We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Mind Power". If you have expertise in Mind Power and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Take the leap now and start transforming your life within an hour, because I am giving below 33% of my ebook ("5 Missing Links To Positive Effects of LOA") FREE to read right now. What you ‘ll read below will blow your mind. You ‘ll start the transformation within an hour, because once your ... Views: 1451
While flipping through one of my favorite bedside stand-bys, Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion, I came across the following passage and chuckled out loud:
“My experience is that I can feel that I’m in the Grail Castle when I’m living with people I love, doing what ... Views: 793
Why all the cribbing and crying around our in-capabilities to capture Law of Attraction(LOA) when all of us actually have been blessed with something incredible internally, inside us that can blow away all the roadblocks and barriers between you and your desires. This hidden weapon is your ... Views: 1555
Testimonial of my experience with Brain Management
Comparison to PHOTOREADING by Enzo C.
Before Brain Management I was stuck in my studies. With a highly educated background this was also a ... Views: 1071
Over the years, I’ve worked with many clients who have suffered from the intrusive thought, “What if my partner is gay?” (or “What if my partner is straight?” for those in a same-sex relationship), and while I’ve written several posts on the “What if I’m gay?” spike I haven’t written about what ... Views: 933
Fear-mind has a special genius for trying to prove that it’s right. It’s like we all have this aspect of our personality – some call it ego, other call it lower self – that has secretly attended law school and graduated at the top of its class. This character, terrified of change, will gather ... Views: 874
I recently came across the following in a book called “The Middle Passage” by James Hollis:
“What the frightened individual wishes above all is the restoration of the sense of self which once worked. What the therapist knows is that the symptoms are helpful clues to the place of injury or ... Views: 784
For those of you who are struggling with relationship anxiety, you probably saw the title of this post and wondered if I was going to talk about when to leave a relationship, and perhaps felt nervous that it was going to spike you. But hopefully you have enough faith in my site that you know ... Views: 770
We hear and read a lot of fear these days in psychological and spiritual circles. Mostly, fear is painted in a negative way as the energy that we have to wrestle with and overcome in order to live a life of joy. Most of the statements and quotes we read about fear pin it in the position of the ... Views: 905
One of the byproducts of being a highly sensitive person prone to anxiety is that you tend to take on others’ pain and stories. This is particularly true if you had an enmeshed relationship with a parent growing up and didn’t learn to solidify the borders of your skin but instead became a porous ... Views: 853
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl
If we could slow life down to micro-moments, if we could literally alter time like a movie turning it into sloooooow ... Views: 805
When the same thought, image, dream, or motif shows up across cultures and crosses all of our lines of classification (age, gender, geography, race, religion), we call it an archetype. For example, the dreams where you show up at school without your pants on or have forgotten to study for a test ... Views: 1019
Have you ever just felt down in the dumps but didn't really know why? When we are feeling less than our ideal selves and there is no active cause that we can pinpoint, the problem may lie with our subconscious. By investigating the depth of our subconscious mind we can help to improve our ... Views: 1027
One of the blessings of having a second child is that we, as parents, gain some skills by walking with the first one through predictable stages of growth, maturity, illness, and emotional challenges. When our firstborn had a high fever, we panicked. When the younger one has a fever, it’s old ... Views: 785
The Message of Trees
Summer is here and many of us enjoy spending time in nature. I always love being around trees and wonder what messages they have for us. They seem to be so grounded and deeply rooted, with so much wisdom and strength. I love seeing them grow and love the shade and ... Views: 941
Perfection is the state of being flawless or lacking in any errors. Perfection is a state of mind that is completely unachievable. This is because perfection can’t be measured and is up to interpretation by each individual. You might believe one person is perfect when they think they are the ... Views: 1483
We all see reality through a personal lens shaped by our beliefs, culture, religion, and experiences. The movie Roshomon was a brilliant example of this, where three witnesses to a crime recount different versions of what happened. When couples argue, they usually can’t agree on the facts of ... Views: 1040
Furiously Frustrated
Bill Cottringer
In my previous article, “Seeds of Anger,” I think I overlooked the main problem with which we should have more empathy for ourselves and others. The real problem of our day is the frustration that leads either a quiet life of desperation or ... Views: 1267
I was recently interviewed on Facebook Live by the Rider Fitness – Riding Without Backpain community where I shared about the power of “Imagery” to decrease pain and improve performance. The concept of imagery is so mighty and it is used so successfully by high performing athletes, successful ... Views: 1647
Self-hypnosis is a kind of self-directed hypnotherapy that can easily be made use of for a selection of various ends. Self-hypnosis basically suggests utilizing refined tips to change the means we consider something, which then could after that be made use of to assist conquer an anxiety or a ... Views: 1910
Benefits of Binaural Beats for Recreation and Healing
Have you ever been in a bad mood and put on some of your favorite music and then watched the bad mood dissolve and disappear? If so, you know how music has the profound ability for changing our moods, attitudes, and frame of reference, ... Views: 1310
Happiness breeds success, as Shawn Achor reminds us. Being happy primes you to respond to opportunity, and opens your mind to growth and development. It's such a positive state but it's unrealistic to expect to be happy all the time. After all, a life without light and shade makes it harder to ... Views: 1148
There are only a few days left in April… just a few days left of Stress Awareness Month and, no doubt, pretty much just as many people are suffering from stress at the end of the month than there were at the beginning… the WHO says stress is an epidemic and that it will be the single biggest ... Views: 1489
This article is about mindfulness-based, not mindfulness. For all it’s heralded and undoubted benefits – for example in the management of stress, the successful treatment of chronic depression and its application in sports (most notably golf, the NFL and rugby union), mindfulness has not made ... Views: 1491
I think that it was Jon Kabat Zinn - UMass Medical School and "father" of mindfulness-based stress management - who said "If meditation is making you feel uncomfortable, then it's working!".
Change is uncomfortable - we inherently resist it - and meditation brings about major change in how we ... Views: 1485
The Buddhism religion dates back to the 5th century. It is one of the oldest cultures which originated from India and later spread to other parts of Asia such as Japan, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Nepal, Tibet, etc. With the widespread globalization, Buddhism has also spread to other western ... Views: 1172
Sow a thought, reap an act; Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap a destiny.
When my doctor told me, “You need heart surgery immediately,” I thought it was the end. Of course, he was trying to communicate that a successful operation would ... Views: 1633
Recently I came across the Dalai Lama’s “18 Rules of Living,” which he shared with the world at the beginning of the new millennium. Here, 18 years later, it seemed relevant to revisit them.
In particular, I was struck by his rule: “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to ... Views: 1259
Why is being focused so important in today’s world? What results happen when you are focused? Does being focused make you less stressed? Happier? If it’s so important, why don’t people focus more?
Being focused on one thing for a certain period of time allows you to do a better quality of ... Views: 1805
Our stories form a crystal cave of stalactites and stalagmites in our minds, a cool chamber that seduces us with the promise that if we spend enough time there we will divine our answers. How beautiful this cave looks! How many promises it offers! And how familiar this cave becomes when we’ve ... Views: 931
There are numerous meditation methods for you to try and those who are skeptic about it should simply keep an open mind. For those who are really interested, you have to do some research to find out which is the best for you. To help you along the way, here are a few that can be done without the ... Views: 1523
The primary thing I like about teaching is what I learn in the process. I am teaching a webinar that I call Success Essentials. Have you ever considered what is absolutely essential for success?
Most people have never really thought about it. In the webinar, I start with the definition of ... Views: 1175
We live in uncertain times, and that statement alone can send an anxious-sensitive personality type into a tailspin. But the truth is that we’ve always lived in uncertain times. Because death exists, our lives hang in the balance on this precious and precarious planet. The threats change faces – ... Views: 1006
The anxious mind can latch onto almost any topic:
What if I don’t have enough money?
What if my kids aren’t okay?
What if I don’t get pregnant?
What if I have cancer?
What if I don’t love my partner enough and I’m making a terrible mistake?
What if I don’t have enough friends?
What if ... Views: 924
You may be wondering if mental toughness is an inherited trait? Is it something that you are born with or can mental toughness be developed? The good news is that anyone can improve their mental toughness, if they are prepared to take action.
Right now, you may be thinking this is not ... Views: 1609
We are addicted to our stories. The thoughts come in and take us away on their magic carpet promise of arriving in a land of certainty, where the vulnerability and pain of life can’t touch us. We learn early to climb aboard this carpet because, as young people, we usually don’t know how to ... Views: 1023
Get action. Do things; be sane, don’t fritter away your time . . .
take a place wherever you are and be somebody; get action.
—THEODORE ROOSEVELT, twenty-sixth president of the United States
In 1973, on an eighty-nine-day cruise around the world, I met a very special person. He was Bruce ... Views: 1330
How often have you doubted yourself? And how did it affect your life, work or business?
I can relate to this and until I learned to believe in myself and create a “success image” of myself, I was unable to neither use my full potential nor bring out the best in myself.
It may seem strange ... Views: 1449
While the process of interviewing depends largely on the independent approach of the interviewer, there are few things that would make an immediate impact in case if you were to follow the same.
Here are some handy tips on how you could make the interviewer think about giving you an upper ... Views: 1160
Like any other pre-90’s kid with a beating heart, I love the classic Star Wars mythology. Now, with the obvious out of the way, you’re probably wondering what Star Wars mindfulness is all about. In fact, how are the two things related at all?
If nothing else, you’ve at least heard of Star ... Views: 1598
What’s the difference between Wanting and Having?
Let’s make an important distinction. You see, there is a big difference between “Wanting” and “Having” something.
Wanting: means lacking or absent. Deficient in some part, thing or aspect.
Having: means to possess, to hold, to get, to ... Views: 1529
Are You Smart Enough?
Bill Cottringer
“Half of being smart is in knowing what you are dumb about.” ~Solomon Short.
I have been an avid researcher of the connection between intelligence and success for several decades now, and am finally ready to release my short list for ... Views: 1564
What’s your Energy Signature?
Have you ever walked into a room and felt the mood of the room before anyone even said anything?
You know that feeling… Whether you walked into a room with your loved one, or into a conference room full of colleagues – you can sense the energy of the room ... Views: 1226
Do you know what to do when you are feeling stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed or discouraged? If not, I’m ready when you are. Yes, the teacher is ready. Are you the student, who is ready?
What is keeping you stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed or discouraged? I’m ready to work with you one-to-one to ... Views: 1677
There are many individuals that are wandering out and hunting down extra approaches to make extra wage. That will be required with regards to land. Land has been a famous speculation for a long time. A large number made their initial million dollars in land. So it should not shock anyone that ... Views: 811
Here are four scientific reports about the practical benefits of meditation, the first three being about Breath Meditation specifically:
1. “Everyone around the water cooler knows that meditation reduces stress. But with the aid of advanced brain-scanning technology, researchers are beginning ... Views: 1498
A must-read book: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.
Someone gave it to me as a joke, but it was a catalyst that changed my life. Being rich took on a whole new meaning for me. It went far beyond the accumulation of money and material possessions. Hill spoke of being rich in experience, ... Views: 1300
The future belongs to those who believe in dreams.
—ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, humanitarian and diplomat
A tiny speck appears on the horizon. It’s hard to see. It begins to move closer and closer. It looks like a shapeless blob, but as it moves closer, it starts to take form. The form becomes ... Views: 1594