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Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in, breathe in the Light of God and as you breathe out, breathe out all that is not of the Divine.
In your mind’s eye, see yourself now sitting in a magnificent room with crystal floors and iridescent walls. You are seated on a ... Views: 2060
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in, breathe in the Light of God and as you breathe out, breathe out all that is not of the Divine.
In your mind’s eyes, see yourself now sitting in a magnificent temple. It has floors of gold, diamond sprinkled walls and crystal ... Views: 1488
Real love is something so deep, so energizing, that you will not know it unless you experience it. Love is an expression of energy, not something that is transacted. Tell me one thing: can you love people when you meet them for the first time? (From the audience: No Swamiji! We don’t even know ... Views: 1384
When you refer to hypnosis, the first thing that your mind conjures up is a magician hypnotizing a large group with all the swinging of your pendulum. However, that which you don’t know is always that hypnosis is really a totally all-natural mind-set. When you're under trance, you will be able ... Views: 1152
To understand the Buddhist meditation techniques, you have to go through the Buddhist phenomena. In Buddha’s immense discourse, the ‘Sutta’ and ‘Maha-Satipatthana’, it is very clearly written about the practice of mindfulness. It also discloses the objects and the way of achieving the ... Views: 2216
People have been practicing the Buddhist meditation techniques to get relief of the stress and anxiety from long time. The basic concept is to gain self-control of their mind and produce positive attitude to others during every abnormal circumstances. Most of the psychiatrists and psychologists ... Views: 1090
There are millions of people around the world struggling for the fast sleep, but the question is how to get rid of this problem. The quest for the luxurious life has made the human a restless machine in the world of modern technology. People are running after the money to get as much luxuries ... Views: 956
Fast sleep is a gift of god to every human, but we lost it due to our negligence; our thirst of money and luxuries never lets us a calm and deep sleep, anyhow, you can save this gift with a slight change in your daily routine. I give you these tips to get a fast asleep. You should consider these ... Views: 1051
Gratefulness is an energy, and an attitude, and a style or pattern, and a spirit. It can be thought of or described many ways. Everyone though, will probably agree that it is a good feeling. It is positive. This positive emotion is the foundation for being open to positive change, positive ... Views: 1550
Have you heard the quotation: A sound mind in a healthy body? It means that both mind and the body are equally important to all of us. It is important to try to strike a balance between the strengthening of the mind and the body. This attitude towards holistic health is common in many ... Views: 541
Whether you are looking to deepen your meditation, attain self realization or you just simply want to experience more peace and bliss in your life, learning and practicing one of these two meditation techniques will deepen your meditation and bliss considerably and set you well on the path to ... Views: 3086
Spiritual healing is channeling of energy from the spiritual source to someone who desires it and uses it to treat stress, physical disease, and emotional or mental trauma. It distinguishes itself from faith healing which functions on just faith. However, spiritual healing is carried out with ... Views: 1132
As a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and grief, the tenth anniversary of 9/11 gave me the opportunity to contemplate anew working with trauma -- including my own. I was an eyewitness in New York City to the horrors of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center that beautiful ... Views: 1590
Meditation techniques for stress are not the only, but most impressive tools to manage stress in healthy way. Meditation techniques have provided health enhancing benefits in the life of common people, like reduction of anxiety and stress, dissolving physical problems like headache, and ... Views: 1138
Alpha level is the state of mind where everybody is using most part of the brain. With the growing congested and cluttered life, it is not possible to be in this state of consciousness. Now a days, we have lots of responsibilities and functions to perform at a time. We are driving and discussing ... Views: 1262
Stress is a common factor in the busy world of today. Use meditation techniques for stress relief. You can wipe away the maximum stress in your daily life with the help of proper meditation. It also brings in the best inner peace whenever you need it.
Consider meditation to resolve the ... Views: 1245
The alpha level is a state on mind where the people are relaxed and attentive to the different objects. Mostly people gain this level while sleeping, dreaming, or during the meditation. There are very fewer people in the world that those who can get this level of mind during their normal ... Views: 1468
Before starting on meditation techniques for stress, you should be aware of the stress factor. Stress is an emotional strain which caused by tension, over load of physical work, or irritability. You can get headache, high blood pressure, and anxiety due to long period of stress. Although it in ... Views: 1048
The alpha level of mind is peak of the human brain, where he discovered his real powers and abilities in life. The result relies on the ability to control the brain at this stage, some times some people are able to read the minds of others as well. Many people do not believe it, but there are ... Views: 1720
Meditation- Meditation, Spirituality, Psychic Readings & More by only the Best Psychics at Absolutely Psychic. 1-800-498-8777
Meditation is not a difficult or esoteric practice available only to those of us who are already in touch with our spirituality. Neither is it achievable with only a ... Views: 1038
Brainwave entrainment is a relatively new technology about which not much is known. Many people are not sure if this technology is actually suitable for them. I’ll try as much as possible to outline the various uses of brainwave entrainment and who it is suitable for.
What Is Brainwave ... Views: 1216
Believe it or not we are all spiritual beings living in a physical body that is within the physical world.
As you begin to recognize that you are indeed a part of the divine order of the universe that is governed by physical laws in the same way that the planets, stars, and sun are the more ... Views: 2425
I wrote a poem based on a Zen tradition and it describes aspects of enlightenment:
I wake up,
rain washes the trees,
smells are fresh,
spring is abounding now,
then I wake to the illusion
I’m dreaming.
Enlightenment is about waking up to the reality that life isn’t real. It’s ... Views: 962
Permaculture and Yoga are practices that aspire for harmony both inner harmony and one with the surroundings. It is not a coincidence that both these fields are highly popular in this day and age, as the need for harmony is only growing stronger. Looking at the direction of where things are ... Views: 748
Basic Difference between a Painting and a Sketch
The fundamental difference between a painting and a sketch is that a painting is lead by the colors, while a sketch is lead by the shapes. It is more linearly correct to start to learn how to paint first, and then to move on to sketching - as ... Views: 995
According to Wikipedia, Holistic health is a concept in medical practice upholding that all aspects of people's needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. A different definition, claiming that disease is a result of physical, emotional, spiritual, ... Views: 1271
by Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D.
Last night I was in for a surprise: Accidentally still wearing my reading glasses, I looked into the bathroom mirror. Wow! I discovered details in my face I did not know were there! The real surprise wasn’t the stray bristles ... Views: 1176
Discover How Meditation Can Change Your Life
In the current state of affairs in the world, people are always in a rush to get things done as fast as they can and end up building up stress. This has led to the emergence of lifestyle diseases. These include high blood pressure, diabetes among ... Views: 1223
The inner journey
Can you say something about your own inner journey?
Life is like playing hide the key with God. God has hidden the key and now it is up to us to find the key again. It also takes us a while to realize that the key is hidden in our own heart. The heart is the door to ... Views: 1585
A little late to the party, I am diving into the world of what I hope to be mindful marketing as well as recommitting to writing my blog. What I mean by the word mindful is that this cyber world, where we rarely meet face to face with another being, acts as a conversation among people who have ... Views: 827
There is a wonderful scene in the movie Starting Over, in which Burt Reynolds is in the furniture section of a big department store with his girlfriend (Jill Clayburgh) when she proceeds to have an anxiety attack right there in the store. She is moving in with him and this transition is bringing ... Views: 1867
These are real questions asked in various forms on retreats or seminars.
Perhaps some are your questions also ...............
Question: Why is it that I seem to have such a problem with anger?
Answer: It's interesting to notice the words we use to describe certain things, because it is our ... Views: 1167
"Someone sent me
a beautiful email
They said they were
searching for something
that they did not feel
really had a name.
Everyone is really looking
for that same thing.
That mystery which is fulfillment.
But somewhere along the line
most get caught up in
defining ... Views: 997
If you always want others to think good of you, if you always depend on other people's opinions, then this approach will create many and many problems in your life. Look what is going on: when you are accepted by others, when you are respected by others, when you are appreciated, when you are ... Views: 802
Alternative Stress Solutions #2
Why I Meditate
My spiritual journey officially began many years ago as a result of becoming involved in a Twelve- step program. Al-anon not only saved my life, my marriage, and my sanity. It also opened a door into a world of continuous excitement ... Views: 2204
Every time we consult a professional we think about what qualities will make this relationship successful. We want a doctor with compassion and caring. We want a teacher with energy and enthusiasm. But what do we want in a mediator? Is it all skill and abilities? Is it communication? Because a ... Views: 1473
Planning for the holidays begins long before they occur and starts with making the best use of our resources year-round. The expenses we incur associated with separation and divorce become even more critical because each partner is facing the loss of an income, two households, and most ... Views: 974
There are degrees of conflict in every divorce, some very minor but others that have a severe and far-reaching impact. Conflict and anger at its extreme can result in Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). This occurs when one parent consciously or unconsciously sabotages the relationship between ... Views: 2145
I reflect on my life when there were times that I thought I was living a charmed life. I felt like I couldn’t lose. Everything seemed to go my way with little or no effort. Then I also reflect on times in my life where nothing seemed to go right. Everything that could possibly go wrong… did! ... Views: 1082
So often we hear about how high the rate of divorce is in both the United Kingdom and the United States. Divorces can be emotional, time consuming, and expensive affairs. More than ever, couples are being encouraged to use mediation services in order to solve their difficulties, in order to ... Views: 567
The Kabbala refers to the Elohim as the Divine Mother and to Yod Hay Vau Hay as the Divine Father.
Chanting both these powerful and divine names together creates a very powerful, beautiful and integrated mantra. It connects us with Father/Mother God, our Creator.
Find a comfortable ... Views: 4279
Chanting in itself is a very powerful Spiritual practice. Chanting Elohim is an even more powerful Spiritual practice. In the Hebrew Bible, Elohim is regarded as the word for “God.”
Find a comfortable posture, either lying down or sitting up, whatever you prefer. But be sure to keep your ... Views: 2711
At one time I was flying out of Heathrow airport to go to India and conduct our annual series of ten day Vipassana Retreats at the International Meditation Centre in Budh Gaya.
It was a stormy evening and the sky was black with clouds and occasional lightning flashes, a good indication of what ... Views: 1176
If you were to ask me, “What is the key, essential component of happiness?” or, “What is a fundamental element of happiness? my answer would be simultaneously simple , yet very complicated. Here, I’d like to explore the fundamental element of happiness. When we “get it,” when we understand it, ... Views: 1278
Do you need to use meditation methods to come to yourself, to dive inwards? Can you find yourself only through practicing meditation techniques studied before? Absolutely not necessary! In your ordinary life you can have the glimpses of no-mind, mindfulness, totality, silence or whatever you can ... Views: 957
"If you can get to
the point in witnessing
in meditation,
where you realize
that everything
is moving by itself,
then you drop
out of any idea
of yourself
and into
formless consciousness.
The experience of separation
is cancelled out
and you rest in your natural state.
It is ... Views: 1294
• Preparations for the Festival and Easing of Light Body Symptoms
I am Angel Gabriel and I greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT.
At this time of the energies many of you are being prepared. Particularly those who will go to the Festival of Love soon. You have gone into the intention and ... Views: 1180
I originally presented my Ageless Aging Meditation at an Anthony Robbins Life Mastery event guiding 3,000 people in discovering their youthful potential.
This powerfully simple meditation will enhance the youthfulness you already have; so, embrace this opportunity to change your life and ... Views: 1208
The Kabbala refers to the Elohim as the Divine Mother and to Yod Hay Vau Hay as the Divine Father.
Chanting both these powerful and divine names together creates a very powerful, beautiful and integrated mantra. It connects us with Father/Mother God, our Creator.
Find a comfortable ... Views: 2909
Chanting in itself is a very powerful Spiritual practice. Chanting Elohim is an even more powerful Spiritual practice. In the Hebrew Bible, Elohim is regarded as the word for “God.”
Find a comfortable posture, either lying down or sitting up, whatever you prefer. But be sure to keep your ... Views: 1803