We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Fear". If you have expertise in Overcoming Fear and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
This is a story about what happens when we forget to make room for grief around transitions. It’s a story that illuminates the heart of a highly sensitive person, and how easy it is to overlook and minimize the tenderness of our hearts. It’s a story of remembering my own medicine, and how easy ... Views: 1109
From personal experience, I believe that negativity and especially self-negativity are very bad. They stop you from reaching the places that you want to get to in life.
You clearly have tried to be more positive. But unfortunately, since it has not improved matters for you, you feel you have ... Views: 712
“Life is a parody of paradoxical Irony/ Fate rules not without a touch of Tyranny/ While the rich belch on their goblets of honey/ the wretched etch on the tablets of agony”. The irony of life consists in that the poor live in a constant pursuit of money and cigarette smoking seems to make their ... Views: 780
Fear does influence our life in a big way for it governs how we feel, behave and react in situations given the specific circumstances that give rise to fear inside us. Fear makes us suspicious, creates anxiety, leads to worries and it ultimately takes away our peace of mind.
Few of the most ... Views: 685
There are a number of things that play a part in someone being able to live a life that is worth living, and having a sense of self worth is one of them. When one has this in place, it will be possible for them to feel good about themselves.
Through having the ability to feel good about ... Views: 957
“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom,” said Kierkegaard as quoted by Mark Nepo, who continues with, “The truth is that every fresh experience has this dizziness of freedom that we have to move through. Every time we reach beyond what is familiar, there is this necessary acclimation to what is ... Views: 949
What is adrenaline?
Adrenaline and noradrenline are two separate but related hormones and neurotransmitters.They are produced in the centre (medulla) of the adrenal glands and in some neurons of the central nervous system. They are released into the bloodstream and serve as chemical ... Views: 1368
There are countless reasons why people think that if they put effort into an endeavour in life they will fail. It’s not just because they have failed in the past. It’s not because they think they are unworthy. Though both those reasons can certainly be contributors. But one of the most profound ... Views: 1059
In the waves of change there is an undertow that can pull you down. Unless you are consciously participating with the flow of the waters these days, you can lose yourself in one of life’s most debilitating obstacles to liberation – fear of change. It’s not to be taken lightly.
The ... Views: 1058
Will you be shocked if I say that one in every family has got a huge possibility to have a mental illness??
Because, I have solid evidence to say so!!!
And, that’s is the motivation behind me writing this article for YOU and YOUR FAMILY..!
BELIEVE IT OR NOT – “According to the survey ... Views: 844
One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “How come other people don’t suffer in this way?” It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about relationship anxiety, friendship anxiety, social anxiety, or any other hook that anxiety hangs its hat on, when you’re the one suffering it feels like you’re ... Views: 985
We spend at least fifteen years in school learning the skills that our culture has deemed essential for a certain type of success in the world. We learn how to read. We learn the basics of math. We learn how to write. If we’re lucky, there’s some art and theater thrown in, but it’s understood ... Views: 834
When it comes to developing the self and growing both emotionally and spiritually, so many people are out looking for the quick fix. They're looking for that one-liner that's going to completely transform their perspective and have it all make sense. It's an unrealistic expectation, because ... Views: 805
As someone with a lot of responsibilities, It is hard to find time to schedule a workout program that would fit my schedule. Also as a parent of two daughters I need to have some type of martial arts training to feel comfortable in knowing I can protect my family if I need to. Little did I know ... Views: 950
When we talk about car accidents, we often frame the accident itself as the big event – the terrible thing that happened. In reality, though, a car accident is a second in time, but what really changes people’s lives is the aftermath. Injuries stemming from car accidents can have ... Views: 1024
Like all forms of anxiety, health anxiety is on the rise. With information about our health more available than ever, the anxious mind that seeks control at all costs can easily latch onto health as a hotbed theme that invites this mind to shift into overdrive. You mean I can prevent ... Views: 712
If you are like most people, you may often feel as if your mind is tormenting you and there is no escape. Ironically, when the torment is very vivid, our mind is actually dull, lacking in clarity and creativity.
Of course we can’t enjoy our mind in such a state and we feel trapped because we ... Views: 996
Posted by Stephan Toure
Full article: https://stephantoure.com/2019/06/02/5-signs-youre-suffering-from-imposter-syndrome/
Also, Check out the Stress Management Guide: https://relaxlikeaboss.com/stress-management-guide/
Are you suffering from imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is the ... Views: 1052
It is generally observed in today’s world that more and more people prefer to remain in their comfort zone. Why do we do that? What are we worried about? Let’s explore this a bit…
Very often, we do this because we do not like the uncertainty associated with the probable outcome of any event. ... Views: 541
When quiet moments finally overtake
The harshness of the day and
Moonbeams replace traffic lights,
I ask myself:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Shouldn’t I be doing something?
As day after day races past me
And my life flees like a rabbit
Freed from its cage, I wonder:
What is worthy of my ... Views: 784
Formal education hardly ever teaches us the vital life skills that we need to have a good personal life or launch a successful career or business. Therefore, we often have to work hard to create the best versions of ourselves to make the most out of life. That is the essence of personal ... Views: 929
It’s a thought that arises frequently for those struggling with relationship anxiety: “I have to be single in order to heal.” Offshoots and extrapolations of this thought sound like:
• “I have to backpack by myself across Europe.”
• “I have to live in a loft in New York.”
• “I haven’t ... Views: 942
Hi !
Today I'd like to quickly share something that helps me to live a happier life.
It's this simple thought:
Sometimes a bad day will just be a bad day.
Even if you use the habits and tips I sometimes share - like tapping into gratitude or talking back to your inner critic - to turn a ... Views: 743
Just as there are no rules for life, there are no rules for relationships. That statement can be triggering for the ego, the part of us that insatiably demands definite answers and craves formulas. “Tell me how to live and how to love and then I’ll know that I’ll be okay!” the ego thinks, then ... Views: 1077
Ellen G. White is a familiar name to many on the West Coast. She is known for her forward thinking approach to health as the founder of Loma Linda University and White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles is named for her.
Loma Linda University was featured in the National Geographic Cover Story ... Views: 980
Whatever is happening in your life right now, it is time to dust off those dreams and work towards fulfilling your destiny, the one created just for you. The one that has filled your heart and mind with a passion that you have never been able to fully let go of because...it's who you are meant ... Views: 1078
Anxious people aren’t typically the most easy-going people on the planet. Because our high sensitivity wires us for hypervigilance, which then causes us to scan the horizon for danger, we’re physiologically primed to have a more tightly-wound nervous system. Unless you received guidance as a ... Views: 935
This is a point or question which my students often bring up during my Psychic Development Courses, that is: if it is possible to for them or for the Psychic Reader to be able to change or even reverse certain psychic insights that come up during a psychic reading session. We are referring to ... Views: 1014
When people think about analyzing their dreams, they usually think of psychics with crystal balls, dream dictionaries, or lying on a bed and psychologist tells them precisely what their dreams connote. But dream analysis is actually a valuable way to better understand yourself.
Why We Dream: ... Views: 1535
When addressing anxiety effectively, we must attend to all four realms of self: physical, emotional, cognitive, and soul – or body, heart, mind, and soul. Attending only to one of the four realms is helpful, but it won’t help you heal anxiety from the root. By “attend” I mean we need tools to ... Views: 978
1. If everyone shared the truth as they see it, the devil’s forces would not know who to attack because it could come from every direction. God will bless those who share. The wedding parables have imagery of lamps burning (Lk 12:35, Matt 25) to share light. David cut off the head of the giant ... Views: 923
By definition, revenge is quite harsh. It means to inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to someone else. For this post, I would like to alter the definition slightly in the following way: to avenge oneself by retaliating through healing, recovery and self-care.
Pretty ... Views: 1812
Just as there are some people who experience fear from time to time, there are also some people who experience it on a regular basis. Due to this, their experience on this earth is likely to be radically different.
One way of looking at this would be to say that when it comes to the former, ... Views: 1026
“As it was in the days of Noah,” Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible and he died the year of the Flood. His name meant, at his death, the sending forth of waters. He died the year of the Flood as a sign it was impending. This author suggested similar for Billy Graham here.
“History ... Views: 1484
We live in an ageist culture. It’s not only that we’re terrified of death and hurry to sequester the topic away under the nearest rock or stuff it into the closest corner; it’s that, in a culture that reveres youth, beauty, and physical perfection, we fear aging itself. We fear the lines that ... Views: 1253
“One of the big traps we have in the West is our intelligence, because we want to know what we know. Freedom allows you to be wise, but you cannot know wisdom. You must be wisdom… The intellect is a beautiful servant, but a terrible master. Intellect is the power tool of our separateness. The ... Views: 946
Perhaps the area of our lives to suffer most from the increasingly fast pace of the culture is love, for the expectation of immediate results naturally leads to a belief that love should not only be easy, but that when there’s a problem, it should be remediated quickly. Love doesn’t work this ... Views: 875
At the core of anxiety – whether health anxiety, death anxiety, relationship anxiety, or generalized anxiety – is the need for safety. As I’ve been writing about in my last few posts, left to our own unguided minds, the ego will latch onto our stories to try to gain a foothold into the ... Views: 1155
Recently I learned a former co-worker I knew in Nebraska was diagnosed with throat cancer. I wouldn’t wish any cancer on my worst enemy, but having gone through throat cancer I know first hand how difficult the treatment can be.
My ex-wife hand breast cancer and I watched her go through ... Views: 1097
According to Mental Health America (MHA), the total population of Texas is above 26 million. There are 72.9 percent adults in TX; while 27.1 percent are below 18. More than 6 million Texans have a mental issue. This number includes 1.4 million kids. The estimate further shows that more than 1 ... Views: 773
Our culture fails to teach us the essential skills we need to navigate through life successfully in so many ways. As I discuss often on this site, it fails to teach us about healthy, real love. It fails to teach us about how to feel our feelings and work with our thoughts. It fails to guide us ... Views: 867
Every day that I work with clients struggling with relationship anxiety I find myself saying some version of, “Of course you’re scared. Loving is the scariest thing we do.” As I’ve written about several times on this blog, fear doesn’t always present as fear but instead shows up as irritation, ... Views: 867
When the fear-fog clears, when the projection that has kept him separate from you and sealed a barnacle over your heart finally shatters, you see your partner as if for the first time. Not only do you see her clearly, in all of her sweet and simple splendor, but the delusions of separateness ... Views: 826
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.
When we’re being asked to unpack a new layer of wound that will lead to healing, it can feel daunting, overwhelming, and ... Views: 776
Over the years, I’ve worked with many clients who have suffered from the intrusive thought, “What if my partner is gay?” (or “What if my partner is straight?” for those in a same-sex relationship), and while I’ve written several posts on the “What if I’m gay?” spike I haven’t written about what ... Views: 927
As I’ve written about before on this blog, one of the privileges of being the position of guiding people through the darkest aspects of their psyche and soul is that they share thoughts and feelings with me that they wouldn’t share with anyone else. Part of the reason why they share openly about ... Views: 842
Fear-mind has a special genius for trying to prove that it’s right. It’s like we all have this aspect of our personality – some call it ego, other call it lower self – that has secretly attended law school and graduated at the top of its class. This character, terrified of change, will gather ... Views: 867
“It’s better to make a mistake with the full force of your being than to carefully avoid mistakes with a trembling spirit.”
– Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
When I was in graduate school many ago, my classmates would often ask me how I was able to write papers so quickly and ... Views: 879
When we spiral down into the deeper layers of anxiety – whether relationship anxiety or any other form that anxiety takes – we find some universal root causes that live at the center. These exist on both the emotional and psychological/spiritual planes, and they all need our attention if we’re ... Views: 1131
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl
If we could slow life down to micro-moments, if we could literally alter time like a movie turning it into sloooooow ... Views: 798