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I am a drum major for justice and an ambassador for love. Therefore, I have to advocate in support for fathers. This article is written out of support and respect for fathers (who in many instances do not get proper validation). Society must begin to give fathers their flowers. They should not ... Views: 282
Introduction to The Health News 24
In this section, we introduce The Health News 24 as a trusted platform dedicated to delivering the latest insights on health, wellness, and lifestyle. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or someone seeking reliable health information, The Health News 24 has ... Views: 281
A psychic or tarot reader is a great choice if you are just going through a sad slump and are unsure of yourself, it can give you that kick up the butt you need to get going again, it can give you faith to carry on, it can give you the ego boost you need to start that new project that gets the ... Views: 559
The COVID-19 Pandemic has created havoc worldwide affecting not just people but also businesses in different industries. While most industries have been hit hard, the travel and hotel industry are the ones worst affected. Times like this have revealed the weak areas in Hotel ... Views: 620
A report generated by The Senior List stated that even with high living costs in Hawaii, annually, Hawaii spends very little on health care. It is stated that the residents of Hawaii have the most affordable health insurance, Hawaii. On average, the people in Hawaii pay a premium of ... Views: 790
Bullying meaning
Bullying means a behaviour which someone uses to hurt another both physically and mentally. Bullying at its basic form is when someone is picked on by a person or group called bullies, because of one being different. This behaviour happens when there is real or ... Views: 1350
When an individual takes the first important step towards recovery, the informed decision to obtain treatment for drug or alcohol addiction - there are a few things to consider when deciding on the type of rehab is best suited for the individuals unique situation.
Each individual struggling ... Views: 1225
Teen Suicide and Social Media
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
Social media and the devices that they run on are designed to be addictive, as many industry executives have confessed. Addiction is always punctuated by periods of withdrawal and its “cold ... Views: 1661
Abundance the missing ingredient in your life?...
And the elusive success ingredient in your life too?
It is important to understand the way you feel in any given moment is dependent upon and created by what you are thinking or saying out loud at the same moment. Your thoughts create the ... Views: 1418
Dear Dr. Romance:
I feel like I am going crazy I don't want to hear my kids cry anymore, I don't have enough money for anything, I don''t have anyone that I can trust to watch my kids, because they are going through some seperation anxiety because I am the one that takes care of them day in and ... Views: 1668
The society we are living today is governed by so many rules and regulations. It’s a common phenomenon for people breaking some of these rules either intentionally or intentionally. Often people will find themselves on the wrong side of the law by disobeying traffic rules, littering or even ... Views: 1556
We are all too familiar with headline stories about people who are pushed to their limits and snap. Whether on the job, within their own families, or even children in school - everyone has their breaking point. In 2010, Omar Thorton, a 34-year old employee at the Hartford Beer Distributors in ... Views: 1773
How to identify a toxic individual?
Do you have a friend, colleague or partner who smiles but passively cuts you down with envy and hate? Do they feel immense pain when you succeed or when you are happy? Many who feel unfulfilled within themselves will secretly feel disappointed when others ... Views: 2525
Sometimes, I wonder if you really understand what it takes to win. The win is so worth it but will you allow yourself to get there?
You have these big dreams, big ideas, big plans and you want it so bad, so very bad but right now, it feels tough, doesn’t it? It feels like you are pushing ... Views: 1686
Each of us have people in our lives that just seem to Struggle with Life. Everything that can go wrong does.
Because you are a caring person feelings of sadness, sympathy and an eagerness to help come over you. How can you help, what can you do?
These people can be friends, work ... Views: 1789
Although providing care for grandchildren on a temporary basis is commonplace, there is a growing number who are now substantially responsible for raising them on a longer term basis.
Usually, this is because their children have found themselves in a situation where they are unable to care ... Views: 2066
Teenage years are full of shocks and mood swings, and it is likely that much of this is a natural process, caused by the troubled learning curve of adolescence. Half way between childhood and adulthood, a teenager can feel like there is no where in the world where they can fit in.
A ... Views: 1691
The last couple weeks we’ve been talking about the important topic of suicide. In the United States, it’s the 10th leading cause of death. The strongest risk factor is depression. Chances are that you have had or will have a friend who is at risk. You may be reluctant to talk to him about his ... Views: 1772
Summary: In a speech for the Bilderberg elite in Brussels, Obama gave their view well: “Ordinary [people] too small-minded to govern their affairs. Order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign.” But that's treason to the Constitution that ... Views: 1728
Naturopathic Medicine
An Introduction by the Pastoral Medical Association (PMA)
SelfGrowth.com Official Guide to Naturopathic Medicine
The Pastoral Medical Association (PMA) extends much thanks to SelfGrowth for recognizing the PMA’s contribution to alternative medicine, and for ... Views: 2671
By now, the public has become more aware of the startling number of daily military suicides—roughly 22 veterans a day are taking their own lives after they are discharged from service. However, the exact cause of (at the least the majority of) these suicides is unfortunately unknown. ... Views: 1668
Even though it was two years ago, I can still remember the conversation like it was yesterday.
My friend, Janet, called me in hysterics the night of her company holiday party. Earlier that evening she was mingling with many co-workers. As the night went on, she found herself deep in a ... Views: 1759
Once more, mindfulness is being totally present and in the moment and avoiding judgment. So how do we connect our increased practice with mindfulness to our eating behaviors and attitude to food?
Sadly, we let our lives become so busy that things become automatic, even some of the things we ... Views: 1933
Do you just roll in bed night after night trying to fall asleep? Do you easily wake up in the night and not go back to sleep? Then these proven rules of healthy sleep are for you.
The S&S bedroom rule
The bed is only for two s-things – sex and sleep. Any other activities are undesirable. ... Views: 2320
Are you feeling numb most of the time? Do you experience having painful cramps on your legs and even on your arms? Is anxiety connected with your leg pain? Do you know what causes your leg pain? What triggers these to happen to your legs? How will you stop it from coming back? If you want to ... Views: 1926
A panic attack while driving may lead to road accidents. The following article will tell you more about panic attacks while driving.
Panic attacks are scary enough because it can happen to anyone at any time. It can put one's life in danger especially when driving. Experiencing panic attacks ... Views: 1922
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Sick and Tired? - by Andre Wiley, Sr Manager, Life Well, LLC
Are you sick and tired? I was. As a matter of fact, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. At the young age of 32 I was a divorced, educated but under appreciated black male who's sole purpose in life was to make it through the day. Not only had I had lost my desire in life, I was ... Views: 1861
12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are tradition based programs and have been proven to work. Part of the glue that keeps these programs effective is sponsorship. In AA and in NA, people are required to seek sponsors. A sponsor is a mentor and someone that has ... Views: 2636
I recently learned from my routine annual blood test that my thyroid is hyperactive. Since getting the results, questions have been running through my mind as to what could be causing my thyroid to overwork. My thyroid has been checked regularly over the years and the results have been fine so ... Views: 1918
With all the recent talk about gun control and mental health, I decided to take a look at how far America’s mental health system has changed (or not changed) over the past few years.
First, I must state that when I wrote a blog about Mental Illness and the Law, the research shows that those ... Views: 1813
The “Golden Rule”of the Helping Professions
An Excerpt from “The Human Magnet Syndrome – Why We Love People Who Hurt Us.”
By Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC
It is a common belief within the mental health field that a psychotherapist’s competence is often compromised when they work ... Views: 2797
Addiction is a dark and lonely place and the barriers that hinder it are plentiful. It is easy to fall prey to it but you play hell trying to get out. Overcoming an addiction is never going to be anything short of difficult because it grabs ahold of people when they are weak and broken and it ... Views: 3863
You ARE the most precious gift that the world can receive. From the moment you were born you were so loved. Your beautiful smile lit up your face. As you grew, I saw your curious mind lead you places. Your innocence was so refreshing in a world filled with hate. Your loving nature makes you ... Views: 2793
The biggest problem with addiction recovery is that there are so many people that have failed one or more times. This causes those to become discouraged when in reality it never was their fault that they were not successful. There are millions of addicts hooked on drugs or alcohol and ... Views: 2209
When it comes to addiction people cannot help themselves from creating this silent rating scale in their mind, like he’s just an alcoholic, she does too many prescription pills, and he is junkie because he does heroin. It is this kind of judging that creates the stigma that has created an almost ... Views: 2238
Everything about heroin has changed full throttle during the past fifty years or so. The mid 1960’s saw a surge of illegal heroin being smuggled into the US and by 1970 there were close to a million heroin addicts in the US alone. Much of this was blamed on Vietnam, the Corsican gangsters, and ... Views: 2543
Sleep is something that all of us have to get in order to survive, along with air, food and water. Not getting adequate restful sleep can cause you to have serious mental and physical health conditions. There are many people who have problems with insomnia but it can be found often in ... Views: 2639
For years and years cocaine was one of the most dreaded drugs. It was labeled as highly addictive and then along came crack cocaine and that was placed in a league of its own, one that was extremely lethal. Maybe it is the hype surrounding the surge in prescription opiate addiction but it seems ... Views: 3136
Renee L. Richardson, M.Ed.
Do Men Hate Women? The Investment Scam
Women, how many times have you pondered the thought as to whether or not your man hated you or was in fact jealous of you? I have on countless occasions. There appeared to be signs of jealousy on behalf of my ... Views: 2759
Renee L Richardson, M.Ed.
The Feminine Transformation: Rearing the Little Girl in You
All too many times, I have heard family members, lovers and colleagues say to me that: “You are acting immature, childish, rotten, spoiled” to name a few phrases. Well, when you are angry, ... Views: 3084
Renee L Richardson, M.Ed.
Do Not Make Deals with the Devil: He is Deaf
As we have been told since forever, the “Devil” as you know him has the following characteristics: A liar, cunning, a tempter, deceitful, totally evil, a thief, an adversary, wicked, cowardly, a murderer, ... Views: 2711
How would you decide whether your child's language development is on track? As communication is the basis of success in life and at work, emphasis should be given early on to assess the level of your child's control over his or her strength in managing language. This is especially true for ... Views: 3113
Renee L Richardson
Putting Others First or showcasing our “Good” deeds?
As I sit and reflect on my experiences with sexual relations, I have found that I have performed such more so for my partner than for myself. For instance, I enjoy the concept of having sex but the actual ... Views: 2717
Renee L Richardson
It Breaks My Heart: Looking Racism in the Eyes
As an African American woman who has worked diligently to intellectualize, I am disappointed in our society at large. The mere heartache of having to paste my ancestry back together due to African slavery is by far ... Views: 2793
Take a close look at the life of any person struggling with addiction, and you will likely find at least one family member or friend 'helping' that person. Somebody making it easier for the addict to continue in the progression of their disease. This behavior is called enabling. The problem is ... Views: 3438
Renee L Richardson
Give Me Back to Me: A Fight for Your Own Identity
Whenever someone makes the mistake of stepping on your foot, most times, you will hear “I’m sorry”. In such cases, sorry goes a long way. However, there are the situations of which you may seem to feel that the ... Views: 3320
Written by Renee L Richardson
The Root of the Misinterpretation: What we say versus what we think
As I sat down pondering the confusing intimate relationships of which I have endured, I was led to the dictionary. I began by looking up the definition of the word change. I chose to ... Views: 3317
•You can improve yourself, boost your confidence, better your attitude, re-energize and inspire yourself to positive actions and results by giving yourself a pep talk anytime, anywhere and any day.
•If you must succeed in life you have to be intentional about it, therefore, it is time to be ... Views: 4922
Article: Written by Renee L. Richardson
Too boyish to Cry: Way too girly not to
As an African American woman, and educator, I sit inside of my preschool classroom amazed at the observations of which I am afforded. During my astonishing experiences with the young learner, I have found ... Views: 3695