The overarching theme of 2019 is following your divine mission - catching your dream so you can live it!
Doing so will require use of that most critical part of your toolkit - your imagination. Accessing it will accelerate your business and personal life.
It is what makes you unique and ... Views: 1017
Willing to Dream Your Dream?
The joyful 2019 has arrived! As a universal 3 year, it will be a year of fun. Allow your dream, your passion to direct your endeavours. Be lighter, more free-spirited, creatively expressive and putting play into our work, relationships, finances, health and ... Views: 1033
Are You Willing to Be Challenged?
As we move through the last days of 2018 once again the energy is being intensified, preparing us for 2019. The locations of both the solstice on the 21st and full moon on the 22nd are full of zeros!
The full moon itself is the second consecutive one of ... Views: 1103
Your Power and Leadership are About to be Challenged!
Now in the last days of 2018, we have ahead of us a month of two halves. In numerology December is a 14. This reduces to 5, which is sits in the middle between 1 and 9. Meaning December is a turning point.
It will provide surprises as ... Views: 1114
Know Your Truth, Embrace It
Over the past week several people asked me about the effect of the new moon in Scorpio, which rose on 7th November. My replies highlighted the message to "Know your Truth" in the waves from various planetary shifts the day before and after it.
Embrace Your ... Views: 1002
The full moon in Taurus rose on the 24th, it is going to have a big impact on each of us – and will continue to do so for at least the next two weeks. Underlying it is going to be the choice of moving from surviving to thriving and other "whats" we desire.
There was a timeless feel to it as ... Views: 1048
Do You Know What You Are Hiding From Yourself?
For the next three weeks or so we are in the Scorpio season. Scorpio knows what we are hiding in our lives, it wants to bring this to our attention so it can be addressed.
The new moon rose early morning (UTC) on 9th October. In Libra, ... Views: 1044
Free Yourself and So Your Business – Now!
We are now in the 10th month of 2018, do you sense a shift taking place? Ready to free yourself perhaps and allow your business to take off?
In numerology 10 = 1, the number of new beginnings! A moment to enjoy the excitement of the new that ... Views: 976
How to Shine the Light on The Way Ahead
The coming days will provide you with some lightning flashes of insight to help you gain even greater clarity as to the way ahead to grow your business. And if the sense of confusion still persists, these flashes will help you peer through those mists ... Views: 1110
Several months ago a young couple asked if I conducted weddings. They were seeking a ceremony which reflected their values and last weekend they were married. The influence of the stars was very evident in the alignment of all aspects of the event.
The new moon rose the next day bringing its ... Views: 1111
August has almost gone and with it the intense eclipse season. Ideally you are now in balance as the cosmos is setting the scene for your “turning point” month ahead – September.
The launch pad was prepared by three consecutive days of Saturn and Uranus completing an aspect which encourages ... Views: 1012
Abundance the missing ingredient in your life?...
And the elusive success ingredient in your life too?
It is important to understand the way you feel in any given moment is dependent upon and created by what you are thinking or saying out loud at the same moment. Your thoughts create the ... Views: 1412
A Newsletter created with the intention of providing you with thoughts on the evolving shamanic practise of bringing balance between the Earth and Spirit.
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal. Our intention is to provide you our readers, friends and connections with an ... Views: 2241
When I was writing The Seven Secrets my fear of what others might think when they read it led to my weight increasing by 5% almost overnight.
Because the extra weight created an extra layer of protection around my middle.
For our thoughts play a big role in determining our level of ... Views: 1111
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to provide you our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community as we bring balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves.
February´s second ... Views: 1574
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s Harmonising Times. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community. The full moon occurred in the early afternoon of the 12th, which means we are approaching the end of ... Views: 1847
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s Harmonising Times. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community. February´s second eclipse began shortly after midday GMT on the 26th. On this occasion it was a ... Views: 1506
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community as we bring balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves.
Very early on the 28th ... Views: 1333
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s Harmonising Times. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community. Just after midnight GMT on the 28th the new moon rises and so the Chinese New Year appears – the ... Views: 1475
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s Harmonising Times. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community as in the new beginnings of 2017 we bring balance between the Divine Feminine and Masculine.
... Views: 1580
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication. As we move from the last days of 2016 and into the first days of a new cycle, you may have already begun to allow your intuition to create a vision of what you desire for 2017? All established habits, behaviours, beliefs and relationships need to ... Views: 1656
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community as we bring balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves.
As a ‘1’ Universal ... Views: 1350
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication. As we move into the last few weeks of 2016, you may have already sensed a change in the energies? Re-structuring is still underway, only it seems far more subtle. That said some of the emotions which have surfaced have created quite an impact. ... Views: 1561
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves. Pleased 2016 is almost over? Have you created your ... Views: 1597
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves. Did you make shifts in October? November is the ... Views: 2260
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves. This was never more so than this month of ... Views: 1498
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication for September 2016. As we move further through this re- structuring phase our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives. This cycle reminds ... Views: 1643
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves.
The Journal is also available on YouTube ... Views: 1514
Another glimpse of some of the articles contained in the Earth Spirit Journal from Shamanic in Portugal, this is from August 2016 edition: (
July brought us another higher pace and notch on the roller coaster of 2016. A blend of intensity for the physical body ... Views: 1678
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication for August 2016. As we move further through this re-structuring phase our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives. What you focus on in ... Views: 1590
With the passing of June we now have less than 180 days left of 2016 - remembering as a 9 Universal year, the focus is on wholeness, integration and completion. As the ninth and final year in our current 9-year cycle, it is the moment for completion. Being ready to turn the page to the new ... Views: 1108
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication. Our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives as we begin the second half of 2016. Turning the first page of a new chapter in all our ... Views: 1309
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s note of indication. Our intention in this edition of the Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives as we move from emerging to embodying. From wondering to a sense of knowing ... Views: 1341
Despite May feeling calm, it had a challenging intensity. Particularly the last week, inducing almost a sense of lethargy. Simply wanting to go slow and allow the days to unfold rather than the next item on the "to do list"! A moment to allow transition to take place.
Transition ... Views: 1605
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s email of indication. Our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives as we move through the next phase of 2016. So helping each to Create their Life of Harmony, ... Views: 1298
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s monthly Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community. Seeking to widen our audience, the Journal is available on YouTube so that you can listen to it as well as view some ... Views: 1335
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s monthly email of indication. Our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else, with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives as we move into the next phase of 2016. So helping each to Create their Life of ... Views: 1450
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s email of indication. Our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives as we move through 2016. So helping each to Create their Life of Harmony by assisting each ... Views: 1766
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community. Seeking to widen our audience, the Journal is available on YouTube so that you can listen to it as well as view some of the ... Views: 1337
Welcome to Creating Harmony in Your Life's email of indication. Our intention in this Harmonising Times is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives throughout 2016. So helping each to Create their Life of Harmony by assisting ... Views: 1726
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community. As part of that the Journal is available on YouTube so that you can listen to it as well as view some of the ... Views: 1547
Welcome to Creating Harmony in Your Life's email of indication, The Harmonising Times. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and everyone else with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives. So helping each to Create their Life of Harmony by assisting each of us to take ... Views: 1446
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Newsletter. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community. As part of that the Journal is now available on Youtube so that you can listen to it as well as view some of the scenery ... Views: 1634
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Newsletter. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community.
We offer here some insights into our views and experiences into the co-creation we are all part of. Recognising each of ... Views: 1759
The Harmonising Times, from, is a regular newsletter of indication created with the intention of providing you with clarity of what's going on energetically for every being on this planet. With the Universe’s process of evolution continuing to ensure constant ... Views: 1534
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal, our Newsletter, for October 2015. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community.
We offer here some insights into our views and experiences into the ... Views: 1251
Welcome to Creating Harmony’s October 2015 email of indication. Our intention is this provides our readers, friends and connections with foresight as to the influences impacting all our lives. So helping each to Create their Life of Harmony by assisting us to take full responsibility for our own ... Views: 1420
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal's Newsletter. By providing you with some insights into our views and experiences our intention is that helps you, our readers, friends and connections to remember we are all part of a much larger community.
In our role as co-creators we have to take ... Views: 1713
All conflicts between thoughts, words, actions and what we say we believe will be highlighted. Some of these may be buried deep. Perhaps relating to old issues that had seemed resolved or long forgotten may suddenly surface, requiring a whole new level of attention.
It will no longer be ... Views: 1432
Gregory Reece-Smith, of presents a copy of his August 2015 Harmonising Times Newsletter sent free to subscribers in the first week of every month.
This next phase of 2015 is moving beyond each of us taking responsibility for our own lives, now it is also ... Views: 1520