We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Gratitude". If you have expertise in Gratitude and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
By now, the important place that holding an attitude of gratitude occupies in personal/spiritual development and even practical planning has received enough mainstream press to be passe. My intent here is to revitalize the concept by returning to the basics, as many who've ... Views: 1522
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate and express gratitude. When we take the time to focus on that for which we are grateful, we feel fulfilled. Our cup overflows with feelings of abundance. According to Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles: “Gratitude is the single most important ... Views: 1266
One of our main characteristics is that we try to conceive all that we live, that is we tend to build always a representation, a meaning about that what we experience. We do not have simple feelings, but conceived feelings, not direct moods, but mediated ones, namely mediated by our thought. It ... Views: 1336
“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” ~ Charles Spurgeon
Motivational tips are everywhere, thanks to the internet. I cannot imagine how you could possibly remain glum with all the motivation out there. Any day on Facebook brings dozens of motivational ... Views: 1250
As we were rushing around to get out the door for our 4th of July weekend trip to the lake, I misplaced my iPhone and was forced to leave without it...for 4 days! What at first seemed like a curse, ended up being a blessing!
After the initial panic wore off, I actually felt free and ... Views: 1366
As a teenager and young adult my main hobby, let me change that, my only hobby was partying. I was functional in school as far as grades go but everything revolved around partying. It didn't matter if it was alcohol or drugs, I wanted to party and whatever means it took to get there I would do ... Views: 2980
The 1960’s was a decade that heralded a new wave of film stars such as Paul Newman, Sydney Poitier, Audrey Hepburn, Clint Eastwood and many others.
But for a twist of fate, one actor may well have ranked amongst such prestigious talents had he not made the decision to forgo his acting career ... Views: 1369
Gratitude in and of itself can completely transform our lives. Gratitude has the power to dissolve our anger, shift our perception, and replenish our energy. In a matter of moments, being grateful can take us from a state of helplessness, to a state of hope, and gradually to a state of joy. ... Views: 1528
If you were requested to list ten things that you are most grateful for in your life, what would be included in it?
Do have to think for a while, or do you know exactly how blessed you are? When you ask someone how they are doing, the answer would depend on the level of comfort between the ... Views: 1429
There are reasons, good reasons, why certain people have reached the state of constant happiness - it's all about things like wonder, self satisfaction, never forgetting ones roots and the inspiration gained from others...
... others who are or have been in worse positions than yourself - ... Views: 1223
Many people don’t believe in the existence of guardian angels but I do. They live among us and shower us with their bottomless treasure of love and affection. They, generously, sacrifice their lives to cater for our needs without ever complaining. They are our mothers.
After carrying us for ... Views: 1447
Repeat after me, I lovingly receive.
Most of us spend the majority of our time building, creating, and dare I say pushing for results.
We forget the power of giving ourselves the time and space to receive. Some of us never learned how.
Think of the tides, their natural cycle is rise and ... Views: 2177
People often believe that they are slaves to their emotions: "I hate feeling like this but I can't help it." Some are ashamed of their emotions and try to hide them; still others find some to be offensive, frightening or sinful. But the truth is that all feelings have purpose and value. They are ... Views: 1708
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about my WAM program for personal success, what about me? I wrote about three steps to “me,” self-compassion, including 1) welcoming yourself as a friend,
2) Acknowledging your strengths and successes, and recognizing that, 3) Mindfulness promotes it all.
... Views: 1388
“We want to change our lives, rather than use our lives, the present moment, as part of our spiritual practice. But, in order to really capture the energy of nirvana and become one with it, we need a partnership with the ordinary world. If we never tire of situations, our energy is joyous. If ... Views: 1780
Hibernating (from the cold).....What's it good for??
As I travel on my spontaneous journey, I am eager to see the places I am visiting. I have made some sacrifices to take this journey so I want to get all the pleasure from it I can. I am currently in the city I was most looking forward to ... Views: 1662
**Hope** (Excerpt from John's New Book "AWESOME SUCCESS PRINCIPLES")
“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so
great and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something
better tomorrow.”
--Orison Sweet Marden
I watched the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The
hosting city was Sochi, in ... Views: 1310
Childlessness, or the inability to conceive, is an often unappreciated source of pain amongst much of the general public.
A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found the number of women aged 15-44 with impaired fecund city (impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a ... Views: 1539
I learned from a sweet little movie called About Time a very powerful message about to find happiness in our lives. The story is about a family with the ability to travel back in time. On the son’s 21st birthday, he is told about the power and how to use it. For the first half of the movie, this ... Views: 1317
Whatever the present moment contains,
accept it as if you have chosen it.
~ Eckhart Tolle
These words of Eckhart Tolle, a true master of the now, are simple but not easy to do. This is because to actually accept the present moment is a challenging act that requires our letting go of ... Views: 1398
As Jews celebrate Hannukah and Christians do Christmas, most people look for a day off or hope to benefit commercially from this time that's meaningless to millions of others. What's the point? Is it all vanity as Solomon said?
Religion is gratitude if we are doing it right. If we don't see ... Views: 1244
"The miracle of your being cannot escape itself. Your thoughts blossom into events. Your beliefs grow as surely in time and space as flowers do.” SETH
We’re kicking off the winter season with a super-charged New Moon Solstice event on December 21st AT THE SAME TIME Trickster of ... Views: 1895
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Prayer - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
Prayer is so ancient. Since the beginning of time humans have honored life, pondered and celebrated their existence! Any positive focus upon the resolution of conflict, the well being of human beings and our planet and the expression of joy and gratitude for all the beauty and gifts in our life ... Views: 1450
1. How did we get such nicely rounded spheres from a Big Bang that should have given jagged rocks?
2. How did all the planets come into orbit after such an explosion?
3. Why do the planets vary in distance from the sun so greatly, and still stay in orbit?
4. With more than 100 moons for the ... Views: 1376
We hear a lot about the power of gratitude lately. There seems to have been a hundredth monkey leap in consciousness, a global awareness that gratitude is a powerful and relatively easy way to sweep out the propensity toward negativity and connect to what’s good and right in our world.
For ... Views: 1834
Gratitude is not a one-serving meal relegated to Thanksgiving and plates full of yummy traditions and comfort. Gratitude is an all-round accompaniment, perfect for gatherings, holidays, and quiet solitude. Gratitude travels well. It works in all kinds of weather and is never out of season, too ... Views: 1413
Summary: The basis for nuclear energy and tremendous power is seen in Einstein's equation showing that a small amount of matter can yield a huge amount of energy. We appreciate science discovering what helped put an end to World War II in the Pacific and now we have energy for peaceful purposes, ... Views: 1383
When you look in the mirror do you really see yourself? Is it a quick look with just a hand through the hair or a concentrated look as you apply your makeup? Are you focused on the hair while shaving or tweezing your face? Do you avoid the mirror? Do You Really See You?
I ask these ... Views: 1272
Running your business can be a veritable rollercoaster of emotions. When clients, money, and new ideas are flowing the high is almost untouchable, but that feeling of elation is often followed by moments of doubt, fear, and blockage.
Every piece of that cycle is normal, but having a solid ... Views: 1702
Righteous indignation. Proving your point. Being right. Holding On. Never letting go. Beating a dead horse. Having to win. Always coming out on top. Having to have the last word. Sound familiar? Then this column is surely for you.
I believe that peace is the single greatest good. Peace. You ... Views: 1359
There is a over abundance of books, articles, and blogs written on the subject of gratitude but did you know that being grateful is actually an antidote to anger?
Gratitude is a conscious state of appreciation, the ability to feel good in the midst of difficulties and disappointments, and ... Views: 5202
"Your crown has been bought and paid for--all you need to do is put it on your head."
James Baldwin
When big-hearted, abundance-loving Jupiter transitions into noble Leo on July 16th, it kicks off a year-long theme of claiming our Divine uniqueness and letting it shine.
... Views: 2221
Why is this article in the sections of Depression & Gratitude? Because if you believe that you came from a monkey, you might be depressed. Seeing support for the biblical account that we were made in God's image (and have a higher destiny than apes) brings gratitude to the Creator. This also ... Views: 1200
We have just until July 16th, 2014 to remember all the lessons and reasons for gratitude we've received from the passage of Jupiter in the sign of his exaltation, Cancer.
To review:
"What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe." ... Views: 1988
"I have a large seashell collection which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world." Steven Wright
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, brings us the most positive energy in the Universe in different areas of ourselves and life over a twelve-year cycle as he ... Views: 23160
MoHow Posted By Joel Simms It’s amazing how some simple, easy, positive actions can improve life. Saying "Thank You" and being grateful are two examples that have enormous power. In fact, they have the power to change your life in the most profound way.
My wife taught me to be grateful ... Views: 4207
In December of 2011, I decided to head up to Calistoga for a few days. Calistoga is a small town in Napa Valley, about an hour from where we live. For the past few years, Michelle and I have each gone up there occasionally by ourselves for some personal retreat time. It’s been a great self-care ... Views: 1764
In memory of her recently departed brother–in- law, one of my Facebook friends decided she was establishing a week of random acts of kindness. I loved this idea. What a great way to honor someone that has passed away and will be greatly missed.
Her first act happened, by chance, in the ... Views: 2196
This weekend, as I was driving my car, with the roof down, I almost started crying. It was a most beautiful day… warm and sunny and the trees had just started to bloom. The day felt like a beautiful gift. I started to think of all the good things I had in my life and realized how lucky I was. My ... Views: 1208
I hate being a sucker. This morning, like every morning for the past 3 months, my furnace didn’t clank and bang trying to warm up my house. I could see the sun shining through the window and I heard the birds chirping. There was no white stuff on the ground. Is it possible? Is winter over? Hmmm… ... Views: 1325
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Thankfulness - by Dr. Emily DeCarlo (The DeCarlo Institue for the Healing Arts)
Thankfulness can not be over rated. It is the elixir that makes the trials of life more palatal. The tests that we face become much easier to digest when we wash them down with gratitude. We can not stop events that seem to be disastrous from occurring in our lives, but we can cushion ourselves ... Views: 1192
In a sense, we are all transmitting, or broadcasting energy all of the time via our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, as everything is energy and has frequency. Yet I wanted to go deeper here and share with you what I know to be possible, which I am referring to as the “sacred art of transmission” ... Views: 1868
First of all lets understand what is positive thinking. Positive thinking only means approaching life with a positive outlook. That being said it does not mean you have to ignore potentially harmful situation that can impact your life adversely. The individuals with positive thinking do not ... Views: 1897
Giving thanks is more than just a simple act . . . in fact it holds enormous power.
As you’ll soon discover, by making the word “thank you” have more meaning in your life, you can transform your day, your world . . . your life.
But this is nothing new. In fact, to begin explaining what I ... Views: 1392
You must be comfortable in the ambiguity of life. You create your destiny, but the opportunities are left to chance. That is where the spirit resides.
What influences your experiences are your beliefs in yourself. Your expectations and assumptions. Your perceptions of your feelings and ... Views: 948
A Heart Warming Recipe For A Happy Holiday
Thanksgiving is already upon us. Yes, it’s that time of year!
Let’s give gratitude for all of our blessings.
We can feel the weather quickly changing! It’s getting much colder as we briskly move into the winter months. Surely, we can wear some ... Views: 1707
It’s that time of year. The fall harvest holidays are almost upon us. It is a time when we place our attention on who and what make us thankful.
Are we also aware of the importance of gratitude in our everyday role as leaders?
According to an article in The Harvard Health Newsletter, ... Views: 1347
Everyone knows how to breathe, right?
But did you know breathing can be a powerful stress buster and good medicine for your health?
When you combine this familiar activity with some mindfulness techniques, you transform inhaling and exhaling into meditation. And with meditation ... Views: 1711
A TRUE friend supports you only when he believes that you are doing the right thing in your self-interest and welfare;
A FAKE friend supports you always, no matter what you do.
A TRUE friend respects you only when you have earned respect and act respectably;
A FAKE friend "respects" you ... Views: 2889
Are you satisfied with your life right now? Are you content with your life right now? Is there a difference between the two? I would submit to you that there is a difference between satisfaction and contentment.
The dictionary defines satisfaction as “the fulfillment or gratification of a ... Views: 4710