I’m sure you’ve been told how important it is to practice forgiveness. You may have even been told that forgiveness is vital for healing, and you may even know that lack of forgiveness hurts you much more than the other person. But forgiveness is way more than any of these; it is ... Views: 1780
Do you believe vibrant health is possible until you take your last breath, or does that seem more like a fairytale fantasy?
For many years I have been on a mission to find what vibrant health truly is. As I observed that some people seemed to be experiencing it, I knew I wanted to experience ... Views: 1594
Mindfulness is being consciously aware and accepting of what is going on in and around you at the present moment without judging it in any way. It is more like being the “observer” rather than stepping into the story that is playing out in your experience. You become aware of all that you feel ... Views: 1430
A few years ago I came across the following text and found the message both simplistic and deeply profound, so I am sharing it with you as I begin this article.
Chapter 1
I walked down the street. It looked like an interesting street.
There’s a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in. I am ... Views: 1379
There are laws that govern the universe and consequently affect your life every single day. Take for instance the Law of Gravity. This law allows you the ability to walk firmly on the ground and not float around aimlessly in space. You know this law because if you drop something it falls ... Views: 1599
I have been writing about adrenal fatigue and its considerable devastating affects on health for some years now, but I continue to research the topic and am continually amazed at the findings I discover concerning this illness. It is indeed a complex issue that few medical doctors address, yet I ... Views: 2560
Perhaps you’ve never thought about having a gap between your thoughts and maybe cannot imagine it right now. After all, our thoughts tumble one right after the other, oftentimes overlapping. I’ve heard we can entertain hundreds of thoughts per minute but only about 5 or 6 ever reach our mind to ... Views: 1997
As human beings, we are masters with the creation of excuses. There isn’t one person alive who doesn’t make excuses every day of their life for something. It’s so ingrained in us that we rarely realize our pattern, so it is simply a natural defense we utilize without thinking. Some of you may ... Views: 1559
We become very mindful of love with the focus at this time of year, given the major marketing or advertising campaigns and displays that permeate every retail establishment imaginable, plus multiple commercials. The simple reason after all, is to entice you to spend money at their business to ... Views: 1405
The title of this article probably allows your thoughts to immediately travel to a person who to you is attractive and appealing–someone you feel has pleasing features and good looks. Obviously you are thinking of the outward appearance of that individual because that is what we see initially ... Views: 1433
what everyone seeks to experience in their life.
Individuals search for happiness throughout their entire life, looking in this direction and that direction. If you ask a 100 people what their definition of happiness is, you will get quite a variety of answers: being with their spouse or ... Views: 1602
Financial worries are at the top of the list for most people in our present times. Many of you have lost a huge amount of money and assets due to the downward spiral of our economy, and if you’ve been paying attention to what’s going on in our world, it doesn’t seem to be getting better; it ... Views: 2034
I’m sure that most of you, if not all of you reading this article know that love feels good, so much better than fear. And I imagine you know that there are only two emotions in the world – love and fear. Every feeling we experience originates from these two emotions. Both are powerful and steer ... Views: 2164
When you were born you came into this life with a marvelous gift – your mind. With it came the awesome power to use it any way you wish in making whatever choices you desire to make. You actually were given the ability to create your life right from your thoughts, and the experiences you ... Views: 1237
…Step right into 2012 with the anticipation and excitement of participating in a fantastic new adventure, for that is exactly what is in store for you. A new year…a new beginning…I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but never have you been given an opportunity to make amazing changes for the ... Views: 1399
Freedom is presently on our mind: Independence Day is upon us, the election of 2012 is a news headliner, foreign countries are seeking freedom through revolutionary action, we are involved in foreign wars, and our country back home seeks freedom from debt, job loss and a plummeting economy. ... Views: 3434
If you are like me, you cannot help but wonder what is going on with the multitude of natural disasters showing up around the world continuously. It seems that every time you turn on the TV, another monumental disaster is happening or has already happened. Our hearts break for those thousands of ... Views: 1631
If you are like me, you cannot help but wonder what is going on with the multitude of natural disasters showing up around the world continuously. It seems that every time you turn on the TV, another monumental disaster is happening or has already happened. Our hearts break for those thousands of ... Views: 1595
Our country and our world is experiencing major financial chaos due to overspending and poor management. People are vocal and a relatively high percentage of them are sharing their desire to reduce spending and refrain from raising taxes, at least until we can get more balance in our economy. ... Views: 1461
You are magnificent! In fact, you are absolutely a fabulous, unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and you are priceless! Has anyone ever told you that? Beginning right now, at this very minute, I am asking you to begin saying this to yourself every day until you believe it. Why? Because it is the ... Views: 1782
You’ve probably heard the phrase what the world needs now is love – it’s even a song title – and I feel sure you’ll agree with me that the world would be so very different if it operated through love rather than fear. But think about this. The word love is a noun, but isn’t love meant to be ... Views: 1517
When you think about simplifying your life, what comes to mind? Getting rid of things you really don’t need? Doing less, spending less, downsizing, consolidating? All of these are noteworthy ways to simplify, but they can have a negative undertone if it feels like you have to give something up. ... Views: 1582
Many of you are at crossroads in your life - big changes are eminent. It could be with your job or career, an important relationship, where you live, your financial status, or even your health. You are being forced into making choices about things you perhaps didn’t expect, and you may be ... Views: 1623
We are living in very different times than just a few years ago. Many people feel as if they are struggling to keep their head above water. It may seem that way for you. This is an era of change, big change, in every aspect of everyday living. But this isn’t something I have to tell you – you ... Views: 1769
For some years now we’ve been hearing about the importance of drinking water, and multiple companies offering all kinds of “healthier” water have sprung up everywhere you turn: distilled water, filtered water, alkaline water, mineral water, spring water, and so on. Yet amazingly, even with all ... Views: 1620
No one would argue that our world is in turmoil. Just pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV for a few minutes and you’ll be blasted with revolutions, violence, military action, earthquakes, tornados, flooding, tsunamis occurring all over the world. Devastation is widespread and according to ... Views: 1519
I’ve never met anyone in my entire life who doesn’t want abundance. It’s a normal, human desire to desire abundance and want to live in abundance. What is abundance? According to Webster it is having plenty, more than a sufficient quantity, wealth. So it’s a given – we all want it!
Yet so ... Views: 1695
Gluten-free is a phrase that has become more commonly used as more and more people are recognizing the problem of gluten intolerance and celiac disease. Some traditional grocery stores are even including gluten-free products now with accompanying shelf-talkers. Perhaps you’re wondering what this ... Views: 1669
Life can seem like a real bummer sometimes, can’t it? Things are going along pretty good and all of a sudden wham…something hits you from left field and knocks you to the ground. We’ve all experienced these moments in our life, and sometimes you just want to crawl in bed and sleep until the ... Views: 5890
Everyone loves money! I doubt any of you reading this would refuse money that is given to you. Don’t you just love the feel of money in your hand? It’s not that you actually love the physical feeling of the money, (after all it is a germ carrier), but it’s the internal feeling that holding money ... Views: 1124
Life holds many mysteries just as a mask mysteriously hides the identity of who or what is behind it. Curiosity may be aroused as an individual experiences a feeling of anticipation while waiting for the revelation of the mystery.
A mask is used as a cover-up, a means of hiding the true ... Views: 1236
What do you see around you right now? Do you see the abundance and beauty of life or do you see not enough, worry and ugliness? Whatever you see is your perception which is reflecting your innermost beliefs. Abundance is an expression of love while not enough (lack) is an expression of ... Views: 1218
Right now our country, the world, and perhaps your own life, is in a tizzy. Things are changing faster than we can blink our eyes, and it doesn’t always appear to be beneficial. But one thing is for sure, we can pull out of this mess if we believe we can. Look at history and you’ll see we have ... Views: 1188
I imagine every one of you reading this right now has an idea what receiving the gold medal means to an Olympic winner. It’s the top of the line, the ultimate dream to obtain, the highest achievement. Oftentimes it took many years of great effort, nose-to-the-grindstone training to win that gold ... Views: 1248
Everyone has experienced situations in their life from which they need to recover: relationship break-ups, financial problems, job issues and losses, abuse of all kinds, health disorders, and the list could go on and on. But one of the most devastating and staggering problems facing our society ... Views: 1257
We’ve been inundated with the word change for months with the rhetoric of the election campaigns. Most of us probably agree that our country needs to change many things in the way it operates as well as eliminate the massive corruption that has seeped into our government and its leaders. People ... Views: 1070
You’ve been there and I’ve been there, the wake-up call that stops you in your tracks. Some call it the cosmic two-by-four - that moment of realization that finally grabs your undivided attention. Oftentimes it feels painful at the onset, but just as often you see the benefit of that “crisis” as ... Views: 1088
Harry was an average twenty-eight year old male who was enjoying his life. He had had his share of difficult experiences but had come through it all unscathed and now anticipated the life ahead of him with his many dreams. As he set out on this particular day, just an average day, he fully ... Views: 2977
Coaching has been one of the fastest growing professions over the last decade or so. Both businesses and individuals have experienced great benefits from using a coach. Why? It’s often quite difficult to figure out how to solve a problematic situation when you are in the middle of the problem, ... Views: 1303
We are here – the end of another year. Time to wrap those presents and be ready for what many people feel is the best holiday of the year - Christmas. But it’s also time to wrap up another year of life as we close out 2008 and head into 2009, a year of choices and partnerships when referencing ... Views: 1179
What if I gave you a magic wand and as you waved it in the air, poof! - the exact life you want appeared? Most likely you would call that an illusion, like magic of the world often is. It looks amazing, is really cool to watch and imagine as a truth, yet you know it’s simply an illusionary ... Views: 990
Searching for answers
For years I have been searching for answers to my health concerns and those of many others who have crossed my path. My journey involved years of not feeling well, an illness that surfaced, over three years to realize the emotional core of all illness including mine, and ... Views: 14655
According to many people and various surveys, public speaking is the number one fear in our society, even more than death. Why is this so? Many of those same people have no problem talking up a storm with a group around the conference table or at a party, but ask them to stand in front of a ... Views: 1078
Searching for answers
For years I have been searching for answers to my health concerns and those of many others who have crossed my path. My journey involved years of not feeling well, an illness that surfaced, over three years to realize the emotional core of all illness including mine, and ... Views: 1446
Everyone has dreams. Many times they are simply a thought that floats through the mind and exits as quickly as it came. Other times the dream may linger a while or even re-occur from time to time, but still gradually fade away, totally disintegrating. Some dreams hang in there, remaining a ... Views: 1280
We are celebrating the Spring Equinox once again. What a wonderful time of the year as nature bursts with new life, shedding the old and decayed that covered it through the winter months. Buds are opening and beautiful flowers spring forth with their fragrant beauty, dotting the landscape with ... Views: 1076
Take me out to the ballgame. It’s that time again – time to pull out the old baseball glove from its winter storage and rub in the oil to soften it so you’re ready for the season. I spent many an hour at the ball park with two sons playing T-ball and later baseball with one. Even a couple ... Views: 1194
Quite a mouthful isn’t it? Say it fast and you’ll trip over the words most likely. I saw this phrase on a church marquis as I was driving and it sparked my interest to the point that I thought about what it could mean. Here are my thoughts.
To aspire simply means to have a yearning or desire to ... Views: 12895
The big buzz of late has been about “The Secret.” When the movie was released people excitedly began talking about it as if it was a new discovery. It has impacted the thinking of many people and celebrities such as Oprah have brought people onto their show to discuss it. The world seems more ... Views: 1208
Finding Your Soulmate
As a wholeness coach, I so often hear the rather desperate sounding comments of clients who want to find their soulmate, even amongst those who are presently married. (obviously unhappily) Most individuals long for companionship, someone with whom to share their life, ... Views: 1477