We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Mind Power". If you have expertise in Mind Power and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Keeping your mind wide open will allow you to explore more interesting things that will give you the opportunity to expand more in your career or study. You will be able to learn and adapt new things. Through various experiences of people and events that have happened and are currently ... Views: 1175
Increasing your mental power is an easy thing to achieve through the use of brain busters. These are brain stimulants that trigger your brain to boost up its power. They are widely considered as games for children; however, they are also used to exercise the adult brain. This is actually a ... Views: 1154
When it comes to the self help industry, thoughts are often described as having the power to create one’s life and therefore to define what one attracts into their life. And there are numerous authors and experts that espouse this perspective.
One can learn about this through all kinds of ... Views: 1776
In the face of the challenge that threatens humanity each and every day, some people have resolved to go for the self-help method through subliminal software. Subliminal is one of the ways that have been adapted by individuals to control their mind. If you are able to control the way you think ... Views: 1091
What are your beliefs around, what you deserve to achieve financially in your life? Is inviting financial abundance into your experience, seen as a gift and a way to increase your philanthropic activities or do you view money as “The Root of all Evil”. Holding onto either of these two ... Views: 1109
People have never known how great brain power can be. No matter how low your brainpower is, if you work on the ways to make it improve, in the long run, you will do things that you will never thought you will able to. But how do you get to improve your brain and control the way you behave? This ... Views: 1516
My daughter is always suggesting new applications for my phone, so under protest I downloaded MapMyRun, one of a series of fitness apps. Being in my fifties and barely finishing 2.5km each run, my attitude has been to do it while I still can. Logging my performance was in the past, when I ran ... Views: 1501
The Mind is an unlimited resource. We have seen such incredible growth in recent decades to prove it; exponential growth in industry, technology, agriculture, spirituality and an awareness of humanity in general. This growth, this accelerated evolution of the Human experience, is a direct ... Views: 2314
We’ve all been in that place, but the uncertainty can mean the beginning of an important transformation.
The days start innocently enough. We wake up, a bit sleepier then usual, and we don’t really want to get out of bed. Wouldn’t it be nice if today were a Saturday or Sunday? And yet, at ... Views: 1594
Do people comment that you have a bad memory span? Or do you really feel that you are getting a little more forgetful these days? Fret not, because there are genuine ways for you to improve your memory power. In this article I will be describing three ways you can do so, so I stick around and ... Views: 1449
Are you familiar with the law of attraction? It talks about how your current thoughts can determine the outcomes of daily situations. You see, our thoughts and situations are made up of energy, and this energy attracts like energy. That is just how the Universe works. Hence, if you are an ... Views: 1199
Over almost three decades of the existence of my vocal school, I had in my possession, estimated, close to 20 000 students to date, and that not to count numerous workshops and seminars I've conducted around the world.
My "claim to fame" for all these years has been: Beginner to pro-singer ... Views: 2497
Have you ever heard of neuro-linguistic programming, also known as NLP? It comprises of ways and techniques to understand human behavior. Quite often, people make use of the power of the mind and emotions to mold the way they behave. This often results in them learning a new skill or becoming a ... Views: 3112
As a freshman at Duke, my wife's second cousin Ansley was a great tennis player. She finished that year as the NCAA's second-ranked player and was a first team all-American. She also carried a GPA of 3.8. After that year, she decided to leave school and join the women's tour. During the ensuing ... Views: 1189
Good decision-making comes from critical thinking. We all think but do we think critically? So, what is critical thinking? It is the art of thinking about your thinking in order to make your thinking better, clearer, more accurate and more defensive. According to Cambridge dictionary, "Critical ... Views: 1191
Creativity is usually defined as the ability to produce something worthwhile, meaningful, and original—a literary or artistic work, a solution to a problem, an innovative product, a scientific discovery, or even a good joke. Obviously, what may be considered new and valuable will vary depending ... Views: 1533
One of my mottos is, Hold fast to your vision, regardless of what is going on around you, because you need the power of your vision to transform your perception and your current reality.
When you truly stop believing (and living) in the past (i.e., past experiences, beliefs, thoughts, ... Views: 1900
I had the honor of meeting author Robert Holden recently when we both spoke at the Hay House IGNITE event in San Jose, CA (which was an amazing experience, by the way). Robert is someone whom I’ve admired for quite some time. It was wonderful to get a chance to meet him in person and hear him ... Views: 1666
Building a business is a fantastic and challenging experience. You can wake up exhilarated to begin your day and go to bed feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. The key to success is to maintain a positive "yes, I can do it" mindset.
Easier said than done, right? Here are 5 keys to help you ... Views: 948
As you embark on subconscious learning, you will discover the vast possibilities that lay before you. This part of the brain can be tapped into in order to access a range of options in life, which were never thought possible. As a matter of fact, it has been discovered that human beings use only ... Views: 1150
The subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and it surpasses what the conscious mind knows. The subconscious is considered to be in direct connection with immeasurable power known as the collective mind. Knowing how to use your collective mind effectively allows you to use the power of ... Views: 3791
Telepathy along with Intuition, are natural human instincts that are a part of us as much as arms and legs are.
We can all sing and of course like anything some of us are better at it than others, the same rules apply when we are talking telepathy. Through hard work and determination we can ... Views: 1594
You can fly -astrally, while your brain resonates with the theta brainwave state, using brainwave entrainment.
A deep theta trance state is necessary for an out of body experience, flying, or astral projecting. This state of consciousness is not easy to do on your own because you need the ... Views: 1901
Are you sleep deprived? Do you have trouble remembering when you last woke up refreshed and ready for the day?
Restore this most important period of your day by listening to, and falling asleep with delta brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment can introduce a delta brainwave pattern to ... Views: 3008
Humans tend to like complaining how life is so unfair, and how badly a need for a life change is necessary. But the moment they are really about to embark on that change, they hesitate, and somehow feel the right time hasn’t come.
So in that case, has the time come for you to experience a ... Views: 1134
Life will control you if you let it. You cannot let this happen if you want to shape life to your liking. You need to control life and dictate the terms on which you are prepared to live. It's a bit like having a staring contest with life and the first to blink is the loser. It's not quite that ... Views: 1106
Newborn babies have only two fears: loud noises and falling. All of your other fears are the product of memory, the learning you glean from past experience.
Here's how I think it happens: as you get older, you extrapolate the idea of falling. Falling off a bike becomes synonymous with falling ... Views: 1843
This is part 4 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Patience. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1617
"Being in the moment", or present moment awareness, during a mindfulness meditative state, while using brainwave entrainment, can alter your brain, physically and emotionally, and change how you experience your life, on a daily basis.
The mindfulness state means focusing on something, in a ... Views: 1900
First of all, you may wonder, what brainwave entrainment is and why you would want to try it.
Brainwave entrainment is a cutting edge neuro-technological self-help tool that allows you, in the privacy of your own home, to alter your dominant brainwave frequency, to produce different states of ... Views: 1473
Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven system that will guide your dominant brainwave frequency, to the frequency required to energize your desires, providing a strong and fast formula for their manifestation.
Your desire won't manifest if it is not emotionally charged or energized ... Views: 1957
Mind power is very vital for people to succeed in life. It gives out important information and success depends on how one is able to use it. Therefore, the brain power can greatly enhance one's performance in any part of life through use of mind tricks. Success also depends on what kind of ... Views: 1527
Psychosomatics describe mind power as one's ability to show things like emotions, memory, will and imagination. Therefore, mind power can be taken as part of a humans' or individuals' personality, where the mental process is able to perform its duties without gaining consciousness there is a lot ... Views: 948
"A science of mind is a goal which has engrossed thousands of generations of Man. Armies, dynasties and whole civilizations have perished for the lack of it. Rome went to dust for the want of it. China swims in blood for the need of it. And down in the arsenal is an atom bomb, its hopeful nose ... Views: 872
Do you have trouble dealing with past failures? No matter how hard you try to convince yourself you have changed and you really do want to succeed this time, there is always that history of past failure. You are doing your best to push it to the back of your mind, but you are still aware of it ... Views: 2410
There are a few reasons out there, that can contribute to the greying of our precious locks, none least of which is genetics.
You can't run away from your family genes, I'm afraid. If your family stared turning white in their teens, as mine did, you probably will follow suit...thank God for ... Views: 1738
How to overcome negative thoughts
How to overcome negative thoughts? Well first, I am sure that most of you have experienced a situation where you are overly excited about a certain goal and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to obtain that certain something, whatever it might be, but ... Views: 1185
When you don't have enough money to pay the bills or to live life the way you wish, your mindset is one of lack. There's no other way around it. You are going to feel the lack. With the way the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration work, that then, will be the only thing you will attract ... Views: 1797
Brainwave entrainment is a process that allows you to alter your dominant brainwave frequency to a state of consciousness that will help you actually achieve your goals, when willpower alone has let you down.
Every year about this time, just about everyone world- wide, takes a look at their ... Views: 1539
The beginning of a new year is not the only time that you may take stock of your habits and decide that you need to reign some of them in, but it often represents a place or a time to start.
Brainwave entrainment is a personal technological tool that helps you access specific brainwave ... Views: 1642
Brainwave entrainment is an easy way to access the frequency of your subconscious mind, which is where you need to go if you wish to achieve your goals in an effective manner.
The subconscious mind controls 98% of your perception and behaviour. This unconscious part of your mind processes ... Views: 1523
How do you solve a problem? Obviously you would try different things depending on the problem you’re facing, but I bet your first step is almost always to sit down and think about it. You might try to break the problem down into smaller parts to analyse, or you might look back to similar ... Views: 2303
Hope is the most beautiful thing in life. It keeps you going at darkest times and it keeps you alive. As long as you have hope, you will survive to live another day and no day will ever be as bad as long as you allow hope to support you.
Aside from the silly introductions, I am not going to ... Views: 1902
I wanted to write this post as an official announcement of the creation of the psychodynamic marketing method. Psychodynamic can be broken down into dynamic meaning development and psychological or pertaining to the mind. Therefore, psychodynamic marketing is a method in which a company is ... Views: 1779
The in vogue nature of solar contact for increasing good health, increasing bodily and mental strength and therapy for Prana Energy intensification and soul uplifting is as ancient as human birth. In virtually all religions of the world at some time or the other a widespread popularity of solar ... Views: 1599
Your lungs and your brain have one thing in common: they both run on autopilot unless you take conscious control of their activity.
Your breathing happens automatically. But if you decide to take a deep breath, the automation stops. As long as you're thinking about breathing, you'll have ... Views: 1543
What if failure, disappointment and frustration are only a perception? What if so called failures are actually launching pads for incredible motivation and inspiration? What if the only thing that is stopping us from turning our perceived failures into accomplishment, is simply a decision? ... Views: 1688
You may be familiar with Dave Ramsey's philosophy of making your money work for you by living on less than you make, in other words "act your wage." During a meeting with a client earlier this week, she commented, "I wish my entire sales team would act their wage. They all set big goals at the ... Views: 1262
Holidays are often bittersweet. We (generally!) love being with family and/or friends, we love the sharing of stories, the non-denominational feel of being grateful. We love the food!
But, as my friend Robin says, people tend to bring their baggage in along with their pies on Thanksgiving! ... Views: 1246
Miracle Brain System is a self improvement program that was recently launched on 10 December 2012. This program is created by Chris D'Cruz, author of Universal Life Secrets and other self help products.
The author's claim is that his system can help you to access your cerebral powers to ... Views: 3754