Joseph Riggio is The Official Guide to "Communication Skills and Training". You can find complete information on Joseph Riggio and his products by visiting
A fire extinguisher was mounted on the wall directly behind the platform, but only a fire marshal or an attentive speaker looking for a good icebreaker would notice it amid the general room clutter. Fred, the president of the organization, introduced me. I took the stage, acknowledged the ... ... Views: 3292
How to Communicate Effectively
Effective communications skills are essential for success in all aspects of life
Have you ever asked your self if you are communicating effectively?
Do you wonder some times why people don’t listen to you?
Or have you ever been speaking to a person, or group of ... Views: 718
You are probably aware of the many difficult people in your life. From your stubborn boss, procrastinating coworker, angry child, intrusive step-parents, or hurtful spouse, these individuals can ruin your sanity. They make you miserable.
If you have a difficult person in your life, you may ... Views: 1719
Every conversation has rules. We know not to interrupt someone when they're talking. We know not to use bad language when we talk. We know not to talk too loudly.
And we know too how and when to break all of the rules.
Exactly the same is true for a Twitter conversation. The site hasn't been ... Views: 1204
Language is one of the things that sets us apart as beings, one of the things that essentially defines us as humans. When language is used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others, motivate others to action and define the nature of our relationships.
Sometimes in poetry the ... Views: 1120
As you may recall, during the 2008 presidential and vice presidential campaigns, Governor Sarah Palin didn’t do many interviews and some of the ones she did didn’t turn out very well. I’m thinking specifically of the one she did with CBS News anchor person Katie Couric.
If you recall that ... Views: 898
How to Handle the Hostile Reporter
by David Snell
Truth to tell, there aren’t many hostile reporters out there, but there are a few, and if you’re confronted with one it’s a pretty good idea to have specific tools in mind about how you will respond to their questions.
You're expecting a nice ... Views: 2642
Most people have decided before they graduate from high school whether or not they are cut out to be A Speaker. If your early experience in front of audience was successful, odds are you continued to seek out opportunities to speak, continued to get positive feedback, continued to improve. On ... Views: 973
How many times do we find ourselves in awkward, uncomfortable situations? How many times have you wished you could talk your way out of those little messes or better still, disappear? Ever wonder how confident communicators do it? Want to learn ways to manage conflict and still keep your ... Views: 1259
How Are You Connecting With People?
Let's face it, the connection we have with other people affects our health, happiness, financial worth, and success. Whether that's through close interpersonal relationships with family and partners, business relationships or casual acquaintances. How we ... Views: 4098
Crawling on burnt hands and knees across the blistering hot sand, his throat rasping in searing pain with each seemingly last breath, with only about a day more travel before he reached town, a miner came across a cabin. In the cabin was a rusty water pump. The pump handle was in the up ... Views: 4591
We all have to deal with them at one time or another: difficult people. What is it that makes someone difficult? Why do some people push our buttons more than others? And how can you handle them in a way that feels better, reduces conflict, and produces the outcome you want?
There is an ... Views: 1112
You’re on the way to the airport. You get on the plane with a book that you’ve been planning to read for quite some time. As you open your book, you glance at the person next to you. A few minutes later, you are asked a question, and you reluctantly answer. You lower your book a bit to be ... Views: 3309
Are you preparing to give a presentation on a complicated topic? Is your job to deliver information that may be too complex or detailed for everyone in your audience?
Many speakers struggle with finding the right mix of words, terminology, and style, but for people invited to speak on ... Views: 1061
People are always on the lookout for good conversationalists. You might not think yourself as a very eloquent person; but by asking excellent conversation questions, no one will be the wise.
Excellent conversation questions keep the energy going. Without it, there will only be awkward silence - ... Views: 2022
Teaching the person who doesn't want to be there.
Sometimes when delegates on your training course are negative, disinterested or even disruptive it is often because they have been sent by their employers but are not interested in learning.Also having confided in you, you have begun to earn ... Views: 7097
As we search for ways to more efficiently do what we do, we need to take a long hard look at meetings. How much time is wasted sitting around a room, drinking coffee, hashing and re-hashing old topics, complaining about things that don’t really matter, and wishing for an escape? Few companies ... Views: 948
Or Not?
A client told me recently that her relationship with her husband was saved by two simple words that I suggested she would use on a regular basis. Some people are natural mismatchers, whilst others have mismatching behaviour at times. What is mismatching? Mismatching is when you are ... Views: 3739
How many of us have walked into a room full of people and wanted to turn around and leave? When I think about networking events, my heart freezes. Didn’t our mothers teach us not to speak to strangers? Yet, in this article we're going to examine how to talk to ... Views: 737
Does the thought of speaking in public make you tremble inside? Are you one of those people who would rather die than speak before a group?
If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then fear not, you are not alone. The majority of people would prefer to turn tail and run than to ... Views: 667
For as long as most people can remember, interpersonal communication breakdowns have been the number one factor causing loss of employee efficiency and effectiveness in organizations. Statements such as, “I never know what’s going on,” “No one ever listens to me or my ideas,” or “THEY don’t tell ... Views: 1424
Soft skills are interpersonal qualities and abilities that everyone possesses. These skills define a person's ability to successfully interact with those around them. A person can have a PhD in a certain field, but if they lack the necessary soft skills to be successful, then they will have a ... Views: 4273
Before his days hosting Deal or No Deal, comic Howie Mandel practically built an entire stand up routine around asking his audience members the question “What do you do?” He’d play off their responses, which gave him great material to work with, in part because they stammered, ... Views: 823
There are 12 barriers to effective communication that destroys any type of relationship. Be sure to overcome these roadblocks if you want happy relationships.
1. Criticizing. Criticism involves judgmental states that usually put down a person. "Don't do it that way", "You're wrong", "You're not ... Views: 3851
For many people giving a speech causes them to turn tail and run or break out in a cold sweat. They would rather die than walk up to a podium and talk. This phenomenon is actually documented. When people are asked what their number one fear is, an astounding majority say speaking before ... Views: 2679
“I’m sorry” – two little words that can make or break a relationship. It is human nature to make mistakes, but making an apology is not. There are some who find it easy to apologize and there are some who find it extremely difficult. admitting your mistake is a bitter ... Views: 565
You’ve been promoted, and now you lead a group of people. Wow! Congratulations! As you bask in your new-found career glory, maybe you need to ask yourself a few questions:
1. What does it mean to lead others?
2. As a leader, who are your mentors?
3. ... Views: 745
What is the best way to handle conflict? Your mother told you not to hit anyone, and your dad said don’t you dare run. When you enter the workforce and you face a conflict situation, what choices do you have? In real life, we cannot beat up our opponents. If we do, we might find ... Views: 699
Idioms are expressions that mean something completely different from the literal translation of the words, and as we all know, American English is full of them. Many idioms can be categorized in terms of categories or specific words they include. Let’s take the word “up” for ... Views: 1277
Do you want to improve your American English pronunciation and speaking skills but just don't how to go about it? Here are our "must do" tips to instantly improve your American English.
1. Always speak slowly. One of the most common complaints I hear from people is that they have a difficult ... Views: 1067
Can networking really lead to more business? Yes! Unfortunately, many business owners and salespeople have been to events and done a poor job of networking, leading them to believe that networking is a waste of both time and money. However, when done correctly, networking can bring you in a ... Views: 1046
Apply these 7 tips to increase success in your networking marketing business, or MLM business (Multi-Level Marketing) and recruiting efforts. Learn to increase your positive results over the phone or in person.
Effectively turning leads into a sale or new recruit may seem difficult at times. ... Views: 809
The root of most workplace challenges is no mystery … 90 percent of company problems boil down to lack of communication.
Many people want to be honest, yet they're afraid of the risks – they don’t want to anger anyone. However, by following these guidelines, you can improve communication ... Views: 1155
“Love is all that matters faithful and forever, keepin’ us together, love is all we need.” Anybody older than 30 (or even younger) might be familiar with this song which was popularized in the late ‘70’s to early ‘80’s. Various artists have since ... Views: 1455
'Tis the season for holiday parties! Whether you're looking for a job or just looking to make contacts in your field, holiday parties are a great way to build your professional network. And networking is really just another form of communication - so here are five guidelines for how to ... Views: 891
Today’s uncertain economy changes the way we look at everything, including our jobs. Last year we might have thought-- if things didn’t go well in this job, we’d find another. Or, if we didn’t get our anticipated bonuses, we’d just leave. Or, if people ... Views: 785
In any workplace or coaching situation, the quality and number of interactions between managers and their employees depend on how well and how often the two communicate. To improve their effectiveness as coaches, supervisors and managers must hone their ability to give and receive feedback.
The ... Views: 11719
Effective communication has always been an important factor in career success, and the role of writing is more important today that ever before. The ability to write is one of the most important communication skills in the modern business world. Because so much business communication takes place ... Views: 1800
The most important, life-changing practice that completely changed my outlook on life is in learning the process of active listening. You see, the greatest listeners in the world are the greatest achievers.
Great, Active-Listeners have the following qualities:
1. They summarize what the ... Views: 2091
Act to advance. Three words and 14 characters, well within my Twitter 140-character limit. That’s my new marching order for myself and ideally for everyone else I work with.
What’s this all about? Making sure you’re not wasting time, which is one of the tenets of LEAN. Wasting ... Views: 670
It’s not always easy to find ways to communicate negative feelings. These things always require a bit of time to process and being so rash with your decisions might end up with others seeing you in a bad light.
However, there are ways to communicate negative feelings without other people ... Views: 715
Learning how to improve your listening skills is very important. Hearing is different from listening. When you have ears, you can hear everything within hearing range; but that doesn’t necessarily mean you understand what you heard. Listening, on the other hand, is a skill.
There are ... Views: 943
The primary aspect which distinguishes successful leaders from the unsuccessful ones is their way of handling human relations. If sufficient emphasis is not laid on human relations communication, the generated results are far from ideal. It is only if the leader is able to sell his/her ideas by ... Views: 5109
How is it that some people appear to glide effortlessly through their lives and careers, when they may not necessarily have the most qualifications or the ... Views: 2446
She often complains “he doesn’t listen”. While he says “she doesn’t want to have sex”. The differences between him and her are universal, with physical appearance as the most obvious. It doesn’t stop there, however, since men and women are never alike in ... Views: 537
Effective Communications and Honing Your Skills
When so many things in a workplace are uncertain, dealing with challenges inherent to communicating with coworkers and peers is the last thing you want to go wrong. Nonetheless, communication experts cite that inner-communication issues in the ... Views: 998
Communication can be classified into a number of types such as oral, written, intentional, non-verbal and symbolic. The article highlights various communication styles by keeping the human context at the axis.
In all the communication forms, the people involved in the process form the most ... Views: 8016
How much time should you anticipate for creating an in-depth module, which includes Facilitator and Participant Guides with all the additional "stuff?" The industry standard, or a good rule of thumb, is forty hours of development for every one hour of instructor-led training. So, a four hour ... Views: 744
Adapted from Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace: How to Use Tiny Words that Pack a Mighty Punch by Joy Huber
“You’re the one who messed this project up.” “You didn’t turn in the report on time.” “You forgot our 4-year anniversary!”
I don’t know for certain about you, but these ... Views: 1705
Communication is the primary tool we use to interact with others. It is vital in the development of successful business and personal relationships. Helen Keller who was blind, deaf and mute needed to learn ways to communicate so she could participate in the world. Participating in everyday ... Views: 1441