Joseph Riggio is The Official Guide to "Communication Skills and Training". You can find complete information on Joseph Riggio and his products by visiting
Almost all of what I teach is, in one way or another, how we can listen at a deep level to others and ourselves. Part of listening – or Listening Power as I call the process – is to understand what the other person is trying to say.
Understanding ourselves is sometimes a tough call; to ... Views: 584
Most of the time, your eagerness to get your point across guarantees that you won't. It seems the harder you push to be heard, the harder they push back.
How do you create a willing listener? It's easy: be one. Being heard is exactly what the other person wants, too. So give what you would like ... Views: 649
Often, one of the criticisms of online bingo is that it lacks the social aspect of traditional bingo in the pub or bingo hall. This criticism, of course, usually comes from people who know little or nothing about online bingo. Perhaps the common image of the online bingo player is somebody who ... Views: 677
How many times have you been talking away, wrapped up in a conversation, sharing something important, meaningful or revealing about yourself only to realize that the person you are talking with has drifted away and is obviously somewhere else? And, if you tell the truth, haven't you done the ... Views: 1030
A great many people have trouble with nervousness, shyness, and a host of other "issues" that make it difficult for them to interact with others. Well, there are a number of ways you can relieve yourself of that problem, and we are going to go over them now.
First off, you want to become ... Views: 2910
Nowadays distance teaching and learning becomes more and more popular. Without the face to face feeling and feedback, as a teacher, how to attract learners’ attention during the distance teaching becomes a popular question. This article gives you some tips and resources empower nontechnical ... Views: 750
"Psychologists have found that we are each more interested in knowing that the other person is trying to empathize with us… than we are in believing that they have actually accomplished that goal. Good listening … is profoundly communicative. And struggling to understand communicates the most ... Views: 1115
When you are at a party, or maybe a job interview, there can be points where the conversation wanes and/or falls flat. So, you can use some methods perk things up. Now, the first thing you want to remember is: do not panic! It is common for any conversation to go through peaks and valleys. ... Views: 986
Think of a conversation you’ve been putting off. Got it? Great. Then let’s go.
There are dozens of books on the topic of difficult, crucial, challenging, important (you get the idea) conversations (I list
several at the end of this article). Those times when you know you should talk to ... Views: 706
It is a common problem; you are at a party or maybe some sort of formal or informal gathering, and you do not know what to say. People chat and carry on all manner of conversations; yet you seem to be left on the and are little more than an audience to others.
Well, there are some ways to get ... Views: 1665
Our goal in conscious communication is not to change the other person . . . Our goal is to establish connection.
Andrew LeCompte, author, Creating Harmonious Relationships
A parent of three attended a workshop I gave on managing conflict. A few days after the workshop, she emailed me to say ... Views: 678
"Go ahead, Judy, talk to your father. What do you want to say?" With these words offered by my favorite Aunt Mimi, I was given the greatest gift—the gift of myself.
Mimi and I had gone on an aunt-niece shopping adventure, and at age 15, I became the proud owner of my first mini-skirt. Upon ... Views: 621
Getting people to pay attention to what you say: ah, now that is a challenge every school teacher, advertiser, and director of marketing has been trying to figure out since the dawn of time. Anyone who has ever been in a position of authority will realize this can be difficult. So, if you are ... Views: 1369
You may have heard that effective communication is critical to building and maintaining good personal and professional relationships. This is very important since most of us spend 70% of our day communicating, and 45% of that time is spent listening. A great way to build better relationships ... Views: 704
American Communication English
TRAINING To Become A Confident Communicator
Transforming Your Communication Capabilities:Listening Tips
We've been communicating since we were born. So the tendency is to believe that we all communicate well. Think again!
In this era of fast-paced living we are ... Views: 1190
We are what we do repeatedly,
Excellence, therefore, is not an act,
It is a habit.
-- Aristotle
The concept of practice applies to any skill that you want to cultivate. If you take up a new musical instrument, you will need to practice a while before you're ready to give your first concert. ... Views: 776
Many people around us fail to respect us. Some people use us and take advantage of us, while others talk and behave with us in ways that offend us and hurt us. However, when people fail to respect us it is our own fault. It’s our fault because we have failed to establish boundaries for ... Views: 1332
Most of us can benefit from the use of new technologies that enable conference calling and other means of communication and collaboration. There isn’t a better time to leverage new technologies to further enhance your productivity. The following ideas are just a handful of tips.
Use a free ... Views: 490
Do you have information that can help others prosper? Do you want to share it with a larger audience? Then it’s time to write your book. You know, the one you’ve been noodling around in your head for months or years.
When you share your expertise in a book, you’ll earn ... Views: 688
For nine years Jeff worked for company G as an engineer. Flying airplanes was his first love. His job came in a close second place. That changed when Jeff met Judy. Their relationship quickly turned serious and they married.
When Jeff and Judy sat down to do financial planning as a couple, Judy ... Views: 1100
Recently a client told me a wonderful story about how a change of attitude helped her to keep a valued employee.
Angry and grumbling about one of the provisions in the company policy, the employee asked for a private meeting with my client, the owner of a small sales company, and began to tell ... Views: 1017
Often, people will have trouble making themselves stand out form the crowd. For some people, they can be a bit nervous about voicing their own opinion; maybe they are worried about being wrong or be laughed at. So, trying to stand up for themselves, and really assert themselves can be a problem ... Views: 1227
Computer armoires seem to be getting very common in the average household now. But why would you want to spend good money on a computer armoire when you can buy a simple computer desk for half the price or less? When you consider everything that goes with a computer it's a pretty space intensive ... Views: 796
Is there a conversation you've been putting off? Is there a coworker or family member with whom you need to talk - but don't? Maybe you've tried and it didn't turn out as you had hoped. Or maybe you fear that talking will only make things worse. Whatever the reason, you feel stuck and you'd like ... Views: 639
It is no secret that people often need to be involved in a conversation of some sort as part of their work, and/or family and social life. So, that means talking part of the time, and then listening to what they have to say. For most people, being able to talk and hold up their end of the ... Views: 3212
When you are engaged in a conversation with one or more people, you have to essentially take turns at speaking. If one person is doing all the talking, that is a lecture, not a chat. So, one very common mistake people will make is that they monopolize the conversation and end up doing all of the ... Views: 970
To assert yourself means to confidently express what you feel, what you need, and what you expect from others in a non-threatening manner. However, in the workplace sometimes asserting oneself can be easier said than done.
Often the work environment can be highly demanding and stressful and, ... Views: 2555
Knowing when to end a conversation is very important if the communication is starting to turn stale between you and your audience. In fact, there might come a time in your life when knowing when to end a conversation might actually save your relationship with a person, rather than going into big ... Views: 595
Every person needs to communicate to express his ideas or getting things done properly. The success of a person is greatly depended on how effectively he is able to communicate both written and verbal. Communication helps us to solve complex problems. A good negotiator uses his communication ... Views: 1061
A website must earn otherwise it is of no use. Revenue generation is everything. There are certain pre-requisites for a website which makes it earning. First of all it must provide good product and services. It must be user-friendly, with good outlook and easy navigation tools. The content ... Views: 702
Speech Language Pathology – What is That?
By the time the Masters Degree in Communicative Disorders has been awarded to a student from an accredited university, that individual has been educated to provide a broad spectrum of services to those who experience cognitive, voice, speech, language, ... Views: 1292
How can we be sure our ambition is following each one's StrengthBank® - the plan for each one’s bank of strengths that will prosper and not harm, give hope and a future? A true ambition or life purpose, that is to live the fullest to the StrengthBank® given you, is usually specific and fixed ... Views: 824
Recently, I was scheduled to speak about "Thinking on Your Feet" to a group of 50 administrative professionals, in honor of Administrative Professionals Day. I was well-prepared; I had interviewed several people from the audience over the phone and I had my notes, timer and driving directions ... Views: 1101
The number one rule of successful presentation preparation is to know your audience. Here are some tips to consider when you're thinking about how to connect to your audience, whether it's an audience of 1 or 100:
• Know what's playing on station WIIFM. That's the station the people in ... Views: 1245
Making friends with people we just met is not easy for many of us. For those of us who have difficulty making friends with strangers we often find ourselves feeling uncomfortable and uncertain about making casual conversation when we meet someone new.
Some of us think we need to say something ... Views: 1996
Companies that communicate retain more staff and increase job satisfaction for their employees. But ineffective communication can be worse than none at all. Here are six ways to communicate effectively within the organisation.
• Set clear expectations. If you hold a weekly communications ... Views: 1301
We might not notice it, but it’s quite hard to look for the right words to use as conversation starters when talking to people you barely know.
It’s quite easy to start one with friends and family, but we are usually tongue-tied when it comes to strangers. You need to say the right ... Views: 873
Lets get real; all of us, are some one else’s difficult person. For what ever reason everyone finds himself or herself disliked or misunderstood by some one else. We run into people on the job and in our personal lives that we feel are truly exasperating. How do you deal with a difficult ... Views: 606
Human conversation is the most important part of any society. Without it a society can't prosper, or for that matter even functionally exist. All of us, as human beings, need to have conversation with another human being, no matter who you are. Conversation is a fundamental part of our human ... Views: 9234
Have you ever seen a speaker go over the allotted time limit? Or rush through the material when they realized they were running out of time?
What was your reaction to that speaker? Were you impressed?
I've seen speakers go over the time limit by five, ten or fifteen minutes and then look ... Views: 1922
Ask any ten people if they know of someone who has been terminated or an organization that has been hauled into court over an email, and at least one can cite person and case. The story usually has an unhappy ending.
Here are the no-no’s:
Negative Comments About Upper Management
Even if ... Views: 1323
In today’s world of competitive business it has become very important for companies, and their employees, to communicate effectively and quickly in order to stay in business.
The faster and more thoroughly a business can communicate with the consumers that buy their goods and within ... Views: 1051
When you're preparing and practicing a presentation, your word choice matters. If your words are weak or unclear, they can interfere with your ability to communicate your message effectively to your audience. To be an effective presenter, you should choose what I call "million-dollar words" - ... Views: 1265
Words are practically the medium in relaying a message to an individual or an audience. But aside from using the proper words, nonverbal communication characteristics are also necessary to improve the dissemination of information to the crowd.
They involve conveying body language signs and ... Views: 1136
Filler words include "um," "ah," and words such as "like," "so," and "ok," which are used as a verbal bridge to the next word.
These words just fill in space while you remember or think of something to say next. Rather than being effective bridges, they are roadblocks, distracting the ... Views: 3176
Self-confidence is having the belief in our ability to do or accomplish something, or to succeed. It largely involves our past learning experiences, successes, and achievements.
For many of us self-confidence can fluctuate up and down, depending on the daily challenges we face in comparison ... Views: 1784
Quality conversations are a necessary part of relationships, especially between family and friends. Conversations with those we care about can help us learn more about them and their lives. It also gives them a chance to get to know us better.
Moreover, conversations with our loved ones can ... Views: 2399
Starting a conversation can be difficult at times, especially if you are a new employee at work. For many of us, the first day on the job, we are nervous and anxious to get settled into our new environment as quickly as possible, which does include meeting the people around us and begin ... Views: 1592
If you want to be successful in life you need to communicate effectively. Effective communications can help you in work, in all of your relationships with family and friends, as well as socially. There are many aspects to communications all of which, combined together, can make you successful in ... Views: 935
Too often, people put their relationship aside and do not give it the attention it deserves. Our world has become so high-tech and high speed; we are all rushing around, bound and determined to get things done. The result is, we do more things, but get less done. A relationship, like any other ... Views: 1041