Jim Carrey is a name we know and a face we recognize…but he wasn’t always that famous actor. At one time he was a young man with a dream, struggling to make it in Hollywood like so many hopeful unknowns. But he didn’t stay that way. What did he do differently? He made a practice of envisioning ... Views: 2265
When it comes to achieving our goals, a good place to focus is on our thoughts and feelings about that dream or goal. We need to think about things like:
• Why do we want to achieve this goal?
• Have we thought through a plan of action on how we’ll get there?
• And do we believe we can ... Views: 2586
“Just think positive!” We’ve heard it said in one way or another so many times. But what does thinking positive or having a positive attitude actually do for us? That’s a great question that I think needs a real answer. It’s sort of like; everyone says eat more greens, so you know you should. ... Views: 4584
We’ve all heard of toxic people and how they can bring down our mood with little more than a snide word or a sneering glance. Of course, you can’t control them but maybe, just maybe, you can influence them in a positive manner while keeping yourself safe from their venom. Think of toxic people ... Views: 3160
When you’re alone, do you feel lonely? Or do you use that time to reflect and get to know your Self better? Perhaps you use the occasion to do things you wouldn’t dream of doing in front of other people. No matter how you choose to deal with alone time, there’s no need to feel lonely; being by ... Views: 3376
If you’re like most people, you probably feel that daydreaming is a waste of time – a period spent in mental wandering instead of getting something constructive done. The truth is, daydreams have an important place in our lives. They are often the inspiration you need to take the first step ... Views: 3231
Are core values just a buzz term or do they have the power to change your life? Take a look at how you can achieve personal empowerment and become who you were meant to be by using your core values for positive life change.
Learn to Love Your Core Values
Let’s start at the beginning: ... Views: 3725
Most of us want to change our lives, but we find it hard to get started. Too often we have more excuses than motivation.
The good news is that you can most of the resources and tools you will need to stay focused on your goals right on the Internet, thanks to your computer and/or smartphone. ... Views: 2021
Power can mean a lot of different things to different people at different times. It’s a term often used in the corporate world – think of how many times you’ve heard the phrases “power suit” or “purchasing power”. It can also refer to the electricity that fuels our homes or the mechanical energy ... Views: 3054
So you want to make a positive change in your life. But what about the other people important to your life? You don’t live in a bubble. You can’t control what family and friends and coworkers do and say and yet they affect your ability to change what you wish.
Luckily, you do have the ... Views: 2938
The term “core values” is one that you will hear quite often, especially by life coaches and counselors. You may also hear them referred to as core beliefs. But what exactly are core values and how you able to determine which are most critical to your health and well-being?
Core values are ... Views: 12181
Just about every woman I know is perfectly capable. She’s great at managing her household, being a stable and reliable employee, taking care of her kids, multi-tasking, cooking up a great meal – doing just about anything that needs and has to be done. Why is it, then, that so many women lack ... Views: 2604
Women the world over have power. It doesn’t matter where she reside or her circumstances, she has the power to be a leader in many different ways, no matter how large or small they may seem, from using that power in the corporate headquarters to her child’s nursery. Leadership ability is the ... Views: 2629
So you want more in your life…that’s a great place to start. It doesn’t matter if you are dissatisfied with your personal life, the career path you have taken, or something not as easily defined. When you make the decision to move forward in a different, more positive direction, it’s the first ... Views: 2458
Most individuals will spend their entire life being told that their dreams are something that they can’t do. “There is no way that you can play football with the boys”, or “No one would make you president”, or “You can’t possibly fly planes with all girls in the military”.
It’s really hard to ... Views: 3484
We all have something we’ve regretted doing – or not doing – in our past. From passing up a fantastic career opportunity to hurting someone’s feelings, experiencing regret is a way for us to learn. It’s part of being human.
In the past, researchers identified that the two largest areas of ... Views: 6621
We all know the differences between men and women are like night and day and when it comes to relationships, it’s more of the same. So what’s the main difference between men and women when it comes to deciding to stay in a bad relationship or walk away? I believe that one reason women tend to ... Views: 3217
Women have made great strides in regards to employment, education, and other opportunities. Yet we still seem to be lacking in one thing: self esteem.
A recent study seems to confirm this. A group of researchers studied over 300 men and women in regards to their behavior on Facebook and other ... Views: 6196
Have you ever simply walked away from a friend who upset you during a conversation? Do you feel obligated to stay and listen to someone venting even if their anger and frustration spills out onto you?
Why We Listen
Women seem to instinctively know how to listen. As opposed to men, we don’t ... Views: 5863
I'll bet there are times when you feel the urgent need to do something creative. We all have them. But do you ignore those feelings because you don’t have time to do something for yourself or all those everyday tasks on your to-do list are nagging you to get them done?
It is never a good ... Views: 8711
Is apprehension preventing you from becoming a successful businessperson? Understand where your anxiety is coming from - and find out how to overcome it.
What's holding you back from business achievement? Is it a lack of skill to do something profitable and worthwhile? I doubt it. Chances ... Views: 2193
I’ve seen it time and time again – women who lose their inspiration, their passion for life. Instead of focusing on goals that will help them feel fulfilled, they are mired in the demands of everyday life. In addition, they often fear the thought of trying to achieve something new, special, ... Views: 3194
Today – more than ever in recent history – mothers are choosing to stay home with their kids rather than pursuing a career after childbirth. It just makes sense; employment prospects are few and the cost of childcare is prohibitive. But before you decide to become a stay-at-home mom and give up ... Views: 3945
Do you know what your ideal life would look like?
If you truly want to change your life, that’s a big goal and you are probably well aware that until you define that goal and all its elements, your chances of attaining it are slim to none.
A life-changing goal is much like a recipe: there ... Views: 4980