I need to say straight off the bat stress is a killer and I don't intend to be a victim anytime soon! I am a sixty years old, hard working single mum of five adult children, eight grandchildren plus a great granddaughter. I still have two sons at home all of which means I do know and understand ... Views: 1384
Most people would say there is nothing they can't live without apart from food, water and shelter. I found something special that I don't want to live without and I don't care if it is a luxury. I want one for Xmas!
As I have become older I have not asked for much from anyone, in actual fact ... Views: 1537
Through many years of experience and learning I have found there are different types and levels of friendships and relationships. I want to discuss this in my article and see if anyone agrees. I have been around for many years and have learnt so much about people and especially about myself. I ... Views: 2005
My life has had so many twists and turns some good and some bad but I am now at an age that I need to look at every aspect to see what is good for me and what I can change if it isn't helping me. I have found that my mind is very cluttered with things that are not really needed. I am a worrier ... Views: 1712
I feel proud and powerful when I recycle because I never paid attention years ago when I should have. My opinion has changed dramatically about recycling and the best way to save the planet. I now understand that if we had all done the right things back in the day then we would not have the ... Views: 1111
People are always complaining about one thing or another and it does annoy me a lot. I have had hard times in my sixty years but there is no point moaning about it, is there? No there isn't! People in general are never happy because there is always something that affects them be it the weather, ... Views: 1061
I need to say straight off the bat stress is a killer and I don't intend to be a victim anytime soon! I am a sixty year old, hard-working single mum of five adult children, eight grandchildren plus a great granddaughter. I still have two sons at home all of which means I do know and understand ... Views: 1456
Through my many years of life, experience and learning I have found there are different types and levels of friendships and relationships. I want to discuss this in my article and see if anyone agrees.
I have been around for many years and have learnt so much about myself and life. I believe ... Views: 1512
Every day is a challenge for me. If it isn't me getting older or greyer it is health wise. I am not happy being a forty year old in a sixty year old body. I keep asking myself "How did it happen and when did it happen? Basically I am sure someone made a mistake and I find no humour in it. I have ... Views: 977
I love Easter break. It is the right time of the year for me to have a well-deserved long weekend. I have worked hard for the last three months, since the Xmas break, so I really love the expectation of having a long weekend. It is only one week away so by now most people have decided what they ... Views: 936
Valentine's Day has been, gone and the shops are getting rid of all the hearts and special love offers. It is just one day for everyone in love to proclaim their love. To be fair this can and should be done every day of the year. Is it vital you get flowers, chocolates or anything else that says ... Views: 1897
It may be just me but I find women much more defensive than men. To be honest it can be hard work sometimes dealing with some insecurities but more often than not if it comes from a man we get defensive but if it comes from another woman then oh my god it can get a totally over the top reaction ... Views: 4538
Many years ago when I was young I had no faith in anything or anyone because I felt that what life was throwing at me was not deserved. As I have become more understanding with age I understand that everything happens for a reason. My friends laugh at me because no matter what happens I throw ... Views: 1275
Is life too short was my original question and fifty years ago I would have said yes but not anymore. Over the years lots has changed like the environment we live in, food, quality of life, and all the new technology.
Fifty years ago the average life span was probably sixty to seventy years ... Views: 1185
There are many people we trust in life but once that trust is broken how can we trust again? To be honest I am not sure we can but in different types of relationships there are different levels of trust. If a partner lies to you and you find out how do we deal with that? If adultery is the trust ... Views: 2178