I talk to my clients and students all the time about their unique brilliance. At first people can find the idea of being uniquely brilliant intimidating. We are often taught that it’s not OK to claim our greatness. Quite frankly, that just isn’t true. It’s a myth perpetuated by those who are so ... Views: 1362
I received a card this week from a friend that contained this quotation from Helen Keller: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” It got me thinking about the ways that I am adventurous in my business and noticing that when I’m adventurous, that is when I am the most successful. ... Views: 1403
I’ve found myself talking often this past week about attitude and how your attitude is both completely under your control and the #1 predictor of your success. Because, as William James so eloquently stated, "The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by ... Views: 2283
Let me remind you of just how delightful you are. It's very hard to attract what you want if you do not feel irresistibly attractive to yourself - your whole, deep, authentic and wonderful self. The definition of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. If you judge yourself, berate ... Views: 2969
This week’s brand new article carries on the theme of last week. I received many questions around the idea of how we are constantly communicating (even when we think we aren’t) and how to have some control over your professional communication image. So this week I’m sharing more tips and ... Views: 1333
I was recently reading a study that found that close to 95% of people are unskilled, unpracticed or amateurs in the art of interpersonal communication. That shocked me. In essence, this study is saying that 95% of people “talk trash.”
Working toward mastery in communication is something I ... Views: 1438
OK, you’re not exactly “sitting” on it since it’s in your mind, but you get the picture. The goldmine you are sort of sitting on is the knowledge you already have about what you do and probably use every day. As an entrepreneur, you have expertise that you are probably taking for granted. This ... Views: 1311
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
As we start looking toward spring, how are you doing on all your big dreams and goals that you set for this year? If you aren’t getting the ... Views: 1388
All success comes first and foremost from your mindset. Without attitudes that support and foster your well-being and success you won’t reach the levels of true success you want and deserve. The reason is simple and universal: EVERYTHING stems from your state of mind. A creative mind leads to ... Views: 1347
As a huge fan of self-reflection in general and having seen the evidence of it’s impact on success many times in working with clients (and myself) the only real question becomes: what questions do you ask yourself that have the power to elicit the answers that are vital for you to manifest your ... Views: 1398
One of the things I’ve been doing this month to kick-start my productivity this year is de-cluttering my life both physically and emotionally. I’m have a wonderful time with this process and reaping amazing results to boot. This article explains the process and I recommend you do some ... Views: 1493
Do you think earning a higher income is hard? If you do, ask yourself why? Where did you get the idea that wealth was difficult to achieve? Who taught you that? Why do you choose to hang onto this believe? In what way does it serve you today? I know for myself, when I used to believe that wealth ... Views: 1345
We hear from everywhere that if we just learn that one right strategy, create the perfect look for our business or take one more class that our business will grow, we’ll get rich and all will be well. Now, I’m not saying these aren’t important. You do need to think about your brand image, hone ... Views: 1243
Marketing is THE key ingredient to your business success. No matter how good you are at what you do, if nobody knows you are out there doing it, they can’t hire you. So marketing is the number one activity you can engage in to benefit your business regardless of what business you’re actually in. ... Views: 1194
As you gear up to reach your 2010 goals, take advantage of all the wonderful networking opportunities that exist at this time of year. Fear of not knowing the “right” things to do when networking is one of the top reasons people simply don’t participate in this extremely effective business ... Views: 1220
As promised in my note above, my “article” today consists of a series of questions that will help you contemplate who you are, who you want to become and continue to be moving forward. Take some time this week (and continue to do this process on an ongoing basis) to just sit and allow these ... Views: 1259
If you aren’t taking inspired action, you are probably just going through the motions of creating your dreams. What’s the difference? Inspired actions come from a place of allowing and joyful manifestation of your desires. Whereas going through the motions is living by default, doing what you ... Views: 1813
As I meander through my days I talk to a lot of people and I often hear how hard things/life/etc. are, especially around this time of year as the holiday bustle approaches. It seems as if life can sometimes feel like on big chore and that the holidays, which are supposed to be restful and ... Views: 1332
I feel like I talk about this all the time and today I wanted to give you some more specific steps for getting to that really juicy clarity that I want you to have. Since you attract what you put your focus on, the more clearly you can envision what you want, the more focused your energy can be. ... Views: 1502
I feel like I talk about this all the time and today I wanted to give you some more specific steps for getting to that really juicy clarity that I want you to have. Since you attract what you put your focus on, the more clearly you can envision what you want, the more focused your energy can be. ... Views: 1502
As someone who runs my business (and life) based on Law of Attraction principles, I get to spend a lot of time checking in with how I feel. There are many benefits to this practice which is why I am recommending it to you today. The more you check in with how you feel throughout your day, the ... Views: 1585
A recent question from a listener of my Art of Joyful Living radio show prompted this article. The question is: how do I stay on track throughout my day in terms of focusing on how I feel and what I truly want to manifest in my life? I love this question and it comes up often with my one on one ... Views: 1247
One of the best and easiest ways to express your independence is by learning to love and accept yourself more and to "get" that you have the power to manifest any kind of life you want. That is such a powerful concept.
Get started by trying out some uplifting affirmations. These will help ... Views: 1604
As this week's quotation from the book Daily OM says, "sages of all faiths agree that the current moment is the only thing that really exists." This is a concept I share with all my clients because it is from our focus on the present moment that we are able to live abundantly and prosperously - ... Views: 1462
I’ve been talking a lot recently with women about connecting with your personal and entrepreneurial vision and image of who you want to be. The more you understand your authentic vision for yourself, the more successful you will be and the more effortless it will feel.
This process can be ... Views: 1281
One of the things I work with my clients on is creating and implementing systems that automate and simplify getting things done. This creates consistency in your message as well as frees up your time for the BIG thoughts and fun times. The biggest obstacles I encounter when introducing this ... Views: 1468
Well, since I am on a self-care break this week, I thought, rather than recommend tasks in my article today, I'd gently suggest that you consider all the wild and amazing things you can do in your life. I truly believe that you are glorious and amazingly talented so keep that in mind as you ... Views: 1222
One day someone in one of my mastermind groups told me she thought of me as the “Queen of Ease” which I absolutely loved (and may continue to use as my alter ego) since my mission in life is to help the woman entrepreneur have more time and energy for herself AND more money and success in her ... Views: 1364
When you are creating effortless success, it's important that you learn to take extremely good care of yourself - physically, mentally and spiritually - and to always put your best interests first. There is a good reason why airlines instruct passengers who travel with small children to put ... Views: 1380
How can you achieve your goals without a plan? Most people know what they want but have no plan to achieve it except by sheer hard work. Your yearly plan should be reviewed daily and reset as your achievements are met. Successful people make lists constantly. It enables them to stay on top of ... Views: 2889
Whenever you embark on a project, relationship, action, etc.., first ask yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, what is my level of commitment to the success of this project, relationship, action, etc.? If the answer is less than level 10 commitment, you simply aren’t committed enough to success to ... Views: 1087
I often write about the role of focus and vision in manifesting your dreams of effortless success. I know that folks are so often anxious to take action - and I’m all for taking action, even MASSIVE action - BUT (and I know all my clients know I usually forbid the use of the word “but”) BUT, ... Views: 1262
In order to manifest your dreams, you need to focus on your dreams. It's that simple - although not always easy to do in the midst of a busy life. These three simple AND easy to do processes will help you manifest your dreams in a powerful, joyful and effortless manner. It doesn't matter what ... Views: 1339
Sometimes I get frustrated with all of the negativity around the economy that is out there these days. I look around and I see so many people doing extremely well despite what is said. The most important thing you can do to insulate yourself from the negative impact of doom-mongers is to avoid ... Views: 1288
There's a balance that you want to strike between thinking and acting. Thinking comes first as you need to know what you want and why you want it in order to effectively go out there and get it. This article shares some ways for you to think AND create at the same time. Think of your actions as ... Views: 955
Now that many of the resolutions you made in the initial frenzy of the New Year may have fallen away, it's the perfect time to really evaluate what you want this year to mean for you. What do you want to be, do and have in 2009?
Life can change in an instant, whether as the result of something ... Views: 914
In order to experience love from others we need to experience and express love for ourselves first. Part of how we can express love for ourselves, is to share our love with others so you don't have to wait to love others, you can deepen your self-love through healthy outward expressions of love ... Views: 1128
In keeping with my Prosperity theme this month, I want to talk about your prosperity quotient. What is that? It's how ready and willing you are to live prosperously. Now, you might ask "why wouldn't I want to live prosperously?" and, perhaps consciously, you do want to be prosperous. However, if ... Views: 1449
Something I find myself talking about often is the relationship between making choices and taking responsibility for those choices. I like to use an aspect of the Law of Attraction in my explanation called the law of self-determination.
I should disclose that I love the law of ... Views: 989
Building confidence is much like learning any new skill. There are the basics, then there are the higher level nuances. This article will share with you the 6 stages that you want to journey through to build your confidence. Each stage begins with the basics.
Go through all six stages simply ... Views: 6088
Communication is an extremely powerful tool for success which, when effectively engaged in, creates strong relationships, harmonious working conditions and allows us to share the best of ourselves with students and colleagues.
By honing your skills in the following five aspects of ... Views: 1284
Humans are great at tolerating! We put up with, accept, take on and are dragged down by people’s (other’s and our own!) behavior, situations, unmet needs, crossed boundaries, incompletions, frustrations and problems. You are likely tolerating more than you think.
Tell me what you are ... Views: 1242
“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” Marianne Williamson
Personal ... Views: 986
"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting ... Views: 7008
1. Gain experience. Stage fright diminishes with knowledge and experience. Experience builds confidence which is key to effective speaking. Most beginning speakers find their anxiety decreases after each speech they give.
2. Be thoroughly prepared for your speeches: do your homework and ... Views: 1309
In 1776, when John Hancock (and 55 others) signed the Declaration of Independence, they were well aware of the fact that "the pursuit of happiness" is vital to the welfare of individuals. The following list constitutes some of the important lessons I have learned in my own pursuit of happiness. ... Views: 1094
"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination."
- Zig Ziglar
In this article, rather than add to your "to do" list with more ways to improve your current situation, I thought I'd take a different approach. I ask you ... Views: 872
We’ve all read the books about how to craft the perfect goal. We write our goals down, we make them specific, seemingly reachable, we attach deadlines and benchmarks to them, we perform periodic reviews and we work diligently toward our goals and yet, too often, our goals feel hard – ... Views: 1636
For me, one of the proofs of the existence of a higher power is the details of the natural world. For example, the wings of a butterfly, snowflakes, seashell patterns and a zillion other tiny details just can’t be random as far as I’m concerned. These are the things that make me love nature. ... Views: 1795
In each moment, we have the chance to live our whole life. By that I mean that if we are living our lives in touch with our deepest truest self, then every moment is a joy and every moment is complete. As the famous saying goes,
Your thoughts become your actions
Your actions become your ... Views: 935