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Self inquiry is one of the most powerful and effective meditation techniques used by thousands of people all over the world. Taught by the enlightened Guru, Ramana Maharshi, this meditation technique alone has helped many people experience profound states of meditation, samadhi and even self ... Views: 1043
When we desire something, we first have to work for it. Often we find ourselves spending a large amount of mental energy thinking about it, wishing for it and wanting it to happen. But after working for it, we should let go and just be.
Living in a state of beingness means that we do the ... Views: 1031
Meditation for an Alpha Mind State
Alpha mind state comes in relation to meditation. Many alpha mind state materials on sale on the internet assist in beginning this form of meditation. The truth about the materials is that they put an individual in the alpha mind state where the subconscious ... Views: 2066
When we think about our lives, the people in our lives, the work we go to, the city we live in, the galaxy we’re a part of and the whole universe, we think of it as so real, tangible, ever present and everlasting. But because we perceive it in our minds and we can only perceive that which our ... Views: 1154
"If you really look,
you will see
you are avoiding
this moment,
you are avoiding
this moment.
It is not that you
are somewhere else
and you have to get
back to here,
it is that you are
avoiding this moment.
If you can really
be honest
and see this ... Views: 992
Essentially all religions and scriptures say the universe began with God which is/was the Singularity of all. In this beginning there was nothing before this Spirit and this Spirit is ever-existent beyond the concepts of all time and phenomena. No man is capable of saying how, why or when it all ... Views: 1215
Find a comfortable posture, either lying down or sitting up, whatever you prefer. But be sure to keep your spine straight so that the energy can flow unhindered.
Close your eyes and follow the natural flow of your breath for a moment or two, as you calm down and settle into the ... Views: 2154
Chanting is the process of rhythmically saying or singing words or sounds of power. You can chant a mantra, a holy text, the name of God, of an Ascended Master, Angel or saint. You can chant anything you want to align with. You can do it alone or in groups, during the day or during ... Views: 2549
Some questions we need to ask ourselves when finding out who we are and how to live in the world in an enlightened way include: “What are the various states of being in which we exist?” and “What ultimately is our true, primordial, foundational state of being?”
As human beings we exist in ... Views: 876
Everything that is, everything that ever will be, everything that has ever been, can only occur because we are bearing witness to it. Everything exists simply because we are aware of it. Without us, nothing can be. The entire universe unfolds from our true self: our consciousness, which is also ... Views: 1130
I began meditating almost thirty years ago. I think at first I began just out of curiosity. I had been studying meditation in my academic training and learned how science has shown that meditation is very beneficial to us.
When I started meditating I found it to be a very relaxing, peaceful ... Views: 1014
In this life, the most permanent thing we experience is witnessing awareness. It begins when we are born and it goes away when we die. But beyond this witnessing, beyond the most permanent thing that is part of our life, is that which truly is.
That which we ultimately are cannot be ... Views: 1152
"First, realize
that someone or something
is not making you feel this way.
You are feeling this way
out of a reaction
to what is happening.
Blaming only keeps
you unconscious.
be honest and
accept what you feel,
this is most important.
Don't try and create ... Views: 1673
What causes things to be the universe, us, everything that is? Time and space play a huge role in causation. Physics, Einstein and scientists around the world have concluded that we live in a space-time continuum.
The only way we’re able to conceive of this, however, is in the mind. The ... Views: 1008
Till now, we have seen the power of daily affirmations and how they work in our life miraculously in manifesting our desires. Daily affirmation is usually a positive sentence clearly stating your goal spoken or written. Repetition of these affirmations on a daily basis brings its importance to ... Views: 6787
One of the most important and profitable aspect of chanting ‘om’ is, that even if you do not know meditation methods, it still gives you the same results. For chanting ‘om’, it is not necessary to learn it from a teacher, as compared to meditation. Nor do you need to follow a specific routine ... Views: 4121
If you are interested in developing mind skills like meditation and daily affirmations, then switch words are definitely your cup of tea! What are they, exactly? Switch words are like a magic baton used for fulfillment of your wishes! They are specific words used to bypass the active or the ... Views: 6006
We see the outer world through our open eyes and when we close them, and look into our inner Self, through our third eye, it is called a state of Meditation. There are thousands and thousands of thoughts running through our mind every second and the gap between the two consecutive thoughts is ... Views: 1047
Sure-techniques like daily affirmations and meditations help a person develop his/her psychic abilities or ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). Almost all of us are aware of intuitions or the sixth sense. Each and every person has got powers inside their subconscious mind waiting to be let out. Some ... Views: 1655
Achieve Instant Calm - The Wise Woman Way
c. 2002 Susun S. Weed
In her newly updated best-selling classic, New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way, Weed offers a number of approaches women can use to calm jangly nerves, achieve greater overall calm, and cope ... Views: 1981
In life we experience two main emotions: one is pleasure, the other is pain. They come and they go; they are a normal part of the human experience. But what happens is that our minds try to maintain the good and push away the bad. It’s a kind of tug-of-war where we say “I want this” and “I don’t ... Views: 1954
Knowledge is one of the things that prevent us from awakening. Why? We think we know many things and knowing these things keeps us from being awake. To gain awareness we need to unlearn what we know, or think we know. We need to let go of every piece of knowledge and just be. In the East they ... Views: 1327
The main emphasis of this book and videos that is lacking in other similar meditation and Qigong books is in activating and developing your energy bubble, also called merkaba (lightbody) or EMF (electromagnetic field) that, I believe, is the missing ancient divine key for healing, inner ... Views: 1113
Meditation is not so mysterious anymore. You can see the mainstream population beginning to try meditation classes at the local community college. Doctors are telling their patients about the power of meditation. It only goes to prove that the power of meditation in the sport of football ... Views: 2471
I began meditating in my late teens after I was exposed to the research of Herbert Benson, who wrote the book The Relaxation Response. It was a wonderful study into how people meditate and the benefits of meditation. It was basic but very helpful. It got me interested in both practicing and ... Views: 1090
Most of us think of meditation as sitting in the lotus position with the eyes closed, but there is a form of meditation called “walking meditation” that is wonderful, relaxing, and something you can do anytime, anywhere.
This type of meditation is a way of finding time to meditate even ... Views: 883
Have you ever wondered why your mom told you to go light on your diet when you were sick? Or why the doctor advised you have only liquids when you were burning with fever? Well, it is an age old practice to give your stomach and digestive system a rest so that it helps in the rejuvenation ... Views: 818
Right from the time a child is born, his parents start thinking about his education, his career and his future. His mother wants the child to be a doctor but the father wants him to be a pilot. In the tussle between the dreams of both parents, somewhere along the line, the child’s dreams, ... Views: 734
Constant snoozing of the alarm clock, kids crying, toast getting burned, cursing the traffic, stopping at red lights, blaring noise from TV or taking a quick shower is an extremely familiar scene for an average American. This is how days start! People say, breakfast is a must for staying healthy ... Views: 1024
Ever had a fracture and turned to a complicated surgery? Ever felt shootings pains and turned to aspirin? Ever felt anxious, sad or nervous and immediately turned to anti–depressants? Most of us turn to immediate Allopathic medicines which aim in curing pain immediately. This happens because, ... Views: 742
- Assume a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting up. Just be sure your spine is straight and your legs uncrossed.
- Take a few deep breaths, relaxing your whole body and releasing all tension.
- Think either of God or any Ascended Master that you feel especially attuned to, ... Views: 1719
The bubble of fear and love reminds me of something my High School Chemistry/Physics teacher drew on the chalkboard. It was a diagram of the universe and the anti-universe. He said that black holes connected the two together. Here in our physical world, our universe, was us and what we see. The ... Views: 2602
Many people have the fore feeling of some event or something before something is going to happen which one never expect to occur or happen and this type of feeling is known as extrasensory perception. This type of extrasensory perception happens to everyone but most of the people try to over ... Views: 1158
The best way to go for the extrasensory perception is to go for meditation and to keep oneself fully relaxed in the sense that one should keep their mind as well as body fully relaxed so that one can instruct the mind and can set some condition for the body to re-sensitize itself so that it can ... Views: 1640
One of the main reason for which one goes for the extrasensory perception is that the physical training which is given to the people has a direct effect or result on the mind of the mental capabilities of the people. The main reason for extrasensory perception is that when one combines the ... Views: 1081
In extrasensory perception one learns how to sensitize the body and after the body is sensitized after one grows old then they try to think whether their body and mind is behaving in an abnormal or normal way. To some people what one is normal is abnormal to some other people. And this ... Views: 1223
Since the past many scientists and researchers are experimenting and studying something on the extrasensory perception and the research on this is still going on to find out the exact source of the understanding of perception. While doing some research work on the extrasensory perception old ... Views: 1255
How is your day going so far? Has it been stressful and busy? Are you longing for the weekend or vacation time to give you a much needed rest? How about an ocean wave pictures meditation that might just give you a moment of rest and relaxation from the busy stress of your day?
Sit back ... Views: 873
This subject is very tricky to understand, it is simple, yet difficult to grasp because it is so simple. For this reason, there will be many discussions about it in different ways for you to have the variety of concepts that one may reach your understanding. Although there will be many lessons ... Views: 933
Meditation is increasingly being used nowadays to help relieve stress and combat anxiety. The big question most people ask is: does meditation actually work? The answer to this question is not always consistent. However, meditation still remains to be one of the more popular treatment strategies ... Views: 1209
Cities contain energy from the earth, buildings, past events that have transpired within them and the people who live there. The energy of where we live affects us. We may find ourselves living in an area that brings us joy every day, or we may feel continuously unhappy or disconnected from the ... Views: 1235
We live in our mind with all its limitations, ideas and thoughts and most of us feel very comfortable there. Some of us live with a brief glimpse of our spirit, but many of us never see it at all. Knowing our spirit and blending it with our mind opens many possibilities in life.
Our thoughts ... Views: 1101
Today is just another day, but could it be more? What if you decided that today was going to be a special day? What would you do? The possibilities are endless. Your only limitation is your imagination. Is your imagination free or do you keep it chained to an earthly reality? What if you let ... Views: 784
Drumming at Green Lake is such a wonderful experience. All of nature surrounds me as I sit close to the water, trees, birds, ducks, water lilies, turtles and a lone crane.
Having no formal training in drumming and being a little shy, I prefer to go drumming at Green Lake away from the busy ... Views: 1137
A Channeled Message for August was given to me and I would like to share it with you.
"Be all that you can be. Not only on the human level, also on the spiritual level. Be fully in your humanity as well as your Divinity. You are spirit in a body, which is your sacred temple. God is love. You, ... Views: 820
Stress can have a very seriously negative impact on your body, your health and your life. Through this article you are provided an overview of how stress can effect your body. By understanding how stress can effect your body you will be in a far better position to reduce the amount of stress ... Views: 2103
If you’re seriously interested in discovering and experiencing the power of meditation for yourself and live in or plan on visiting the Phoenix area then you might want to consider the Unity of Phoenix Wednesday Evening Chapel Meditation.
In this Unity of Phoenix Wednesday Evening Chapel ... Views: 942
Have you ever felt there was something missing from your life? Like a key piece to your life’s puzzle was lost somewhere out in space and you are not even certain what is missing, much less, know how to find it. I know I have felt “incomplete and off course” many times and have finally found ... Views: 1188
Awareness, as I’ve said before, is your best shot at a solution to life’s problems -- at least those problems that have a solution. With enough awareness, you either see how you’re creating a problem, or you see that there’s nothing you can do about it. Both are valuable.
There are certain ... Views: 802
Nobody is certain when people began using prayer beads, but they’ve been employed in almost all religions for thousands of years. Prayer beads are used by Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Muslims and many other religions.
One reason for using prayer beads is that they allow people to keep ... Views: 2597