We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Psychology". If you have expertise in Psychology and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Title: Backbone Power: The Science of Saying No
Genre: Co-dependency/Stress Management
Synopsis: A No Nonsense approach to Making Decisions. A Self Help Guide to having Backbone and Integrity in all your choices, short term and long term.
Is this decision going to be good for Me? To ... Views: 1168
A life lived in normality will always lead to peace of mind, happiness in heart and harmony in society. Self-control is not something that you need to exercise in every little aspect of your life, for this will only irritate your mind.
It is certainly advisable to strictly maintain ... Views: 481
“Stop Asking why they keep doing it and start asking why you keep allowing it.” ~Charles J. Orlando
Today we are going to address leaving a narcissist emotionally and physically. Many people feel they cannot leave physically because of logistical concerns (e.g. money, no support system, ... Views: 1289
Want To Know About Workplace Mental Health In Australia?
A study conducted by PwC (2014) estimated that mental illness in the Australian economy is costing us approximately $11 billion per year. Further assessments on mental health in Australia can be made by focusing in on how well we ranked ... Views: 643
In the modern-day lifestyle, it is a common occurrence for individuals to develop different mental and psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, depression and other serious issues. Often, these are the direct impact of the busy and stressful lives we lead, taking a toll on our physical and ... Views: 699
Listening to Music can be a source of pleasure but also there are many other psychological benefits. It can be entertaining, can influence your feelings, behaviors, and thoughts. Music can energize our body, can relax our mind, also manage to promote emotional health.
Below are some benefits ... Views: 561
Some Uncommon Sense Needed today
Bill Cottringer
“You can see a lot by observing and hear a lot by listening.” ~Yogi Berra
Originally back in the day, common sense was the useful knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s) people needed to use to survive the challenges of living day ... Views: 941
Release form, composition
Release the drug in the form of tablets, which are corked in blisters, 10-100 pieces each, packed in carton, 10 blisters each.
Before using the drug, pay attention to the composition in order to extract side effects from the body’s reactions, ... Views: 725
Relationship counseling is highly recommended when you have a bad relationship with your partner or spouse. When you seek relationship counseling, it is usually an announcement of hopelessness or admission of guilt. Rather in the true sense, it should be referred to as a way to reunite. In fact, ... Views: 672
The most important thing that keeps us happy in every situation in life is ‘a happy mind’. A contented mind is an ‘always happy mind’. And contentment is an outcome of right understanding.
Life is actually very simple! It really is, but we unnecessarily complicate it and make it look far too ... Views: 445
Deep Brain Stimulation at Jaslok
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a minimally invasive neurosurgical procedure that has proven to be an effective treatment for the following conditions: Parkinson's Parkinson's Disease, Essential Tremor, Dystonia, Tourette Syndrome. Further illnesses can be ... Views: 1710
In this world, many things have changed over the centuries, decades or years to be, as change is the only constant!! And in today’s fast-paced world, there are uncountable things happening in a blink of an eye! You, me and everyone has evolved in our way to live up to the changes. But while we ... Views: 467
common stress myths girl in sweatshirt looking off into distance
there is customarily only 1 means we talk about stress: it's depraved. when the focal point isn't on the way to avoid it, it's on all the terrible approaches it can destroy your lifestyles. accent can get in the manner of first ... Views: 665
Complexes, as you would know, are believed to influence an individual's attitude and behaviour.
There are 2 types of complexes:
1. Inferiority Complex and,
2. Superiority Complex.
The term ‘superiority complex’ refers to a pattern of behaviours that profoundly express the belief of ... Views: 615
Everyone wants to have a peaceful state of mind. But, in this modern era, characterized with competition and conflict, it is easier said than done. Amidst steep targets, stiff deadlines, performance scores, work pressure, quarrels and clashes, our mental peace gets lost in thin air.
Few ... Views: 569
A psychic is a person who claims to us extra extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses. Everyone is psychic to some degree. However, there are people who have horned their psychic skills over time and can be of tremendous help at certain times in our ... Views: 645
The child and adolescent psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and the treatment of disorders of thinking, feeling and/or behavior affecting children, adolescents, and their families. The child and adolescent psychiatrist uses the knowledge of biological, psychological, ... Views: 609
Mental health encompasses a wide range of conditions that affect an individual’s behavior, emotions, and thought processes. Psychiatric drugs are often used to treat common mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder and depression, but there are other options available. These options may ... Views: 751
Autism is a lifelong neurological condition. Among the several developmental disorders in children, autism is the most common brain disorder. Autism manifests as differences in development in three main areas:
1. Communication (verbal and non-verbal),
2. Social interactions and
3. ... Views: 754
In our day-to-day life, we complete the tasks we enjoy the most, neglecting the ones we do not enjoy which are actually important. It is a pattern of behaviour familiar to all of us and this is something that we have done many times.
Putting off dealing with important tasks can be very ... Views: 518
An enlightened being, Param Pujya Dadabhagwan says, “Happiness begins from the moment you do something for others. When you give happiness to others, you will receive happiness. Whatever you give is what you get back - this is the law of Nature.” This world is in the form of an echo. Whatever ... Views: 615
Everybody in this world is in search of peace, as there is so much of chaos & conflicts in almost everyone’s life. We need to find out the root causes behind them and how to solve the problems of disharmony and discords. No one ever perceives from the total perspective. People only see from the ... Views: 685
According to a study by Kronos Inc. And Future Workplace, employee burnout has reached epidemic proportions. Not only is employee burnout bad for business, but it’s also bad for your own personal health and wellbeing. While you may not get a lot of relaxation time, here are 3 reasons to make the ... Views: 1177
1.No, no, we don’t have to get afraid of negative thoughts.
2.We do not have to come into any kind of suffering either, for it won’t help us get anywhere.
3.Rather we must maintain awareness when such thoughts arise.
4.The moment negative thought for some third person arises in our mind, we ... Views: 624
At any time, millions of people around the world are enjoying a cup of coffee. In England alone, we down 70 million cups of the stuff each day. If you’re like us, you have a hard time getting going in the morning until you’ve had your first cup of the day.
Much has been written ... Views: 622
Mental health is a complicated thing. Sometimes, it’s hard to know what exactly is causing the issues you’re having with your mood, motivation, or anxiety. The reality, of course, is that there are many factors and only one solution. Be compassionate with yourself and find ways to address your ... Views: 771
Contentment is one type of knowledge. It suggests development.A contented person has contentment in everything – be it money, or being loved by family and friends, or social status, health, professional fulfilment or achievements in life. He has enjoyed these things in his many previous lives. ... Views: 601
People-pleasers are at risk in the domains of finance, love, sex, family, and friendship.
How is it that we can manage a successful business but still have a failed personal life? Extending a hand to others after taking care of yourself is how we make the world a better place for our ... Views: 1009
In the fast paced world, there is always a lot to be accomplished in a specific time. The first thing which a person is told by his manager when he joins an organisation is, "We have lot of work in office. You will have to do multiple work simultaneously."
"Alright !" the new joinee will ... Views: 759
In this era, suffering and pain are prevalent throughout the world unfortunately. Famines, natural disasters, impending environmental doom, global diseases and wars rage across our planet. Every time we look at the news, there is an endless amount of suffering, pain and misery.
The key to ... Views: 597
Narcissists feel no more love for the people they have relationships with than they do for strangers. They may use the word “love” to express their feelings, and they may at times demonstrate appropriate loving behavior, but it is a ruse. They are emotionally unequipped to love anyone but ... Views: 1031
It is very easy to form any habit. Some habits are beneficial whilst some could be extremely damaging too. Many a times we are not even aware of the detrimental impact a specific habit can have on us. So listed below are the 10 brain-damaging habits, which can have short or long-term harmful ... Views: 763
Different researchers have different disagreements about mental strength. But their logic is scientifically proven? Although a limited number of people believe in that spiritual power, a large number of people are disbelieving about it. All the events of the world have happened in the past, are ... Views: 848
We all know that death is inevitable; whether we like it or not, we all have to die one day. Yet many people in this world have fear of death, for death is a mystery, a mystery of ‘What happens to me next?’...
When one learns about the facts related to death, his fears get eased.
The ... Views: 583
Before we discuss ‘How would we change the world?’ let’s dwell on the objective behind changing the world.
Why would one want to change the world?
•To make it a better place to live in,
•To live a happy and peaceful life,
•To have strong and healthy relationships,
•To get things flow in ... Views: 555
With the advancement of technology, smart treatment plans are added to benefit the healthcare industry. There are numerous digitally enabled products as the outcome of the technologies that doctors are utilizing in improving patient’s quality of care and ultimate outcome.
According to the ... Views: 835
We come across various kinds of people in life, whose nature and their inherent qualities, whose level of understanding and their perception of things, whose abilities and their capabilities, may sharply differ from that of ours. And when in our interaction, we get to believe that we are better ... Views: 645
Author Lana J Thomas, M.S. Health Psychologist releases ‘On Purpose: Finding Yours’
BALTIC, S.D. — According to Lana J Thomas, M.S. Health Psychologist, searching for purpose is tantamount to existence, it is as innate as breathing, and yet only privately can one explore spirituality without ... Views: 978
From its humble beginnings in California back in the 1970s, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has grown to become one of the most impactful tools for mental and psychological development. As many more have come to receive training, a wide collection of and NLP trainers in Chennai have come up. ... Views: 1041
I believe that most of the violence in society comes from our aversion to our emotions. We fight the reality of what we feel because we don’t like the feeling. We try to make it go away by resisting what is. We battle with our feelings by drinking, running, eating, refusing to feel. When we have ... Views: 1162
Attitude is that little thing within that goes on to make a big difference both inside and outside. It determines how we experience every aspect of our life. Our attitude is very important when we have nothing and equally important when we have everything.
Attitude defines us in the world. ... Views: 676
Do you think you are trapped into a habit pattern to worry and over think about everything?
If so, by now, you may have already tried out various techniques, and made your best efforts to release yourself from this habit. And at times, you may have experienced some relief too during the ... Views: 733
Life is all about ups and downs, its very nature is like that. ‘Where there has been puran (input) there is bound to be galan (output)’ -this is the universal principle that is found in everything that increases and decreases; be it our wealth, our health, our body, our mind or any other aspect ... Views: 688
During school life everyone come through those few children who sit by themselves and don’t say anything, don’t look around, and don’t seem even the least bit interested in getting involved with classmates. None of us ever think about the reason for such behavior rather most of the children make ... Views: 1570
Women have traditionally been regarded as the ‘weaker’ sex.
But it’s becoming clear that this is a myth – the average man may be taller and heavier than the average woman but when the chips are really down, it turns out that women are tougher. And here’s the evidence!
1. The ultimate test ... Views: 761
According to the latest statistics from the American Psychological Association, as many as 40-50% of marriages end in divorce. Unfortunately, that percentage is even higher among those who have been married before, and even more alarmingly, the number of breakups occurring between unmarried ... Views: 1116
When you break a bone or become ill, most people wouldn’t think twice about going to see a doctor. When it comes to trauma or other mental health issues, however, there seems to still be a great deal of shame that surrounds the idea of seeking out the help of a counselor, therapist or other ... Views: 823