We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Superfoods". If you have expertise in Superfoods and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
One is just about sure to have heard about millets or may even have tried out millets at some time in the past. But it very often happens that people are caught unaware of the qualities that this food grain is possessed with.
Nutrition content of millets may take one by surprise. If one makes ... Views: 1593
Buying kratom from a reliable source is a good idea. Kratom is not native to the western countries and the users need to buy a processed form of kratom. So if the kratom is not processed like they need to be then the user will not get the best possible result. Kratom planting is a hard work. It ... Views: 9995
Detoxification is really a mechanism of supporting what our body tries to naturally do! Just as an example, detoxification strengthens one’s immunity and puts one in a better position to fight colds and flus.
Some of the key benefits of detoxification on our bodies include:
- Boosts your ... Views: 1617
How To Easily Get Pregnant: Best Foods To Increase Fertility
So many people ask me how to easily get pregnant. The fact is that it often isn't as easy to conceive as we wish it was. But, eating properly can help boost your fertility and some foods have certain energetic properties that may be ... Views: 1614
Should we believe it or not? Can fruits, berries, vegetables and certain foods have any effect on our health or even on aging?
If you are one of them asking these questions you are not alone; you may join some million others. With so many health benefits found in natural foods was not ... Views: 1248
I began taking astaxanthin over 10 years ago. I played a lot of tennis and I had developed a case of tennis elbow. I started taking the astaxanthin and the symptoms disappeared within about a week.
I continued to use astaxanthin because I also like to spend time in the sun and astaxanthin ... Views: 1623
One of the most important parts of staying healthy and improving your overall well-being is to make sure you’re getting enough vitamins. Vitamins are naturally found in foods like fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, and dairy, and provide what our bodies need to function properly. Each vitamin ... Views: 1881
When we talk about losing weight, we normally associate it with eating less and exercise. Although doing both can help, did you know that eating the right foods works better? According to research, you can actually shed pounds by filling up with any of these foods.
1. Eggs
Long ago, eggs ... Views: 2100
It has been proven time and again. Coconut oil offers plenty of benefits. That includes moisturizing the skin, hair conditioning, cooking, and balancing digestion, which was elaborated further by Jen Broyles in her article 4 Awesome Ways to Use Coconut Oil.
As years passed, people are ... Views: 1979
Buying prepared flatbread sandwiches can be a pricey endeavor. Instead of spending your weekly grocery money just on sandwiches, you can learn how to make your own. A flatbread sandwich is a vegan-friendly meal. Try these ideas for making your own creations.
Making the Flatbread
In a ... Views: 1452
Do not worry. You are not alone in your fight against allergies. Out of the billions of people on this planet, many are also suffering from allergies. While the symptoms vary like itchy skin, sneezing, and frequent coughing, the remedy could be the same and easy to find – essential ... Views: 1651
Of all the organic and healthy foods on the market today, coconut oil seems to be the most sought after. Well, with all the benefits it provides, I wouldn’t wonder why. Imagine, it does not just improve certain functions in the human body. It also helps in weight loss, improves the skin, ... Views: 1864
Having a slim and fit body is a dream of many people including me. Belly fat will make you feel unconfident when you wear a slim fit dress. Your finger is also unattractive. Besides, this problem increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension and fatty liver disease. So, how to lose berry fat ... Views: 1510
In the last couple of decades, the local food movement has gone from a fringe movement to a major player in the national food industry. Almost every major urban center around the country has several farmers markets, community supported agricultural programs and other innovative ways to bring ... Views: 1365
Taking steps to live a more sustainable life has never been easier. People everywhere are no longer satisfied with planet-killing produce and are starting a movement to regain control of the food system. They are demanding to know where their food is grown and how it is produced. And in many ... Views: 1219
If you are serious about reducing your global carbon footprint and gaining more control over where your food comes from, then cultivating your own mushrooms should become a priority. Rich in flavor and easy to utilize in a wide variety of recipes, homegrown mushrooms add a robust, earthy taste ... Views: 1377
There’s no question that protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. However, for those that avoid meat and animal products because of their negative environmental impacts, what are they supposed to eat instead? Is there a healthy, tasty protein option available for them?
If your ... Views: 1398
Free food! If those words don’t work to quicken your pulse, odds are you’re already dead. In that case, why worry about food anyways? You certainly won’t be needing it.
For the rest of us, what we will eat and where we will get it is a weekly, if not daily, consideration.
Endlessly ... Views: 1276
Quinoa gained popularity because it contains nine of the essential amino acids needed for a healthy diet. It’s also gluten-free, which makes it a healthier alternative to wheat. But quinoa is not the only grain packed with nutrients. There are other super grains out there that you might be ... Views: 1400
Finding the perfect products to make you look your most beautiful is no easy task, especially with the enormous amount of options available. Beauty products are an almost $60 billion industry every year, and companies are eager to push their products on you. Do you look better in warm tones or ... Views: 1406
Stress is most often associated with a feeling of being overwhelmed by current surroundings or something going on in your life. It is inevitable to avoid feeling stress, but today more and more people are experiencing the complications that come with constant or extreme stress.
Stress is ... Views: 1279
Once called the “fruit of the angels” by explorer Christopher Columbus, papaya has been a favorite fruit of many for quite some time.
Its sweet taste and smooth consistency make the fruit’s flesh a great choice for cooking or just enjoying raw.
Continue reading to discover how best to eat ... Views: 992
Do you ever make these statements to yourself or someone else? “I have no energy today”. “I wish I had more energy. I would ______’. If so, you are not alone. Many people these days more feel the same way.
Let me ask you a question. How has your diet been lately? There could be many ... Views: 1152
Diet is always one of the buzzwords when a lady is pregnant. She needs to watch what she eats because she is eating for two. But when a couple is trying to conceive, it is equally important that the man takes care of his diet!
The right kind of diet can build the right degree of fertility for ... Views: 1695
Like the skin, hair can aid in regulating the body temperature and keeping the head warm. While genetics, pharmaceuticals, hormonal issues, and emotional stress affect the hair, daily diet also influences the function, appearance, and health of the hair. In point of fact, every nutritional ... Views: 1588
To keep blemishes at bay, try incorporating the
following seven foods, recommended by
nationally recognized dietitian and
Your Ultimate Rx to Reverse the Clock,
Boost Energy and Look and Feel Younger in 7
Your skin will be glowing—and clear—
in no time.
1. Oily fish ... Views: 1318
For the love of hemp, why can't we all just get along and eject money and greed forever?!
There has been a ban on growing hemp for many decades in many parts of the world.
The banning of hemp went viral sometime around the mid 1930's. In hindsight we can see that, there were a lot of big ... Views: 1576
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a serious problem. ED is found among men of any age but is most prevalent among males over 40 years old. Statistics say that 50% men over 40 years old will have had ED at some point in their lives.
ED is caused by several things which include diet, ... Views: 1733
One of the most widely used vegetables in the world, but also one of the most overlooked. Check in anyone’s kitchen and the chances are you will find at least one hiding in the vegetable rack. But apart from knowing that it adds flavor to many dishes, what else do we know about the ... Views: 1139
There is nothing like a simple cup of tea to rev up your senses.
On a dull Monday afternoon, if one has access to a cup of tea, it could make one happier.
One suddenly comes to realize that life is beautiful!
And there is no end to the number of people who stand by a fine cup of tea ... Views: 1501
Fibers are among of the main classes of macronutrients that our body needs in order to stay healthy. They are a key nutrient that helps us maintain a good activity of our intestinal tract, lower the blood sugar levels, and even lose the extra pounds we have. They promote a good internal activity ... Views: 1484
Refresh Your Health And Beauty With Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in multiple different vitamins, which make them become a great food around the world to include in the regular diet. Tomatoes are full of vitamins such as A, C, B6 and K, and minerals such as folate, potassium, thiamin, niacin, ... Views: 1517
I’m sure you’ve heard about the rise of cleansing. Whether it is for your liver or your whole body, it’s the concept of ridding the body of toxins in order for it to work more efficiently. Many of us run out to stores and spend hundreds of dollars on cleanses in order to feel refreshed… But you ... Views: 1056
Diverticulitis is a condition characterized by inflamed or ruptured diverticula, which are bulging sacs in the lining of the large intestine. Picking the right foods to eat and steering clear of certain foods to avoid is important for effective management of diverticulitis symptoms.
Mild ... Views: 1238
You probably heard that if you want to improve your vision you should eat carrots, but a new study has shown that bananas are beneficial for your vision, too. Fruits in general can provide disease-fighting properties and should be part of your healthy eating routine – an apple a day keeps the ... Views: 1025
All of us love tea, though some of us prefer coffee over tea.
The new generation often has a passion for iced tea. But in essence, something like tea could never be a passe'.
We've all heard about green tea. But some of us might be caught unaware about what exactly is it.
Now green tea ... Views: 1258
"It is in the balancing of your spirituality with your humanity that you will find immeasurable happiness, success, good health, and love."
- Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
Good health often stands out as the differentiating factor in our ... Views: 1261
Diabetes may broadly be classified as a condition wherein our blood glucose levels are excessively high. And the condition primary arises when our body is unable to properly use the high glucose levels. Some of the symptoms that could be indicative of onset of diabetes include fatigue, loss of ... Views: 1310
With the New Year just around the corner, everyone’s busy shopping for gifts. This is fun, it’s a part of the festivities and something that definitely makes the yearend holiday season all the more special.
But figuring out the right gift for your loved ones can at times be tough, and you ... Views: 1188
(also can be viewed with graphics at https://isolatorfitness.com/blog/)
It seems that in this fast paced world we’re living in today, where all of the information you could possibly want is literally right at your fingertips, people are more confused than ever about basic human health. So ... Views: 1469
(can also be viewed with graphics at https://isolatorfitness.com/blog/gmo-foods-what-are-they-and-why-should-you-care/)
What does GMO mean?
The acronym GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. GMO foods then, are foods whose DNA has been genetically altered by scientists to ... Views: 1298
Watermelon juice has been found to relieve sore muscles after exercise. Watermelons are mainly made up of water, but they also contain essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires to feel great. For example, watermelons actually have high antioxidant content known to help the body ... Views: 2445
A new study suggests that consuming a high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of lung disease. Study author Corrine Hanson said, “Lung disease is an important public health problem, so it’s important to identify modifiable risk factors for prevention. However, beyond smoking, very few preventative ... Views: 1021
A new study has found that components in berries and citrus fruits may aid in male sexual function by helping them maintain a healthy erection. The research suggests that eating a flavonoid-rich diet may help improve erectile function as much as walking for two to five hours ... Views: 1050
We all have those days where we feel bloated, constipated or even have diarrhea. Digestion woes can leave us feeling not like ourselves and prisoners in our own body’s captive to never leaving the bathroom. Whether digestive symptoms happen to you sporadically or even on the daily basis, the ... Views: 1122
In December of 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 head and neck cancer. I struggled greatly with the decision to undergo chemotherapy and radiation instead of fighting the disease strictly through natural alternatives. With such a treatable form of cancer ... Views: 1520
An easy salad either for Lunch or as a side salad for tea
Tastes great and is super healthy!
Cucumbers are a good source of vitamin B, are great for hydrating the body since they’re 95% water, and they contain properties that help fight against cardiovascular disease and ... Views: 1143
Leafy greens are a staple of healthy eating. Leafy greens are available in a large variety including spinach, kale, chard and even dandelion. Leafy greens are praised for their health benefits, and to optimize your health you should enjoy them daily.
Endives are another leafy green which can ... Views: 2537
Grapes have been grown for more than 5,000 years and are a tasty snack or addition to salads and desserts. Many North Americans turn to red grapes as a way to cut calories or reduce fat, but there is much more to eating red grapes than potential weight loss. Recent studies suggest red grapes may ... Views: 2426
Healthy eating is important, but it can be challenging having to think about all those vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants, and calories you should take in every day. Eating food rich with all these will make you healthier, reduce the risk of heart and liver disease, lower your blood ... Views: 1512