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Did you see my recent Facebook post?Julia 42 300x200 Help, Ive lost my Mojo!
“Ok. It’s time for an MOT (moment of truth):
I’ve lost my mojo and had a very unproductive few days!!
After sitting looking at the sea for the last half an hour and giving myself a good talking too I’m ready to get ... Views: 1199
How healthy are your boundaries? Maybe you think about this directly and often, maybe not. Boundaries weren’t something I personally spent much time thinking about for many years. I’ve often related to the concept of boundaries in a negative way. Of course I’ve known they’re important, ... Views: 1647
Thanksgiving is right around the corner now. Friends and families are planning and gathering for the day. Is it going to be turkey, or goose, or maybe we'll even try turducky! How many side dishes this year? Remember last year we forgot the broccoli! Do we really have to have candied yams and ... Views: 1485
"Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes suddenly." Tony Robbins
Low self-esteem can be tricky in that it makes you feel like everything is wrong in the world, namely yourself. Unmet expectations can lead you to believe that your life is one rain cloud after another. ... Views: 1450
Upon our journey from childhood into adulthood, something most saddening occurs. We lose our belief in dreaming. We trade our dreams for "real" life experiences. And, before we know it our life is one big negative ball. We dislike majority of our daily experiences. We manage to get by telling ... Views: 1708
Clients often come to me in a state of agitation, impatience and panic (real or existential, sometimes both), wanting a “magic solution” for their current dilemma – which is, in fact, a microcosmic representation or symptom of their overall life dilemma. And while I really do have a “magic ... Views: 1337
It is normally to hear people talk about the things they wish to start going. We hear it so much it becomes dull to our ears. We learn to ignore those statements. It makes no logical sense for us to encourage a person speaking of the things they ought to be doing. We already know by the ... Views: 1693
It’s an overcast, blustery morning on the shores of Lake Chautauqua. The sun has just risen and is trying hard to break through the clouds. I’m the first to arrive this morning out on the point of the bell tower peninsula. I want to claim my special spot under a particular willow tree right ... Views: 1341
In the midst of utter chaos, there is but the sensation of losing control. The world is spinning around wildly too fast to make out images. The breathing is so heavy you are only able to gasp at it. The atmosphere is shrinking into your already tiny existence, invaliding the area you know as ... Views: 1585
The number one mistake most people have when discussing happiness is the belief exterior forces have more control over his/her experience than they do. More often than not, we give our power over the experience away in hopes of it being a better experience than the one we could have created if ... Views: 1774
We find ourselves in the midst of summer with August on the horizon. In many cultures, August is the harvest—the reaping the rewards of what you planted last spring. August is also a time to pause, reflect and refresh.
This is the time to slow down a bit, take stock of where you are and ... Views: 1671
Good morning everyone….
I’m not sure if my week is going fast or slow…I thought it was Thursday today. Then Sarah, my oldest daughter, reminded me that it is Wednesday. So do I slow down or speed up? I’m feeling a whirlwind here.
Speaking of whirlwinds…..George and I were discussing our ... Views: 1166
Want happiness? Get grateful!
The connection between gratitude and happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in ... Views: 1319
I was just this morning reading an article by Wendy Squires on the “Mamamia” FB page, where she addressed her need for what I call downtime.
This quote is useful & I don’t know who wrote it but it sounds like a practicing psychologist
“The key difference [between introverts and extroverts] is ... Views: 1533
I Was Never
I was never a great student…C or C+ average at best. My best or favorite classes were music, art, science, and gym. I went throughout my entire school experience including high school and college unsure and following what others have done.
There was one independent decision ... Views: 1429
Have you ever had the thought?
My life just doesn’t seem to make sense!
Is it possible for life to make perfect sense?
I both believe and know it is possible for each of us to have our lives make perfect sense.
It's possible to come into a deep connected alignment with our daily life and ... Views: 1772
"Loving let live" is said to be one of the prevalent dying words we would only hope to hear for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately life will only exceed our greatest desires to be unified and reborn again when we have unwillingly departured our existence on earth. The equivocal spellbound of ... Views: 1996
Lately I have been noticing all the rage and anger in the world. Which of course gets me to thinking on where it comes from and how the heck do we stand against it? Some would say you battle rage with love. I say we withstand rage with gratitude.
Battle in the name of love is hard to ... Views: 1268
Happiness is, in some ways, the ultimate pursuit in self-improvement. Unlocking greater happiness can transform your life in more ways than just changing your mood. As you begin to experience a positive life you will find motivation comes easier, self-esteem grows, and that you will become a ... Views: 1102
Fostering gratitude is a skill that can literally transform our lives from the inside out. The more we acknowledge the joys, blessings and lessons in our lives, the more we continuously find to be grateful for. Gratitude is a positive, affirming and empowering practice that can impact all ... Views: 1912
Dearest Darling Readers,
Authentic is a very powerful word.
Being authentic is being real. It is being genuine. It also is a process of being honest to yourself. It is in finding alignment with our hearts’ desires, to our values and in ‘not pretending’. It requires courage. It is ... Views: 1280
Invite Good Things in your Life
[Vinod Anand]
All of us complain at one time or another. But, there are some people who complain, regardless. Complaining is a way of life with them; they cannot stop cribbing, wherever they are, whatever they are doing, or whatever is happening to them, they ... Views: 1579
Gratitude is more than just saying the words; it is about feeling gratefulness for all that you are, all that you are becoming, and all that you have in your life. We tend to take things and people for granted when at anytime we could lose them.
When you practice gratitude on a daily basis ... Views: 1499
Dearest Darling Readers,
‘Things’ people want, change from time to time. But, how they want to ‘feel’ remains the same. In relationships, it is the feelings and not the things that we need to focus on. When the feelings are not right, we feel insecure.
In the last LSM- Dancing with ... Views: 1555
Gratitude is in the air these days, more and more, as a spiritual practice to uplevel and uplift your life. Authors such as Deepak Chopra, Edwene Gaines, Neale Donald Walsch, Diane Harmony and many more extol the power of gratitude. After all, one cannot be depressed or angry while in a state of ... Views: 1592
While sitting on a sandy beach one bright and warm fall day
I listen to the ancient sounds that emanate my way.
A myriad of seabirds cry while searching for a feast,
A wind blows soft across my ears while heading straight due east.
Before me countless sun drops dance upon a watery ... Views: 2105
Memorial Day in the U.S. started off as a somber day of remembrance, a day where we in America went to cemeteries and placed flags or flowers on the graves of those who died in battle or in some way during the course of war. We remembered our ancestors, family members, loved ones, and even ... Views: 1584
Gratitude- a word often used but seldom adhered to. How many times have we actually taken the time to feel grateful about something? We often say that good things happen to other people, but why don’t we realize that at time we are the ‘other’ person for a lot of people out there.
When you ... Views: 1826
The “Golden Rule”of the Helping Professions
An Excerpt from “The Human Magnet Syndrome – Why We Love People Who Hurt Us.”
By Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC
It is a common belief within the mental health field that a psychotherapist’s competence is often compromised when they work ... Views: 2797
We know that we cannot control life, but how we respond to life’s events makes a huge difference between feeling like a victim of circumstances and embracing how powerful we truly are as co-creators of our reality.
I would like to share my own process here to illustrate what I’ve been writing ... Views: 1311
Love Finds The Way
Love is the greatest equalizer that we all come to know. It does not care who you are, what you do, where you live, or what you think. It takes you where you need to be and shows you what you need to do. It is exacting and timely. It is ethereal and practical. It is ... Views: 1108
The Grace of Spirit
Life unfolds in such miraculous ways! It embraces such vast polarity with many unexpected ironies along the way. Each and every one of us is witness to this mysterious phenomenon. We just know it is true from day to day and throughout our lives. The impact is oftentimes ... Views: 1201
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The Gift - by Don Neviaser, DBA Forward Motion For Life!
The Gift
Why wait until you are at death's door before realizing what a precious and wonderful gift life really is? Why not learn to appreciate life more now, while you still have the chance, rather than waiting until it is too late to be able to do anything about it? The ability to enjoy life ... Views: 1981
10 Minutes of Gratitude Goes a Long Way
by Anne Vidovich, M.A.
Claim Your Life Coach www.claimyourlifenow.com
Gratitude is one of the best intentions you can hold in a day. It not only makes you feel happy for what you have, you actually begin to have more people and things to feel ... Views: 2277
Living in a universe with constant change
Faithful Choices
Did you ever think that it was your choice to be here on this earth, just as much as it was also mine? It is therefore necessary that each of us must realize that the core values we hold within our heart and soul are ... Views: 1131
Events are happening in all of our lives, at all times. We interpret these events and add our meaning to them, as a result of our experience, conditioning and beliefs. You could say that the meanings we apply to events become our frame of reference to make sense of what is going on.
Some ... Views: 1467
Recently I have had the privilege of being invited into an Aged Care Retreat to do an interfaith gathering, talk and play some beautiful meditation music.
My experience doing this has been one of delight and gratitude. The experience and feedback from those who have been attending these monthly ... Views: 1895
While most people would argue having a life you love will make you happy, I would argue that happiness will help you to create a life you love.
Think about it. Emotions create reality.
Be happy = manifest more in your world to be happy about. Be unhappy = manifest more in your world to be ... Views: 1839
While on a cruise with my husband David, we decided to take a side excursion in Dominica to a beautiful rainforest. We were there to go tubing down what were supposed to be gentle rapids. I started getting nervous when I was strapped into a heavy duty life jacket but it was too late to turn back ... Views: 1401
Who would have thought that a little four letter word could contain such magnitude and have an impact on people in ways you never knew were possible.
This word is empowering, inspiring, moving, heart warming, humbling, kind, gentle, spoken or unspoken.
The word I'm referring to is LOVE. It ... Views: 1534
"And in the end it's not the years in your life that count.
It's the life in your years."
˜ Abraham Lincoln
In honor of Lincoln's birthday and in celebration of Valentine's week, I came up with a new twist on writing "love" letters.
Instead of just writing love notes to my family ... Views: 1320
Unconditional love is defined as a profound feeling of affection, not altered in any way by conditions; usually this type of love is considered too good to be true, or something that only the “Creator” of all things can offer.
In fact, our limitations in giving love are our frights. We are ... Views: 1191
Once upon a time, in Japan, a wealthy man was sitting having some tea. As he was taking in the beautiful sights and sounds of the beautiful landscape he inadvertently dropped his teacup and it broke. The teacup was made of clay and so it would need to be taken to a craftsmen in order to get it ... Views: 4261
Throughout our lives, we are going to be thrown unexpected curve balls from time to time. Whether you allow them to hit you square in the face or step out of the way is what is most important. Do not allow it to be anything more than what it is. It is a curve ball, plain and simple.
Too ... Views: 1858
Across the globe, the sentiment of goodwill toward others is the highest at Christmastime. At this time of year, our hearts open wider to our family, friends, work associates and to people less fortunate. Collectively, we express more compassion, understanding, appreciation and gratitude ... Views: 1272
It's that crazy time of year again when lists are made with often unachievable, sometimes downright ridiculous goals.
Three people I know have already decided on theirs. One is currently eating through the Christmas food like there is a famine approaching so she can start a diet on January ... Views: 1268
Dr. Romance writes:
Want to give yourself a holiday gift that will last the rest of your life? Try giving yourself the gift of happiness.
Research shows that happiness and satisfaction depend more on the inner person than on external circumstances. The secret to living a happy life is ... Views: 1594
The Power of Gratitude
Practicing an attitude of gratitude is a simple way to give yourself an Attitude Adjustment. Gratitude shifts your focus from lack to abundance. Research has shown that giving thanks makes people happier, more resilient, strengthens relationships and can improve your ... Views: 1438
A lot of the time people think to achieve goals in life, people think that they need to start chasing the latest “shiny penny”! They feel that if they don’t have the latest and greatest gadget that they are somehow slipping behind the rest of the world. With new technology evolving so quickly, ... Views: 1306
Hey thank you! Yes, I mean you. YES, you! Please don’t miss this moment. Give these words your full attention for just a minute, okay? Great! Just breathe.
Relax. I want to sincerely express my gratitude to you for the choices you make today. Seriously, thank you! Thank you for shining your ... Views: 1103