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If you are not familiar with the term vision board, let me explain what it is. A vision board is simply a collage of images, quotes and affirmations of your goals and dreams pasted on poster board giving you a visual for what you want to attract into your life.
One of my dreams is to be ... Views: 3206
Many people are aware of the concepts of the law of attraction, positive thinking, and manifesting. However, as someone who works with people on how to put these to use, I took special interest when I began noticing a recurring theme coming up with my clients. "How do I manifest more of what I ... Views: 1560
Can we speed up success? Can we skip the pedantic stuff, the slow and arduous background work and taste the magic of instant wealth and success?
Probably not. If life was meant to give you instantly all the wealth and success you want on a platter, where would you learn your life lessons? ... Views: 1680
Each moment is a new beginning. The universe is endlessly creating new moments and new aspects. Each "now" of the universe, of the Great Goddess Mind, is an infinite expression of new beginnings.
The expression of moments is sometimes held within the focus of time. This leads ... Views: 1927
Here's what happened: for a while now I've been watching a project develop that I secretly think is a waste of time and doomed to fail.
I've kept my head in the sand and just ignored it, pretending it's someone else's business. (Not great leadership here, I can assure you!)
But here's the ... Views: 2876
The Aries new moon is the beginning of the astrological new year, SPRING, and hence the time for an annual ritual I hold near and dear. This year’s Aries New Moon is March 26 12:06 pm EST. 6 degrees Aries 08. I do this ritual with my family creating a "treasure map" of all the things I want ... Views: 847
Yesterday the 22nd of June was the beginning of our New Moon phase ...
As before the Angels teach for me to practice for self, for I can only truly share "my truth" - what I have experienced - anything else is simply passed on knowledge,- not wisdom.
I have been guided to share a "practice" ... Views: 1250
Continuing the highlights from the manifesting seminar with Koelle’s horses in Scottsdale, Martha shared a quote that is at the heart of successful manifesting.
I thought it might be from Lao-Tzu, but I might have that wrong.
Anyway, what she said was that one of the keys to getting what we ... Views: 944
Something important that we may already know or be aware of is, how to manifest wealth and attract abundance. To keep in mind these two concepts, it will be worthy one thinks about the following points presented below:
We have to learn to Honor our divine desires for wealth and attract ... Views: 1092
Dear Kimberly,
I was on one of your TeleClasses and I heard you talking about the steps for manifesting what you want. But I don’t know what I want. What should I focus on? Mike
Dear Mike,
This is such an important question to ask, because a lot of people are so desperate to change their ... Views: 1518
This month we’ll continue our discussion of goal setting. So far we’ve touched on how to distinguish between ego and Authentic Desires, and we discussed the importance of releasing attachment to outcome. Today let’s talk about vibrational goal setting.
Visualization is a powerful tool for ... Views: 1551
Dear Kimberly,
I saw you on TV talking about Cost vs. Value and I wondered if you could talk about that more. I’m still not sure I understand the difference. Therese
Dear Therese,
Cost has to do with the price of an item.
Value has to do with what something is worth to you...what sort of ... Views: 1378
Sound is a prime organizing force pervading all acts of creation. The hidden nature of sound vibration is fiery and magnetic; a key aspect which lies at the root of all manifested form.
The process of form building can be understood as intention which crystallizes into matter by means of the ... Views: 24433
Here’s what the angels have to say:
“When you focus on the problem at hand, you enlarge it in every sense of the word. It is the first law of metaphysics that whatever you focus upon grows and expands. What you set your sights upon, with clear intention, is what you steer toward. It is what you ... Views: 15139
The Law of Attraction basically states that whatever you focus on expands. When you want to manifest something you need to keep your focus crystal clear on what you want to manifest not what is currently the situation or what you fear might happen because that would expand too.
But when things ... Views: 3423
Well yes actually. What I’m about to say might sound a bit radical but we ALL actually are God force creative energy. WE create through intention, thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions.
A friend of mine recently was talking about setting up an alter and praying to his guru…a human guru… who ... Views: 1167
The 6th spiritual Law of Success, Law of detachment seems to be a tough concept for me to grasp. Does Law of Detachment mean you submit your desire to the universe and just trust it to manifest. Or does it mean that what your desire should not define who you are. For example, if ... Views: 2029
This is a moment in the universe when the highest dreams are possible. This is a moment in the universe, when awakening and transformation are possible. To bring about a great transformation, a critical mass of energy must be present. This critical mass may be of ... Views: 3530
Before answering the question of why negative emotions seem to persist more than their positive counterparts, we must consider the origins of emotions. Everything in the universe is energy; it may be physical or non-physical in our experience.
Most things function as systems of energy, where ... Views: 1899
Ask The Manifestation Maven
Dear Kimberly,
I’m not so sure about The Law of Attraction. If it really works, why am I constantly meeting people who are into “prosperity” and “abundance” but have no money? I am intrigued by the idea that “thoughts make things” but it just doesn’t seem to pan ... Views: 1820
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith is the beautiful spirit who founded The Agape International Spiritual Center, a Science of Mind church in Los Angeles. I recently listened to and heard his CD set on the life visioning process. His clarity took my breath away.
Here, for your contemplation, are my ... Views: 5657
Gratitude is Manifestation
Just as it is so with the Law Of Gravity. When you jump up you will come down. The Law is impersonal and so it is with the Law Of Gratitude. The Universe – God – The Light does not have an ego problem. It doesn’t grant us things because IT needs to be thanked. No. The ... Views: 3606
Goal setting works within the context of conscious manifestation. An important aspect of goal-setting is releasing attachment to outcome.
Releasing attachment is one of the least understood aspects of conscious manifestation. Many people who teach goal setting will advise you to focus ... Views: 1778
I often write about the role of focus and vision in manifesting your dreams of effortless success. I know that folks are so often anxious to take action - and I’m all for taking action, even MASSIVE action - BUT (and I know all my clients know I usually forbid the use of the word “but”) BUT, ... Views: 1210
In the April 28 ezine issue of Get What You Want, we explored the challenges of feeling (and releasing) need.
Here’s a quick reprint in order to facilitate discussion around it, as well as expanded coverage about why some people seem to manifest better when they get desperate:
From a law of ... Views: 753
These days, hard work alone will only lead you to a certain point of success. If you want to learn how to manifest anything you desire, you're going to have to give more than just your physical strength.
Learning how to manifest anything also requires you to deal with your emotional and mental ... Views: 1065
Sankalpa is the subtlest level of intention at the cusp of choiceless awareness and thought. It is like the seed structure of intelligence around which time, space, and matter consolidate into a manifested event. The fundamental mechanics of intention manifesting into reality is based on the ... Views: 1356
The key to experiencing the success you are looking for in all areas of your life, including personal growth and conscious creation of reality, is an understanding of your motive.
“You are not here to merely make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with ... Views: 3243
In order to manifest your dreams, you need to focus on your dreams. It's that simple - although not always easy to do in the midst of a busy life. These three simple AND easy to do processes will help you manifest your dreams in a powerful, joyful and effortless manner. It doesn't matter what ... Views: 1294
There are 86,400 Seconds in a Day. How Many Can You Spare to Create Your Heart's Desires?
Heart Projects, LLC offers Manifesting Bracelets inspired by the Law of Attraction to help you stay focused to manifest your heart's desires.
Here's how to use them:
Use your Manifesting Bracelet as ... Views: 1141
24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds—no matter how you express it, we only have so much time each day into which we cram work or school, cooking, cleaning, family time and a myriad of miscellaneous obligations and commitments, all clamoring
for our attention. In between these activities are ... Views: 1019
Here is a Revolutionary idea: COMMAND the universe to manifest your desires and wants!
Rather than ask our Father and the universe for favors and wants it is time that we command the universe to focus its energy on a specific want and then manifest it into our minds and lives. When we do this ... Views: 10215
Let's create the Best Life by creating a new perception of Manifestation. Let's Imagine for a second that you are equiped with Optimal Manifesting Power. And let's Imagine you have the Ability to channel this Power from the Universe. You can channel this Power at any time, any place of your ... Views: 1269
These abilities are Ultra Powerful, but they have to be realized into fruition. Your entire view of what you think reality is has to change. This is essential. We've all experienced supernatural events. We've all experienced them from time to time, but it doesn't mean you submitted yourself to ... Views: 3549
Love, attention, accolades, gifts – these are all wonderful things to receive. When you ponder over the items you would like in your life, how many do you actually have? The difference between having these and not is in receiving; that ability to allow into our lives all that we truly desire. ... Views: 1403
So many people are all interested in creating what they want that I thought I would give you the secret to creating. This is only a secret because people haven't heard of it or they don't understand it. The Law of Attraction is the one aspect of this creative principle. The steps are specific ... Views: 909
When You Want Something So Much...
...that every fibre of your being knows only that which you want, is there a power strong enough to stop you from getting it? What miracles occur to manifest that which you so strongly desire?
I finally watched Slumdog Millionaire (I know, what took me so ... Views: 1313
Do you have a desire that you've been trying to manifest using the Law of Attraction? You may be missing the most important information for you as a woman. You have the power to quicken the manifestation of your dream using little known Female Secrets in the Law of Attraction. In this article ... Views: 1445
Many people struggle to survive without realizing they have the power within to create change. With every new millennium we get the opportunity to work with new paradigms, or ways of experiencing life. The paradigm we are shifting out of puts the focus outside of yourself for healing and ... Views: 1642
We’ve heard it all a million times: the various secrets of how to manifest lives of abundance. Every “Guru” has their own angle; a singular approach to manifesting that we’ve all tried. And yet, in spite of the countless Gurus offering books, programs, products, etc that espouse the “secret to ... Views: 1326
I have been listening to a discussion upon thought forms and decided to share my knowledge upon the subject. My reason for this is the havoc that they can create in our lives. Everyone puts energy into the emotions that cause others and ourselves to react during the day. People who have worked ... Views: 2822
The greatest gift a parent can give to a child is the gift of an open and stress-free mind. But of course to pass it on, you need to know how to do it yourself! How many of us can really say that we’ve got the whole ‘thought management’ thing licked? In the current economic climate, you might ... Views: 1015
Two roads diverged in the middle of my life
I heard the wise man say.
I took the one less traveled by,
And that's made the difference.
Every night and every day.
- Larry Norman, the father of Christian Rock (with apologies to Robert Frost)
If you've seen "The Secret" or "What The Bleep Do We ... Views: 1522
“God, I am ready to receive my tenant TODAY!” I was finally clear and eager to accept what my heart truly wanted. I wasn’t sure for a while. I got remarried last summer and had put my home up for sale at that time. But due to one foreclosure after another in our neighborhood and after months ... Views: 1749
The mind is a terrible thing to waste and boy, do we ever waste it!! No one teaches us how to use our minds constructively. We should learn this in Grammar School. Instead we use our minds destructively; totally living from the unconscious mind instead of the present place we are in. Our minds ... Views: 1403
You know what you don't want but do you know what you do want? Isn't it funny how when you ask a group of people where they want to go to eat they can immediately tell you where they don't want to go, but finding the answer to where to go seems to take forever. It's great to know what you ... Views: 1071
"As you continue to send out love, the energy returns to you in a regenerating spiral... As love accumulates, it keeps your system in balance and harmony. Love is the tool, and more love is the end product."
~Sara Paddin Hidden Power of the Heart
Love and romance are in the air along with ... Views: 942
Reach for the highest thought and your life will change in astonishing ways. Every situation you face has an infinite possibility of thoughts you can choose to think about it. By reaching as far as you can in your mind for the highest thought available to you, you will be able to literally ... Views: 2522
In the previous article, I talked about the Unconscious Limiting Belief that Money Creates Happiness. Now let’s look at the flip side.
The belief that money makes you unhappy is just as common as the belief that it makes you happy. I’m sure you can think of numerous examples of people who ... Views: 1155
I’ve helped hundreds of people uncover unconscious limiting beliefs (ULBs) act as obstacles to success in life. Over the next several months in Business As Unusual I’ll explore the nine most common ULBs. The first one is: Money creates happiness.
I’m not bashing money. I love to play with ... Views: 1341