through? It is easy to become disillusioned and too self-critical when all ... Views: 1516
I am a huge fan of finding ways to improve and create a fulfilling lifestyle, delving into book after book for many years. I wasn’t only interested in new things that you could do, but also curious why some individuals seem to effortlessly have what they want while others struggle day in and ... Views: 1662
We often hear the word “stress” bandied about in day-to-day life. Whether it’s at work, home, or a mixture of both, difficult situations and pressure affect us all. In today’s typically hectic lifestyle and with the ambition to ‘have it all’, it may seem like stress is just part of the process ... Views: 1666
By unleashing the incredible hidden weapon, the power of the brain, one can be able to achieve anything they want. By using brainwave entrainment, one can even be able to do things that seem supernatural or out of this world. All this ability lies in the brain. One’s brain is capable of ... Views: 1266
Sometimes, one feels like they should be doing something more in their life other than what they are doing currently to improve mind and life. One feels as if they are not moving forward or their life is not exciting enough. One feels frustrated and unfulfilled. This is a feeling that every one ... Views: 1173