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Build momentum with positive action
The new year is a great time to establish positive habits that build momentum toward your goals. Actions you take on your financial situation will contribute to a strong foundation for this year as well as the long term. And even when many things feel out ... Views: 1367
When someone first tells you a secret and asks you to keep it to yourself, it’s easy to assure them that you will. Time has a way of making that promise all the more difficult to keep, especially when it’s one that is particularly juicy and makes for a great story. That secret can gnaw away at ... Views: 1824
A client of mine was frustrated. She was talking about the pace of growth in her business. She was telling me that things were shifting, that her message was getting clearer. That she was feeling more confident every day. She also shared with me that her business was still not where she ... Views: 1476
What is money really? For most of us in the Western world it's pieces of paper or plastic with numbers on it. The use of money to facilitate exchange of services evolved out of the barter system - it's much easier to carry around some greenbacks or a credit card to get what you need than it is ... Views: 1118
Dr. Romance writes:
How do you feel when you walk into a public rest room and there are papers all over the floor, unflushed toilets, and wet toilet seats? How do you feel about drivers who tailgate, zip around the roads going over the speed limit, and hog the road?
Most of us don’t ... Views: 1718
Another way to look at the making of money is viewing it as a change of thought causing a shift in the way energy in the universe is exchanged. This is not so that you may start living like this, but just so that you may see that simply changing your thought causes a re-arranging of the energy ... Views: 1755
According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, “There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are ... Views: 3550
Today we would like to notice a very simple, universal yet hardly noticed principle of life. Noticing this will dramatically improve your life in all areas and situations – relationships, health, career, business, politics, sports – all areas of your life. Sometimes the simplest of things are ... Views: 1661
The riches to rags story is as old as the hills. It happens to corporations, countries, communities, families and individuals. One day you are up, the next day down. It may be short term or long term. And we have well established names for these states: broke, poor, bankrupt, and so on. This ... Views: 1501
There is a simple but very powerful way in which you can allow for more successes in your life right away. It is a way in which there is nothing to do really, yet you create so many new changes and successes. The first time you try it, it will amaze you as though it were magic. How powerful it ... Views: 1517
Let’s keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?
More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not?
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel ... Views: 3161
Regarding the viewpoint of mankind the World Health Organization has placed before the world some astounding statistics. According to it, the world over at present, about 10 billion people suffer from myopia (such patients cannot see far off objects). This news can cause a lot of worry for ... Views: 1228
I often look about the world and see a vast discrepancy in the distribution of resources – those who have more than they could ever possibly consume and other places where just a portion of those resources would make a tremendous difference in people’s lives and well being. It seems we have ... Views: 1515
In the Rig-Veda (10/7/6) it is said:
O one with a divine nature! On your own you must perform Yajna/worship of demigods present in your intellect and surrender to them. What can a rank ignorant person do to you who are mature and pious? Just as you worship demigods, based on various seasons, ... Views: 1452
Man is not only the rightful heir of Almighty God but is a royal prince too. The individual soul is a part and parcel of the cosmic soul whom laymen call God. This royal prince (man) has all the qualities of his royal father (God) albeit in seed form. A small spark of a gigantic inferno has the ... Views: 1359
I quit teaching after seventeen years and decided to decided to get really committed to my goal, which was to get rich in real estate, and do whatever it took to fulfill on it. If I were to give three essential tips that guarantee your success in real estate today, it would be these:
1. Make ... Views: 2650
The supreme energy or power of the entire cosmos is ones soul force. On the one hand at the worldly level everyone thinks that wealth is our supreme need of the hour and yet if we think deeply wealth is definitely inert and material in nature. By itself it has no energy or force of its own and ... Views: 1558
Maya means illusion. Mahamaya is devoid of illusion. Illusion pertaining to material objects and Mahamaya is correlated to wisdom. Human prowess is limited and hence he does not have an all round vision of life. His limited vision visualizes a limited world and thus he deludedly thinks it to be ... Views: 1899
Are you feeling stuck or paralyzed in your life or business? Do you spend way too much time on the internet, reading your email, drinking coffee or the equivalent because you just can’t focus on work? The fact is that many people are slackers and drifters, with mediocre lives…
The good ... Views: 1827
Are you feeling stuck or paralyzed in your life or business? Do you spend way too much time on the internet, reading your email, drinking coffee or the equivalent because you just can’t focus on work? The fact is that many people are slackers and drifters, with mediocre lives…
The good news ... Views: 1764
Are you feeling bored, frustrated or depressed when you look at your business? Do you wonder if there is some easier way to create your dreams, or whether you are doomed to stay stuck and struggling?
The good news is that in this series on The Missing Link to Success, we look at the ... Views: 1761
Ever wonder why people tell you they cannot afford health insurance while you are sitting there watching the game on their massive flat screen television? Or why people pay a premium price to live inside a gated community that is inside a gated community? Or why you drive by a beat up old ... Views: 1229
Recently, several of the yoga coaches I’ve trained were talking about how their class and client numbers are down. I shared a few tips with them about how to bring those numbers back up coming from a dharmic place of service. If that’s also been a challenge for you, this might help.
I ... Views: 1373
In the spring, I attended my sister’s medical school graduation. The commencement speaker, a Holocaust survivor and great philanthropist, shared his incredible life story and some of the key lessons he learned along the way.
At the close of his presentation, he revealed a recipe for ... Views: 1083
What is purpose? Dictionary definitions include “something set up as an object; an end to be attained; a subject under discussion or an action in the course of execution; determination or resolution the matter at hand or the point at issue.” In short, purpose means ‘what you are here to ... Views: 1855
What is passion? Dictionary definitions include “a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger; ardent love; strong sexual desire; lust; the object of such love or desire; boundless enthusiasm or the object of such enthusiasm; an abandoned display of emotion, especially of anger”, and ... Views: 1773
I know lots of business people, and many of them are more and more successful, which is great for them, and very encouraging for me, too, because my job is to help people create the life and business of their dreams.
However, a lot of people get to a certain point and then plateau – they feel ... Views: 1800
Are you a member of the ‘Not enough money’ brigade? By this I mean do you find yourself thinking or saying on a regular basis ‘I can’t afford that’, ‘I don’t have enough money’ or ‘I can’t justify that’? This could be in relation to that fabulous new pair of shoes, that fantastic new dress or ... Views: 1455
Those of you who’ve heard me speak or know a little about my work know that I’ve created a DANCE system for business women to get you clear and focused on how to create a profitable business that serves you and allows you to live the life you truly desire. A system that helps you get out of your ... Views: 1223
So, you’re looking for a deeper, sexier speaking voice but you’ve got a nasal twang. Does this mean that you’re stuck with a high-pitched voice? No. Is it possible to have a better sound? You bet!
Most people are not speaking at their optimum pitch or within their optimum range. The ... Views: 2190
Do you remember the parable?
Do you remember the parable about the man with a fig tree in his vineyard?
He went to the tree looking for fruit, and there was none. He went back to the tree the next year, and it was still barren. He returned a third year. Nothing!
The man then told his ... Views: 2089
The Curse of the Conditioned Mind
The conditioned mind is a box of standard thoughts. This mind asks questions that only can be answered from the thoughts it has in its box. It can only think up to the walls of the box, and think no farther.
The conditioned mind is a box of thoughts.
If ... Views: 2369
When it comes to good health, strong relationships and wealth, your home is the key. According to the principles of Feng Shui, the three areas that can affect your prosperity and future most are your front door, bedroom, and kitchen.
This article, the third of three, will focus on your ... Views: 3053
Prosperity, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is "the condition of being successful or thriving; especially : economic well-being."
While the monetary focus is noticeable, the complete definition encompasses a successful and thriving nature in all areas. When related to someone's life, these ... Views: 2197
The important role that your front door, bedroom and kitchen play in your life when it comes to good health, good relationships and wealth cannot be overstated. These three areas of your home, according to Feng Shui principles, form the foundation for maintaining good health, improving wealth ... Views: 1739
Your Front Door: The Key to Opportunities
There are three important areas in your home when it comes to good health, happiness, good relationships and wealth: your front door, your bed and your kitchen. Their location, care and cleanliness will either increase your prosperity and well-being ... Views: 2249
I’m not the one earning your salary and I’m not the one spending your money – you are! So start by asking yourself: Do I currently have the income I desire and if not, how can I change that? As you resolve that, pay more attention to what an how you spend and see if you can make a difference ... Views: 1368
In the whole Universe there is only one time - NOW!
Regardless of how long it may seem to take to demonstrate your desired prosperity, it will be NOW when you do. There is no time other than NOW. Even the last moment has gone, never to return, and the next moment is not here yet. So, do not ... Views: 3152
There is no need to be unhappy. There is no need to be sad. There is no need to be disappointed, or oppressed, or hurt. There is no need for illness or failure or discouragement. There is no necessity for anything but success, good health, prosperity, and an abounding interest and joy in life. - ... Views: 4168
There is a lot of information available today about manifesting what you desire. Some authors with helpful books are Catherine Ponder and Joe Vitale. A few years ago the movie, The Secret, sparked great interest in the law of attraction and creating what you want. Many people are mystified that ... Views: 1977
I was talking with a colleague the other day about their business. Like me, their ideal client already has an established business and knows they want to grow through scalable strategies and automation. As we were bouncing around some ideas of where those clients are I asked him, “Do you think ... Views: 1278
If you’re anything like me, you’ve put thought energy and effort into a project, only to be disappointed that the results were not what you wanted. Here’s a tip on what may have ‘gone wrong’ and how a revised perspective can help.
You’ll find this added understanding invaluable. As with ... Views: 1592
Have you ever wanted something really badly but you just couldn’t seem to get it, no matter how hard you tried? Well there is something you can do to help bring what you want into your life.
Let go.
Sounds like the complete opposite of what you are trying to achieve/attain, doesn’t ... Views: 1922
I am happy to report that I have been invited to speak as one of 45 Masters of Prosperity part of a great new series of Prosperity & Abundance interviews taking place June 11-29, and I want YOU to join me.
I promise you’ll get a lot out of it because I am teaming up with Ryan Harris, host ... Views: 17259
The benefits of coaching are endless: it brings clarity, provides accountability, keeps you on track, helps you discover the right direction, etc. However, different segments of customers benefit from coaching in different ways, and there are naturally some specific benefits for small business ... Views: 1342
Is there a sustainable lifestyle that provides calm; one that reduces stress and increases prosperity? It was once thought that the only way to achieve this was to live on a mountain top, in a Zen garden or to isolate oneself from the outside world.
Today, with the use of positive thinking ... Views: 2575
Unfortunately, many people do not give sufficient thought to being as prosperous as they could and have a right to be. While giving thought to being "religious" they often fail to see the connection between spirituality and prosperity; the two are divinely connected. Therefore, they deny ... Views: 2170
The Secret of Living Confidently and Happily.
It is right for everyone, especially you to be rich! You should be just as rich as you possibly can. Unfortunately and ignorantly, some people do not believe this due to fear-based religious or parental training.
Regardless of what you may have ... Views: 2107
Under all that we think, lives all we believe, like the ultimate veil of our spirits. - Antonio Machado
Man's power to decree is absolute; the dominion that God gave him is irrevocable. Although the nature of the universe is good it appears good to man only as he decrees it as such. - J. Sig ... Views: 2402
A man wandered into a Federal building and asked, "Is this the headquarters for the war on poverty?"
"Yes, it is." replied the receptionist.
"Good," he said, "I've come to surrender."
Have you tried and tried to prosper with only meager or dissatisfying results? For some time I have ... Views: 4030