The simple answer to that question is that you do not know most of the time that your body is being affected by the toxic onslaught. In cases of severe poisoning, the body has a few reflexes, which include vomiting and diarrhoea to expel the toxins quickly from the body.
However, most toxins ... Views: 1528
When considering pregnancy, there are many factors to include. Finance, relationship health, career paths and so forth are all looked at. Very few people, however, consider the toxic burden of both the mother and father when planning a pregnancy.
Infertility is becoming more frequent and it ... Views: 1467
What is meditation? It is a practice of not thinking where you commune with your inner self, and perfect the art of not doing.
To many people in our society, this idea is extremely challenging. For over 2,000 years we have lived in the age of the mind, of reason, and the result of this is ... Views: 1818
Many people consider their pets to be part of the family and the amount of money that is spent annually on feeding, grooming, treating and looking after their pests grows exponentially year on year.
Having a pet is a very expensive operation, when you consider all their needs plus vet bills. ... Views: 1514
The fluoride that is put into our water system is a by product of the phosphate fertilizer industry- it is toxic waste, literally. Before there were environmental restrictions on industry, the toxins were released as gas into the air, causing widespread environmental damage to crops and ... Views: 1305
In part 1, we looked at rescuing and care-taking. In this article, we are going to be looking at people pleasing. This is a behaviour that is deeply entrenched in a vast majority of our population, and is quite a tough habit to crack.
When a child learns that it gets attention for being good, ... Views: 1702
Many people do not understand what Co dependency is, and many professionals struggle to describe it so that it is well understood. It is an insidious disease that underpins all addictions. It is born out of abuse or neglect in childhood. The net result is a person who suffers from self- hatred, ... Views: 2199
Network marketing is an age old industry that has not changed much since its first inception. Avon is one of the original network marketing opportunities and it is celebrating 125 years this year.
Until very recently, all network marketing opportunities entailed talking to anyone that you ... Views: 1486
What is interesting in our society is that God can take many forms. In some religions, he is benevolent and kind. In others, he is vengeful and violent. In yet others he is loving and peaceful. How do we have such disparate views of God, or the Gods?
When we are growing up, our parents or ... Views: 1412
The Root or Base or First Chakra - Sanskrit name- Muladhara.
The root chakra is concerned with physical needs and basic human survival. Safety and security govern reactions of a 1st chakra response. The root chakra is about being here in this body, and connecting with the earth. It is also ... Views: 1787
Many of us learned early on that if someone said "no" to us, that we were somehow at fault. This erroneous belief system can cause us untold issues later in life as we go through life taking rejection extremely personally.
In the network marketing arena, for example, people often believe that ... Views: 1500
Do you dream of a more fulfilling life? Is your ability to see yourself where you would like to be less clear as time progresses? Do you think that other people are "lucky" when you see them following their dreams?
It is often said that visualizing a dream is the most powerful method of ... Views: 1919
Many people are concerned at the moment as we watch the nuclear reactor in Japan keenly to see whether or not a disaster can be prevented. Brave souls are risking their future health by subjecting themselves to potentially high levels of radiation in order to safe guard the planet from a nuclear ... Views: 1810
Often when we begin on the path of personal development or spiritual growth, we start to look at the behaviours that we have been practising to this point.
We begin to see that our behaviours have caused us issues in our relationships with friends and family, and we gradually learn that we ... Views: 1721
Entitlement is a mindset that is born out of a troubled childhood. It is developed when the individual was so deprived as a child, and they adapted by thinking they were entitled to whatever they could take. The other side of the same coin is that they were completely spoiled as a child and ... Views: 2019
Xango LLC, is a relatively new contender on the network marketing field. However, in the ten years since 2002, they have developed their market into a global network through over one million distributors worldwide. Their business spans the globe, and is growing from strength to strength.
The ... Views: 1679
If you are in the MLM industry, then you will appreciate that one of the most important aspects of continuing to build your empire is the continual search for new leads. If this is a topic that you struggle with, then this article may well be able to provide you will some useful information ... Views: 1868
Waiora is a business that was founded in 2004 in order to distribute their remarkable products to a global market. Seven years later, they have sold almost 4 million bottles of their main product, Natural Cellular Defense, which takes naturally heavy metals and toxins out of your body, allowing ... Views: 1447
We have evolved from the animal kingdom into the most intelligent (so we think) life form on the planet, and yet it seems that we are so unhappy with our external appearance that we will go to sometimes ridiculous lengths to become attractive.
In the animal kingdom, choosing a mate revolves ... Views: 1621
Network marketing can be a phenomenally successful industry if you know how to generate leads and establish healthy relationships with your business partners.
The health and wellness industry is estimated to be worth $500 billion per annum, and network marketing companies between them ... Views: 1465
Addiction to fantasy is a defence mechanism against the pain that we feel in our lives. It is a behaviour that is generally rooted in childhood, and it is a coping strategy that was learned to enable the child to survive the pain.
Very often the child will use stories like fairy tales to ... Views: 12655
How often do you think about how closely connected to the earth we really are? Do you think about the impact that man is having on the planet? Are you conscious of how disconnected we have become from the earth that we call home?
The earth is a living, breathing mass of rock that houses every ... Views: 4050
Many people in our society choose to endure relationships long beyond what is deemed to be healthy.
To some people, having a relationship at all, regardless of how miserable it makes you, is better than being on your own, and all that this implies. To others, early childhood programming has ... Views: 4455
In the secular west, we have been living in a society that for 2,000 years has denied the phenomenon of reincarnation. It began with the church, which as the Bible was being collated, decided to omit any reference to reincarnation as a method of controlling the population by fear. The church ... Views: 1550
Forever Living Products was created by Rex Maughan in 1978, and is today a thriving direct sales business with over 30 years of growth. He was looking to improve his health and his wealth simultaneously, and introduced the first products to 43 people and the business was born.
Today, Forever ... Views: 5149
Young Living was founded by D. Gary Young and has become the largest line of essential oils and blends in the world. His interests were physical health and emotional wellness and he pioneered remedies to assist natural healing. His products have helped enormous numbers of individuals to find ... Views: 2076
There is much talk of positive thinking and happiness mentality in our culture at present and yet, it appears that we are taking increasing quantities of anti-depressants than ever before. This paradox demonstrates that the mood of our global nation is one of tranquilized normality.
Where is ... Views: 2055
We live in auspicious times. There is great change happening around us and it is affecting all levels of society, all cultures, and races. The earth herself is going through enormous changes which we are witnessing as earthquakes, floods, landslides, desertification, and drought.
For years ... Views: 2081
Spiritual growth is a very personal journey. We are spiritual beings in a human body from our first breath to our last. Each time we breathe in, we accept life and all she has to offer us. With each out breath, we release all that we no longer need.
As small children, we wonder at nature and ... Views: 2543
The human mind is an amazing piece of equipment. It processes an astounding 400 billion bits of information every second. It is at the same time trying to regulate healing, breathing, moving, thinking, repairing, protection, prevention, temperature, food absorption, hormones, chemical reactions, ... Views: 1402
Stealing from others has always been seen as a crime- in fact in years gone by, you could be hanged, or go to prison for years for stealing as little as a fish. Why do people steal, and is punishing them always the right course of action?
There are many reasons why people steal. One of the ... Views: 14432
I have decided to write about why I wanted to be toxin free as much as I am able. I mention this because we soak up and absorb so many toxins into our bodies unknowingly.
All our tales regarding toxins start in the womb. Since our mothers possess all the eggs they need for reproduction for ... Views: 1560
For years researchers, scientists and medical experts have understood that lead and other types of metals in the environment are harmful to the human body. The exposure to toxins, chemicals and metals in the world around us has dramatically increased in the last 100 years, resulting in some very ... Views: 1418
There is no doubt that the number of diagnosed diseases and conditions that are caused by toxins in the body are on the rise. These include serious physical and mental health conditions such as childhood asthma, autoimmune disorders, ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer's, allergies and any number of other ... Views: 1508
How human beings locate information and learn about what they need has changed dramatically. Today, more than at any other time, information is available literally at our fingertips every second of every day. While there are some very positive benefits to f this type of information availability, ... Views: 1376
Even a casual observer of the world around them will acknowledge that we are living in times of great change. Weather patterns are much more variable, political changes are occurring around the world and even religious views are changing at a very rapid and sometimes dramatic rate. These changes ... Views: 5029
It seems that whenever you turn on the television or open a magazine what you see are advertisements about how important it is to keep your home smelling fresh and completely germ free. In order to provide such a high level of bacteria and germ free results, the manufacturers of typical ... Views: 1797
We are programmed by a strong desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is so deep rooted in our subconscious that it motivates pretty much everything that we do. Recently, there has been a movement towards positive thinking as a way of overcoming our challenges, and dispelling negative ... Views: 1906
Angels are woven through the different religions and cultures that span our planet. We see them depicted in paintings, on murals, in books, poems, in the Holy Scriptures, and throughout films, and programs. In fact, they are everywhere! We think of Angels mainly at Christmas, but they are with ... Views: 4270
Aluminum is one of the most common heavy metals in our environment. It is found in a wide variety of materials and objects from common household products through to medical vaccinations. Like all of the heavy metals, aluminum exposure is cumulative and, over time, toxicity levels are reached ... Views: 2032
IVF or in-vitro fertilization is now no longer a thing of science fiction. In fact, the Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine went to Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe for their development of the process. It was just a few short years ago in 1978 that the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born. This ... Views: 1639
Ho'oponopono is a method of healing that has been developed over centuries in Hawaii. One of the leading practitioners of Ho'oponopono is Dr. Hew Len and his teaching on this ancient tool of spiritual healing is known throughout the world.
Ho'oponopono consists of four different statements ... Views: 6873
It is said that the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes and that seems to be the case. Everything in the world around us is constantly changing. We have to let go of traditions, adapt to social, political and financial changes in the world in order to continue to ... Views: 2248
In times gone by, humans were more in tune with the environment they lived in. Today, we have little connection to nature and the planet. The ancient wisdom that was often passed down through story- telling and tradition seems to have been forgotten or lost. The understanding of the importance ... Views: 4906
Admittedly, network marketing is not for everyone. However, if you are interested, it pays to find out some information about the subject.
Network Marketing is a billion dollar global industry, and it is growing all the time. There are some companies that do not deliver on their promises, and ... Views: 1422
My journey with toxins probably started around the same time as yours. I wanted to talk about my relationship with toxins because I do not think I am very different from most other people. Although the details are most likely to be different, we drank from the same tap, ate the same food and ... Views: 1517
PayPal is one of the most well known e-commerce services worldwide. It provides a simple and secure way to allow customers to pay you online, which helps to facilitate business. Not only is it easy to add a PayPal button to your website but it also is very low cost, based on the actual ... Views: 1529
I need to start out this article by giving you a bit of my background. I have a long history and interest in self-improvement, personal growth and focusing in on environmental issues. I have a passion for reading and studying on these topics and have become more and more focused on sharing my ... Views: 1582
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
This is one of my favourite sayings, because we have all experienced pain, grief, suffering and struggles at some stage in our formative years. Very often, the challenges that were presented to us were a direct reflection of the pain ... Views: 1622
When we look at this question, I would imagine that we think we know a lot about the subject. After some consideration, however, I believe we would find out that we know less than what we think we do. This is because have been sold a myth by the cinema and television industries about love, and ... Views: 1616