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Many people around the world lead a stressful life and if you are one of them, you can try meditation. Meditation has the power to transform your life and make a huge difference. It is however essential to know how to meditate in a proper manner for best results. Meditation must also be ... Views: 950
Meditation is considered as a great boon for today’s stressful world. Our mind is constantly busy fighting all the worries of present competitive world. It hardly gets time to relax. There so many things going around those need to be focused. In order to achieve this focus, many people practice ... Views: 1388
Meditation is a healing practice that helps you enjoy peace and self actualization. There are literally hundreds of meditation techniques. Chakra meditation techniques are the most popular among them, as they help you achieve self healing and achieving. In order to practise these techniques, ... Views: 1621
Meditation itself does not need any methods or techniques at all. Meditation is simply alertness to feel the aliveness of your life. Meditation is simply awareness to live fully, deeply and joyfully every second of your life. Meditation is all-inclusive in the spreading of awareness. Neither ... Views: 831
The new age movement is not as new as the name suggests, and has been around for a number of years. Today’s popular ways of life have largely influenced this form of living. It is a combination of western and eastern cultures creating a more distinctive mode of meditation and ... Views: 1721
During the week I was asked to participate in an event today. My first reaction was to say YES but then I remembered I had set aside today for me. I already had plans to spend the day with me. For the first time choosing me instead of something or someone else felt quite liberating. I didn't ... Views: 946
Spiritual healing is a way in which one can create a happy and purposeful life by using techniques to strengthen the spirit. It would be hardly fair to call spiritual healing as a new or upcoming technique. These methods have been around since very long time and there are many examples and ... Views: 948
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is a health system that focuses on balancing the mind, spirit and body. It is regarded as an alternative health and wellness practice with prime focus on safety, through natural resources like herbs and ... Views: 1010
What is Meditation? This is a tricky question because meditation is beyond the understanding of the mind.
Meditation could even be said to be the recognition of what you are beyond the mind and body.
Beyond thinking, there is a sense that you exist. Not existing as a name or person, ... Views: 1014
In this article i am going to reveal one key step that anyone can take before starting meditation, be it 5 minutes or 50 minutes that can dramatically improve your results and get you into a higher conciousness immediately and on the fly.
Generational Wisdom
Meditation is highly revered ... Views: 439
Imagine, if you will, a moment in your life when you were very pleased with something. It may not have been anything of monumental degree, but you were proud, pleased, and happy about the outcome. Now, continue your imaginary journey. Think about this point in time and about that person in ... Views: 1328
Letting go might seem like an impossible thing when you feel if you take the wrong step you will create what you do not want. Walking on eggshells is simply a cliché for stress being your 24/7 companion.
In meditation you part company from your companion and go into a peaceful lull where the ... Views: 1788
Ashtar Sheran:
• Journey to the Mother Ship
• Initiation for Easier Travel
• The Clear Intention for the Golden Age
* * *
With the words OMAR TA SATT I greet you, Adonai Ashtar Sheran, in the complete love of peace, of joy and of power. Energy ... Views: 1655
According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one in 25 individuals is a sociopath.
A sociopath is someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They’re often very charming and will look you in the eye and smile, be your friend, then later when you’re not ... Views: 3443
Obesity is becoming an increasing cause of concern among people all over the world. Around 130 million adults residing in the U.S are suffering from extreme weight gain issues. Since, it is associated with various physical and mental disorders, it is imperative to formulate and execute a weight ... Views: 704
The term spiritual healing, often called as 'energy healing', is an art of non-invasive complimentary therapy. The healer uses the indiscernible healing energy that is directed from the healer to the recipient, either by directly touching or without touching the body of the person. This art of ... Views: 719
Greetings my dear lights on Earth. It is the time of higher realization and expanding consciousness. Many of you feel the yearning to develop more and thus your soul guides you deeper and deeper into realization. For some of you this is also connected with pain, and thus it is a joy for Melek ... Views: 1485
I once spent a weekend at a Buddhist retreat, where the theme was “Being Present.” It was a wonderful time and an awakening experience. I knew the importance of being here now. My life was extremely busy, and my mind was in the past, thinking about something I did wrong (and replaying the moment ... Views: 3579
"If you observe
your experience
in this moment,
then you are not controlling
this moment in any way,
you are not involved with it
in any way.
From witnessing,
there is the flow
of energy that
is happening,
that is arising by itself,
that is creating
the movement of ... Views: 951
Broadly speaking meditation can be defined as a self induced change of state of mind for the purpose of heightening certain awareness or attention, or for emotional well being.
However, the narrower definitions vary according to the beliefs surrounding them. As beliefs differ among different ... Views: 795
Meditation Techniques - Mantra Meditation
Meditation techniques are perhaps more important now in the midst of our modern times; more so than it ever had been in previous points in history. The complex beehive nature of our society, the competitive rat’s race that we deem determined to finish ... Views: 808
When I first heard the phrase "brainwave entrainment" it conjured up some rather scary images in my head. And what I discovered on the surface after that didn't really help to make me feel better about it. There is no shortage of mis-information on this topic so it is no real wonder I initially ... Views: 2914
Love your neighbor as yourself
Easier said than done!
What exactly does it mean?
Well, it seems simple. Basically, “yourself” comes first! So, you are expected to first love yourself and then love your neighbor.
Does it mean that you cannot love another if you don’t love yourself? ... Views: 1437
The present-day world tenets, successes and results, which is why, maybe, that more and more individuals are turning to meditation. In our noisy contemporary world, many people feel an ultimate need for quiet and reflection.
Below are Five Reasons why daily meditation can benefit your hectic ... Views: 786
If you feel angry, you have two ordinary alternatives. You can suppress anger or you can express it, right? If the situation allows, you express anger. And if the situation doesn’t allow, you suppress anger. Either you are forcing the energy of anger outwards to the person insulting you or you ... Views: 2583
Being happy is the birth right of everyone brought to the world and should ideally be the case. Unfortunately, even though mankind has accomplished a world of materialistic wonders, the art of living is somewhat lost in the transition. We have become so engaged in efforts to have a better life ... Views: 953
(c) Jacob Newell (Gu Shen Yu Daoshi)
Taiji is a Chinese fitness system based on relaxed body alignment and smooth flow of energy. It is also a moving meditation based on the philosophy of Laozi, a legendary ancient sage who taught about the virtues of remaining calm, yielding, and returning ... Views: 2593
All experience is ultimately a form of creative composition that is a natural function of the mind. The minds most natural way of creating experience as reality is by telling a story that gives what is in fact a neutral set of circumstances, meaning of some kind. The meaning we give things ... Views: 1769
The Kundalini is an energetic pathway in the body that runs from the base of your spine up along your spine, up the back of your head and out the top of your head.
There are many energetic pathways in the body but there are two main energy pathways. One moves up the center of the front of ... Views: 1135
What are attachments? How can they cause us suffering and how can meditation help with our attachments?
First, what are attachments? Simply put, attachments are anything that we need in order to be happy. “I have to have this or I will not be happy. Without this person or without this ... Views: 2461
Ironically the most successful communication and information tool of our time the Internet is also the best at shattering our concentration. With the number of gadgets everyone has along with the always on attitude it's become so hard to concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes. For ... Views: 2190
"If you close your eyes
and stop thinking
even for a second
you will discover all
that is here
is impersonal attention.
So a good meditation technique
is to keep your focus
on this impersonal attention.
Which is really saying
turn your attention
back upon itself
until you are ... Views: 1158
In a world full of materialistic wonders, it is usually a challenge for people to maintain a harmony between what they need and what they do. Most of us spend our entire lives chasing things that are just ‘wants’, while believing them to be the ‘needs’ of living. Though there is no denying that ... Views: 920
"Restless man's mind,
How shall he tame it?
Truly I think the wind is no wilder."
The words echo down through the centuries. All who meditate share the complaint. You sit down to meditate. You try to attend. More often than not, your mind wanders. Attention is all but impossible to ... Views: 1215
Spirit spoke to me this morning in my dreams. It was one of those lovely dreams spaces, where I was conscious enough to know I was dreaming but not enough to lose the magic of what was happening. And then I woke up.
Say what? Did that really happen? I dreamed that I had fallen in love with ... Views: 1117
Recently my daughter slammed her hand in the door and it was very painful for her. I had done a similar thing many years ago and initially it was a very painful experience for about maybe ten seconds. I started to breathe slowly and deeply and the pain went away quickly. There still remained ... Views: 1075
As documented in Wikipedia "Mindfulness describes a psychological quality which involves bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis".
This is all fine and dandy if we give up our worldly belongings and practice meditation like a ancient Buddhist ... Views: 1332
"In meditation
you are not moving
in a linear line
going from one
place to another.
Rather you are moving
deeper into this moment.
So the most important part
of meditation,
if you are practicing the path
of awareness
is to allow yourself
to rest in this moment.
To allow ... Views: 892
Understanding Hypnosis
All mammals (including humans) have a mammalian brain. In this brain there is also the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is located in the Brain Stem, or the upper part of the spine into the back of he head. It is ancient, even before eye development. This is where ... Views: 6847
Understanding Hypnosis
All mammals (including humans) have a mammalian brain. In this brain there is also the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is located in the Brain Stem, or the upper part of the spine into the back of he head. It is ancient, even before eye development. This is where ... Views: 6847
Understanding Hypnosis
All mammals (including humans) have a mammalian brain. In this brain there is also the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is located in the Brain Stem, or the upper part of the spine into the back of he head. It is ancient, even before eye development. This is where ... Views: 6847
Understanding Hypnosis
All mammals (including humans) have a mammalian brain. In this brain there is also the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is located in the Brain Stem, or the upper part of the spine into the back of he head. It is ancient, even before eye development. This is where ... Views: 6847
Let’s explore why we don’t meditate twice a day? Some of us do, but many of us don’t meditate when we should. People come home after a long, hard day of work, finish their day and fall into bed without meditating. There’s simply ‘no time’ for meditation. But why don’t we find the time? ... Views: 1196
The purpose of meditation is to help us realize union with God and our God Self (also called: Monad or Mighty I AM Presence or Eternal Self). The purpose of meditation is to reveal our True Self.
We are one with God – always have been, always will be, and are so right now. We are our God ... Views: 2296
What is meditation? Mediation is a journey. It is a journey into the stillness inside each of us. Meditation is a journey that will never end. It has helped me get clear, focused, and allowed me to access my inner wisdom and intuition. Meditation has helped me discover the divine within. ... Views: 3043
Cracking The Matrix
Shifu Michael Rinaldini
If you know the good visage, do not hold on to externals.
(Your) mind-spirit is your true teacher.
The problems and riddles (gong’an, a Chan Buddhist term) posed by men of old should be investigated,
(But) your own school (of thinking) must be ... Views: 1426
Are you blocking relationships too?
Somewhere early in life I decided I did not live in a safe world because the people in it could hurt me. And the closer someone got to me, the more likely they could (and would) inflict pain on me.
I saw only one solution to this problem. I just can't ... Views: 3596
Vipassana translates as “Clear seeing.” Although there are many meditation techniques associated with Vipassana, the Vipassana technique you are about to learn is one that will allow you to enter the highest states of meditation and spiritual enlightenment.
One of the main teachings of ... Views: 1696
Meditation is a great way to calm and focus yourself if you have the ADD brain type. In fact, research has shown that mediation has the power to not only calm you down, but retrain your brain to work better. Meditation is also good for gaining perspective and helping you make better decisions ... Views: 1332
• Original Name and Soul Name
• Words and Feelings
• New Messages
• The Golden Ball of Eleua Energy
I am who I am, I am who I have always been, I am who I shall always be - Jesus the Christ, also called Lord Sananda. In many facets of the Christ Energy I warmly welcome you today, ... Views: 1266