We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Aging and Longevity". If you have expertise in Aging and Longevity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you ever run into car trouble at the wrong time, you probably need to find some towing services that can help you. However, with the amount of options available, you may be wondering how you will know which ones are the best to choose from. The following suggestions can help you if you ever ... Views: 339
If you want to get a cheap website, you should have considered using free web hosting and other free options. This article will tell you how you can create a free website using common online resources to drive traffic to your website.
I want to get a cheap website done
There are many ... Views: 330
Healthy bones sustain us with effortless movement that helps us efficiently discharge our day-to-day tasks. However, due to some form of trauma or accident, Vitamin A deficiency, low bone density or advancement in age, bone fractures can occur. A fracture is referred to as a medical condition ... Views: 447
About 15% of Americans visit a dermatologist every year for a wide range of skin concerns. Going to a licensed professional seems like the best way to learn the nuances of your skin and to soak up the best information pertaining to skincare products, routines, treatments and more. ... Views: 582
Medical animation has been able to create a solid and sustainable niche in the field of 3D animation over the years. By touching the medical field, he opened up a lucrative and satisfying side of animation. Doctors use medical animation to depict parts of the human anatomy for research purposes ... Views: 321
Research has shown that melatonin sleep aids help restore natural sleep patterns. But more melatonin is not necessarily better and melatonin should only be taken for short periods of time.
Melatonin is a hormone that occurs naturally in our bodies to regulate our sleep-wake cycle, also known ... Views: 411
With the advancement of technologies, it has become easy to afford a good logo concept for your business. The availability of advanced, affordable but full-featured logo design software has, to some extent, eliminated the need for your graphic symbol to be designed by professional graphic design ... Views: 378
XYZ Smart Collagen Cream Review
A recent product review of a wrinkle cream called XYZ Smart Collagen Cream has been generating considerable buzz. If you haven't yet, read the whole review and decide for yourself if it is worth considering.
Acne and wrinkles are often inseparable. The two are ... Views: 672
Only recently has the role of trace elements been appreciated. Trace minerals do not exist by themselves but in relationship to one another. Too much of one trace mineral can lead to imbalances in others resulting in disease, rather than the absence of disease. Mineral deficiencies and ... Views: 728
Coffee is more than just a drink that helps you wake up each morning. It contains nutritional benefits that can help you live longer. Studies have found that drinking coffee regularly can lower the risk of deadly diseases in the world which includes heart disease, diabetes, and cirrhosis. Read ... Views: 757
Prostate Pro is a dietary supplement that helps to relieve the effects of an enlarged prostrate. This product is a normal and high-quality one with great customer feedback on its side. It was also developed on the basis of empirical experiments and proofs. These pointers prove the formula is a ... Views: 835
In this article, the trace minerals, nickel, tungsten, germanium, and aluminum will be discussed. Let’s begin with nickel.
Nickel plays important roles in the biology of microorganisms in the body. Nickel helps provide optimal growth, healthy skin, strengthens the bone structure, and ... Views: 645
1 – Golf Was Invented in Scotland. Or Asia. Or the Shire
The origins of golf have been obscured by time. While most historians agree that the game as we know it today was first developed in Scotland around 1457, the Dutch claim to have invented a similar game in 1300. In Asia, China had a ... Views: 693
This is article #10, in a series of articles about trace minerals and ‘why’ each one is needed in our daily diet. The information contained in this article concerns only one trace mineral, zinc, because it is the key in so many body reactions.
A great resource for trace minerals is in coral ... Views: 683
So far, I’ve written eight articles revealing information about trace minerals, and as I am researching and writing about each one, I realize how important they are and find it a crime against our humanity for the powers-that-be for keeping this information secretive. In this article, part nine, ... Views: 665
This is part eight in a series of articles about trace minerals. My goal has been to share what I have discovered about the importance of trace minerals and how necessary they are in one’s diet. In this article, I will discuss the following minerals along with what they contribute to a healthy ... Views: 683
Tea is an aromatic drink that is widely drank around the globe for its health benefits. There are many types of tea you can find in the market but the healthiest ones are the true teas which are: green, white, black, and oolong. These four types of tea are produced from the Camellia Sinensis ... Views: 1315
This is part seven in a series of articles about trace minerals. My goal has been to share what I have discovered about the importance of trace minerals and how necessary they are in one’s diet. In this article, I will discuss the following minerals along with what they contribute to a healthy ... Views: 645
This is part six in a series of articles about trace minerals. My goal has been to share what I have discovered about the importance of trace minerals and how necessary they are in one’s diet. In this article, I will discuss the following minerals along with what they contribute to a healthy ... Views: 674
Scientific Recommendations to cope with the Corona Virus COVID 19 Pandemic:
Use Natural Hand Sanitizer and natural antibactrial soap. Use Oregano Oil daily.
Take 8-10,000 Vitamin D3 + 5000 Vitamin C + Bioavailable Multivitamin/minerals/antioxidant to support immune system.
Lots of ... Views: 1037
At any stage of life getting regular and good sleep is very important. It is, in fact, just as important as a healthy diet and exercise. Getting a good night’s sleep improves your overall health and mood. It is a time that your body needs to consolidate memories, rejuvenate the body, repair ... Views: 2139
This is part five in a series of articles about trace minerals. My goal has been to share what I have discovered about the importance of trace minerals and how necessary they are in one’s diet. In this article, I will discuss the following minerals along with what they contribute to a healthy ... Views: 661
Years ago, many people drank the water at Lourdes and were cured of their affliction. So, out of curiosity, what’s in this water and can it help prevent or cure the C-Virus. After researching the 72 trace minerals available in only a few products, I discovered that the trace mineral, ... Views: 684
Cosmetic dentistry as the name suggests is a special sector of dentistry that helps patients to enhance the look of their mouth and teeth. Cosmetic dentistry helps in many ways to make a person’s smile look gorgeous and also help in smooth functioning of teeth. Yes, of course, your old age ... Views: 457
The goal of life sciences global consulting is to help individuals and organizations make strategic and business decisions about how to leverage the new technologies being developed, through direct communication with management. An IT Global Consultant is responsible for the strategic and ... Views: 809
Having a healthy lifestyle is something we all dream of but following the advice for healthy eating habits are somewhat tougher than we can imagine. In order to move from bad habits that were holding you back to good habits that turn into a lifestyle we need to have a plan with checkpoints to ... Views: 1185
In these series of articles about trace minerals, my goal has been to share what I have discovered about the importance of trace minerals and how necessary they are in one’s diet. In this article, I will discuss the following minerals along with what they contribute to a healthy diet: sulfate, ... Views: 729
I can’t explain how important trace minerals are in maintaining one’s overall health. It has become more and more difficult to obtain the correct amounts of trace minerals in one’s diet, but one must find a way to get them. In this article, I will discuss the following minerals along with what ... Views: 697
Knowing more about trace minerals and where they are abundant in nature can truly help one in purchasing some of the Fountain of Youth. Of course, no one is going to age backwards, like in the show, “Mork and Mindy,” but one can certainly feel younger, and therefore, enjoy life a whole lot ... Views: 718
Although there are many smart speaker apps which make the lives of seniors easier, consumers have reaffirmed their actual use of smart speakers with three killer apps Ask a question, listen to music and check the weather [2]. In addition,there are several other Apps which are popular with users ... Views: 599
Life would certainly be much happier for everyone if we could simply turn back the hands of time. Imagine turning 80 and then taking that knowledge to relive one’s life again starting at the age of 18. Of course, if that were possible, the world we live in just might get a lot brighter!
For ... Views: 693
True beauty is really inner beauty. People who are healthy have a beautiful glow about themselves and it’s showcased by the way they interact with others. An unhealthy individual is someone who has a difficult time enjoying life, itself; and what I mean by “unhealthy” includes not being ... Views: 690
Do you know knee replacement has become the most common surgical procedure of joint replacement surgery? In 2011 over 7, 22, 000 such procedures were performed only in America. Between 1991 to 2010, the amount of knee replacement surgeries increased by over 161% due to advanced improvements in ... Views: 609
Superfoods are foods are foods that have health-promoting properties for reducing the risk of disease or improving any aspect of physical or emotional health. Superfoods have an unusually high content of antioxidants, vitamins, calcium and variety of other beneficial nutrients.
They also have ... Views: 929
Ogni giorno che passa, sempre più clienti acquistano smartphone come mai prima d'ora. Ciò è guidato dal crescente numero di smartphone economici introdotti sul mercato da tutti i principali produttori di smartphone.
Per chi non lo sapesse, uno smartphone è un telefono cellulare che può ... Views: 399
As I had mentioned in my first set of articles divulging part of a stressful time in my life, I’ve learned how stress can affect my life, up close and personal.
As mentioned in the last article, some used (vitalized) hemp oil, such as my uncle, for anxiety issues and with great success. HEMP, ... Views: 786
For those of you considering getting a tummy tuck Orlando fl, there are some things to keep in mind. The following information will give you some basic information that you need to know before deciding to have the procedure performed.Liposuction and tumescent body fillers are cosmetic procedures ... Views: 624
There are several botanical medicines supporting adrenal function. The most notable are Chinese ginseng, Siberian ginseng, rhodiola, and ashwagandha.
As mentioned in the last article, some used (vitalized) hemp oil, such as my uncle, for anxiety issues and with great success. HEMP, is widely ... Views: 709
Nutritional support for anyone experiencing signs and symptoms of stress largely involves the adrenal glands. Long-term stress and corticosteroids cause the adrenal glands to shrink and become dysfunctional, aggravating anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue.
An abnormal adrenal response, ... Views: 652
Sometimes referred to as the fountain of youth, super foods have the power to turn back the hands of time. Packed with anti-aging and disease-fighting nutrients that are commonly missing from the average diet, super foods promote increased health and vitality, help with weight loss and taste ... Views: 3156
One of the most popular techniques for producing the relaxation response is progressive relaxation. The technique is based on a very simple procedure of comparing tension with relaxation. Many people are not aware of the sensation of relaxation.
As mentioned, some used (vitalized) hemp ... Views: 735
As stated in part five, stress can certainly cause illness, so it’s important to know how to get one’s body to relax. A relaxation response can be achieved through a variety of techniques. It doesn’t matter which technique one chooses, because all have the same physiological effect---a state ... Views: 673
The way we handle stress is critical, since our human body’s response to stress leads to various diseases. According to Dr. Murray and Dr. PIzzorno, authors of various health books, stress if not treated with some form of relaxation can cause serious damage.
Some used (vitalized) hemp oil, ... Views: 685
Almost every human being wants to wage war against aging, and it seems to be working. We are living longer than our parents and ancestors, who only lived between the ages of 45-55. The 2019 statistic on life expectancy in America and other developed countries is 78.7 years for women, and 70 ... Views: 1004
Having to handle a very bad break-up with Tom and then being stalked by him is not even listed on the Holmes and Rahe’s Social Readjustment Scale, but I feel it should have the same rating as death of a spouse listed with a mean value of 100 percent. After all, not only was this a death to a ... Views: 748
Of course, I never thought I’d run into Tom again, several months later, at a sports event. At that time, I was with a girlfriend when Tom came over, smiling. He was charming and ask how I was doing. Tom had taken a position as a manager-in-training for a fast food restaurant. He never ... Views: 698
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who’s had some success in his little California book store, recently said that if you double the amount of experiments you do each year you’re going to double your inventiveness. How often do we think of experimenting with our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors? Take, for ... Views: 677
My name is Kelley and I live with the misunderstood disability, “photophobia,” and recently wrote a book about it, “My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder,” and by having this disability I’ve endured stress-related ailments, such as irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual ... Views: 718
Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease causing red, raised patches to appear on the skin. Psoriasis speeds up the life-cycle of the skin cell. These skin cells build-up rapidly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells cause scales and red patches to appear. Psoriasis can be painful and ... Views: 465