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Cancer does a number on the body, but that’s not all it does. A life-altering diagnosis like cancer has a dramatic effect on your emotional well-being. Wrapping your head around the fact that you have a condition with no foolproof cure is scary. Although you hope to beat cancer and live a long, ... Views: 576
Gastroscopy is the consequence of curiousness of individuals with respect to their own body. There are authentic confirmations of unrefined instruments to investigate the body's holes, around 5000 years of age from Ancient Egypt yet the early endeavors to enter haziness was restricted to throat ... Views: 472
This article was originally published at rochizalani.com
You don’t need me to tell you that The Fault In Our Stars is a famous tear-jerker, like all of John Green’s books.
This book is the love story of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. 16-year-old Grace is diagnosed with cancer and ... Views: 606
‘Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.’
– Carl Jung
MyBenziger is based on the findings of the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, whose findings have led to the creation of models that reflect the results of the assessment. Jung was a man before his time, who used ... Views: 583
Psychology for Dummies (Like Me & You)
Bill Cottringer
“Common sense is the simple knack of seeing things the way they are and doing things the way they need to be done.” ~ Mark Twain.
1. Most of what we think we know really isn’t so, whether we like that reality or not because it ... Views: 631
Psychological trauma is a burning problem nowadays, especially among the youths. Due to multiple reasons, many young ones are suffering from mental health disorders. In this modern era of competition, psychology has become a well-discussed topic to ponder over. Human psychology is a pool of ... Views: 569
The power of the human mind is truly remarkable. You’re consciously aware of the content of this article as you read it, but the focus of your collective subconscious mind is likely elsewhere, and is infinitely more powerful.
Ultimately, you can’t control what your subconscious mind does; it ... Views: 603
As the New Year begins many people start to frantically construct their life around their new resolutions, falling into the belief that in just a few short days they will transform their lives for the better. You don’t need a New Year celebration to start a new version of you, to move into a ... Views: 785
Who is a Sociopath?
"Sociopaths/Psychopaths are fun, exciting, seductive, charismatic, impulsive, sexy, AND unfortunately, individuals diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder." — Dr. Anne Brown
What does this mean to you? After you have been drawn into their world, then you ... Views: 773
We all have experienced loving others and being loved by others to some extent. But very few of us have experienced self-love. For many, the idea of loving our self seems alien and sounds like a new age philosophy. Loving oneself is not a new age philosophy. Buddha said this about self-love some ... Views: 603
Tony Robbins, well-known self-help guru says, ‘energy flows where attention goes. To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it.’
Tony is definitely not alone in his belief in this concept; many of the variations of this belief have been ... Views: 741
Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. At some point in all our lives, we‘re going to experience a level of trauma. What Mybenziger offers is a way to move from the trauma which might cause our life to remain stagnant, to a new life that radiates purpose.
No, a ... Views: 606
What does it mean to live your passion? ‘live your passion’, is a trendy expression that we hear and see a lot in our culture. But how do you live a life you are truly passionate about?
The Webster’s dictionary defines passion as: a strong love or desire for, or devotion to, an action, ... Views: 810
Do you remember when you were little and would list off all the things you wanted to be when you grew up- with wild abandon. Have you ever heard children talk about who or what they’re going to be when they grow up? There are absolutely no limitations put on their dreams and ideas of the life ... Views: 615
Do you ever sit down at your desk in the morning and think to yourself, ‘What am I doing here? I don’t belong in this job. Am I a fraud?’?
Well, if you do, you’ll be glad to know that you’re not alone.
62% of UK adults experience what is more commonly known as ‘imposter syndrome’. But what is ... Views: 572
The word TASTE is typically related to eatable food items, but many times it is also used in broader prospective to indicate individual liking/ disliking of a person.
The taste is always associated with smell because we have same types of receptors in our body for both senses of smell & ... Views: 679
Online Love Marriage Problem solution
Want to solve your Love problems most quickly? Then an online love problem solution is the best way. You can get many benefits for taking an online love problem solution like:
No need to go anywhere,
Consult an astrologer at any time,
Get remedies ... Views: 857
As we all know, internet has turned out to be one of the most important and influential tools in people’s life today. No doubt there are certain disadvantages of this facility, but despite the negatives, one cannot deny the enormous good it has brought about all over the world.
So, like ... Views: 420
Choice is both the biggest opportunity for life purpose and the biggest cause of stress in our lives.
Life is full of choices. (I know, what a profound statement.) Some of them are small. We choose what to eat for lunch, who to text, what to watch on TV. Conversely, some choices are quite ... Views: 759
Do you feel stuck? Do you have a sense of being overwhelmed? Sometimes the solution to getting jump started and to accelerate the process of your successful performance is right in front of you.
Here’s the challenge. Are you going to take the step to grab what is right in front of you? If ... Views: 676
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics near about 0.5 to 0.7 million people have lost their jobs during the pandemic in the whole of Australia. The number is increasing as time passes by. Industries including airlines and travel, retail, finance, and so on are facing major economic ... Views: 489
Who is a Sociopath? Sociopaths/Psychopaths are fun, exciting, seductive, charismatic, impulsive, sexy, AND unfortunately, individuals diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder.
Dr. Anne Brown
What does this mean to you? After you have been drawn into their world, then you are going ... Views: 783
Backbone Tools: From Codependency to Dignity
If you grew up in a family with lots of dysfunction e.g. alcohol, anger, illness physical or mental, Borderline/narcissistic (it is all about me), or any other phenomena other than adult people being normal loving parents to their children you may ... Views: 887
Teenage is that phase of life in which a person’s nature is a bit impatient. He or she needs a quick solution to every problem. In that hurry, one sometimes causes damage to oneself unknowingly. Medical problems are more serious than others because health when gone never comes ... Views: 449
A Five Stage Re-entry into the Here and Now
Paul Dunion
The idea that it may be worthwhile to live as much as possible in the here and now seems to have been reduced to a minor spiritual axiom. Recently, while having dinner with an old friend who has enjoyed a generous amount of ... Views: 681
The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicators (MBTI) is one of the holy grails of modern psychology. Psychologists use it, as well as the common people, to identify someone’s type of personality, strong sides, and preferences. The MBTI test identifies 16 different types of personality. If you are ... Views: 618
Society nowadays is a fast-paced environment in which people are running from one goal to the other. Everyone is trying to succeed and shine whether it be in their personal or professional life. However, as they commute to work and back home, sometimes they forget to create a life of ... Views: 665
Emotional support animals play a great part in the mental health treatment of people who suffer emotional or psychological disorders. Doctors recommend emotional support animals as it has been seen and proved scientifically that animals help people to reduce their anxiety and can calm their ... Views: 1164
Do you know dophins also need ESA registration just like US service dog registry? In the event that you have ever swum with dolphins or get in contact with them then you may have how amazing and accommodating they are particularly for individuals with mental issues.
There are submerged ... Views: 1010
French Psychologist in Dubai - Vanessa Bokanowski
Specialized In Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
I graduated as a clinical psychologist by Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2002. I have a Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychotherapies (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2004) and a four years ... Views: 619
Thoughts are basic to human existence. There are many thoughts that come and go in our mind. But when negative thoughts come, they make us feel quite low. And then arises a desperate urge within to purge those thoughts out of our mind!
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the founder of Akram Science, ... Views: 519
New North American Caviar
North American Caviar, Inc. (NAC) is situated in Paris, Tennessee and encompassed by the waters of the Kentucky Lake, Cumberland River, Tennessee River, Ohio River, and the strong Mississippi. We convey new, American made caviar. We cautiously examine each fish and its ... Views: 899
Our mind is the part of an internal functioning mechanism where thoughts arise. The daily life can be busy, hectic and overwhelming. It is constantly on the go with thoughts, memories, and emotions. Finding peace of mind in the modern world is a significant challenge. And not knowing how to deal ... Views: 522
Various Versions of Happiness
Bill Cottringer
“Happiness is what you do to stumble upon it.” ~The Author.
The pursuit of happiness is something we all engage in, to some degree or another. And the last I heard, it is still an inalienable constitutional right of Americans and ... Views: 818
According to a recent study published in the journal 'Nature', Fasting Mimicking Diet combined with hormone therapy is beneficial for curing breast cancer. This study has also featured in Hindustan Times. Furthermore, the study states that fasting-mimicking diet can improve the efficiency of ... Views: 520
If you are looking for the ways How to become a guidance counselor, then read the article till the end as it has discussed the steps in details. Guidance counselors guide the students to develop necessary social and academic skills to become successful in their professional lives. Counselors ... Views: 660
Since ancient times, different types of captivating tools have been used in almost all the countries of the world. In India, especially from Dwapar era, the Vashikaran totke has been used, in fact, these tricks have been able to fulfill anyone's wish. Vashikaran should be done at the same fixed ... Views: 595
We all like comfort. We seek a lot of different things – including sex, money, relationships, cars, houses, and jobs – to fulfill this deep-seated desire to be comfortable. Yet if you look closely at the heart of comfort, you’ll ultimately discover failure.
The Problem With ... Views: 929
Helping a person with low self-esteem can be a thankless job at first as far as the person can reject you and your attempts justifying it with their own ability to do it. The thing is that people can realize their lowered self-esteem on their own but they do not pronounce it aloud. Find out how ... Views: 1016
NHS Covid-19 Make contact with tracers say the 'shambolic' procedure is 'naturally not Prepared' and confess they have nothing to do all day long - In spite of staying compensated up to £27-an-hour The NHS Examination and Trace procedure for England went live on Thursday, four days ahead in the ... Views: 659
Black Lives Matter – From Altruism and Beyond
Dr. Paul Dunion
Our streets are talking to us. The talk is loud and mostly true. It says, “Black lives matter”, “Marginalization of some hurts everyone”, “Separation breeds ignorance and fear”, Leadership from ego cannot hold those ... Views: 864
Bill Cottringer
“Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true strength.” ~Lao Tzu.
An earlier Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, proposed a hierarchy of needs that all people had a ... Views: 744
Mind mapping programming can be a useful asset for dealing with your activities, your objectives and even your plan for the day. Sign up now on Mindomo for Mind Mapping. Mind maps are outwardly situated, and empower you to accumulate, oversee and share an enormous assortment of data and assets ... Views: 735
To be Or Not To be Happy ~ That Is The Question!
Have you even decided that you do want to be happy? Have you noticed when you are most happy? What are you doing? Is it long lasting or fleeting? How do you explain it?
Let’s take a few moments to allow these questions to ... Views: 927
Materialistic possessions are something that most of us dream for, as they provide us comfort and happiness. We think they give us a better lifestyle and therefore we crave for such luxuries. And if we happen to meet people with luxuries, one often tends to look at them with great admiration. ... Views: 503
Negative thinking is the reason that you don’t have what you want in your life right now. You may not realize this but everything that you have or don’t have today is a result of your previous thinking. You have limited yourself through your thoughts and if you truly want to get what you want ... Views: 1111
“The external actions may be good or bad. That does not bind karma. What causes bondage of karma is your inner intent. Therefore, be aware of the inner intent and do not spoil it” – Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the founder of Akram Vignan.
Every single aspect of our present life, including our ... Views: 618
Addressing Familial Estrangement During a Pandemic
Dr. Paul Dunion
Social distancing is the prescribed way to prevent the exponential advance of our pandemic. Due to complex schedules and a hectic lifestyl social distancing as well as emotional distancing are often common features of ... Views: 835
While working from home has a lot of upsides, it also has a few challenges. One is social isolation and loneliness. Here are just a few ways you can overcome that.
Go Out
Working from home is really more of a figure of speech rather than a literal description of where you are going to ... Views: 1049
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The ... Views: 702