Upon discovering a few more interesting ancestors recently that include American patriots as well as European nobility, I thought I'd compose a few playful words about my newfound hobby of researching ancestral lineage, and hope that a few of you find it ... Views: 1491
Because there is always more than one side to a story...Indeed, here is mine...
(Note: This artsy piece is intended to invoke a sense of independence, freedom, and affirmation for the pagan reader, to continue in the development of his or her own individual path without ... Views: 1977
When my son was on the way with us to the ER for a small mishap with his allergies, my husband noticed a car with the license plates "Salem". Not only is that the name of a witchy town, it is my father's name, along with several other ancestors, and was given as a middle name to his ... Views: 1783
ANCESTRY: An Extraordinary Travel Back From Slavery To Royalty
By Stephanie Adams-Nicolai
I. Delphia
II. Native Americans
III. American Pioneers
IV. Knights Templar And Crusaders
V. European Nobility And Royalty
VI. Castles Titles And Names
VII. Ancient ... Views: 5253
The House of Nicolay (de Nicolay/Nicolai, von Nicolay/Nicolai) is a European noble family that dates back to the early 14th Century, with branches primarily in France, England, and Germany.
The surname Nicolay, with variations such as Nicolai, Nickolay, and other regional spellings, in Greek ... Views: 1670
Astrological Archangels
Find out more about your astrological archangel and meditate according to the month you were born.
"He Who Sees God"
Meditation: Pray to this archangel when you are facing challenges in staying true to your inner self or something you ... Views: 1388
The Name
Illuminatius is a portmanteau of "illuminati" and "us". The dream of a new world is no mystery. An enlightened era of love, peace, and happiness can be a reality through proper knowledge, communication, and successful determination. The magic of who we are and what we will become is ... Views: 1537
Thanks to my very colorful "google", international editorial wars about my biography on "wikipedia", and the constant overall fascination over me for decades, I decided to include a brief but nevertheless interesting paragraph about myself along with three ... Views: 2912
"From the depths of humanity's spirit, out of the heaven and hell within one's soul, I will rise above the ashes of the raging, fiery destruction caused by any and all, regenerating my own mind, body, and power to become greater than ever, a powerhouse of spiritual, celestial, and magical ... Views: 1455
I am mini celebrity in my own rite, known in the media for being a multi-millionaire former model, author, and now a business woman, but the one time I actually dabbled as an employee, I chose telecommunications actually, and successfully negotiated a deal with a highly famous ... Views: 1956
I'm not your average "Barbie Doll" model. In fact, if it weren't for my feminine looks and soft toned voice, people would think I was a Navy SEAL or male head of a country, judging from my "guy" personality.
Most of my friends are either in the police, military or run multi-million dollar ... Views: 1502
Twas the night of Halloween and all through the house,
My loved ones were sleeping, my son and my spouse.
The candles were lit on my altar with care,
In hopes that great spirits soon would be there.
My boys were all cozy and snug in their beds,
While visions of ... Views: 1174
Results. Success. Helping others. Supporting my family. Making my loved ones proud.
As the owner of a couple of medical practices, a skincare company, a publishing company, and a non-profit organization, I do all of that while still being a part of our community boards and taking care of my ... Views: 1092
For years, I meditated, prayed, imagined, and even had vivid dreams of meeting my soul mate. I never knew what a twin flame was until I did research for a book I was writing, but had also hoped my soul mate would be my twin flame also.
Although my true love was somewhat of a blur in other ... Views: 1573
If anyone googles "Stephanie Adams" they will find that I am the first Playboy Centerfold to come "out" as a lesbian...who eventually married a man and started a family. Is sexuality "fluid", something that is forever changing, never the same? I will elaborate more on that topic...Sexuality is ... Views: 1777
As we travel through everyday experiences and time, we sometimes encounter the most elaborate, overwhelming, intricately designed obstacles. These matters often leave us perplexed and wondering about everything we have been told and what we once thought we knew...until we know better...
Life ... Views: 1214
Many people are turning away from subjectively "trained" religions, and becoming their own thinkers, choosing more old world beliefs that go back beyond their more recent relatives, embracing the energy and thought patterns of more ancient ancestors.
What is considered to be "New Age" is ... Views: 2988
The Order of the Illuminati was a secret society whose name means "Enlightened Ones". That said, the original Illuminati were not the best of friends with the establishment. They looked beyond what they were told, because they could tell that there was more beyond. So why would anyone believe ... Views: 1157
For most women, the purpose of wearing makeup is to look younger, not older. Ironically, although many popular cosmetic companies promise their products will make you look young, their long term effects often cause the exact opposite...advanced aging. Pure, natural, organic products are the best ... Views: 1983
All my life, I have believed in the deeper meaning behind numbers. Numbers in threes have also followed me throughout the years, to let me know I was receiving a message from my higher spirits. That said:
111 - 1 is the number of power, force, individualism, and being the leader. 111 means ... Views: 5631
From the earliest times, magic was developed largely by the Egyptians in relation both to the dead and the living. The belief in magic is older in Egypt than the belief in God.
Egyptian religion was grounded in a firm and active belief in the importance of magic. Ancient Egyptians believed ... Views: 4119
For all of you mothers out there, remember, a mother is the most beautiful woman in the world...
True beauty is love and confidence. Loving who you are and being confident enough to never change that. Why mask your individuality or alter your destined reality when your true beauty is your ... Views: 1697
When a product is good for your skin, that is wonderful. But when a product is good for your mind, body, and spirit, that is even more special, as you will know it because it will contain the best ingredients. When you apply moisturizing oil to your body, you are setting aside time to nourish ... Views: 1729
As much as I have written about metaphysics and mysticism in the past, my analysis of the innate topic here actually defies many pundit arguments that they belong in those two categories.
How do we save our world? Who is going to do it? Who is a threat to it? Are they the ... Views: 2452
The Illuminati
The Order of the Illuminati was a secret society whose name means "Enlightened Ones". The organization was founded on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria. The founder, was a former Jesuit and Professor of Canon Law at the University of Inglolstadt, Germany named Adam Weishaupt.
... Views: 2548
Breastfeeding was a choice I made before my son was born, not because I personally did the research, but instead because I trusted what seemed to be words of wisdom from my husband as well as his rather large family of nursing mothers. Everyone did it. Every child turned out healthy. I am ... Views: 1978
There was a time once when I thought I had nothing, but what I really had was nothing to lose. It took the death of someone I love, in order for me to learn how to live. And now I realize that I am truly blessed, because I have always had it all.
God knows I've evolved from my life's ... Views: 2707
My greatest accomplishment is being a stay-at-home mother. I went from modeling designer lingerie in front of a staged wearing my La Leche nursing bra in front of a real refrigerator with my two year old son's art work on it. I am a proud extended breastfeeding mother to our ... Views: 1398
Michel de Nostredame was born December 24, 1503, in Saint Remi de Provence, a southern part of France and eventually took on the Latin version of his last name, which is “Nostradamus”.
Nostradamus was the oldest of five sons in a Jewish family, yet they were all raised Roman Catholic after ... Views: 2852
There is no greater and more fulfilling feeling in life than to love and be loved. And human beings aren’t the only ones who are accounted for when it comes to that, as animals, plants and other forms of life thrive upon love or loving influences. Power, fortune, success, or any other human ... Views: 1390
What is a a soul mate? Have you found your soul mate? Many of us go through life wondering these and many other questions regarding soul mates. Few of us ever find the true answers.
A soul mate is someone that you feel an instant spiritual bond with. He or she can come in the form of a ... Views: 1457
We all possess the power to heal ourselves spiritually. This ability has to be developed from within. Spiritual healers have always known that thinking negatively will always welcome more negativity. Physical disease can often be prevented with a regular affirmation of spiritual ... Views: 1637
There is an entirely new world that awaits us every time we close our eyes and sleep. It is our inner world...a place where we find our deepest and innermost thoughts and impressions. What some people do not realize is that our dreams hold the key to our reality.
In order to interpret your ... Views: 2024
Some call him the “Son of God”. Others believe he was merely a man on a religious mission. Nevertheless, no one can take away the fact that he performed many miracles in his lifetime that healed and inspired many. He walked on water, yet they crucified him. Was this man a magician? Or was ... Views: 2177
Most people assume that the Bible is complete. Most people do not know about the substantial portion of the Bible that was removed by the Church, surprisingly with claims of heresy. This portion of the Bible is known as the Book of Enoch.
The Book of Enoch became infamous at a particular ... Views: 3464
Find out more about your astrological archangel according to the month you were born.
"He Who Sees God"
Meditation: Pray to this archangel when you are facing challenges in staying true to your inner self or something you deeply believe in.
Focus: ... Views: 2367