Even though someone can be free to express themselves, it doesn’t mean that they will do so. Instead, based on how they typically behave, it can be as though they are in an invisible prison.
However, if this is just what is normal, they might not realise that they are living in a very ... Views: 107
If a man were to take a step back and reflect on his life, he could see that he is too focused on his mother's needs and is ignoring a number of his own. He might soon find that this is how he has been for as long as he can remember.
For whatever reason, he will have started to see clearly ... Views: 116
If someone were to come to see that their early years were anything but nurturing, they could feel the need to talk to their parent or parents about what happened. They can hope that this will be a time when what they say is validated and empathy and remorse are expressed.
Now, assuming that ... Views: 108
What a man may find, if he were to take a step back and reflect, is that he finds it hard to stick to things. So, he can come up with a goal and start taking action and then, before long, he can put it to one side.
He might see that this often takes place after he has experienced a setback. ... Views: 116
Emotional incest has been compared to actual incest because it similarly creates long-lasting effects on psychosocial development and into adulthood. Sometimes the targeted child is referred to as a “surrogate spouse,” due to parent-child enmeshment or a codependent parent-child ... Views: 144
If someone was attacked in a public place, they could end up paying a visit to a police station. They will have been harmed, so naturally they will want to do something about what has happened.
If they were attacked in a public place, there is a chance that at least one camera recorded what ... Views: 105
Want to try a little experiment?
Stop breathing. Really. For a few seconds, maybe a few dozen seconds, and see how it feels.
For me, this experiment is an intimate way to experience a deep truth that we live dependently, relying on 10,000 things for physical survival, happiness, ... Views: 132
It has been said that when there is a will, there is a way. What this illustrates is how important willpower is when it comes to achieving something.
This is then an inner source of power that will allow someone to get from where they are, to where they want to be. Along with this, it is this ... Views: 96
The other day, when I was walking around a city, I saw a number of street names that reflected its medieval past. This was in addition to all of the buildings from this period that were dotted around.
What played a part in me noticing these names and the builders is my interest in medieval ... Views: 125
Research shows that relationships are built from interactions, and interactions are built from moments. A critical moment in an interaction is when one person wants something from the other one. ("Wants" include wishes, needs, desires, hopes, and longings.) The want could be simple and concrete, ... Views: 133
During someone’s early years, a time when they needed to be seen and heard in order to grow and develop in the right way, they might have largely been ignored. This would then have been a time when their basic needs might have typically been met but their emotional needs wouldn’t have.
One or ... Views: 133
If someone wasn’t cherished during their formative years, it doesn’t mean that they will be consciously aware of this. But, if they were able to take a step back and reflect on how they experience life, what might soon stand out is that they are not in a good way mentally and ... Views: 125
During an election, numerous people vote for a party that they believe is going to change their lives for the better. For some of these people, what goes on at this level defines what their life is like.
In other words, their life will be in the hands of whoever is in power and so, it is to ... Views: 127
If a man reflects on his life, what he can find is that he often feels as though he is on the outside and doesn’t feel connected to others. This can mean that he will spend a lot of time feeling lonely.
But, if he doesn’t feel this way, it can typically be because he has distracted himself. ... Views: 109
If someone were to come to see that they were mistreated during their formative years, they might have the need to talk to their abusive parent or parents about what happened. Now, assuming that it was one parent who mistreated them or that one of their parents has passed on, they might not get ... Views: 92
Even though someone will have a number of needs, they could typically act as though they only have a few needs. They can then come across as though they merely have basic and mental needs, for instance.
Due to this, they could see themselves as someone who is very independent and doesn’t need ... Views: 121
More than just a game, even though it is understandably enjoyable to play Minesweeper, the classic Minesweeper, with its simplistic interface and high cognitive demand, offers something more beneficial. In "Mastering Mindfulness Through Minesweeper: Enhancing Focus and Patience," we dive into ... Views: 130
Since the match between Portugal vs. Slovenia in the European football championship, a lot has been said about the emotion that Cristiano Ronaldo expressed after he missed a penalty. Some people have criticised him for crying after he missed a penalty, while others have been supportive.
When ... Views: 133
Atlas Pro is one of the leading streaming services providers in the world and in the UK. As it stands out, you may ask, what is something special about Atlas Pro? And why is it connected with personal growth?
Well, Atlas Pro and Atlas Pro ONTV have this feature about building a community. ... Views: 153
Even though a man will be free to live his own life, it doesn’t mean that he will feel this way. Instead, he can feel as though his mother owns him and is then in control of what he does or doesn’t do.
From this, it will be clear that he doesn’t feel loved and supported by his mother. She is ... Views: 115
Goodwill and ill will are about intention: the will is for good or ill. These intentions are expressed through action and inaction, word and deed, and-especially-thoughts. How do you feel when you sense another person taking potshots at you in her mind? What does it feel like to take potshots of ... Views: 135
Even if a man does a lot for his mother and neglects a number of his own needs in the process, it doesn’t mean that he won’t end up in a position where he de does even more for her. This is something that can take place if his mother was to become unwell and less capable of looking after ... Views: 112
Although someone can want to experience intimacy, it doesn’t mean that they have been able to experience it. So, they might have spent a fair amount of time on their appearance and spent time socialising but not been able to make much progress.
This could be something that has been going on ... Views: 132
What someone may find, if they were to reflect on their behaviour, is that they have the tendency to put things off. So, this can relate to one area of their life or it could relate to how they are in general.
If this relates to how they are in one area of their life, it might have much of an ... Views: 125
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on how they typically feel, what they could soon notice is that they often feel invisible, ignored and lonely. They can show that when they are around others, they seldom feel seen and heard.
It is then to be expected that they would often feel ... Views: 121
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on what often goes through their mind, they could come to the conclusion that they have a scarcity mindset. They could see that they often think about how there is not enough.
This can relate to there not being enough money, opportunities, ... Views: 122
Psychiatric disorders are complex and often debilitating conditions that can greatly impact an individual's quality of life. Fortunately, there are a variety of effective therapies available to help treat these disorders and improve mental health outcomes. In this essay, I will discuss seven ... Views: 159
Austell's top rehab facility may be known for its state-of-the-art amenities and cutting-edge treatment methods, but what truly sets it apart are the untold success stories of its clients. These success stories are not always highlighted in the media or shared widely with the public, but they ... Views: 147
Austell's top rehab facility may be known for its state-of-the-art amenities and cutting-edge treatment methods, but what truly sets it apart are the untold success stories of its clients. These success stories are not always highlighted in the media or shared widely with the public, but they ... Views: 150
If a man is in a position where he has the tendency to do what his mother wants and neglects a number of his own needs, it could be said that he needs to assert himself. However, although this is what he will need to do, it doesn’t mean that this will take place.
Firstly, he might not be ... Views: 122
What will be clear, if a man spends a lot of time doing things for his mother, is that he has the sense that his mother owns him. Nonetheless, this is not to say that this is something that he will be consciously aware of.
Therefore, if it was put forward to him that he is behaving as though ... Views: 118
If a man’s life revolves around his mother and has been this way since he was a boy, it is naturally going to be difficult for him when she passes on. However, he might rarely if ever think about her passing on.
This can be because he is so caught up in her world that he doesn’t have time to ... Views: 119
If a man typically acts as though he is an extension of his mother, behaving in this way is likely to allow him to avoid certain feelings. Thus, as deprived as he is likely to be by living in this way, it will allow him to keep it together and function.
This is not to say that he won’t ... Views: 106
As the most social and loving species on the planet, we have the wonderful ability and inclination to connect with others, be empathic, cooperate, care, and love. On the other hand, we also have the capacity and inclination to be fearfully aggressive toward any individual or group we regard as ... Views: 144
After thinking about some of the things that they experienced during their formative years, someone could find it hard to understand why they were treated so badly. But, if they were treated as though they were their parent or parent’s enemy as opposed to their child, this is to be ... Views: 120
In general, someone could act as though they are merely an extension of others. The reason for this is that they could tend to say yes if another person asks them if they will do something for them.
And, even if they are not asked to do something, they could still be doing things for others. ... Views: 119
Most codependents experience abandonment trauma in childhood, which can take many forms ranging from overt abuse to covert neglect. Even subtle signs that one of our parents does not listen to our thoughts, feelings, or needs send a message that we’re not valued for who we are as an individual. ... Views: 171
What someone may find, if they were to reflect on their life is that they have trouble letting people get close to them. This can mean that they will spend a fair amount of time by themselves.
Then again, they could spend a fair amount of time around others but typically hide themselves when ... Views: 128
오늘의 주요 뉴스 업데이트는 다음과 같습니다:
북한-러시아 협력 강화: 북한과 러시아가 포괄적 전략 동반자 협정을 체결하며 양국 간 협력이 심화되고 있습니다. 미국 국무부는 이에 대해 깊은 우려를 표명했으며, 일본과 뉴질랜드도 이를 강력히 규탄했습니다. 이 협정은 북러 간 군사 협력을 강화하고 미국 주도의 국제 질서에 도전하는 것으로 해석되고 있습니다 (Voice of America) (Voice of America).
EU의 러시아 제재 강화: 유럽연합(EU)이 러시아산 액화천연가스(LNG) 재수출을 ... Views: 125
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what could soon stand out is that they often feel cut off from others and alone. They could see that this is how they have been for most of their life.
What could enter their mind is that this is just how their life is and that ... Views: 113
Even if someone is very driven, it doesn’t mean that this is a sign that they are in a good way mentally and emotionally and value themselves. Still, it can appear this way as being highly motivated is often seen as a sign that someone is in a good way and has ‘high self-esteem’.
Not only ... Views: 129
I’m old enough to remember a time when people usually answered “good” when you asked them the standard, “How are you?” (often said “harya?”). These days the answer is commonly “busy.”
I know what it feels like to get very busy and start to feel dispersed: juggling a dozen priorities at ... Views: 149
If a man was to take a step back and reflect on how he sees himself, what could soon stand out is that he doesn’t have a very positive view. He could find that he feels worthless and unlovable.
After coming to see this, he could soon start to think about how this is impacting his life. So, he ... Views: 121
If a man were to take a step back and reflect on his life, what he may find is that he often feels unseen and unheard and as though he doesn’t even exist. He is then going to have a physical body and be able to be seen by others but he will seldom feel seen.
If he were to take a closer look ... Views: 131
Even though a man is an interdependent human being who has needs, it doesn’t mean that he will act like one. In general, he could act as if he is an independent human being and doesn’t have needs.
What this is likely to mean is that while he will typically meet his basic or ‘lower’ needs, his ... Views: 110
For some people, Fathers Day is a day when they will show their gratitude to their father for all the things that he did for them when they were a child and continues to do for them now that they are adults. When someone is in this position, this is then going to be a day of celebration and ... Views: 130
If a man were to take a step back and reflect on his life, what he could find is that he generally acts as though he doesn’t have the need to connect to a woman. As a result of this, a number of his needs are typically not going to be met.
So, his need to be seen and heard by a woman, ... Views: 109
What can be normal is for someone to hide how they feel when they are around others. Then again, this can be something that takes place without them consciously choosing to do so.
Due to this, they can generally create the impression that everything is fine. Naturally, this is going to stop ... Views: 142
I'm doing a series on my personal top five practices (all tied for first place). I have so far named three: meditate (including mindfulness, self-awareness, and, if you like, prayer), take in the good, and bless (including compassion, generosity, and love).
I saw one way to ... Views: 146
On the surface, it can seem as though a man who is focused on his mother and ignores his own life is happy with how things are. This is partly because of how he behaves and what he is likely to say if he is asked why he behaving in this way.
So, he can create the impression that he is happy ... Views: 110