Looking for a fresh exotic fruit to add to your diet and take your salad bowl to the next level? Go tropical with the versatile papaya, the tender orange fruit with a soft, buttery consistency and a sweet, almost musky taste. Inside, you’ll also find the black, round seeds. They’re edible too, although their peppery flavor is a little on the bitter side.

And don’t pass over the green papaya. Popular across Southeast Asia, they are simply immature papayas that have not yet begun to ripen. When they’re green, papayas have white flesh, a neutral flavor and crunchy carrot-like texture – a match for raw salads and coleslaws.

If you’re health-conscious, too, this is the fruit for you. Papaya health benefits for skin, papaya health benefits for the liver, papaya health benefits for men – and women, but men take note! – papaya and papaya seeds health benefits are many. This superfruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, and one single medium fruit provides 224 percent of your daily needs.

They also have a long list of other nutrients and papain, a powerful enzyme that aids in digestion and can also be used as a meat tenderizer.

Read more at http://www.belmarrahealth.com/papaya-why-you-should-be-eating-this-super...

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At Bel Marra Health, we’re committed to the health and well being of every single client.

Each and every one of our customers is important to us, and we have built a solid reputation for offering high-quality vitamins and nutritional supplements in formulations designed to address a wide variety of specific health concerns. All of the ingredients in our products are backed with scientific evidence so we’re confident they could work for you, too.

Not only this, but Bel Marra Health has an expert panel of Doctors to lend their expertise on all of these natural health methods. The Doctors provide you with well-researched health news and information to keep you on the cutting edge of all the health trends. This expert advice is part of our commitment to you.

You should feel confident that the employees of Bel Marra Health are as concerned about quality and value as you are. Every product is tested for safety, quality, and purity at every stage of the manufacturing process. Furthermore, Bel Marra Health uses only top quality ingredients, to make sure that we are always going that extra mile.

At Bel Marra Health we sell quality supplements that will change your life! You can count on it.