Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
Quantum Manifestation Abundance 4: Fifth Dimensional Ascension
Quantum Manifestation is the Quantum Physics mathematical model that is used as the formula to co-create a Paradigm Shift in ones own reality that takes one into the Fifth Dimensions and beyond!
This principle, Quantum ... Views: 1908
When practicing the quantum manifestation blueprint by Marina Jacobi and other intelligent, loving beings, we find that the synchronicities that caught our eyes as children are come to be!
When we free-will choose to look through the negative hologram by parting the stage curtains into the ... Views: 1407
Sometimes it is difficult to open your mind and take a look at different ideas or opinions other than your own. I have found, however, that when I open my mind, I realize a great deal of rewarding benefits. You have the power to heal your life and empower yourself in the process when you view ... Views: 1296
Quantum Manifestation Of Heart Based Abundance 2: How Can One Plus One Equal Three?
Positive Quantum Structure Turns One Plus One Equals Three Into Cosmic Reality!
The Fifth Dimension is Positive and entry into it is a welcome into a new, personal, individual yet free-will ... Views: 1627
This principle, Quantum Manifestation Of Heart Based Abundance is a platform that is expressed by the teachings of Marina Jacobi. This quantum physics structure is the elevated way to address and end the slavistic money structure forced on humanity and instead enter into a fifth dimensional ... Views: 1442
Happy New Year! Regardless of how it went for you, 2017 is gone. There were challenges that faced many of us, and even some that tried to suck our souls like a newly purchased Roomba. However, in spite of the attempts, we're still here.
There's something about adversity. It mobilizes the ... Views: 1295
Many of the world’s religious and spiritually inclined adhere to the belief that evil forces exist. Then there are those who reject the idea.
In our experience, many individuals who doubt the existence of dark energies also reject the concepts of organized religion, God, and ... Views: 1350
Generally, we can observe that lots of things are available in the market to reduces tension and stress like wine, cookies, rescue remedy etc. These works only for external solutions to tension or worry in every possible place imaginable.
Thankfully for AYM 'yoga school in Rishikesh' and its ... Views: 1219
Amazines Free Article Archive - Thursday, September 21, 2017
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Subscribe to ... Views: 1658
Billions of planets, infinite number of stars and solar systems and here we are all alone on Mother Earth.
The evidence of life else ware is abundant. Artists usually draw what they see and also use their imagination.
Cave dwellers have etched figures of space men, Rocket ... Views: 1546
When we are living unaware of ourselves, we have a tendency to stay stuck in the past and ruminate over past mistakes we made. Retelling stories that are unchangeable is self-defeating; holding you back from a balanced and healthier life. ("Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. ... Views: 1303
If everything happens according to precise Laws, is there any reason for praying to God, Deities or Enlightened Beings? Yes there is, and in fact ‘the method of prayer’ is one of the most powerful and skillful method, especially when nothing else works. One must understand that the Absolute ... Views: 1267
Is there someone in your life that you either refuse to forgive or are having a hard time with? I've often heard people make statements such as "I'll never forgive them for what they did!" Or, "Some things should never be forgiven." Still others feel that some people simple do not deserve ... Views: 1488
Bookmark printing is one important tool for the promotion of a brand's merchandise especially during the holiday season. Avid book readers and other customers like bookmarks which help the company in creating a strong customer base as they are giving something valuable to them.
The design of ... Views: 1072
to view in your browse and enjoy all the images:
“The Whole Universe Is My True Personality.”
Anonymous Zen Master
Dear One,
On April 15, pleasure-loving Venus stationed direct conjunct wounded healer Chiron in sensitive ... Views: 1795
Rajasthan, an awesome state in India, is world renowned for its social legacy and energetic society. Travellers the whole way across the globe come here to visit this extraordinary place and experience the staggering sights. In the event that you likewise need to encounter the same enjoyment ... Views: 860
Love is the fabric of freedom.
Forgiveness paves the way to freedom.
You will know when you are free
when there is nothing left to forgive
because you see through the eyes of love.
The Voice of the Oneness of God
March 3, 2012
This was the first message I received from God about ... Views: 1298
“Just try it out,” I suggested. “And be playful with it—don’t try to generate
lifestyle or dying choices with this new tool otherwise you’ll be very stressed
to determine the sign anyway.”
Jeanine had her initial psychic sighting
although nervously waiting for any ... Views: 1284
1. Know who you are.
Stop focusing on things, situations and conditions outside of yourself. I know it can be hard to do this when things are not as they should be in your health, relationships, business, career or finances.
Remember that your creator made you great and that your ... Views: 1538
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise". (Hebrews 10:36).
will just drop in our lap and the promises of God will automatically manifest themselves, but that's not the case. ... Views: 3402
To give and not expect return, that is what lies at the heart of love.
Blessed are those who are able to give without remembering and to take without forgetting.
Give to others builds human spirit. Every act of generosity and the willingness to give of our time, our interest, concern, ... Views: 1630
Kerala is verifiably a standout amongst the most awe inspiring goals in the southern piece of the nation. Intrinsically connected with this heaven on earth are its glimmering backwaters, shiny shorelines and lavish patches of land. Favored with different beautiful districts, this serene state is ... Views: 974
True forgiveness is when you can say, ‘Thank you for that experience’.
True forgiveness is not an action after the fact; it is an attitude with which you enter each moment.
True forgiveness is a promise not a feeling. When we forgive other people truly, we are making a promise not to use ... Views: 1828
I have spent the last two weeks in a pile of books. I have read books on sex, on Tantra, on advanced energy techniques, on the human body, on spirit, etc. Honestly, my brain feels like it’s going to explode!
The thing that struck me as I read all of these different books is that everything ... Views: 1457
DO YOU EVER FEEL THAT LIFE'S BEEN UNFAIR TO YOU ? Esther's parents had died. They had been among the Jewish captives led away from ... Views: 1352
A ropeway connect auto takes you at a stature of more than 13,000 feet for astonishing points of view and unending snow comparatively as the eye can see. Visit the Heaven on earth North India Tours with Ajinkya visits reasonable visit bundles and make recollections for lifetime
The ... Views: 916
The meaning of the word inspiration brings to mind these Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson Inspirationtwo things…
The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
The drawing in of breath; inhalation.
What it means to me is IN (within ... Views: 1333
When a dolphin became trapped in a marina lock in the 1980s, she was rescued and cared for at a dolphin sanctuary in Australia, where she must have picked up a few tricks from the other dolphins. Nearly 20 years later, marine biologists spotted several wild dolphins near Australia performing a ... Views: 1344
1. A person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief.
That’s me! There comes a time in our career when we are an adept, or someone who is skilled. And while we may be accomplished there’s always room for betterment or growth. You challenge yourself ... Views: 1484
There are times in our life when we know we’re in sync with the universe and Bypassing challenges with Michigan psychic medium Lisa Boussonall that is around us, and then there’s times when we feel as if we’re being hit from all angles.
Everyone experiences times where it appears nothing is ... Views: 1189
Having been asked the questions numerous times, I have two theories on what the time span is between lives. One from my Spiritualist Theology and one gathered from years of working with spirit. Here they are respectively.
If spirit are considering reincarnation, most will do so approximately ... Views: 1281
Lillian Smith (1897-1966) wrote: Man, surrounded by facts, permitting himself no surprise, no intuitive flash, no great hypothesis, no risk, is in a locked cell. Ignorance cannot seal the mind and imagination more securely.
When I read this I thought of the many that have only one view of the ... Views: 1185
“What do you do for a living?” I often get questioned. Yes, people may use this question as a conversation starter, but when you come out of the closet and admit you’re a psychic medium, they often turn their backs. Many close friends have said, “Oh really?” And then rolled their eyes when I’ve ... Views: 1158
I’ve seen a shift within the past few years. The “win-at-any-cost” mentality, which has prevailed for over the last twenty years, is changing. Thank goodness! Most of my clients are now seeking a simpler way of life, a deeper connection within themselves and within their family unit. More and ... Views: 955
I’ve recently discussed with a few people, their unhappiness with their current working situations. Seemingly unable, or unwilling, to make a work move they stay in a less than desirable situation. They realize that their work is making them unhappy, not only while at work, but is also in their ... Views: 1195
I have much to accomplish today and I’m excited about it! Is my renewed energy a “symptom” of renewed health following a month long battle with a cold/sinus infection? Or is the renewed energy a bonus effect of Spring, warm weather, and sunshine? Both, I say!
We often bemoan the fact that ... Views: 1547
When I recommitted myself to a daily meditation practice back in 2006, I was told that I would be a full time medium and minister by 01/01/2008. I was excited and made this my goal. I stuck a bright orange affirmation on my bathroom mirror so that I would see it daily, keeping me on track – ... Views: 945
I spent the last two days with my grandson, who is almost 11 months old. What a fun, enlightening, and exhausting two days they were too!
I’m luck to have the ability to take time off work when needed so that I can spend time with my grandson. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. It’s such a ... Views: 1165
You have heard it before. Life is short, enjoy each day. Live every day like it is your last. Everything in life can change quickly. In a brief moment your life can be turned upside down. None of us know when we will die or when someone close to us will.
This is my story about the ... Views: 1693
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Can Good Marriages Have Unresolved Conflicts? - by Marcia Naomi Berger, LCSW, author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You've Always Wanted (New World Library), is a psychotherapist in San Rafael, California. She helps people create relationships that are fulfilling in all the important ways-emotionally and spiritually as well as physically and materially, whether they are already married or want to be.
Even in the best marriages, not all conflicts get resolved. According to psychologist John Gottman’s research, 69 percent of problems in marriage do not get solved.[1]
His good news is that in good marriages many perpetual issues that are not deal breakers can be managed. It's not the ... Views: 1446
New Year has been the time to take new resolutions since ages. Seldom does all our enthusiasm and excitement last more than a few weeks though. As days pass, we regret having taken the resolutions and find many logical reasons why our resolution was not practical. We blame ourselves for having ... Views: 952
“During this time of worldwide strife, fear and hatred, not only in the United States, but everywhere, the only thing you can do is to keep your sacred or inner heart open with love and laugh, laugh, laugh.
It is your job – each and every one of you, no matter where you live, to break up the ... Views: 1182
Why Travel to Thailand to Practice Yoga
Blending travel and yoga is a potent recipe for total mind and body renewal. Yoga in itself is a powerful total mind/body renewal tool, but the added benefit of traveling and leaving behind all of the headache and stresses of daily life helps us ... Views: 1096
God's grace can mean many things. I like to think of it as a gift we are given by the benevolent power that works in our life. Some might call it a blessing. In terms of recovery I sometimes feel grace is doing me a favor. Grace is giving me what I need at the time I need it.
I have had many ... Views: 977
What is luck?
According to the Dictionary, success or failure can happen by chance rather than through one's own actions. It is defined as an invisible force that seems to operate for good or bad in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities. Our fortune or ... Views: 1594
I remember when my first spiritual teacher told me that love was the most important thing there was, that it could transcend and heal all things. I thought he was crazy, not the love I was familiar with. The love that I knew was learned from those perfect families on TV and any of that I ... Views: 1188
We are encountering various immature or spiritually unconscious beings all the time. They can be little children, animals or even grown up people with mental or emotional issues. Although most of the time these interactions can be lovely and amusing, they can also turn out to be extremely ... Views: 2115
November 13, 2016
It's time for us to step up straight white men! This campaign and this election have exposed many issues in our country and our world...issues that have been there for a very long time, and although we've made progress on them through the years, it's time for real change and ... Views: 1730
The causes of your self-sabotage can be the following:
- Self-defeating or limiting beliefs about that particular activity or life in general, such as: I'm vulnerable; the unknown is dangerous; I should not take the risk; life is unfair; I'm not good enough; I’m not worthy; life is hard; I am ... Views: 1281
There are several very efficient and innovative methods for successful dealing with fears, i.e. reintegrating them back into our personality. But first, let me elaborate a little bit on the nature of fears.
What are fears?
Fears, together with desires, are some of the basic life dynamisms ... Views: 1383