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Being efficient in any life sphere heavily depends on our memory. People are mostly mistaken about the concept of memory; furthermore, we tend to think that the memory given from birth is unequal for each individual. In fact, it only depends on how we use it. Boosting your memory is correlative ... Views: 1041
It’s not always easy to have success. If it were easy, everyone would be successful, since that is not the case, it is then to be assumed that there is something wrong in the way we are doing things. The main problem that people have, that is preventing them from being successful, is their ... Views: 1281
We control our mental attitude by positive attitude not by rules.
Change your mental attitude, and the world around you will change accordingly
It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole ... Views: 1298
One of the thought-provoking questions Gay Hendricks asks in the beginning of his book is:
“Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?”
Gay says: “In my view, saying yes to that question is one of the most courageous actions a human being can take. In the face of so ... Views: 1563
You know that procrastination is a bad thing. You have heard people say “Never put off tomorrow what can be done today.” You may spend nights thinking of what you will accomplish tomorrow, only for that next day to be another day of not accomplishing much. This constant procrastination continues ... Views: 1171
No matter in which family you are born and what upbringing and education you get, nothing can help you in getting to the height you want to achieve in your career or profession better than realizing your own potential. This is perplexing for many as there is no dearth of men and women who ... Views: 1277
Who wouldn’t like to be more fulfilled? If you’re not feeling totally fulfilled, you’re not alone. In a recent research project I conducted on fulfillment, few Millennials and only some of Gen Xers described their lives as fulfilled.
I define life fulfillment as achieving one’s dreams and ... Views: 1415
“Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.”— Jim Rohn
Our lives are driven by our habitual behaviors and we do this unconsciously.
Our circumstances be it finances, health, weight, relationships, happiness and luck is a pattern of recurring events caused ... Views: 1551
“Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Merry, merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra! Gay your life must be.” – Marion Sinclair, 1932
What is Gay?
It depends on who is answering it!
The Oxford dictionary states:
• (of a person, especially a man) ... Views: 3158
Web designers have their hands full these days because the design of sites is developing quickly. Now, a site that works should not only look good but provide a consistent user experience across different browsing devices and have responsive layout. These requirements are among the main ones ... Views: 1917
I had the opportunity last week to see Jack Canfield live and attend his A Day to Greatness seminar. For sure, you all know Jack Canfield, the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul. Have you read his book The Success Principles? The workshop covered a number of his success principles and I ... Views: 0
I had the opportunity last week to see Jack Canfield live and attend his A Day to Greatness seminar. For sure, you all know Jack Canfield, the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul. Have you read his book The Success Principles? The workshop covered a number of his success principles and I ... Views: 1573
If you are not feeling totally fulfilled, you are not alone. Nearly 80% of people interviewed for our long term study of fulfillment did not feel totally fulfilled, despite many being successful in their careers or private lives. Many of those who were fulfilled did not necessarily start that ... Views: 978
A first impression is always important, whether when you’re meeting a new client or during a job interview. “It is during these times that your general appearance and demeanor will decide how people will choose to remember their first encounter with you. And more on that, as clients, how will ... Views: 847
ABC…….. of Conquering
the Monsters in your Mind
Madan Tripathy
Our thoughts are very powerful. Each & every cell in your body gets influenced by the thoughts you have. We get one thought, followed by another and then another and this continues unabated. The mind is like an infinitesimally ... Views: 1344
If you think your life is lousy, believe one thing first: you can make your life a pleasure to live. It just calls for a change in mindset, which takes a bit of mental work until the job’s done. Let’s dive right into the subject…
You probably think you life is miserable because nothing is ... Views: 1419
Birth of The Terrible Twins Within (Our Dualistic Minds)
Bill Cottringer
“If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day. Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more than the ... Views: 1451
Recently I wrote a post about 3 awesome books that raise the entrepreneurial mindset, one of them was Carol Dweck’s Mindset in which she famously coined the term ‘fixed’ and ‘growth’ mindset. In this article I want to share steps that would help you shift from a fixed mindset into a resilient ... Views: 1026
What are the components of successful people? So many people over time have dissected this and put the pieces together backwards and forwards. They have used it to sell courses. The formula has been used to sell everything imaginable. I don’t want to sell you anything. I want to give you ... Views: 1228
Imagination is a significantly complex concept. This is one particular thing that some individuals seem to have in spades which others seem to lack entirely. It's hard to identify on precisely what imagination is really, but what we do recognize is that it is preferable and can help you to ... Views: 2223
Madan Tripathy
Thoughts & thoughts, only thoughts. We think a lot. Our Mind is like a factory producing thoughts non-stop. Moreover, our mind does not often switch off or on at our sweet will. We think a lot when we are awake. Even when we ... Views: 1308
Have you ever stopped and wondered how the people of the future would remember the times we lived in? Would they remember us for all of the revolutionary ideas we came up with?
Would they remember us as the first people who connected the whole world through the Internet?
Or maybe they ... Views: 1102
A Google search on the word motivation gives 33,20,00,000 results!
"Motivation – A word for your inner self searched in the outer world."
We want someone to plant motivation in us. Many of us are simply seeking motivation. We have often said… “Once I am motivated, I will do it” “The ... Views: 1254
We all experiences challenges and adverse situations in our lives from time to time but the key to those experiences is not to fold and cave in but to rise above them and grow to a deeper level of who you are. I have recently had numerous challenges come into my life in various levels and ... Views: 1308
What is it that you would like to succeed in for the coming year? A goal without a plan is just a wish! We all have wishes and dreams but few go further than that-their wishes. Somehow people seem stuck in the planning process and then they never reach the implementation stage.
It would be a ... Views: 1277
Double Vision Decision-Making
Bill Cottringer
“Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.” ~Phil McGraw.
Double vision decision-making is a very useful and valuable skill in maneuvering around in today’s plethora of information overload that ... Views: 1669
Article Title: Is Your Attitude Right? How to get the Right Attitude to Life
Author: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth, Success, Attitude, Motivation, Craig’s books, craig’s first books
Web Sites:
... Views: 1765
Article Title: Is Your Attitude Right? How to get the Right Attitude to Life
Author: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth, Success, Attitude, Motivation, Craig’s books, craig’s first books
Web Sites:
... Views: 1378
Mental mastery, whether it’s for a business meeting, a physical workout, academic success or mindful meditation, requires that you fully engage your mind. We’ve learned through years of research that our brains are capable of continued growth throughout our lives, especially when we are engaged ... Views: 1372
What's possible with neurofeedback for anxiety?
Imagine you're driving through the countryside on a beautiful day, but your car isn't working. The gears keep getting stuck, and the gas pedal is jammed down.
It's pretty scary. When you can't shift gears, you can't respond well to the bumps ... Views: 1479
I have realized and accepted the harsh fact that I sometimes keep myself busy without being productive, that is - I procrastinate. Recently, guilt has begun to creep into my consciousness and guilt in any form is unacceptable to me. So, here I am writing about how to break through ... Views: 1776
"The key to getting what you want is to cause a shift in your vibrations to focus on what you do want." – Frank Mangano
The Law of Attraction is based upon a more fundamental law, the Law of Vibration. The Vibration Law says that every result, every thought, everything has a particular ... Views: 2019
While success is not the be all and end all, it is something we all make every effort for in at least one location of our lives and work. The secret to success is mind-set.
Ultra-successful individuals like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who began with little or absolutely nothing ... Views: 2986
My German Shepherd-mix rescue pup, Baer, is a great dog. He’s all legs and energy, so sometimes I think of him as Fred Astaire, and sometimes more as the Energizer Bunny on steroids. Especially near mealtimes.
I feed my dogs twice a day, and I’m convinced they have clocks in their stomachs, ... Views: 1546
From birth, you look for security. You look into the eyes of your parents, seeking out love, seeking out acceptance, checking to see that who you are is good enough for them. They are your first measure of whether you are worthy or not.
And then you look into the eyes of friends, ... Views: 994
I am mini celebrity in my own rite, known in the media for being a multi-millionaire former model, author, and now a business woman, but the one time I actually dabbled as an employee, I chose telecommunications actually, and successfully negotiated a deal with a highly famous ... Views: 1961
People have a whole lot of misconceptions about psychological well-being. This is not because there is a lack of information about the same, it is because we have a lot of preconceived notions about the term 'psychological'.
So let's get our concept right.
What is Psychological ... Views: 1225
Before you can focus on taking steps to raise your creativity, you have to realize just what creativity is. Basically creativity is about finding new ways to remedy issues and finding ways to approach various situations.
We all have creativity within ourselves and this doesn't just apply to ... Views: 1660
I would say that everyone has their own ‘lazy times’ in life. Well you know those times where you're unproductive and just don't want to move. Well today is one of those days for me. I spent approximately 24 hours doing (by doing I mean in actions) nothing productive, neither did I do anything ... Views: 1335
If one was to look after a puppy for a week and for another week, they were to look after a dog that had been trained; they are likely to see how different dogs are at a young age. After the first week, they could end up feeling exhausted and as though they need a break.
Whereas once they ... Views: 1629
We’ve all been to a county fair and stopped to watch the hypnotist make his volunteers do crazy things by suggesting that’s what they should do when he says the magic word. Whether its singing and dancing or clucking like a chicken, whenever that word is said the volunteer immediately does what ... Views: 1709
My computer quit on me…
For no reason, it suddenly stopped working…
And when your business is mostly carried out on your computer, that is not a great thing to have happen…
And for a few hours there last night, I let myself feel fed up, frustrated, teary and like the world was going to ... Views: 1119
We all go through times where we feel great and times we have lack of energy, perhaps feel ill or get sick. As a physical therapist and healthcare executive, I have longstanding interest in integrative (complementary) medicine and am fascinated about the connection between our mind and our body. ... Views: 1349
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” ~ Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle
Starting out in the TV industry, I had a very distinct role model for completing a day of work.
You may know it well. This was the typical business model derived from the Western idealized notion of ... Views: 1245
Is Telekinesis exists? Is it really possible for everyone to move things just using his/her mind without any physical touch? These are the questions asked by many people who have or have not any idea about mind over matter.
Well, there are many experiments done by research institutes all ... Views: 1746
Psychokinesis is one of the para-psychological terms which can be defined as the ability of mind to control and move objects without any physical touch. "Psych" means "mind" and "kinesis" means "movement". So, it means movement using mind.
Telekinesis is the another term used for ... Views: 1559
"The greatest power is the power of our subconscious mind" is what has been taught by many leaders and practitioners of Universal Laws throughout time. Coming to this realization is the first step to creating a reality of focused mindfulness where what is manifested in thought becomes reality. ... Views: 2939
When the brain is working, electrical activity is happening and this electrical activity actually comes up with what is known as brain wave frequencies. Brain wave patterns are measured in cycles per second, or hertz. Brainwaves come in a variety of different categories. These categories of ... Views: 2057
Ups and downs, everyone has them. In work, in life, in relationships, even in fun.
Imagine a week where you feel utterly alone and single, blessed with plenty of friends, stressed because you are working too much, grateful because you love your work. You receive a call from a loved one ... Views: 1414
What is Crystallized Intelligence?
According to Study.com, crystallized intelligence can be defined as, "...the ability to use learned knowledge and experience." So, what does this REALLY mean? This type of intelligence is in stark contrast to fluid intelligence, which is defined as the ... Views: 1713