We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Mind Power". If you have expertise in Mind Power and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you are like most people, you must make too many decisions every day of your life. You feel overwhelmed from all of your carefully considered decisions.
Scientists have proven that if we have any more than 7 things to choose from, we go into overload, so by the time we go through the ... Views: 2083
The TRUTH about ZOX Pro Training and the eBrain Executive Seminar:
I first want to point out that we do not over-emphasize our seminars to you. Of course, I will openly tell you they exist. And I will also report to you when and where they are happening. And yes,… the one that I will most ... Views: 2261
Imagine pulling open a good long novel while sitting in your favourite chair in front of an open fireplace for a good long read. Taking your time to absorb yourself in the plot as it thickens, the evening wears on. You find that even though you have been reading for over an hour, you ... Views: 4843
I Wonder if you think of these things…
What would happen if you no longer had any friends or family around to remind you how important you are to them?
What if you had a job where you know how unimportant you are and how easily you could be replaced by another unimportant person?
What ... Views: 2890
Success is Relevant to how you think about things. The only way to change your current scenario is to change the way you think. That gives space for the change to happen, if it is meant to.
The last time someone took a poll of workers who were thinking about changing careers, 57% said they ... Views: 2863
I claim that ZOX Pro Training can help you do virtually anything in life.
I am throwing down the gauntlet.
Your challenge is to find something POSITIVE that ZOX Pro Training cannot help you do.
Rules of Engagement:
We all know you wouldn’t use ZOX Pro Training for something negative, ... Views: 3433
Geeks are the hardest people to buy for. Things that just don’t make sense are the things they want. They are always asking plenty of questions, and always have their nose stuck in a book or a PC. They want and need challenge, just to drive their insatiable lust for knowledge.
(Please read ... Views: 2807
White lies, little lies, big fat whopping lies, curly tailed lies, and curl you hair lies, and any other type of lie you can think of. Why do people lie so much?
Why do most people lie?
When was the last time you found yourself in an awkward position, and instead of telling the truth, you ... Views: 3229
Recently, I have had a lot of clients asking me one thing. They have been asking my opinion as to how ZOX Pro Training interacts with other trainings. This led me to realize that with so many trainings available, some people can lose their effectiveness while pursuing the “better me” ... Views: 3195
A government program (NAPLAN) to help inform families what quality, or lack of quality, schools Australia wide are demonstrating has been corrupted by the very same teaching industry it was meant to support.
The focal point is an Internet based comparison of schools across the nation. This ... Views: 4191
Are your insights spontaneous?
What have you done lately to support your insights? Have you taken steps to increase mental clarity? Do you have the ability to be flexible with information? Do you have ways to access and use large amounts of information fast? Have you set aside the ... Views: 2881
I can safely assume that the majority of my readers do not rank in the top 5% of their class, their performance, or their success. If that was not the case, then you would not be coming here to learn the tools to get ahead in life, and to gain your competitive edge. And if you are in that top ... Views: 3605
Are 2 Brains Better than 1 Brain?
Your Conscious Mind vs. Your Subconscious Mind
Your Right Hemisphere vs. Your Left Hemisphere
Right vs. Wrong
Good vs. Evil
Do Something or Do Nothing
YOUR Decisions…
There is a battle going inside your head every waking moment. The automated ... Views: 3256
Independence, Freedom, or Idiom?
Ask yourself, what does Independence and Freedom mean to you? Is it something you cherish, or is it something you say with offhand disregard; meaningless – an idiom?
Independence is defined as being free of that which binds you, or your freedom from ... Views: 2716
Ask Yourself:
Do you feel like you never get enough done? Do you procrastinate? Do you ever wish that ‘time’ was something you could buy more of? Do you take time to enjoy life?
For the Time Being:
There are a lot of renditions of this perturbated quote: “Do not today, what ... Views: 3844
Mental Photography gives clear recall to events:
What if you see something of extreme importance to you and everyone else. You saw it on the TV. You also know many other people saw the same thing. The truth revealed is ‘too good to be true‘. But it really is true. So, you tell ... Views: 3278
Ask yourself, what does Independence and Freedom mean to you? Is it something you cherish, or is it something you say with offhand disregard; meaningless – an idiom?
Independence is defined as being free of that which binds you, or your freedom from obstacles that inhibit progress. WOW! ... Views: 4039
Your Conscious Mind vs. Your Subconscious Mind
Your Right Hemisphere vs. Your Left Hemisphere
Right vs. Wrong
Good vs. Evil
Do Something or Do Nothing
YOUR Decisions…
There is a battle going inside your head every waking moment. The automated response to the weights and ... Views: 3057
Part 2 – Autism and the Adult Photographic Memory
Some time ago, I wrote an article called “Proof of the Adult Photographic Memory Hiding in the Shadows of Autism”. It talked about twin autistic savants (referred to as the Rain Man Twins) that could remember everything down to the finest ... Views: 3469
Impeccability – We have improved!
You have heard there is always room for improvement. We believe that too. That is why we have just updated the Landing page at ZOX Pro Training with Guide VIDEOS! (http://ZOXpro.com/)
Please take a look for yourself. (The new videos are strategically ... Views: 5386
I would love to see the expression on your face right now…
Just when you thought I was sending you another ‘bleep’ about Internet Marketing, I am giving you CRITICAL INFORMATION about your brain. This is all about how your mind works!
When you learned to read, you were told ... Views: 3244
I would love to see the expression on your face right now…
Just when you thought I was sending you another ‘bleep’ about Internet Marketing, I am giving you CRITICAL INFORMATION about your brain. This is all about how your mind works!
When you learned to read, you were told ... Views: 4498
My own experiences have forged my step-by-step progression from failure to success. I have learned to value failure and appreciate success. I have found that my biggest failures in life have led to my greatest successes. These are the steps I take when overwhelming adversity strikes in my ... Views: 3502
Recently, I surveyed my clients to find out what is important to them. One of the highest aspirations was to create enough positive cash flow in their life to be comfortable, happy, and not be a burden to others – Peace of Mind. Most of them also admitted if they had a chance to market ZOX Pro ... Views: 4752
It came as a surprise to me. I had not expected it. I didn’t even know that the award existed.
Here we are, in one of the world’s worst economic recessions, the dollar weak in the market, and things going pear-shaped all year long. People have been losing their jobs, their homes, and their ... Views: 4850
There is a big message here to those that will listen. The power of the mind can move mountains when it is focused on a common goal. Haiti has just endured everything from looting to anarchy. HOPE is like a virus. All it takes is a tiny bit of hope. But, it spreads quickly and solidifies ... Views: 3439
Quotes and comments are from an Article published at:
Subject: From A.D.H.D. to 8 Gold Medals
In a recent interview with the New York Times, Deborah Phelps, middle school principal and mother of Michael Phelps, the most ... Views: 3878
If you lived to 500 years old, you might stand a chance to read all the articles on Wikipedia or a quarter of the books on Amazon.com.
Unfortunately we do not live to 500, and would need a fortune to buy half of the books on Amazon.com, so how about a solution that fits into one lifetime and ... Views: 2661
Capture the Lost Art of Concentration
Did you ever wish you were “octo-mom” or maybe had three heads instead of one? Having one head for each thing we are doing at any given time would be a blessing in today’s fast paced society. multi-tasking is what our surroundings have moved us too. But ... Views: 3606
Do want Good Grades, Study Little, AND Have a Life?
This is an issue that presents itself time and again. Students of all ages benefit when they increase brain power. Since the subconscious mind is the doer, put it to work for you to allow you to excel, and make your life more enjoyable. Good ... Views: 4338
Insights from a different world:
· Do You have a Photographic Memory?
· Do you Know how to Manage your Brain?
· Is you Mind Clear for Decision Making?
The following is a television description of documentary content I am editorializing:
The series exploring remarkable tales of human experience ... Views: 3486
Your Attitude and How to Overcome Yourself
This article will have many things you have heard before, and maybe some you have not.
First, YOU are your own worst enemy.
Somewhere along the line you took on, bought into, and started to believe in a very underhanded way that money and wealth was ... Views: 1464
Intuition, Insight, Knowledge, Invention, and Lateral Thinking
Today’s lesson is about Lateral Thinking, Invention, Mind Over Matter, and the Power of Thought. Insights and intuition come from the subconscious mind. These are just a couple of pieces that give you subconscious power over things ... Views: 1585
Did you know you are what you perceive?
What you think about yourself becomes your reality
your own self-fulfilling prophecy.
Do you know that your beliefs define your reality?
This limits you for everything you do in life, even success.
What is "Whole Brain Learning"?
There are ways that you ... Views: 3120
What is Your Top 10?
A Business Marketing Exercise
Recently I was asked, what make your product different from other products in the market? The question was asked by a promoter wanting to promote our seminar using the top 10 things that make it different. This made me stop and think. This ... Views: 1772
(Government Spending on Education)… When was the last time you heard that the government got more than what it paid for by throwing hundreds of millions of dollars towards educating our children? What level of education for our children should we expect from the result of all ... Views: 2111
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***Matrix Breaker - by Shannon Panzo, the Official Guide to Mind Power
I am often asked, “How has using Brain Management and Mental Photography Changed your Life?”
Imagine having an idyllic lifestyle, meeting great people, loving your work, and having the opportunity to share a unique system with others – a system that allows you to break free of your paradigm ... Views: 1316
With contributions by Faye Taylor
THE MIND has intrigued humankind for centuries. Not many have stood out like
Confucius, Socrates or Einstein. Putting our own self-doubts to the side momentarily, American Brain Management expert Shannon Panzo believes we are all capable of achieving such ... Views: 2502
with contributions by Alina Berdichevsky
If someone had told me that I will one day be able to process information at 25,000+ words per minute, I would have told them they have a better chance winning a chicken-eating contest with Elvis Presley. And yet, I have learned Italian after only 3 ... Views: 1366
The Healing Power of Truth!
I was just viewing a provocative video on the front page of SelfGrowth.com. It was interesting and flabbergasting just what percentage of Americans are unwell in some way, shape, or form (most likely super-sized as well). Well, Mind To Mind is here to help! I suggest ... Views: 2185
Brain Management - Gain the Power of CLARITY
Recently, I was writing about another topic for the blog. That topic was “Mind to Mind - Integrity and Wellness - The Healing Power of Truth”! As you know, if you have been following my writing, I tend to build the clock - just to tell the time. ... Views: 8525
What are YOUR Plans for the New Year?
Hi my friends and colleagues. Since the Holiday season is upon us and the New Year is just around the corner, I wanted to bring your attention to a serious opportunity to make changes. Many of you have been doing it tough the second half the year, maybe the ... Views: 1983
True Friends
As you go through life you create many connections with others. Most of those connections have little to no true worth. Other connections are worthwhile and meaningful. This poem was presented to me as a result of a meaningful and worthwhile connection with someone else. By sharing ... Views: 2247
Psychic abilities are those abilities of a person that can be done by just using the mind without any physical senses. Some of the most popular are Telekinesis, Extrasensory Perception, Telepathy, Psychometry and many other such abilities.
Psychometry, also called as token-object-reading, is ... Views: 1587
Self-hypnosis is possibly a really effective tool that you can utilize to get rid of worries, enhance psychological and physical efficiency as well as assist treat dependencies.
Without our understanding of the unconscious mind, there would be no such thing as hypnotherapy, never ever mind ... Views: 2019
I have been a chronic procrastinator for about 10 years. What makes my procrastination so bad is that I am also a freelancer which means I am my own boss and set my own deadlines. About a year ago things started getting really bad where I was lying to a client to get more time on one of my ... Views: 1141
It is a recognized reality that our minds, even more especially our subconscious minds, regulate our lives. We are exactly what we believe or think. Research study has actually revealed that there is a mind-body link which the mind could even assist us in conquering illnesses.
There are ... Views: 2107
Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/nature-woman-feet-legs-51397/
Call it the perils of the modern age, excessive exposure to social media, endless desires and goals, broken relationships or simply a rising apathy and detachment, the story is that, almost all of us feel ... Views: 1658
YOUR MINDSET will determine your success at building wealth be it via a business or career. More important than how much money you have or can borrow; your level of expertise in your industry or the amount of time you invest in the business, you must develop and maintain the right ... Views: 1159
When much of us consider enhancing brain health, exactly what we are actually thinking about is enhancing our intelligence. If we end up being more smart, then we can fix issues, work more effectively and typically end up being more skilled at practically any type of obstacle.
And this is ... Views: 1764